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Colonizing Mars: Viability, Ethics, and Challenges

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Colonizing Mars
Riza Kaya
Madison Area Technical College
English 2
Dr. Cherif Correa
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Levchenko, I., Xu, S., Mazouffre, S., Keidar, M., & Bazaka, K. (2018). Mars colonization; beyond
getting there. Global Challenges (Hoboken, NJ), 3(1), 1800062.
Levchenko et al. (2018) investigated Mars colonization and the implications for
humanity. As a result of their experiences in space exploration, physics, chemistry, aerospace,
and mechanical engineering, the authors provided readers with thorough information on the
topic. Furthermore, because this is an academic article, this document will help me provide
reliable and relevant information about my topic. Throughout the paper, the authors expertly
employed logos appeals and neutral tones while providing facts, examples, accurate data, and
statistics, enhancing their trustworthiness. The authors also engaged their readers by asking them
questions and soliciting their thoughts, which enables the authors to maintain relevancy, and
allows the readers to explore if Mars colonization is a viable option for humanity. Additionally,
Levchenko et al. (2018) investigated relevant arguments in society, detailing each difficulty and
determining whether or not they are realistic, as well as answering the question of whether Mars
colonization should be a feasible option for humanity. By analyzing relevant arguments, the
authors strengthened/established their expertise on the issue and clearly reassured that they are
credible by remaining objective in their responses to the allegations. Furthermore, by weighing
the pros and cons of colonizing Mars, the writers clearly established their lack of bias toward the
situation, providing solid reasons for both sides and allowing readers the opportunity to
determine whether mankind should, in fact, inhabit another planet.
Using the research provided by Levchenko et al. (2018), I can determine whether Mars
colonization should be considered a viable possibility for humanity. The writers thoroughly
investigated the pro and con scenarios of Mars colonization, identifying its concerns for
humanity; rather than remaining optimistic and claiming we should, it is preferable for my
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research to provide negative feedback as well. The authors covered critical problems concerning
Mars colonization throughout the article, such as whether we need it, legal obstacles,
moral/ethical issues, and biological challenges, all of which are vital for my research topic and
require assistance in addressing. This article can be used to provide essential information about
the details and actions humanity would need to follow to populate Mars. Furthermore, I may
utilize this post to explain and further explore the ethical/moral grounds for humanity to colonize
another planet, as well as to analyze the pros and cons of Mars colonization. This source, I
believe, will be very useful to me during my research paper because it answers one of my
questions regarding my topic: Should we colonize Mars and/or should we consider colonizing
Smith, C. M. (2013). Starship humanity. Scientific American, 308(1), 38-43.
Cameron M. Smith (2013) discussed the long-term biological effects of Mars
colonization on humans and how it will affect civilization as a whole. Because this article is
considered scholarly, it will increase the relevance/credibility of my research and assist me in
providing appropriate information on my issue to my audience. Throughout the article, Smith
(2013) offered general facts on the idea of colonization and remains factual as he demonstrates
how it would be successful. Through offering relevant data and examples on the biology of
humans, the author explained thoroughly how it would affect society for the long run. This
demonstrates that the author is knowledgeable on the topic of biology, increasing his relevancy
and creditability on the topic of space exploration and its impact on human beings. Furthermore,
to demonstrate his knowledge on the subject, the author addressed topics such as radiation levels
on Mars and their effects on humans, physiology, how staying on Mars can affect gene
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expression, and the overall effects that the Mars environment will have on human civilization in
his paper. To establish relevancy, the writer utilized statistical facts and examples when
researching each trend, thereby confirming his comprehension of the subject. Throughout the
article, the author remains factual and objective to further support his claims and delivers key
information that is critical to my question on whether humanity should inhabit Mars.
This article includes critical information on my topic: it helps me respond to questions on
whether humans should inhabit Mars by assessing its health components and long-term effects.
The author analyzed themes such as who should go there emphasizing biological and individual
diversity (occupational and biological qualities), how inhabiting Mars it will affect us in the long
run, natural selections, how our physiological and genetic attributes will alter in comparison to
long term exposure, and where to begin colonizing Mars, throughout the article. Additionally,
Smith (2013) covered information on biological adaptation, atmosphere, chemical environment,
gravity, and radiation, all of which are important aspects that will influence human life in space.
I could use this information in my research to further investigate the effects it will have on our
health, and also help me answer questions on how the first colonization attempts will occur.
Furthermore, because this article offers specific information on the biological components of
colonization, it will assist me in emphasizing the importance of diversity and biology in a
successful colonization. This article will be an excellent starting point for my research paper and
will assist me in answering issues about whether humanity should populate Mars.
Szocik, K. (2016). Unseen challenges in a mars colony. Spaceflight, 58, 20-23.
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Though I am aware that this article can be considered short, it contains very important
information for my investigation and research to as whether humans can successfully populate
Mars. The author, Konrad Szocik, is an assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of
Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow. He is considered a reputable source, as
he has a background in philosophy, and can assist me in answering the ethical and moral
difficulties surrounding Mars colonization in particular. Throughout the article, Szocik (2016)
maintained a professional demeanor (remaining un-biased), answering concerns about the moral
quandaries of populating Mars as well as delving into biological and cultural quandaries,
providing a strong/reputable source on his field. Additionally, because this paper was published
on ResearchGate, a site well-known for its scientific background and community, and that it was
published in the year of 2016, gives a strong justification for its reliability and the relevance of
its expertise. Furthermore, strengthening the reach of his article, Szocik (2016) incorporated
information, including animated photos, from NASA, a well-known source in the field of space
Throughout the article, Szocik (2016) illustrated and named a few important trends
regarding Mars colonization and list issues such as ethical/moral, human phycology, and
biological concerns which are crucial trends for my topic as to whether we should populate Mars.
This source complements my other sources analyzing the various trends of colonization,
specifically in biological and phycological elements of my research, thus broadening my reach of
information. This article, I believe, will be helpful to me during the writing process of my paper
because it addresses a critical component of one of my primary concerns: Should we inhabit
Mars? Due to its reliability concerns, I intend to use this site just for its information on ethical
and moral issues, as I already have enough knowledge on other aspects of colonization. Because
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I'm interested in the phycological implications of going to Mars and how it will influence us as a
civilization, I'm hoping to use this material to help answer some of my general questions
regarding Mars colonization.
Krishen, K. (2009). Technology needs for future space exploration. IETE Technical Review, 26(4), 228235.
Kumar Krishen (2009), the Krishen Foundation's "Chief Technologist, responsible for
developing strategies for joint research and technology projects and plans with organizations
involved in developing technology to enable and fuel the betterment of life for humanity,"
conducted a study on the technological needs for future space exploration. Krishen (2009)
worked for NASA as a ST/ Senior Scientist and Lead Technologist for more than 42 years and
has also worked at various other universities and research institutions in the field of space
science and technology. Additionally, Krishen (2009) has also written over 170 technical articles
and served on the NASA Council on Science and Technology's Principal Technologist. Krishen
(2009) presented a variety of material on Technological Needs for Space Exploration, offering
expertly recognized knowledge that enhances the article's relevance and reliability. Furthermore,
the page includes relevant data from Pathfinder, the first robotic rover to arrive on Mars, such as
the planet's surface temperature, atmospheric pressure, and other environmental parameters. This
material broadens the scope and credibility of this article and will help me provide relevant and
important Mars information.
Using Krishen's (2009) article, I can maintain and provide information on the
technological requirements for Mars colonization, which is a critical component of my overall
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research on how to colonize the Red Planet. This article addresses space exploration, space,
lunar, and Mars environments, and, most importantly, space exploration technology
requirements. Because of Krishen's overall credentials, I intend to use all of the data provided by
his research. Specifically, I want do dive in and provide more information on the “How” aspect
of mars colonization, including Technological aspects, environmental issues, and etc. In addition,
I'd like to use and investigate Pathfinder further, as it was the first robot to land on Mars and led
to numerous scientific discoveries on the red planet. Krishen's (2009) article will be very useful
because it provides information about recent missions and the technology employed, and I
believe that this material will be a solid beginning point for future research on the technological
aspects of colonization.
Hender, M. R. (2007). Suitability of martian environmental conditions for crop growth on mars. Journal
of Agronomy & Crop Science, 193(5), 366–372.
Hender (2007) investigated the Martian environmental conditions for crop cultivation on
Mars. Hender (2007) revealed that, while Martian soil is nutritionally poorer in nitrogen and
potassium than ordinary earth soil samples, it contains a greater abundance of other
macronutrients and the majority of micronutrients, indicating crop growth to be an important part
of Mars sustainability. This source, which I discovered through EBSCO host, offers reliable
detailed information on how agricultural growing on Mars is possible, as well as information on
Mars soil and environment and how to successfully sustain life on Mars. Hender (2007)
remained objective and thorough throughout the paper, presenting essential data on the Martian
environment. The author presented a wealth of information about crop growth, ranging from
environmental facts to atmospheric data and beyond, demonstrating his reliability and mastery of
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the subject. Furthermore, by supplying information via statistics and analysis, the author
established authority on the issue while also providing crucial information on critical plant
growth components. Additionally, the author provided material from past scientist studies,
presenting their insights on specific trends, thereby increasing the breadth and credibility of his
Hender’s (2007) article on agricultural growth on Martian environment will be a crucial
addition to my research paper. He investigated features of agricultural growth on Mars,
providing critical data on trends such as the Martian atmosphere, lighting, water conditions,
nutrient stresses, and other environmental considerations. This paper will assist me in
demonstrating that the Martian environment is indeed sustainable and should be considered as a
feasible alternative for planetary exploration. Furthermore, it contributes to one of my research
questions about Mars colonization: How can we colonize Mars/is it possible? by providing
information on long-term growth and sustainability. This article, I believe, will be an important
element of my research paper because it offers information about the Mars environment,
earth/mars environment comparisons, and overall data about its agriculture. If possible, I'd want
to incorporate more general knowledge on Mars (planetary facts), and I feel this page will be an
excellent place to start when answering such questions in my report.
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Hender, M. R. (2007). Suitability of martian environmental conditions for crop growth on mars. Journal
of Agronomy & Crop Science, 193(5), 366–372. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439037X.2007.00271.x
Krishen, K. (2009). Technology needs for future space exploration. IETE Technical Review, 26(4), 228235. https://doi.org/10.4103/0256-4602.52992
Levchenko, I., Xu, S., Mazouffre, S., Keidar, M., & Bazaka, K. (2018). Mars colonization; beyond
getting there. Global Challenges (Hoboken, NJ), 3(1),
Smith, C. M. (2013). Starship humanity. Scientific American, 308(1), 3843.https://europepmc.org/article/med/23342450#impact
Szocik, K. (2016). Unseen challenges in a mars colony. Spaceflight, 58, 20-23.