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COSC 109 Computers & Creativity Course Expectations

Computers and Creativity – Summary of Expectations Mr. Anup Patel
Hello and welcome to COSC 109 ‘Computers and Creativity’ course. This document
is a synopsis of what we would normally discuss during on-campus meeting. For
fully online sections this document explains my expectations from you.
Each item below describes individual parts of my Blackboard class. It is not a
comprehensive document but gives you some idea of where to go to find things,
and what to do at any given point of the semester.
The announcements section is the default landing spot in the COSC 109 course.
Displayed here is mainly exam information. On the days of mid-term and final
exams, an entry will appear indicating that an exam is available. Mid-term and
final exam appear on date and times specified on the online calendar.
The full calendar is located under ‘Spring/Fall 20XX Computer and Creativity Course
Schedule’ (see ‘Course Information’ section). Other information may appear so
please pay attention to this area.
Course Information
All course related resources are available in this section. Here students find the
course syllabus, course schedule, links to software, a link to calendar listing among
other items. Be familiar with the content of the syllabus. All questions on
timeliness, grading criteria, and student expectations are discussed. Know that all
assignments are due no later than 10 pm on the specified date listed in the
‘Spring/Fall 20XX Computer and Creativity Course Schedule’. Assignments are
submitted in e-mail or on a Blackboard discussion board (see ’Discussions’ section).
Early in the semester, I will remind students via e-mail of due dates and time. As
the semester progresses students are responsible for knowing and abiding by the
class schedule. Second but just as important reference is the online schedule.
The schedule contains assignment due dates and exam dates. There are also links
to assignment instructions. Be advised that assignments in the beginning of the
semester are very easy. As the semester progresses assignments become
increasingly difficult and time consuming. It falls upon the student to maintain
discipline and to be proactive. Late assignments are not accepted without valid
excuse such as doctors note or another note from responsible agency.
Both mid-term and final exams are online. Per class schedule, the exam appears
in Blackboard’s ‘Announcement’ section. After starting, students have two hours to
complete and submit an exam. Both exams are worth 100 and some questions do
have partial credit. The instructor is aware that Blackboard MAY mark a student
entered answer incorrectly. Therefore, each exam is manually corrected to ensure
student receives maximum credit.
Discussion boards are the place for submitting lab assignments. The course
schedule shows all lab assignments and each assignment contains clear instructions
on submitting to discussion boards. Discussion board closes on day and time an
assignment is due. Late assignments are not accepted without valid excuse such
as doctors note or another note from responsible agency.
Main component of the tools section is your grades. As the semester progresses all
graded assignments, exams and the term project will appear here. Keep in mind
that I try to enter grades in a timely manner (within three days). Please monitor
your grades and if you notice missing grade, please contact me via e-mail. I will be
happy to review the discussion board/exam/e-mail and update a grade
General Comments
Final grade
While Computers and Creativity is a 100-level course it is still a college course. Past
record shows that a student who does not complete assignments and is not ready
for exams will not do well. An online class requires students to be proactive and
disciplined. You must be cognizant of the schedule and due dates. The instructor
will not nudge/remind you. Read the assigned chapters, submit assignments on
time, and be ready for the exams. There is no reason for not earning an ‘A’ in this
Lab assignments use several specialized software. All the software is
available as freeware or as trial-ware. Free software includes Microsoft Paint
on Windows computers (GIMP for Apple computers); Photopea;Audacity;
and WordPress. Links for all software are in Course Resources section as
well in lab assignment instructions.
COSC tutors are available for help with projects. Tutoring information is posted
under Course Resources section. Please reach out to a tutor first before seeking
assistance from instructor.
I am available for on campus meetings by appointment only. E-mail
apatel@towson.edu to arrange a meeting time.
As a student in an online class there is tremendous flexibility. You decide when
to study, work on a lab, submit assignments, etc. However, an online class
does not negate coming to campus if needed. Be aware that there may be a
time when you may need to use campus resources.
Certain assignments may pose a problem. My guideline is to attempt the
assignment at least three times after which contact the COSC tutors (not the
lab assistants).
Other than a major technical catastrophe at TU, an online class does not close.
School delays or closings will most likely NOT impact class progress. However,
the instructor may review school closings and delays to determine need to
change class schedule.