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Rizal's Letter to Young Women of Malolos Analysis

Topic: Rizal’s Letter: To the Young Women of Malolos
The issues addressed in Rizal's writings include gender inequality, Spanish slavery due to
ignorance, religious fraud brought by the friars, the role of mothers in the family, tyranny of
some due to cowardice and negligence on the part of others, and unreligious acts of the friars
towards Filipinos. Spaniards withheld education from other Filipinos, and finally, the abuse of
the Spaniards because of the hospitality of the Filipinos.
Rizal's letter to the young women of Malolos is his way of recognizing them as brave Filipinas
who are no longer blinded by the friars' false religious beliefs. He mentioned in his letter that as
individual human beings, we must be able to make our own decisions about what is right and
wrong. As a young woman about to become a mother to her boys and daughters, she would set
an example for them. According to the proverb, a fruit grows in the same way as its tree.
Because of their vulnerability and lack of awareness of their rights, women are readily swayed.
The friars took advantage of this young man's kindness and meekness and boasted about it to
his fellow Spaniards. If Filipinas were more like Spartan women who wield power over their
men, no one would dare to touch or harass a woman. Rizal wished to open his people's eyes
and prevent ignorance of freedom. Slavery was caused by ignorance during their time, and we
must not allow this to happen again. He did not want the people to be without religion, but he
did want them to be aware of the exploitations carried out by the friars under their robes.
It is clear from Rizal's work that his ultimate goal is to provide women with the same educational
opportunities as males. Young ladies were not sent to school in those days because it was
widely assumed that they would soon be married and stay at home with the children. However,
Rizal emphasizes the importance of both girls and boys having the freedom of thought and the
right to education. He had also revealed this letter everything he knew about the Spaniards'
friars. “God gave each individual reason and a will of his or her own to differentiate the just from
the evil; all were born free and without shackles, and none has the right to enslave the will and
spirit of another,” he said. ” We are all born as equals, naked and free. God did not make man
to serve others as a slave. The beast led by a halter is a man who does not think for himself and
allows himself to be steered by the thoughts of others. God endows us with wisdom that we can
utilize to combat the enslavement of others. We must maintain our dignity, have faith in him, and
operate as a team.
The lessons learned must be put into practice, not only spoken about. The main arguments of
“To the Women of Malolos” are as follows: First, Filipino women should teach their children to
love God, country, and fellowmen. Second, like Spartan moms, Filipino women should be
delighted and gratified to offer their boys in defense of their country. Third, Filipino women
should be aware of how to safeguard their honor and dignity. Finally, aside from preserving their
decent racial values, Filipino women should educate themselves.
Faith is more than just saying prayers and wearing religious symbols. It entails behaving in a
genuine Christian manner, with decent morals and manners. These attributes appear to be
eroding in the way Filipino women behave themselves in recent years. Because of the
prevailing attitude of having to earn for the family to augment their husband's income, moms
frequently overlook their roles in rearing their children. Although there is nothing wrong with
working hard for the family's well-being, people must always maintain a sense of balance in
their lives.
Any amount of wealth or fame will never be enough to compensate for failure at home. In this
section of his letter to the young women of Malolos, Rizal emphasizes a few key issues.
However, the essential premise is that whatever a mother demonstrates to her children is what
the children will become as well. If the mother is constantly kissing the friars' hands in servitude,
her children will grow up to be sycophants and mindless fools who do nothing but do as they are
told, even if the work at hand violates their individual rights.