OBLIGATIONS – Juridical necessity to give, to do, or not to do. ELEMENTS OF OBLIGATION: Active Subject – Creditor/Obligee Passive Subject – Debtor/Obligor Prestation – Object/Subject Matter Efficient Cause – Legal/Juridical Tie SOURCES: 1. Law – there should be a law, can’t be presumed. 2. Contracts – Meeting of minds > Offer > Accepted 3. Quasi-Contracts – no meeting of minds a. Solutio Indebiti – undue payment. b. Negotiorum Gestio – unauthorized management. 4. Delicts (Crimes) - acts or omissions punishable by law, if accused: a. Convicted – civil & criminal obligation. b. Acquitted – civil obligation only. Did not commit act, no civil obligation. 5. Quasi-delicts – tort, culpa, negligence. Start Result Quasi-Contracts Lawful Benefit Quasi-Delicts Lawful Injury/Damages Delicts Unlawful Injury/Damages TIME Obligation to Deliver Arises: With Suspensive Condition – from the time the condition is fulfilled. With Period; with suspensive effect – when period arises. Without period and condition – upon perfection of the contract (meeting of minds). DELIVERY: CONSTRUCTIVE: Traditio Symbolica agreement. TO DO: (POSITIVE, PERSONAL) Specific performance by court NOT allowed in case of refusal, ONLY damages are allowed because of breach of contract. NOT TO DO: (NEGATIVE, PERSONAL) Anything done shall be undone at the Debtor’s expense. FRUITS: Determinate thing: right belongs to Creditor from the time the obligation to deliver arises. Traditio Brevi Manu – objects is already in the hands of the debtor. Traditio Constitutum Posesorium – vendor continues in possession. Quasi-Traditio – with documents. DAMAGES – harm done and the sum of money that can be recovered. SOURCES: 1. FRAUD (DOLO) a. Causal Fraud (Causante) – voidable b. Incidental Fraud (Incidente) – valid 2. TO GIVE: (POSITIVE, REAL) Whether specific or generic, you can’t go to the court for specific performance in case of refusal. Specific – CAN’T be extinguished through other parties. Generic – CAN be extinguished through other parties. Traditio Longa Manu – mere consent or NEGLIGENCE (CULPA) a. Contractual – with existing contract. b. Aquiliana – without existing contract. c. Criminal – with or without existing contract. DILIGENCE: As required by law As stipulated by parties Absence of 1 & 2, diligence of a good father of a family. DEGREE OF DILIGENCE Stipulated by parties Increase Decrease Valid Void Common Carrier Stipulated: GFF Required by Law: utmost care Void Extraordinary Agency Req. by Law: extraordinary Stipulated: GFF Valid Diligence GFF GENERAL RULE: “No one is liable in fortuitous events.” Except: When law so provides Page 1 of 21 When parties stipulate Nature of the obligation requires assumption of risks. (Example: Insurance) RIGHTS OF CREDITOR: 1. 2. Res perit Domino “The thing perishes with the owner” 3. 3. DELAY (MORA) a. Solvendi (Debtor) Ex re – real obligation, to give. Ex persona – personal obligation, to do. b. Accipiendi (Creditor) c. Compensatio Morae – both debtor and creditor. d. Contravention of Tenor – violation of terms. GENERAL RULE: “No demand. No delay” Except: When law so provides Contract stipulates Time is of the essence Demand would be useless Reciprocal obligation E – Exemplar N – Nominal T – Temperate A – Actual/Compensatory L – Liquidated Liab./Responsibility Donates (gratuitous) Donee: To rescind: BF (√) GF (√) Sells (Onerous) Buyer: BF (√) GF (×) KINDS OF OBLIGATION: 1. Demandable at once Pure/Simple – no period/condition Resolutory – with condition. With Resolutory Effect – with period. 2. With a period Benefit of both creditor & debtor. Cannot be demanded before due date, court can ONLY fix period. 3. With Condition 4. With Condition and period “WILL IT HAPPEN?” Fulfillment of Obligation Demandable Court-Reduce Fraud √ × Negligence √ √ DEBT: MAYBE (not sure): condition Suspensive Resolutory Before After No obligation Obligation arises Obligation arises Obligation end (ext.) YES (sure): Period Oral Written ACTS OF DEBTOR: EXCEPT: If there are remedies. KINDS: (MENTAL) M – Moral 4. Exact fulfillment/to demand payment = court. Exhaust the properties of debtor. EXCEPT: from the execution Writ attachment → Public Sale → Proceeds Accion Pauliana – to rescind. To impugn (question/challenge) the acts of the debtor. Designed to defraud creditor. Creditor deprived right to enforce claim. Accion Subrogatoria – to exercise rights of the Debtor. Principal (√) Principal (√) Interest (×) Interest (√) “No delay. No penalty.” The creditor can’t be compelled to accept partial payment. EXCEPT: If there is a stipulation. Prima Facie – “Disputable/Assumption” VOID Condition must not be impossible and not contrary to law, morals, public policy, public order, and good customs. FULFILLMENT OF CONDITION: 1. Potestative – depends on sole will of one of the parties. If Debtor: If Creditor: Suspensive: VOID Suspensive: VALID Resolutory: VALID Resolutory: VALID Page 2 of 21 2. 3. Casual – depends on chance (valid) or third party (valid). Mixed – depends on: Will of one of the parties & third party (VALID). Will of one of the parties & chance (VALID). DEEMED FULFILLED PRINCIPLE: “When the debtor voluntarily prevented the fulfillment of the condition, the condition is deemed fulfilled.” 2 OR MORE DEBTOR OR CREDITOR: 1. 2. MODE OF EXTINGUISHMENT OF OBLIGATION: 1. PAYMENT OR PERFORMANCE By Whom: Debtor, representative/agent, estate (executor/admin.) Third Person (interested in fulfillment of obligation liable if principal debtor can’t pay) To Whom: CR., representative/agent, estate (executor/admin.) Third Person (redounded to the benefit of the Creditor) Pending fulfillment; rights Resolutory Suspensive Principal Fruits CR DR DR CR SUBJECT MATTER: (Before Fulfillment) LOST Fortuitous Event: EXTINGUISHED Fault of DR: LIABLE (Value + Damages) IMPAIRED Fortuitous Event: CR BEARS LOSS Fault of DR: LIABLE (Spec.Per. + Damages) By Nature: CR BEARS IMPROVEMENT Efforts of DR: DR given right to usufruct IMPROVED DEBTOR DEPRIVED OF PERIOD: (IGIVA) I – Debtor INSOLVENT (total or partial). G – Fails to GIVE (guaranty or security). I – guaranty or security: IMPAIRED (fault DR) or lost (FE/fault of DR). V – DR VIOLATES undertaking. A – DR attempts to ABSCOND. Prestation “Choice” Alternative Obligation 2 or more Facultative Obligation 1 (with substitute) 2 or more DR. unless stipulated Debtor if stipulated Fulfillment: ALL Conjoint Obligation Obligation with a penal clause ALTERNATIVE VS. FACULTATIVE Obligation Exting.? Liable: Damages? FE: (×) (×) Fault-DR (×) (×) FE: (√) (×) Fault-DR (×) (√) JOINT – “to each his own” If silent, presumed joint. SOLIDARY – “all for one, one for all” When the law so provides or stipulated. Presumed Benefit: CR/DOUBT: burden of proof = DR Except: Ratification, Subrogation, Estoppel When: Principal/ Recovery? Paid before maturity: DR “aware” of period DR “not aware” of period On or After Maturity (not aware) (×) – waiver of right to period (√) + Interest + Fruits (×) Only Interest + fruits Where: To give specific thing: With stipulation Place as stipulated Without stipulation Where object is located @perfection of contract To give generic thing or to pay money: With stipulation Place as stipulated Without stipulation Where debtor resides How: To pay (money): With stipulation Without stipulation Currency as stipulated Legal Tender Page 3 of 21 To give: (TRAIT) Specific As stipulated, no substitute o Generic As stipulated, neither inferior/superior o As stipulated If poorly done: undo @the expense of the debtor. o o To do: SPECIAL FORMS OF PAYMENT: A. Application of payment Gives DR privilege (right to choose) 2 or more obligation is due If silent: apply proportionately (<CR apply to most onerous) B. Dation en payment Payment in kind, ONLY 1 CR, DR solvent. C. Payment by Cession DR insolvent, 2 or more CR, obligation partially extinguished. D. Tender of payment and Consignation CR refuses, money is deposited in court with notice to the CR. If approved, obligation extinguished. Consignation allowed w/o prior T.O.P.: o DR pays: incapacitated: obligation extinguished. If CR benefitted or money was kept. 2. LOSS OF THE THING DUE Applicable if: determinable/specific Not applicable: generic (genus nunguam perit) LOST – perishes, goes out of commerce, disappears (existence unknown/ cannot be recovered). 3. CONDONATION/REMISSION Essentially gratuitous, nature: donation. Requirements: Essential Capacity of Donor (CR) & Donee (DR) Donative Intent Acceptance (DR) Personal Property: P5000 up (writing) Real Property: Public Instrument A.o.P Payment by Cession Dation in Payment T.O.P. & Consignation Formal - Multiple obligation s are ALL due and demandable. Debtor is insolvent Debtor need not be insolvent T.O.P. – Act of the DR of offering to his CR what is due to him. 4. All properties are given up to satisfy the needs of creditors (2 or more) Does not affect all the debtor’s properties . Plurality of the creditors is not required. CONSIGNATION – CR refuses to accept payment, deposit thing due to the judicial authority. No transfer of ownership Transfer of property Partial extinguishment of debt Extinguish - Payment not enough. T – 2 or more persons claiming right. R – CR refuses to issue RECEIPT w/o just cause. A – Creditor ABSENT I – CR becomes INCAPACITATED to receive payment. T – TITLE is lost. COMPENSATION 2 persons, CR & DR of each other. a. Conventional - by agreement b. Legal – by operation of law Requirements: Principally bound DRs & CRs. Both debts: payable in money, in kind/quality or both. Both obligation: due Both obligation: liquidated & demandable NO: controversy or retention by third person. c. d. Facultative – one party can claim compensation, the other cannot. Judicial – decree by court, in case where there is counterclaim. Page 4 of 21 CONTRACTS Compensation NOT allowed: when one of the obligation arose from: Deposit Bailee in Commodatum Obligation to give gratuitous support (present/future) Obligation arising from commission on penal offenses: civil liability. 5. CONFUSION/ MERGER CR & DR, one person. 6. NOVATION Changing the object (real) or condition (real) SUBSTITUTION – Debtor Delegacion – personal novation. Original DR must be discharged. (Initiative: Original DR) Expromission – personal (Initiative: New DR or third person) SUBROGATION – CR. (Personal) a. Conventional - by agreement b. Legal – by operation of law When a CR pays another CR who is preferred even without consent of DR. When a third person who is interested in the fulfillment of the obligation pays even without the consent of the DR. “First in time, First in right” If new DR fails to pay, can CR collect original DR? KINDS: YES Time of delegacion; NO After of delegacion I give that you may give. Do ut facias Facio ut des Facio ut facias I give that you may do. I do that you may give. I do that you may do. PRINCIPAL Vs. ACCESSESORY CONSENSUAL Vs. REAL Vs. FORMAL (COC Vs. COC + DEL. Vs. COC + DOC.) GRATUITOUS Vs. ONEROUS: Liberality UNILATERAL Vs. BILATERAL COMMUTATIVE: Exchange of values ALEATORY: based on chance AUTOMATIC ADHESION ELEMENTS: ESSENTIAL – without them, there is no contract- Cause, Object, Consent (COC) NO Time of expromission New DR insolvent YES Time of expromission Orig.DR aware & didn’t object to expromission YES Time of expromission Orig.DR’s insolvency is known to the public. After of expromission NATURAL – deemed included except if stipulated not to include. New DR insolvent Expromission: NOMINATE Vs. INNOMINATE Do ut des Delegacion: NO CHARACTERISTICS: (MACRO) M – Mutuality: bind both contracting parties. Validity: can’t be left with will of one of them. A – Autonomy: liberty/freedom to stipulate. C – Consensuality: perfected by mere Consent. R – Relativity of contracts: take effect to parties. O - Obligatoriness & compliance in good faith. ACCIDENTAL – included if stipulated. An offer becomes INEFFECTIVE “BEFORE” acceptance: (DICI) D - Death I - Insolvency C – Civil Interdiction I – Insanity Mixed Novation: Must be REAL + PERSONAL Page 5 of 21 PERIOD TO DECIDE Can offer or sell? Liable (damages) Without consideration (option money) Without consideration √ √ √ × With earnest pay (down payment) √ √ INCAPACITATED: (CHIPUD) Unemancipated Minors – incapacitated to give consent (below 18 y/o). Insane/Demented Person – except: lucid Deaf-Mute Civil Interdiction – as if dead. Mortis Causa (√) Inter-vivos CAUSE OF CONTRACTS: Lawful If inadequate (lesion) Fictitious/Simulated Absolute (void) Relative (effect True Agreement) False : (VOID) Motive – not an essential element (with or without: VALID) interval. Inheritance – only present inheritance (√); future (×). Right – Transmissible (√); Intransmissible (×). FORMS OF CONTRACT – any form (oral, written, P.I.) (×) EXCEPT: Hospitalized Lepers For validity – failure: VOID Prodigals/Spend Thrills For enforceability – Statute of fraud. For convenience VICES OF CONSENT: (VIMFU) V – Violence (physical pain) Serious/ irresistible force I – Intimidation (mental pain) Well-grounded fear, imminent danger, must be unlawful. M – Mistake (Error) If serious: Annulment If NOT: Reformation F – Fraud Insidious words, machination U – Undue Influence Professional Relationship (Ex. Lawyer-client) Consanguinity/Affinity (Ex. Aunt, uncle) Religious Affiliation (Ex. Priest, Parishioners) NO FRAUD: Concealment – failure to disclose acts without duty to disclose. Except: with duty to disclose (fraud). Mere exaggerations in trade – ads Dealer’s talk: Caveat Emptor – “buyer beware” Mere expression of Opinion – Except: Opinion of an Expert. OBJECTS OF CONTRACTS: Things – existing/future Should come to existence. Retroactive (emtio rae speratae) Hope – with hope (√); vain hope (×) INTERPRETATION: to give effect – “true intention” Words – clear & unambiguous: literal meaning. Provision: written prevail over printed. Amount: words prevail over figures. 2 or more: “I” – solidary; “We” – joint. Acts – contemporaneous, subsequent. Customs and usages F – Fraud / A – Accident / M – Mistake / I – Inequitable Conduct Before meeting of minds: After meeting of minds: Remedy: Annulment Reformation OPTION: Reformation or specific performance Specific Performance to Reformation (×) Rescission to specific performance Specific Performance to Rescission(√) REFORMATION NOT ALLOWED: Wills – except by the testator Simple donation Inter-vivo – if no condition imposed. Real Obligation Page 6 of 21 DEFECTIVE CONTRACTS: 1. - RESCISSIBLE – least defective. Do not comply with statute of fraud. (SALSAR) Defect: lesion (damage) (GACTS) S – SPECIAL PROMISE – to answer debt, default, miscarriage of G – made by GUARDIAN Lesion: more than ¼ value. another. Rescind: within 4 years from A – AGREEMENT not to be the time incapacity ceases. performed within 1 year from the making thereof. A – made by representative of ABSENTEES = property L – LEASING: period longer than 1 Lesion: more than ¼ value. year. Sale of real property or any Rescind: within 4 years from interest therein. the time his (absentee). S – SALE of goods, chattels or Whereabouts are known, things in action @least P500. EXCEPT: within 2 years, if: A – AGREEMENT made in o Boarded airplane consideration of mortgage other o Boarded Vessel than mutual promise to marry, o Sent to war enforceable even if oral ONLY. C – made to defraud CREDITORS. R – REPRESENTATION as to the (Accion Pauliana) credit of a third person. T – THINGS in litigation made without consent of litigant or Sale of Real Property Enforceable? court. S – SPECIFICALLY declared by law to be rescissible. NO DOWNPAYMENT DELIVERY ORAL WITH 2. VOIDABLE – valid until annulled. Defect: consent. - W/ NO (×) (×) (√) DOWNPAYMENT DELIVERY DOWNPAYMENT DELIVERY DOWNPAYMENT DELIVERY INST. (√) (×) (√) (√) W/ 4. Vitiated by VIMFU One of the contracting parties RATIFICATION – retroacts on the day the VOID/INEXISTENT – most defective. Defect: without effect cannot be Except: marriage- 5 years ratified/period to question. ( ICAD) O – OBJECT/CP: contrary to law, morals… O – OBJECT: outside the commerce of men. O – OBJECT: did not exist at the time of transaction. contract was made. Cleans defect. 3. (×) To annul within 4 years’ time MF-discovery incapacitated. - PUBLIC Consent – vitiated (VIMFU) / VIU – cease. - Third Person NO WRITING One of the contracting parties – incapacitated. Seller & Buyer I – INTENTION of the parties relative to the principal object: cannot be ascertained. UNENFORCEABLE – validable. Defect: without effect unless ratified. C – CONTEMPLATE an impossible service. - Both contracting parties are incapacitated. A – ABSOLUTELY simulated or fictitious. - Made without authority. D – DECLARED void by law. Page 7 of 21 SALES VENDOR’S LIABILITY IN CASE OF EVICTION: (VICED) SALES VS. BARTER: 1. Manifestation: (Ex. B sells his car to C) Cash: P1M (Sale) Trade-in: Cash-600 / TI-400 (sale) Cash-400 / TI-600 (sale) 2. Absence of Manifestation: (Ex. B transfers his car to C) Cash: P1M (Sale) Kind: I – Income or fruits C – Cost of suit which cause the eviction E – Expenses of the contract D – Damages and Interest If vendor acted in good faith IF VENDOR ACTED IN GOOD FAITH: 1. Value of the thing sold only *waiver consciente (without knowledge of eviction) SALES VS. CPW (Contract for a Piece of Work): MASSACHUSETTS: Object: Same with New York Rule Available/Regular Stock (Sale) Specially/Manufactured (CPW) English Rule: Materials > Labor = Sale Labor > Materials = CPW OBLIGATIONS OF THE VENDOR (SELLER): To effect DELIVERY To TRANSFER OWNERSHIP (TITLE) to buyer VOID: Stolen To WARRANT EXPRESS: As stipulated IMPLIED: o Against Eviction: Except if waived. Buyer deprived of object: Right: existing @ the time sale Seller: given opportunity to defend title. o Against Hidden Defects: Defects NOT Hidden – caveat emptor (buyer beware) Defects Hidden – caveat venditor (seller beware) Seller: Defect “If waived” Aware (√) (√) VOID VALID Not Aware 2. No liability *waiver intencionada (with knowledge of eviction) TYPES OF WAIVER 1. Waiver Intentionada – seller not liable. 2. Waiver Consiente – seller liable up to FMV @ the time of eviction. ANIMALS: VOIDABLE: Can annul if third party is in bad faith. 3. V – Value of the thing P1M (Barter) Cash-600 / Kind-400 (Sale) Cash-400 / Kind-600 (Barter) Cash-500 / Kind-500 (Sale) 1. 2. Defects: If Seller: Good Faith – NOT liable for damages. 1. Disease: Contagious – VOID NOT Contagious – VALID, VOID IF dies within 3 Days from the date of purchase and existed at that time. 2. Defects: if hidden: BUYERS’ option: within 40 days. Accion Redhibitoria – to annul, because object is unfit for the use intended. Accion Quanti Minoris – to reduce price NO WARRANTY: Caveat Emptor Fairs, public auction, livestock sold as condemned. o Merchantability: within the commerce of man. o Fit for the purpose: Seller Liable General: Specific, if stipulated: (√) (√) Page 8 of 21 interest can sell his undivided interest. RIGHTS OF THE UNPAID VENDOR (SELLER): 1. Stoppage in transit 2. Possessory lien 3. Resale 4. Cancel OBLIGATIONS OF THE VENDEE (BUYER): 1. To ACCEPT delivery 2. To PAY – terms TERMS: A. On TRIAL or Satisfaction On SALE or Return Ownership AFTER delivery Risk of loss on FE Seller Seller (RPD) Buyer Buyer (RPD) B. LUMPSUM – no increase or decrease in price. Discrepancy (Estimate < Actual): Should not exceed ¼. If seller insists delivery of excess between actual and estimate: Buyer’s Option: Rescind/Cancel contract + Damages Agree – Specific performance C. INSTALLMENT PERSONAL PROPERTY – RECTO LAW DR default installment: 1 or more – Seller – to exact fulfillment. 2 or more – Altern. Remedies I. Exact fulfillment – S demands payment; Seller – Ordinary CR – NO right to foreclose Public Sale: proceeds: Higher than debt: excess belong to buyer. Lower than debt: deficiency – Buyer pays. II. Cancel Sale: B returns object/ Seller returns payment. III. Foreclose the Chattel Mortgage - deficiency: no recovery, stip. – VOID - excess: belongs to seller, stip. (B) – VALID REAL PROPERTY (Realty Installment Buyer Protection Act) RIBPA (MACEDA LAW) NOT applicable to: Sale or Financing – Industrial Lots Sale or financing – Commercial Buildings Sale to tenants – Land Reform Code Applicable to: Residential Lots DR default installment: Without additional interest/penalty. Grace Period: Payment: <2 years (60 days) ⪰ 2 years (1 mo. /yr.) Available once every 5 years Condominium: Residential, Commercial, Industrial: SELLER: cancels – refund: 50% amount paid + 5% per year after 5 yrs. D. REDEMPTION CONVENTIONAL – based on stipulation Repossession Period: With Stipulation – max. of 10 yrs. Without Stipulation – 4 years Pacto de retro sale (death of seller), can heir repurchase? – NO. The owner of the undivided LEGAL Co-owners: (e.g. W, X, Y, Z > W, X – absolute sale to Buyer can): Proportionate: Y & Z repurchase what (√) W & X sold? Y rep. what W & X sold? (√) Z rep. what W & X sold? (√) Adjacent/Ad joint Landowners RURAL: (Agricultural) Not > 1 hectare, & Buyer – already owns a rural land Can A/AJLO repossess? (√) URBAN (City) So situated – majority part: no practical use. EXCEPT: if there is a right to be exercised. Acquired for speculation. COURT - least injury to give access. Right of Pre-emption – if not given: Right of Redemption – 2 or more – most beneficial. PRESUMTION OF EQUITABLE MORTGAGE NOT FOR SALE: When place with right to repurchase is usually inadequate. When buyer retains part = PP Buyer extends period of redemption. Seller retains possession Seller pays taxes Real intention – mortgage Traditio longa manu - mere pointing object. Traditio brevi manu - already in possession of the vendee (buyer) at the time of sale. Delivery, no longer required. Traditio constitutum possessiorium – vendor (seller) continuous to have possession of the thing not as owner but as tenant or lessee. Emtio spei – hope, present thing, uncertain. Emtio re separate – future thing expected to come in existence, certain. Absolutely Simulated Sale – VOID. SALE OF REAL ESTATE: (a) Actual < Stated Area Reduction of price if actual area < 1/10 of Stated (b) Rescind the sale if actual area > 1/10 of stated Actual Area > Stated Area Accept and pay contract rate. (c) Accept the stated area and reject the excess. Actual Area is not of the quality specified Page 9 of 21 Reduction of price if the inferior value not exceed 1/10 of the price/rate agreed upon. Rescind if inferior value exceed 1/10 of the price/rate agreed upon. DOUBLE SALE: 1. PERSONAL PROPERTY 1 Possession in good faith ST In public instrument (construction delivery) – public instrument is preferred over private instrument (same rule with real property) 2. REAL PROPERTY 1 register in good faith st 1 possession in good faith st Present the oldest title PERSONS NOT LIABLE FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY: (SAMPO) S – Sheriff A – Auctioner M – Mortgagee P – Pledgee O – Other persons to sell by virtue of authority in fact/ in law. AGENCY - founded upon Trust and Confidence. By Operation of Law Express Implied Principal & Agent both present – receipt of Power of Atty. Is without objection. Principal & Agent both NOT present: o Acknowledgement of receipt of the Power of Atty. o Failure to reply: (Acceptance) If required is to do act: the agent: habitually engaged. Parties: Principal – capacitated party. Agent – presumed w/ compensation. 2 or More: Principal – solidary. Agents – joint. EXCEPT: stipulated – solidary. EXCEPT: acts of dominion which needs Special Power of Atty. NOTICE OF AGENCY’S APPOINTMENT: Newspaper (published) or Notice Letter – another agent. Del Credere Agent – agent & surety at the same time. NOTICE OF REVOCATION: rd Newspaper, to bind 3 parties: must be done the same manner as Notice of Appointment EXCEPT: if the parties to be notified have actual knowledge. OBLIGATIONS OF an AGENT: 1. 2. 3. To observe instruction of the Principal – deemed not have exceeded authority. To give everything to P, even if not owing P. To make accounting of transactions, stipulation to the contrary: VOID If A exceeds authority, still binding to P, object belongs to A = authorized to sell P’s option: Consider – A fulfilled his authority or ratify. 4. To advance funds: (×) EXCEPT: If stipulated: (√), except: if P insolvent (×) AGENT – if authorized: To sell → to mortgage (×) To mortgage → to sell (×) To lend money → to be borrower(×) To borrow money → to be lender int. = current rate (√) To sell on credit → obligation to make list = of ALL buyers on credit otherwise: ALL CASH TO APPOINT SUB-AGENT: 1. With Stipulation: (√) & (P designates Agent) or 2. If not prohibited: 1&2: notorially, incompetent, insolvent. If Prohibited, ALL actions of Sub-Agent is VOID. Page 10 of 21 EXTINGUISHMENT OF AGENCY: (EDWARD) BAILEE – leases to others. If object delivered – with appraisal E – Expiration of term D – Death of P or A: to sell goods = heirs Take care (GFF) & give notice to P Agency by operation of law (necessity). Death – EXCEPT: constituted for the benefit of P or rd A, or 3 person (stip pour autrui), Insolvency, Civil Interdiction, and Insanity. W – Withdrawal by agent A – Accomplishment of purpose. R – Revocation of agency – (P) @ will, with or without cause. EXCEPT: Valid Reason – must be with cause. D – Dissolution of the firm which established the agency. SECURITY: collateral (Sangla) – things: Objects Possession Pledge Antichresis Movable Immovable CR/pledgee CR/ antichretic CR Mortgage Chattel Real Estate Movable Immovable DR/ mortgagor DR/ mortgagor 1. Quasi Traditio – execution of Public Instrument. PLEDGE: Similar to Recto Law Foreclosure then Public Sale → with notice: → Deficiency or excess: belongs/ suffered by CR. Pledge (CR) – use object = NO, EXCEPT: If stipulated or necessary to preserve value. Bidders: CREDIT TRANSACTIONS Ownership A. B. MUTUUM – simple loan COMMODATUM DR Bailor (CR) Only 1 To consume More than 2 To use Tie (bet. DR & 3rd person) Object Obligation Contracts Exp. MM Money Fungible To pay To replace Onerous Gratuitous DR CM Nonfungible If fungible To return Essentially Gratuitous Ord. (bailee) Ex-Ord. Actual use (50% bailee/ 50% bailor) (display/exhibi tion) Highest Bidder(s)? Purpose 2. Pledge is indivisible (on > 1 object) applicable even to heirs. Accessory follows Principal. CHATTEL MORTGAGE (Movable) Foreclosure: from loan: →Deficiency: DR pays →Excess: Mortgagor (DR) owns Guaranty – insurer of debt, subsidiary liable, with benefit of excussion, EXCEPT if waived. Surety – insurer of prompt payment, solidarily liable, no benefit of excussion. Deposit – safe keeping. Judicial – movable or immovable. Extra-judicial – movable, agreement. LOSS WHO SUFFERS? 1. 2. In mutuum: Res Perit Domino = DR In Commodatum: RPD = Bailor EXCEPT: BAILEE – guilty of delay BAILEE – uses object of CM: purpose – different from what was agreed upon. BAILEE – guilty of ingratitude – able to save. BAILEE – allows others to use, EXCEPT: members of household if not prohibited. nd (×) EXCEPT: after 2 notice (√) (√) DR Page 11 of 21 Necessary – in compliance with law. (e.g. guest-hotels, passengers-common carrier) Real Estate Mortgage Antichresis Fruits/Income DR DR Taxes/expenses DR CR/pledgee CR-to be applied DR’s obligation. CR-to be charged to DR Possession 3. 2 or more persons bind to contribute money, property or industry to a common fund with intention of earning profit. 2 or more persons – exercise same profession (GPP) NO PRESUMPTION OF PARTNERSHIP: 2. 3. 4. rd 3 persons – not partners to each other, rd nor parties to 3 person, EXCEPT: estoppel: In pais – silence, declarations, made others believe. By Deed – with documents. By Laches – by passage of time. Co-ownership/Co-possession →Purpose: enjoyment/preservation Sharing of gross returns Prima Facie presumption – sharing of net returns, EXCEPT: (GAWID) G – Payment of Goodwill A – Annuity (widow or representative) of a partner. W – Wage: employee or Rent: landlord I – Interest to loan. D – Debt by installment. By Estoppel Life At will – if partners agree → continue Fixed Term – dissolved, if partnership continues, it will be converted into partnership at will. LIABILITY: 1. Unlimited – General: ALL partners. Original – up to separate property. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Accessory contract, mortgagor can sell the object even without consent of the mortgagee. PARTNERSHIP 1. 3. 4. 2. Newly Admitted: Existing at the time of admission – up to Contributed Cap. EXCEPT: stipulation. Arising after admission – up to separate property. Limited – at least 1 general partner; at least 1 limited partner. Limited Partner – up to Contri.Cap., EXCEPT: Liable up to Separate Prop. If: Participate in management Allow your partnership to use your name in the Partnership’s firm name, EXCEPT: o Such name is also name of the general partner. o Name is already used when he joined the partnership. SHARE IN THE CONTRIBUTION: (As to Object) Universal – not allowed to husband & wife → guilty of concubinage/adultery. 1. Universal Partnership of Present Property (UP-PP) – contributed to the partnership. Fruits – accessory follows the principal – partnership. Future Property: →without stipulation – partners →with stipulation – ownership: Partnership (Others) = VALID, EXCEPT: Inheritance, Legacy, Donation, EXCEPT: fruits = VALID PERSONALITY: 1. De jure – exist in fact and in law, contract: P3000 or more – P.I. & reg. SEC, otherwise: De Facto 2. Immovable – description, signed by parties, P.I., registered to SEC, otherwise: VOID De Facto – exist in fact, not in law 2. Universal Partnership of Profits (UP-P) Highest Bidder(s)? Contribution Future Property Ownership: Partner Right to Use: Partnership Ownership: Partnership Gratuitous: Partner *if through industry, FP will go to partnership Page 12 of 21 Particular (General Partnership) – allowed to husband & wife LOSS due to FORTUITOUS EVENT – “Res Perit Domino” LOSS borne by PARTNERSHIP: 1. If the thing contributed is fungible. 2. Contributed for the purpose of selling. 3. If the thing can’t be kept without deterioration. Preference: → Partnership CRs – partnership’s assets. →Separate CRs – separate assets Receipt of payment (partner and partnership creditors): APPLICATION OF PAYMENT If DR assigns application of payment. If DR waives AOP, if partner: Managing partner Partnership Credit (√) Proportionate (√) Not managing partner Partnership Credit (√) Own Credit (√) Proportionate (√) CLASSIFICATIONS OF PARTNERS: 1. Contribution To effect delivery; day agreed upon/ without need-demand. To warrant the thing – against eviction. Make additional contribution – imminent loss or/& contribution necessary to save partnership. Capitalist: YES, EXCEPT: stipulation or insolvent. Otherwise – can be compelled to sell his interest. Industrial: NO, EXCEPT: stipulation. 2. Make Alterations – Immovable Minor (not important) – administration – YES Major (important) – NO, even beneficially, EXCEPT: stip. EXCEPT: 1. 2. Capitalist → Not similar: YES →similar: NO EXCEPT: stipulated. Otherwise: – profit: partnership – Loss: partner rd Liability – 3 person, RULE: Joint ; EXCEPT (SOLIDARY): Partner: course of business, receive money = misappropriation Partnership: course of business, receive money = misappropriation Commit torts: Quasi-delict rd In the eyes of the 3 persons, partners are equally liable (joint) Due to Partnership is not yet due. Partner when received payment not a managing partner. To specific partnership profit. Interest – surplus – profit/loss: Industrial →similar or not: NO EXCEPT: stipulated Otherwise: Partner’s option: (Expulsion or profit=Partnership) + Damages If with stipulation: → if VALID as stipulated: (a) Share in P/L (b) Share in profit – stipulation. →ALL Partners (√) → Share in loss – w/out stipulation (c) Exempting – partner: → Profit (×) → Loss (×) → EXCEPT: industrial 3. Onerous due to Partners. PROPERTY RIGHTS: To engage in another business 3. If without stipulation: Capitalist: Capital Contribution Industrial → Profit – interest or just equitable share (JES) → Loss – exempt → if silent: Share of Capital – Partner with least Capital Contribution. Capitalist-Industrial Partner – 2 different rights in the share. To participate in management – Who will be managing partners? (d) One – appointment * Article of Partnership – power is irrevocable without just cause. Page 13 of 21 → can EXECUTE ALL acts of admin. = GOOD FAITH, despite objection of other partners * Not Article of Partnership – power is revocable. (e) 2 or more * With stipulation –should act as 1, can’t be alleged. EXCEPT: grave/ irreparable injury to partnership. * Without stipulation – should act as 1, anyone can act, EXCEPT: o If managing partner objects – majority of partners, if tie. o Controlling interest, if tie. o Majority of ALL partners if tie. o Controlling interest. Direct Attack – office of the Solicitor General Collateral Attack - (×) 4. Legislative Act – if Congress possess a law which makes business of partnership illegal. 5. Loss of the thing To be contributed – RPD = LOSS →UP-PP: (√) →UP-P: (√) Contributed only usufructuary, LOSS = Partner, EXCEPT: o Fungible o To be sold o Can’t be kept without deterioration →UP-PP: (×) →UP-P: (√) → No one Appointed – Mutual Agency RULE: Every partner/ agent/ partnership, anyone can act EXCEPT: A partner objects – majority of all partners, tie – C.I. Unusual Acts: Acts of Dominion, requires consent of ALL partners, EXCEPT: A partner has been authorized. Bus. Of Partnership was abandon. UNUSUAL ACTS: must be presented to ALL partners (SACRED.D) S – Submit partnership claims/ liability to arbitration. A – Assign partnership property – trust = CRs C – Confess judgment R – Renounce / Abandon partnership claims. E – Enter into compromise. D – Dispose goodwill. D – Do any act = impossible= partnership continue business. 6. D – Death, I – Insolvency, C – Civil Interdiction, I – Insanity, J Judicial (DICI-J) LIQUIDATION: Winding Up? (a) With Stipulation – as stipulated (b) Without Stipulation – not guilty. All deadlegal rep of last surviving partner. General Limited *Outside CR *Outside CR *Inside CR *Limited -obligation -share in profits, if any -return on contri. cap. *Return on Contributed Cap. *General -obligation -share in profits, if any -return on contri. cap. *Share in Profit, if any DISSOLUTION: CORPORATION 1. Without Violation of partnership agreement. Term expires artificial being created by operation of law Fulfillment – purpose with the right of succession and powers (express, implied, incidental), attributes and properties expressly authorized by law incidental to its existence. 2. With Violation – partnership agreement Artificial being = person = citizenship = THEORIES: 3. Quo Warranto – de facto By will – one, some, or all partners Expulsion – a partner Page 14 of 21 Incorporation – laws observed in companies Philippine Laws = Domestic Foreign Laws Resident: E.T.B. Non-resident: N.E.T.B. Control test – citizenship of owners. Domiciliary – principal office. KINDS of CORPORATION: 1. Public 2. Quasl-public: “as if” 3. Private NOT ALLOWED to HAVE NO PAR: (BITPuB) B – Banks I – Insurance companies T – Trust companies Pu – Public institutions B – Buildings and loan associations TO VOTE: with or without voting rights, they can vote in: (A-ASIIMID) A – Amendment/Adoption: by laws; EXCEPT: power to amend by laws is already delegated to the B.O.D by 2/3 votes of Sh. /M. INCORPORATORS: 1. 2. 3. Of legal age At least 5 but not more than 15 (natural person) Majority: Resident of the Philippines ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name: neither similar, nor confusingly similar to existing corps Purpose: principal and secondary Principal office Incorporators: names, nationality and residence Capital: Profit = stocks/shares Board of Directors: Names, Nationality & Residence. KINDS OF SHARES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Capital shares Founder’s share – exclusive right Redeemable shares (Callable Shares) – with or without RE, provided such redemption will not result to: Insolvency of the corporation Difficulty in paying maturing obligations Preferred shares Dividends – CP, C/NP, NC/P, NC/NP Assets Common shares (Gambler’s Shares) – below par (x) Promoter share MAJORITY of B.O.D & 2/3 Sh./M: A – Amendment of articles in Incorporation S – SLEMP of all or substantially all of corporate profits property. I – Incurring/creating/increasing bonded indebtedness. I – Increase/decrease of capital stock M – Merger or consolidation I – Investment to another company D – Dissolution Primary Franchise: right to organize a corporation. 1. MAJORITY of B.O.D & MAJORITY of Sh./M; S – Sales / B – Lease / E – Exchange / M – Mortgage / P – Pledge Of all or substantially all corporate property. Treasurer’s Affidavit: at least 25% of: Authorized Cap. Stock = par / ACS = no par Subs. Paid = money/property (@FMV) SECURITY of EXCHANGE and COMMISSION: REJECTS: 1. Purpose: unconstitutional, illegal/ immoral, contrary to gov’t. 2. Treasury’s Affidavit: False 3. Failure to meet minimum Filipino ownership. 4. Failure to observe form prescribed. 5. Failure to submit: favourable recommendation from the appropriate gov’t agency in charge of the activity you are proposing. Page 15 of 21 to exercise such power as may be delegated by B.O.D ACCEPTS: (Approved) Then issue “Certificate of Incorporation” (birth of Corp.) Exercise Secondary franchise To commence operation within 2 years; otherwise automatically dissolve. EXCEPT: Acts that require shareholders’ approval Amend by laws Distribute cash dividends (Impliedly include stock dividends) Fill up vacant seat in the B.O.D COMMENCE OPERATIONS: ELECTION: 1. Trustees – non-stock (Cumulative(x)) Not convicted by final judgment = imprisoned: more than 6 years Not violated corporate code within 5 years Must be a member of the corp. 2. VACANCIES: Grounds: BOARD: Directors – by stockholders (Cumulative or straight (√)) Not convicted by final judgment = imprisoned: more than 6 years Not violated corporate code within 5 years prior to election. Must own at least 1 share, EXCEPT: by-laws require greater or other number otherwise. 4. Incompatible OFFICE: one person: P&S / P&T BOARD OF DIRECTORS: QUORUM – as required by laws Absence: ½ + 1 (Majority) 2. COMPENSATION – reasonable (per diem & allowances) if given – max 10% of NI before IT of preceding year 3. To Create EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE If allowed – by laws at least majority: B.O.D Amend acts previously approved by the B.O.D. B.O.D declares cash dividends while stock dividends needs 2/3 of shareholder’s approval. OFFICERS: President – member of B.O.D Presides meeting of shareholders & B.O.D Except: if in the By-Laws. Secretary – resident citizen of the Philippines. Treasurer – no requirement. 1. Removal, expiration of terms, increase in # of BOD = SHs Others: remaining members of BOD: With quorum = BOD Without quorum = SHs To ENTER CONTRACTS: Regular/Ordinary: rd With 3 person: with quorum = BOD without quorum = SHs With own Directors: Fair and reasonable Presence of such Director not necessary to constitute quorum Vote of such D does not necessary or approval Otherwise: needs SHs approval – 2/3 Management: 1. Managing 2. Managed; Majority of BOD and majority of SHs: EXCEPT: Interlocking Directors Shareholders: o Substantial = 20% of outstanding Sh. o 1/3 Outstanding Sh. Max of 5 years, EXCEPT: natural resources. 5. To ACQUIRE OWN SHARES: Provided corporation has RE, EXCEPT: redeemable. Page 16 of 21 To remove DELIQUENT subscription: Subscriber: Not delinquent: rights o vote (√) o dividends (√) Delinquent: rights o vote (x) o dividends (√) Cash – to be applied to unpaid subscription. Stock – to be withheld until full payment of subscription. To qualify as BIDDER, pay: unpaid subscription, unpaid expenses, interest HIGHEST bidder – least # of shares NO bidders – corporation To remove FRACTIONAL shares To pay DISSENTING shares Appraisal right – payment = FV of shares o Options: To accept will = 1/3 To exercise appraisal right, EXCEPT: * Act=abandoned by corp. / rejected-SEC Underlying Doctrines: Trust Fund Doctrine: capital stock = separated by assets Do not issue shares until fully paid. to be not liable on watered shares: object in writing – send to secretary Piercing the Veil of Corporate Functions: SH’s CRs – can’t collect from corp. EXCEPT: using corp. to commit fraud. Special Circumstances Doctrine – Duty of Disclosure to SHs what’s happening to the Corporation. Doctrine of Bus. / Corp. Opportunity – related to loyalty to the Corporation. Doctrine of Limited Capacity – all acts must be within: (express, implied, incidental) = intra-vires 6. 7. o APPRAISAL COMMITTEE – 3 members, Chosen BY: (1) By SHs (Dissenting) (1) By Corp. (1) By rep. of both Corp and SHs o Who bears expense of Committee? - recorded amount: 1M = SHs more than 1M = Corporation To ISSUE NEW SHARES – from unissued shares. SHs given PRE-EMPTIVE right, EXCEPT: In compliance with law required public offering of shares. To acquire property needed by corporation. To pay creditors. To OBSERVE: Threefold duties: (OLD) O – Obedience to by laws L – Loyalty to the Corporation D – Diligence outside = ultra-vires (a) Legal executed – can be ratified by stockholder executory – should be abandoned (b) Illegal – cannot be ratified those involved; liable (members of BOD) SUITS: (Corporation can sue and can be sued) rd Corporation (de jure) vs. 3 person or SHs SHs: Derivative: SHs vs. Board Individual: SHs vs. Corp Representative: SHs vs. Corp rd 3 party vs. Corporation 2 or more – same class = class suit MEETINGS: 1. BOARD: Regular – once a month Special – as need arises Page 17 of 21 Place – anywhere Attendance – personal (√) proxy (x) NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT 2. SHAREHOLDERS: Regular – once a year, as fixed in by laws, if silent, any day in April Special – as need arises Place – within city / municipality of Principal Office If practicable: Principal Office Attendance – personal (√), proxy (√) Foreign Corporations 1. Sue? 2. Be sued? With License Without License (√) (x), EXCEPT: Violation of property rights (√) (√) Intellectual property rights: PURPOSE: PARTIES: Primary Liable Secondary Liable 2. Grounds: Non-use Failure to resume operation within 5 years from Stoppage of Operation. Legislative Enactment Quo-Warranto – Office of the Solicitor General/ direct attack. Amendment of Aol – shortening life of corporation. Judicial – by order of the court. LIQUIDATION: winding up = 3 years ALL actions for/against Corporation – be filed After 3 years - pending actions – receiver To reserve enough funds to meet pending act, EXCESS: Shareholders. Bill of Exchange Maker Indorser Acceptor Drawer 1. In writing & signed by maker or drawer. True Name: complete/ abbreviation/ misspelled Assumed Name: trade/ business/ alias Symbols/signature 2. Contain unconditional promise or order to pay sum certain in money. Trade Name/Mark Copyright Patent Automatic: Expiration of term as fixed in the Articles of Incorporation Max. term = 50 years EXCEPT: if intended, max of 50 years per extension. Non-use failure to commence within 2 years from issuance of Certificate of Incorporation Promissory Note REQUISITES: DISSOLUTION: 1. Facilitate exchange Substitute money Accommodation of Secondary Contracts Increase credit circulation 3. Subsequent events does not cure non-negotiability of Nonnegotiable Instrument. Sum Certain: With interest Installment: stated, with acceleration clause If silent: choice: holder (N) / DR (NN) With dollar exchange rate whether fixed or current With cost of collection or Atty.’s Fee Payable to: Order - of a specific person - Specific person or order PAYEE: - (√) B - (√) B & C (both should indorse) - (√) B or C (either can indorse) INDORSEE: - (√) L / L 60.00 (×) / L 40.00 remaining unpaid - (√) L & M Page 18 of 21 - (×) L 50.00 & M 50.00 - (√) L or M Bearer - so expressed bearer - Specified person or bearer. - Order of fictitious person. - Does not purport to name any person. - Only or last indorsement: Blank 4. 5. Payable on: Demand – expressed, no date, overdue Fixed Date Determinable Future time – time certain to come. Time KNOWN: before/at/upon/after UNKOWN: at/after Bill of Exchange (B.of.E) - Drawee must be named or indicated with reasonable certainty. DRAWEE: - (√) W (√) W and Y (×) W or Y (alternative) (×) W, in his absence Y (succession) AGENT: to be not liable: Sign within scope of authority Disclose-principal Indicate in what capacity Agent with limited authority: Sgd. Name: Per Procuration / Per Proc. / P.P. / p.p. 2. Incomplete but delivered Complete but Undelivered Absence or failure of Consideration Illegal Consideration Fraud Inducement Insertion of wrong date/ discharge by payment before maturity. Real Defense – can be used against any holder (HIDC/HFV) Incomplete and undelivered Minority or other form of incapacity Forgery Fraud in Factum or in Esse Contractus Discharge at or after maturity Illegality of contract Material Alteration (if silent: Personal) TO NEGOTIATE: Order – indorsement + delivery Bearer – delivery A person who negotiated through delivery is only liable to the party whom he presented the note. INDORSEMENT: 1. 2. 3. 4. Special Pay to C (B) Qualified Pay to C, w/o recourse (@ your own risk) (B) Blank __________ (B) Conditional Pay to C, If….. (B) Pending fulfilment of the condition: Maker – option to disregard condition and pays: Obligation extinguished Without incurring any liability C holds money in trust of B until C fulfills condition Maker – may honor/respect condition Maker can refuse to pay, such refusal is not a dishonor, C has no recourse. DEFENSES: 1. Personal Defense (a) Can be used against: HFV whose title did not come from a HIDC HFV whose title come from a HIDC, but he is party to the defect. (b) Cannot be used against: HIDC HFV whose title came from a HIDC not a party to the defect. 5. Facultative Pay to C, notice of Dishonor waived, (B) WAIVER: (a) face of instrument: binds all parties (b) indorsement: binds indorser Waiver of protest/presentment/notice of dishonor/ Protest 6. Restrictive Prohibits further negotiation of Instrument: Pay to C only (B) Page 19 of 21 Constitute Indorsee as mere Agent: WARRANTIES (Liabilities) Pay to C for collection (B) Vest title to the Indorsee in trust for Another: Pay to C in trust for D (B) INTERVENING PARTIES: (there is Compensation) Discharged = compensation Can be revived (negotiation): (√) new party (√) prior party (×) intervening party – in order to avoid multiplicity of suits STRIKE OUT (INDORSERS): - Only allowed if: (a) No prior parties (new parties only) Never strike out the PAYEE Only if the last indorsement is blank. EXCEPTION: Renegotiation (b) Prior parties Intervening parties not liable anymore. A party primary liable can collect from a party secondarily liable if he is an accommodation party. Indorsers MAKER – admits: Existence & Capacity of the Payee I will pay according to the tenor of the instrument. (√) (√) (√) (√) (√) (√) (√) - - (√) - (√) PRESENTMENT FOR ACCEPTANCE (B.of.E) - Unless stipulated. (a) Payable elsewhere other than the usual place/business of Drawee (b) Fix maturity – payable after sight. KINDS OF ACCEPTANCE: (a) Absolute (b) Qualified – accepted Payable @: place Payable if: condition DISHONORED BY NON-ACCEPTANCE: 1. DRAWEE/ACCEPTOR – admits: Existence & Capacity of the Payee Existence, Capacity, and Authority of the Drawer Signature of the drawer genuine “I will pay according to tenor of acceptance.” DRAWER – admits: Evidence and Capacity of the Payee. If Presented Accepted Paid: If Dishonored Necessary Procedures Observed “I will pay.” General (Special) Indorsement is genuine in all aspect it purports to be Good title Capacity of primary parties No knowledge/defect/value less Instrument is valid & subsisting If presented accepted paid if dishonored – “I will pay.” ADMISSION: Qualified To give Notice of Dishonor by N.A. to PSL within 24 hours; EXCEPT: N.O.D. not required On due date: PFP (×) / collect from PSL (√) 2. PFP accepted due date: o PFP (×) o Collect from PSL (√) Dishonored by Nonpayment: o Collect from PSL (×) o Give N.O.D. by NP to PSL (√) To protest a. Notary Public (NP) b. Absence of NP – rep. & 2 witnesses BILLS IN SET – 2 or more parts bill - Every part accepted in the hands of a HIDC is considered bill. Page 20 of 21 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT PRESENTMENT OF CHECK PRESENTMENT OF BILL OF EXCHANGE NOT COVERED BY NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW (NIL): (a) Warehouse receipt: not sum certain in money. (delivery of goods) (b) Bill of Lading: goods not money (c) Letter of Credit: Payable to specified person. (d) Postal Money Order: Payable to specified person. (e) Certificate of Stock: not sum certain in money with condition # of Shares. (f) Quedan: sweet (g) Treasury Warrant: Subject to Condition. DISCHARGE OF NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT: 1. Instrument (PP-IPO) Payment in due course by/on behalf of Principal DR. Payment in due course by accommodated party. Intentional Cancellation of the Instrument. Principal DR becomes the holder @/after maturity Other means: discharge-simple obligation 2. Person secondary liable (DD-IVER) Discharge of instrument Discharge of Prior Party/ Payment made by prior party By a valid tender of payment – prior party Intentional cancellation of his signature Release of the Principal DR By extension of the time payment. -NRBF Page 21 of 21