NINJA AESTHETICS 2 Copyright: © 2020 by Tome Tao All rights reserved This book or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or recorded in any form without permission, except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 EQUIPMENT NEEDED Chapter 2 PROGRAM SETUP Chapter 3 SPLIT Chapter 4 HOW TO PROGRESS Chapter 5 FAQS DISCLAIMER This workout program is not designed to, and therefore does not, provide medical advice. All content, including text, images and information, available in this file are for general informational purposes only. The content is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please never disregard professional medical advice, or delay in seeking it, because of anything you have read in this workout program. Tao shall not be held liable for any damage and/or injury caused by the exercises you obtain from this file. If you do not agree with the statements above, then you should not apply any of the exercises, workouts and training advice offered by this program CHAPTER 1 EQUIPMENT NEEDED CHAPTER 1 EQUIPMENT NEEDED For this program to be effective, you’ll need the following equipment Rings Gymnastic rings are an amazing piece of equipment that will give you the most intense muscle contractions you’ve ever felt. They are mandatory for this program, and after one session with them you’re guaranteed to be hooked and sore in muscles you never knew existed If you don’t already own a pair go ahead and get them here 6 OF 25 CHAPTER 1 EQUIPMENT NEEDED Weights Although rings are exceptional for sculpting your physique, you'll eventually need to add load to increase training intensity and force new growth. This especially true if you're serious about developing a sexy pair of legs There are multiple ways to add load to your training, but my preferred method is through the use of a weighted vest, which you can get here 7 OF 25 CHAPTER 2 PROGRAM SETUP CHAPTER 2 PROGRAM SETUP In this program, each muscle group will be trained twice per week using an upper/lower split This will ensure that you’re training with a perfect blend of frequency and intensity to stimulate muscle growth and fat burning throughout the entire week DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7 UPPER 1 LOWER 1 REST UPPER 2 LOWER 2 REST REST The schedule above is an outline for how the workouts will be structured, but you are more than welcome to switch things around as long as you follow the following dojo rules (I) Never train more than 4 - 5 times per week (II) Do not train for more than 2 days in row, because rest is equally as important as your workouts (III) If you miss a session here and there, don’t stress. Get back on track as soon as possible because consistency over the long term is more important than perfection 9 OF 25 CHAPTER 2 PROGRAM SETUP WARM-UP Before each workout session, you’ll perform a short warm-up to get your muscles and nervous system ready for the work ahead In addition, warming up properly is important for reducing the risk of injury and improving performance during your workout sessions So don’t skip it unless you want to become a resident of Snap City! UPPER WARMUP EXERCISE SETS REPS Shoulder Dislocations 2 10 Tabletop Bridge 2 6 SETS REPS Infant Squats 2 6 Glute Marches 2 10 LOWER WARMUP EXERCISE 10 OF 25 CHAPTER 3 SPLIT CHAPTER 3 SPLIT EXERCISE SETS REPS REST UPPER 1 (MIN) Ring Support 2-3 10 - 20 1-2 Baby Ring Dips 2-3 8 - 12 2-3 Ring Rows 2-3 8 - 12 2-3 Ring Push Ups 2-3 8 - 12 2-3 Baby Pull Ups 2-3 8 - 12 2-3 Bicep Curl 1-2 8 - 12 1-2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST (seconds) LOWER 1 (MIN) Ring Pistol Squat 2-3 8 - 12 2-3 Squats 2-3 15 - 20 2-3 Glute Bridge 2-3 15 - 20 2-3 Compressions 2-3 8 - 12 1-2 Calf Raise 3-4 8 - 12 1-2 (Single Leg) 12 OF 25 CHAPTER 3 SPLIT EXERCISE SETS REPS REST UPPER 2 (MIN) Ring Support 2-3 10 - 20 1-2 Pull Up Eccentrics 3-4 3-5 2-3 Scapula Pulls 2-3 8 - 12 2-3 Bulgarian Push Ups 2 - 3 8 - 12 2-3 Face Pulls 2-3 8 - 12 1-2 Tricep Extensions 1-2 8 - 12 1-2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST (seconds) LOWER 2 (MIN) Step Ups 2-3 8 - 12 2-3 Frog Pumps 2-3 15 - 20 2-3 Squat 2-3 25 - 30 2-3 Single Leg Bridge 2-3 8 - 12 1-2 Calf Raise 3-4 8 - 12 1-2 (Single Leg) NOTE All exercises have clickable links with video demonstrations 13 OF 25 CHAPTER 4 HOW TO PROGRESS CHAPTER 4 HOW TO PROGRESS To make progress in the mirror, you must strive for progress in your workouts This is the basic principle of progressive overload Which states that for your physique to improve you must push your body to adapt to tensions above and beyond what it has experienced before And this can be accomplished in this program by using the following tactics:- 15 OF 25 CHAPTER 4 HOW TO PROGRESS CHANGE LEVERAGE One of the beautiful things about training with rings is the ability to make an exercise more challenging by simply altering your body position For example, most pushing exercises like pushups can be made harder by bringing the rings closer to the ground EASY HARD While pulling movements, like rows can be made more challeging by becoming more horizontal to the ground EASY HARD 16 OF 25 CHAPTER 4 HOW TO PROGRESS ADD REPS & SETS Another simple way to increase the demands on your body and force new growth is adding reps performed during each session. For example WEEK 1 Baby Ring Dips 2 x 8 WEEK 2 Baby Ring Dips 2 x 10 (Add 2 reps) WEEK 3 Baby Ring Dips 2 x 12 (Add 2 reps) By increasing the reps performed every week, you will be placing more metabolic stress on your muscles and hence get closer to building your ideal physique But once you reach the upper limit of the rep range prescribed, you’ll need to keep increasing your training volume for further progress And this can simply be achieved by adding an extra set WEEK 4 Baby Ring Dips 3 x 12 (Add 1 set) Yet, although adding reps and sets to your training program is an excellent method for increasing volume. If you want to take things to another lever, you’ll need to... 17 OF 25 CHAPTER 4 HOW TO PROGRESS ADD WEIGHT At some point in your training, you’ll be able to hit the upper end of the set and reps bracket prescribed. And when this happens it means it's time to stimulate mucho gains by adding external load to your exercises via a weighted vest WEEK 5 Baby Ring Dips 3 x 8 (Add 10 lbs) WEEK 6 Baby Ring Dips 3 x 10 (Add 10 lbs, Add 2 reps) WEEK 7 Baby Ring Dips 3 x 12 (Add 10 lbs, Add 2 reps) WEEK 8 Baby Ring Dips 3 x 8 (Add 15 lbs) Muchacho! All the progressive overload methods listed above for are guaranteed to keep you on the gain train for the long haul But my favorite way to progress and increase the fun factor of training is to... 18 OF 25 CHAPTER 4 HOW TO PROGRESS USE MORE CHALLENGING EXERCISES This is what makes bodyweight training so unique and fun Because training with harder exercise variations will increase muscular tension and send a strong signal to your body to keep growing And, nothing feels better than being able to perform moves that once seemed impossible So if you're up for the challenge and feel like the movements in this program have gotten too easy, go ahead and pick up a copy of Ninja Aesthetics 2 Intermediate 19 OF 25 CHAPTER 5 FAQS CHAPTER 5 FAQS HOW HARD SHOULD I TRAIN? For optimal results, you should train 2-3 reps short of muscular failure during each set. HOW LONG SHOULD I RUN THIS PROGRAM? Sadly no program works forever and eventually you will need to change things up to make more progress. But beware of program hopping and do not switch between routines until you have completed at least 8 - 12 weeks of this program. WHERE CAN I SETUP MY RINGS? Great thing about rings is the ability to hang them up almost anywhere. For example Pull Up Bars Under staircases Tree Branches Basketball hoops Over exposed beams 21 OF 25 CHAPTER 5 FAQS SHOULD I TRAIN IF I’M SORE? When you first start this program, you may notice a lot of soreness the days after your workout. This is normal but not an excuse to skip workouts Luckily, over time your body will adapt to the training intensity and frequency making soreness less of an issue CAN I DO CARDIO? Yes! Cardio is not mandatory for this program but its great for your overall health and highly recommended. Some of my favorite forms are Walking Bike Riding Skateboarding And of course… Horizontal Cardio They're many more forms of cardio, but pick the style you enjoy the most and can stick too. 22 OF 25 CHAPTER 5 FAQS HOW DO I IMPROVE MY FALSE GRIP? If one your goals is to master a strict ring muscle up, you’ll need to develop the false grip Unlike a regular neutral grip, the false grip requires your wrist to stay above the rings at all times At first, this grip will feel uncomfortable because it requires a decent amount of wrist flexibility and forearm strength to perform But luckily, it can easily be strengthened by being used with basic pulling movements like Rows before moving on to more challenging movements like Pull ups 23 OF 25 CHAPTER 5 FAQS HOW ABOUT NUTRITION? Even with the perfect training routine, progress will be minimal if nutrition is inadequate. But your nutrition needs to match your current goals and if you’re trying to build mass you should checkout TAO MASS While if you’re goal is fat loss, TAO SHRED would be right for you 24 OF 25 GOOD LUCK Muchacho! You've got everything you need to start working towards a physique to be proud off I believe in you, and can’t wait to see your amazing results Thank you for all your support and I wish you the best of luck in your quest for Ninja Aesthetics