Subject: Information Technology Topic: Data Communication, Network and the Internet Average Age: 13-14 Form: 3 Number of Students: Durations: weeks Rationale: This seven () week unit aims to help form 3 students to have a better understanding of Data Communication, Network and the Internet. In a world characterized by technological innovation and computerized responses to situations for academic purposes, in the workplace and in the wider society all students will need to have practical exposure to the techniques of Information Technology. This is why this particular unit is essential for students because they can use this knowledge in their daily lives. This topic will be taught using a variety of different strategies such as; Question, Direct Instruction, Visualizing, Deductive Teaching. These strategies will be utilized to ensure that the diverse needs of the learners are met. Furthermore, collaborative and individual activities are used within this unit; these activities will help students to grasp the content regardless of their learning styles. General Objectives: At the end of this unit students will be able to: 1. Understand how data communication works. 2. Appreciate the uses of the internet. 3. Understand the different communication links used to connect to the internet. 4. Appreciate the hardware and software needed to access the internet. Week 1 Sub Topic Specific Learning Outcomes: Summary of content Teaching Strategy Student Learning Activities At the end of the lesson students will be able to: Week 1 Data 1. Define data communication. Assessment Materials • Communication 2. Explain the modes of data communication. 3. Differentiate between the different types of channel • Lesson 1 Teaching and lines that transmit data. Data communication is the transmission of data from one computer to another Direct Instruction Students will come up with a definition for data PowerPoint computer which is nearby or in a different location. communication based on various scenarios and questions. Data Transmission mode defines the direction of the flow of information - students will read aloud their definition. between two communication devices. • Data transmission modes include: Simplex, Half-Duplex and Full Duplex • Data communication channels are materials or form by which Worksheets diagrams Deductive Teaching Classroom discussion – discussing the methods of data Questioning communication. Visualizing Jigsaw – students will be placed in groups to research the data is transferred. They include cabled/physical and wireless/ non-physical. different types of data channels and lines that transmit data. Jigsaw Then they will come back and be placed in a different group to teach the other students what they learned. Week 1 Networking 1. Explain what is a Network. Direct Instruction 4 students will do an act/gesture to display what is meant by PowerPoint Quiz 2. List the types of Networks. Lesson 2 • 3. Discuss what a LAN network is information and resources. 4. Differentiate between the two (2) categories of • Types of network include LAN, MAN and WAN. • LAN. a network based on the cues the other students will try to give presentation Network is two or more computers/ nodes connected together sharing Questioning what a network is. Worksheet Worksheet A LAN is a collection of devices connected together in one physical location, Visualizing Oral Discussion – This will happen after the teacher goes such as a building, office, or home. A LAN can be small or large, ranging from through notes that covers objective 2 – 4. Students will list a home network with one user to an enterprise network with thousands of users Deductive Teaching the groups by a raise of hands. and devices in an office or school. • Classroom Discussion - Students will explain in their own Two categories of LAN include cabled LAN and WLAN words what a LAN Network is. Week 2 Sub Topic Specific Learning Outcomes: Summary of content Teaching Strategy Student Learning Activities At the end of the lesson students will be able to: Week 2 Networking (LAN) Lesson 3 Questioning Twisted Pair: This is convenient an cheap method of connecting computers Classroom Discussion PowerPoint Scenarios Presentation 2. Classify the different LAN topologies. and peripherals in a network. It is normally used for home networking or on Direct Instruction 3. State 2 disadvantages and disadvantages of each small sites where the distances between devices are small and there is no great Think Pair Share need or speed. Worksheets LAN topology. Assessment Materials 1. Explain the different types of cables that are used Cabled LAN: in cabled LAN Teaching Worksheet 321 Projector 4. Define WLAN Coaxial Cable: Is more expensive than twisted pair because its transmission 5. Identify the two main components of WLAN Bristol board capabilities are higher; it is used to transmit voice, video and data. It is ideal Worksheets for a medium-sized network. Fibre Optic: These cables are relatively expensive. They enable large volumes of digital data to be transmitted extremely fast and virtually error free. A sing;e strand of a fire optic cable is a hair thin piece of glass tubing. The inside of the tube acts as a mirror , allowing pulses of light to travel along it which carry data. LAN Topologies: Star Topology Line or Bus Topology Ring Topology Mesh Hybrid Tree Week 2 Networking & 1. Differentiate between MAN & WAN networks. • MAN is a network that covers a larger geographic area by interconnecting a Direct Instruction Class Discussion PowerPoint Oral The Internet Lesson 4 2. Explain what is the Internet. different LAN to form a larger network. Various LANs are connected to each 3. State 3 advantages and disadvantages of of the other through a telephone exchange line. • internet 4. Differentiate between Internet, Extranet. 5. Describe how to access the internet. Intranet and Presentation Questioning Think-Pair-Share Mini WhiteBoard Ticket Out The Door WAN is not limited to a single location, but it spans over a large geographical Group Work area through a telephone line, fibre optic cable or satellite links. The internet is one of the biggest wan in the world. The Internet: The internet is a globally connected network system facilitating worldwide communication and access to data resources through a vast collection of private, public, business, academic and government networks. Advantages of the Internet: Vast volumes of information are available on virtually any topic. Information can be updated regularly Much of the information is free Disadvantages of the Internet: Lots of incorrect information is also available, there is no authority to check the accuracy of internet documents. Difficult to locate information. Questioning Deductive Teaching Concept Map Computer Computer viruses can easily be downloaded. • Intranet is a private network that is contained within an enterprise (company or university). It may consist of many interlinked local area networks. It offers files through the LAN, which cannot be accessed from the internet. To view the pages or use their services provided, employees would have to log on to the organization’s network. • Extranet is a website that allows controlled access to partners, vendors and suppliers or an authorized set of customers – normally to a subset of the information accessible from an organization's intranet. • To access the internet, you will need a Computer, Modem, I.S.P (Internet Service Provider) and Communication links Week 3 Sub Topic Specific Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson students will be able to: Week 3 Concepts 1. Discuss what TCP/IP, WWW, HTTP, URL are. associated with 2. Explain how each concept is used with the Summary of content Teaching Strategy Student Learning Activities Teaching Materials Assessment Lesson 5 the internet (TCP/IP, internet. 3. WWW, HTTP, URL) Week 3 Lesson 5 Internet 1. Explain what is internet software. (software) • Software necessary for connection to and accessing information on the Questioning Class discussion- Students will answer the questions pose by Pictures 2. Explain web browser and internet protocols. Internet. the teacher to come up with an understanding of what a web 3. Differentiate between internet address and domain • A program that allows you to view and send web pages / web files over the browser and internet address is. name. 4. List services on the internet. internet. • Protocols are a set of rules that govern how computers are to communicate with each other over the Internet. • Internet address - Each computer on the Internet has a unique address known as its IP (Internet Protocol) address by which it is identified • Domain name is the address of your website that people type in the browser URL bar to visit your website. • Direct Instruction Services include: email, newsgroup, bulletin board, IRC (internet relay chat), and telnet. Deductive Teaching PowerPoint 6 Internet Explain how each concept correlates to the sharing of a virus •