OPR371S/001/0/2021 Tutorial Letter 001/0/2021 Operational Research III OPR371S Year module Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering This tutorial letter contains important information about your module. BARCODE CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3 2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ...................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................... 4 3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 4 3.1 Lecturer(s) .................................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Department ................................................................................................................................... 5 3.3 University ...................................................................................................................................... 5 4 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................... 6 4.1 Prescribed book(s) ........................................................................................................................ 6 4.2 Recommended book(s) ................................................................................................................. 6 4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ................................................................................................... 6 4.4 Library services and resources ..................................................................................................... 6 5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................ 7 6 STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................................................... 8 7 PRACTICAL WORK ..................................................................................................................... 9 8 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 9 8.1 Assessment criteria....................................................................................................................... 9 8.2 Assessment plan .......................................................................................................................... 9 8.3 Assignment numbers .................................................................................................................. 10 8.3.1 General assignment numbers ..................................................................................................... 10 8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers ...................................................................................................... 10 8.4 Assignment due dates ................................................................................................................ 10 8.5 Submission of assignments ........................................................................................................ 10 8.6 The assignments ........................................................................................................................ 12 8.7 Other assessment methods ........................................................................................................ 12 8.8 The examination ......................................................................................................................... 12 9 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 12 10 SOURCES CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 12 11 IN CLOSING ............................................................................................................................... 12 12 ADDENDUM ............................................................................................................................... 13 2 OPR371S/101/0/2021 Dear Student As part of this tutorial letter, we wish to inform you that Unisa has implemented a transformation charter based on five pillars and eight dimensions. In response to this charter, we have also placed curriculum transformation high on the agenda. For your information, curriculum transformation includes the following pillars: student-centred scholarship, the pedagogical renewal of teaching and assessment practices, the scholarship of teaching and learning, and the infusion of African epistemologies and philosophies. These pillars and their principles will be integrated at both the programme and module levels, as a phased-in approach. You will notice the implementation thereof in your modules, and we encourage you to fully embrace these changes during your studies at Unisa. 1 INTRODUCTION I am pleased to welcome you to this module (OPR371S – Operational Research III) and hope that you will find it both interesting and rewarding. You will be well on your way to success if you start studying early in the semester/ year and resolve to attempt both the tutorial questions as well as assignment(s) properly. The assignment(s) will be graded and will constitute a certain percentage towards to the final module grade. You will receive several tutorial letters during the year. A tutorial letter is our way of communicating with you about teaching, learning and assessment. Tutorial Letter 001 contains important information about the scheme of work, resources and assignments for this module. We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it at hand when working through the study material, preparing the assignment(s), and addressing questions to your lecturers. Tutorial Letter 001 as it gives you an idea of generally important information when studying at a distance and within a College. In Tutorial Letter 001, you will find the tutorial questions, assignments, and assessment criteria as well as instructions on the preparation and submission of the assignments. Please note the following important information: The assessment of this module has changed from a venue-based examination to continuous assessment. That mean you will not write a sitdown examination at the end of the academic year. You will find the assignments to be submitted at the end of the document. You must submit each of the assignments because they are all contributing to your mark to determine whether you will pass the module. It is also important to note that if you fail the module because you did not submit all the assignments, you will have to repeat the module as there are no longer a supplementary examination available. It will also provide all the information you need about the prescribed study material and other resources and how to obtain it. Please study this information carefully and make sure that you obtain the prescribed material as soon as possible. 3 General and administrative information about this module are available in this tutorial letter. Please study this section of the tutorial letter carefully. I would like to point out that you must read all the tutorial letters you receive during the semester immediately and carefully, as they always contain important and, sometimes, urgent information. Some of this tutorial matter may not be available when you register. Tutorial matter that is not available when you register will be posted to you as soon as possible but is also available on MyUnisa. I hope that you will enjoy this module and wish you all the best! 2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES 2.1 Purpose Operational Research III is an essential part of industrial engineering and is essential for you, who will be pursuing a career in engineering after graduation. 2.2 Outcomes OPR371S seeks to achieve the following purpose and outcomes: 1. The skills to apply the techniques of quantitative analysis in many types of organizational decision-making situations. 2. Apply workplace improvement techniques and methods to a work situation. 3. To apply mathematical models to solve complex problems 3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS 3.1 Lecturer Your lecturer is Prof. D.J. Kruger Tel number: 011 471 2174 Fax number: 011 471 2142 e-mail: dkruger@unisa.ac.za Mondays to Fridays from 08h00 to 15h00. Any emails received after this time will be attended at the next working day. Please adhere to these hours. Role of the Lecturer: • • • • • 4 Provide technical expertise Teaching and learning Set assignments. Set examination papers. Mark examination papers OPR371S/101/0/2021 Under no circumstances should the lecturer be contacted about examination dates, results or receipt of assignment or assignment marks or any other general administrative matters. 3.2 Department You may contact the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering by post, e-mail, telephone, or online through MyUnisa. Please refer to the booklet: my Studies @ Unisa that you received with your study material. Departmental Address: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Unisa (Florida Campus) Private Bag X6 Florida 1710 Phone: 011 471 2963 Use the general E-mail address: dmie@unisa.ac.za Find our department on the Internet at the online address: http://www.unisa.ac.za Always state your STUDENT NUMBER and your Module Code OPR371S in all correspondence and enquiries to ensure prompt and efficient response from us. Whenever you contact the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, ensure that the first thing you mention after greeting is your subject code! 3.3 University You may contact your lecturers by post, email, telephone or on MyUnisa Physical address: University of South Africa C/O Christiaan de Wet and Pioneer Avenues Florida Roodepoort City of Johannesburg Postal Address: University of South Africa Private Bag X6 Florida 5 1710 Fax Number: 012 429 4150 / +27 12 429 4150 Email: study-info@unisa.ac.za Online address: http://my.unisa.ac.za Always use your student number when you contact the university 4 RESOURCES 4.1 Prescribed book(s) Title: Quantitative Analysis for Management Author: Render, B, Stair, R.M., Hanna, M.E., and Hale T.S. Edition: 13th (Global Edition) or latest edition Publisher: ISBN: 4.2 Pearson 978-1-292-21765-9 Recommended book(s) All other Quantitative Analysis Textbooks and articles. Recommended books can be requested online, via the Library catalogue. 4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) There are no electronic reserves for this module. E-reserves can be downloaded from the Library catalogue. More information is available at: http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/request/request 4.4 Library services and resources The Unisa Library offers a range of information services and resources: • • • For detailed Library information, go to https://unisa.ac.za/library For research support and services (eg personal librarians and literature search services), go to https://www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default/Library/Library-services/Researchsupport The Library has created numerous Library guides: https://libguides.unisa.ac.za Recommended guides: • • • • 6 Request and download recommended material: https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/request Postgraduate information services: https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/request/postgrad Finding and using Library resources and tools: https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/research-support Frequently asked questions about the Library: OPR371S/101/0/2021 • • https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/ask Services to students living with disabilities: https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/disability Assistance with technical problems accessing the Unisa Library or resources: https://libguides.unisa.ac.za/techsupport You may also send an e-mail to Lib-help@unisa.ac.za (please add your student number in the subject line). 5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES The Study @ Unisa brochure is available on MyUnisa: www.unisa.ac.za/brochures/studies This brochure has all the tips and information you need to succeed at distance learning and, specifically, at Unisa. Contact with fellow students Study Groups It is advisable to have contact with fellow students. One way to do this is to form study groups. The addresses of students in your area may be obtained from the following department: Directorate: Student Administration and Registration PO Box 392 UNISA 0003 MyUnisa The MyUnisa platform forms the backbone of communication to you regarding this module. If you have access to a computer that is linked to the internet, you can quickly access resources and information at the University. The MyUnisa learning management system is Unisa's online campus that will help you to communicate with your lecturers, with other students and with the administrative departments of Unisa – all through the computer and the internet. To go to the MyUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, http://www.unisa.ac.za, and then click on the “Login to MyUnisa” link on the right-hand side of the screen. This should take you to the MyUnisa website. You can also go there directly by typing in http://my.unisa.ac.za. Please consult the publication my Studies @ Unisa, which you received with your study material for more information on MyUnisa. In line with Open Distance Learning (ODL) principles, Unisa has established relations with Multipurpose Community Centres across the country in areas identified as remote. Registered Unisa students across South Africa’s rural areas and townships can access free internet for academic purpose (Access to MyUnisa, E-mails, Digital Library, Internet Research and other Computer Based Training modules) courtesy of Unisa. A list of these Multipurpose Community Centres can be found at the end of this document (the list is accurate at the time of production of this document) or at the following web address: 7 http://www.unisa.ac.za/contents/facilities/docs/TELECENTRES-WEB%20(3).pdf Please make full use of these centres. Discussion Classes There will be no discussion classes scheduled for this subject. Please contact your lecturer with problems you may experience with the study material. If the need arises, you can make an appointment with the lecturer for a personal visit to discuss the problems being experienced. Tutorials There will not be prescribed tutorials but the assignment questions as well as problems in the prescribed textbook and recommended reading can be used as tutorials. Videoconferencing Videoconferencing available on request from students, or at the discretion of the lecturer. If you wish to have, videoconference sessions please propose to the lecturer and readily available tools from the internet will be used for these. Important information appears in My Studies @ Unisa brochure 6 STUDY PLAN The module can largely be broken up into a few subsections and a modular approach is utilised studying the module. The following lists the subsections: 1. Introduction to Quantitative Analysis 2. Probability concepts and Analysis 3. Fundamentals of Decision Theory 4. Decision Trees and Utility Theory 5. Forecasting 6. Inventory Control Models 7. Linear Programming Models 8. Transportation and Assignment Models 9. Network Models 10. Project Management 11. Waiting Lines and Queuing Theory 12. Simulation Models 13. Markov Analysis 14. Statistical Quality Control 8 OPR371S/101/0/2021 Consistent work is important to the successful study of this module (and all other modules at UNISA). Queries from earlier chapters must be clarified as soon as possible instead of “leaving it to the end”. As concepts often cut across subsections, these queries can accumulate into a large problem if unattended to. In addition to the prescribed and recommended textbooks, you should look for additional textbooks. However, as some textbooks may contain outdated information or concepts, it’s better to search for one in which the latest edition was published not more than 10 years ago. Use My Studies @ Unisa brochure for general time management and planning skills. 7 PRACTICAL WORK There is no practical work for this module. 8 ASSESSMENT 8.1 Assessment criteria There are several assessment criteria that will be utilised in this module. First, you must complete two formative assessments represented by the assignments that you must submit throughout the academic year. The dates of submission and unique numbers are furnished elsewhere in this document. The purpose of the formative assessment is to modify and improve your attainment of the relevant outcomes discussed elsewhere in the document. It is important that you submit both the formative assessments for assessment. 8.2 Assessment plan The overall assessment consists of three parts, assignments, practical and examination. The mark for OPERATIONS RESEARCH III (OPR371S) is calculated as follows: • The year mark contributes 100% of the final mark The final mark is based on all the assignment marks obtained and their contribution towards the final mark is as shown in the table below: ASSIGMENT NUMBER CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS FINAL MODULE MARK 1 10% 2 20% 3 20% 4 25% 5 25% Total 100% 9 8.3 Assignment numbers 8.3.1 General assignment numbers Assignments are numbered consecutively per module, starting from 01 8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers UNIQUE ASSIGNMENT NUMBERS 8.4 Assignment 1 729857 Assignment 2 837749 Assignment 3 868172 Assignment 4 819105 Assignment 5 854086 Assignment due dates The due dates for the submission of the assignments are: THE FINAL SUBMISSION DATES FOR ASSIGNMENTS ARE: Assignment 1 14 May 2021 Assignment 2 11 June 2021 Assignment 3 16 July 2021 Assignment 4 20 August 2021 Assignment 5 1 October 2021 Note: The cut-off dates given here are the official, last dates on which a given assignment may be submitted. Students must adhere to these dates only. All other dates referring to cut-off submission dates for assignments, as may be posted on MyUnisa or elsewhere, refers to administrative dates as managed by the Assignment Department and does NOT influence or change the above dates. 8.5 Submission of assignments Assignments are part of the learning material for this module. As you do the assignments, study the reading texts, consult other resources, discuss the work with fellow students or tutors or do research, you are actively engaged in learning. Looking at the assessment criteria given for each assignment will help you to understand what is required of you more clearly. In some cases, additional assessment might be available on the MyUnisa site for your module. For students attending tutorial sessions, tutors may also set additional tasks and give feedback in class. Failure to submit all the assignments on time may cause you to fail the module. 10 OPR371S/101/0/2021 PLEASE NOTE: Enquiries about assignments, (e.g., whether the University has received your assignment or the date on which an assignment was returned to you). You might also find information on MyUnisa. To go to the MyUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, http://www.unisa.ac.za, and then click on the ‘login to MyUnisa’ link under the MyUnisa heading on the screen. . This should take you to the MyUnisa website. You can also go there directly by typing in http://my.unisa.ac.za. Please note: Although students may work together when preparing assignments, each student must write and submit his or her own individual assignment. In other words, you must submit your own ideas in your own words, sometimes interspersing relevant short quotations that are properly referenced. It is unacceptable for students to submit identical assignments on the basis that they worked together. That is copying (a form of plagiarism) and none of these assignments will be marked. Furthermore, you may be penalised or subjected to disciplinary proceedings by the University. You will find your assignments for this subject under the heading Addendum (Point no 12) at the back of this tutorial letter. The assignments are compulsory. Please submit the assignment, duly completed, to UNISA before the closing dates stated in this section. Assignments should be addressed to: The Registrar PO Box 392 UNISA 0003 You may submit written assignments and assignments done on mark-reading sheets either by post or electronically via MyUnisa. Assignments may not be submitted by fax or e-mail unless in special circumstances and this must be discussed with the lecturer prior to the submission. For detailed information and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see the brochure my Studies @ Unisa that you received with your study material. To submit an assignment via MyUnisa: • Go to MyUnisa. • Log in with your student number and password. • Select the module. • Click on assignments in the left-hand menu. • Click on the assignment number you want to submit. Follow the instructions on the screen. You will receive the correct answers automatically for multiple-choice questions. For written assignments, markers will comment constructively on your work. However, comprehensive memorandums on compulsory assignments will be sent to all students registered for this module in MyUnisa. As soon as you have received the memorandums, please check your answers. The assignments and the memorandums on these assignments constitute an important part of your 11 learning and should help you to be better prepared for the next assignment and the examination. VERY IMPORTANT POINTS TO CONSIDER: • IT IS COMPULSORY TO SUBMIT ALL THE ASSIGNMENTS • NO LATE ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED • KEEP A CLEAR COPY OF ALL THE ASSIGNMENTS FOR YOUR OWN REFERENCE. THIS IS IMPORTANT, AS ASSIGNMENTS DO GET LOST SOMETIMES • SUBMISSIONS OF ALL ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BOOKLET: MyStudies@Unisa. The booklet: my Studies @ Unisa explains how you may submit assignments electronically. Note: if you choose to submit your assignments electronically, make sure that you have fixed your Excel or Word files in such a way that it will print on one page wide and not spill over on to a second page. The assignment section just prints the file, they do not check to see whether parts of a page are cut off 8.6 The assignments Find the assignments under Addendum (point 12) at the end of the Tutorial Letter. 8.7 Other assessment methods No other assessment methods are utilised in assessing your progress in this module. 8.8 The examination Take note: This module is now a continuous assessment module and there is not an examination at the end of the year. The assignments you have submitted will determine whether you pass the module 9 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ARE THERE ANY ADDITIONAL SELF-ASSESSMENTS I SHOULD CONSIDER OTHER THAN THE ASSIGNMENTS? A set of Practice Questions will be posted on MyUnisa as additional information. They are not to be submitted and no memos will be provided. However, I will be available to discuss any difficulties you may have with these problems. You can also look for plenty of practice questions in the prescribed textbook. My Studies @ Unisa brochure contains an A-Z guide of the most relevant study information. 10 SOURCES CONSULTED You should consult wider than only the prescribed textbook when preparing your assignment for submission and for the examination. Possible source to consult is other text covering Operational Research topics which include textbooks and journal articles. Doing so would prepare you to enhance your understanding of the application of the theory better. 11 IN CLOSING In closing, I would like to implore you to prepare yourself well for the submission of the assignment questions at the respective due dates. It is an important part of preparing for the year end examination. Problems that you have experienced during your assignment 12 OPR371S/101/0/2021 preparation will persist if you do not address it to the lecturer. Please remember that there is no such thing as a stupid question. 12 ADDENDUMS Complete and submit the assignment below on or before the due dates. Please note that these assignment questions are for self-evaluation process and can be used as an indication of the difficulty of the exam. However, it DOES NOT indicate the scope of the exam i.e. questions that do not appear in these assignments may appear in the exam. The prescribed text and is the only indication of the scope of the exam. PLEASE REMEMBER THE UNIQUE NUMBER. ASSIGNMENT 1 DUE DATE: 14 May 2021 UNIQUE ASSIGNMENT NUMBER: 729857 Question 1 A friend of yours is selling handcrafted objects at craft markets in your hometown. He requested your assistance in determining whether it will be possible to have a more profitable business. You undertook an investigation and found his variable cost to be R20 each. The selling price of the objects are R50. The cost of renting a booth at the craft market is R150. He further informed you that he is attempting to identify a new supplier that will reduce his variable cost of production to R15 per unit. Assisting him you are required to: a. Calculate the break-even point for the existing position (7) b. If the negotiations for a new supplier is successful, calculate the new breakeven point (7) [14] Question 2 You are an avid fan of one of the large Gauteng soccer clubs. As part of their youth development entrepreneurship program, they invited tenders from youth to produce and sell programmes at their home matches. You saw it as an opportunity to earn an income while studying. You were successful in your submission to the club. Upon further investigation, you found there is a fixed cost of R400 for the printing of programs. You will incur a variable cost of R3 per program. Furthermore, you will incur a fee of R1 000 payable to the club to sell the programs at the home games. You envisage selling the programs for R5. This is scenario 1 in your planning process. After careful consideration, you have become concerned that sales may fall. The reason is the team is experiencing a terrible losing streak and match attendance has fallen off. From your investigation you are of the opinion you will only sell 500 programs at the next home match. You plan to increase the price and still attempt to sell 500 programs. This is scenario 2 in your planning process. 13 To make an informed decision regarding the viability of the endeavour you are required to: a. Calculate the number of programs you will have to sell under scenario 1 to break even (8) b. Calculate the price you will have to charge to break even at 500 as envisaged in scenario 2 (6) [14] Question 3 Currently you are enrolled for the module Operational Research III in your studies towards the National Diploma in Industrial Engineering. The lecturer awards a mark from an A to F. Thus, you can obtain a mark expressed as A, B, C, D or F. The distribution of marks awarded for the past 2 years is represented in the table below: Marks awarded A B C D F Total Number of students 80 75 90 30 25 300 If this past distribution is a good indicator of future marks, you are required to compute the probability of you receiving a C grade in the module. [9] Question 4 You have recently qualified as an Industrial Engineer and found employment at an organisation manufacturing nails. The company manufacture quality nails in lengths of 1 inch, 2-inch, 3-inch, 4-inch and 5-inche for various uses. Management requested you to investigate quality issues. During your investigation you have found an overrun occurs where nails are slightly defective. The defective nails are placed in a common bin and is sold to the public. In yesterday’s production run, 651 of the 1-inch nails, 243 of the 2-inch nails, 41 of the 3-inch nails 451 of the 4inch nails and 333 of the 5-inch nails was placed in the bin. To advance tour investigation, you would like to determine the probability of finding a certain length of nail if you reach into the bin. Compute the probability that: a. Reaching into the bin you will find a 4-inch nail. (8) b. Reaching into the bin you will find a 5-inch nail. (2) 14 OPR371S/101/0/2021 c. If a certain application requires a nail that is 3 inches or shorter, that you will be able to satisfy the requirement of the application. What is the conclusion that can be drawn from the information? (5) [15] [52] ASSIGNMENT 2 DUE DATE: 11 June 2021 UNIQUE ASSIGNMENT NUMBER: 837749 Question 1 A trade magazine is published for the manufacturing industry. Most of the large, medium and micro concerns subscribe to the magazine. The company where you are employed as an Industrial Engineer is no exception. In the last issue, the magazine produced an article where a prediction was made that the demand for motor vehicles would be high. Apparently, the South African consumer will continue buying vehicles even if car prices increases and the economy is not performing well. The magazine predicted a favourable market for motor vehicles at 70%. In their opinion, the probability of an unfavourable market is 30%. Senior management at your place of employment also read this article and were very sceptical of the predictions. The following table depicts the alternative and their payoffs: Model A B C Favourable market R300 000 R250 000 R75 000 Unfavourable market -R200 000 -R100 000 -R18 000 Consequently, every model A would contribute R300 000 to profit if the market is favourable and would incur a loss of R200 000 if the market is unfavourable. The profit contribution and loss for each model is given in the table above. They requested you to prepare a report on the matter and present it at the next EXCO meeting. You are required to: a. Determine which decision model should be used. (2) b. Compute the optimal decision. (10) c. You are of the opinion that the R3000 000 for model A with a favourable market is too high. How much lower would this figure need to be for you to change your decision made in part b above? (8) [20] 15 Question 2 You have won money playing the lottery. You decided to invest the money to pay for your future studies. The payoff table below depicts the profits that would be realised during the next year of three investment alternatives you are considering: Alternative Probability Stock market Bonds CDs State of Nature Good economy Poor economy 0,50 0,50 80 000 -20 000 30 000 20 000 23 000 23 000 You are required to: a. Determine which decision would maximise expected profits. (10) b. Compute the maximum amount that should be paid for a perfect forecast of the economy. (5) c. Develop an opportunity loss table for your investment. (3) d. Compute the minimum EOL and indicate which decision would minimise EOL. (9) [27] Question 3 Your father is a specialist physician. He and a group of friends, all of them specialist physicians, are contemplating the construction of a private clinic where patients with specific diseases relevant to their specialities will be treated. As a result, patients with diseases other than their specialities will not be admitted. In the group discussion taking place amongst the prospective partners, they agreed that if medical demand is high (a positive market exist), they estimated a net profit of R100 000 can be realised. If the market is not favourable, they could incur a loss of R40 000. Another option for the group is not to proceed with the envisaged construction of the clinic (do nothing). The group have no data to base their decision on and as a result, they estimate that there is a 50/50 chance that the clinic will be successful. A market research company that offers to perform a study to determine the feasibility of the clinic has approached the group. The cost of the study is R5 000. The market research company claim they can predict an outcome reasonably accurate utilising Bayes’ theorem and predict the following probabilities for the clinic: Probability of a favourable market given a favourable study = 0, 82 The probability of an unfavourable market given a favourable study = 0, 18 Probability of a favourable market given an unfavourable study = 0, 11 16 OPR371S/101/0/2021 Probability of an unfavourable market given an unfavourable study = 0, 89 Probability of a favourable research study = 0, 55 Probability of an unfavourable research study = 0, 45 The group is uncertain of their next step and your farther approached you for assistance. You are required to: a. Construct a decision tree reflecting the options available to the group (19) b. Compute the EMV to recommend a suitable strategy (17) c. Compute the expected value of sample information and make a recommendation regarding the market study (5) [41] [88] ASSIGNMENT 3 DUE DATE: 16 July 2021 UNIQUE ASSIGNMENT NUMBER: 868172 Question 1 You are employed as an Industrial Engineer at a reputable company selling a wide range of well-known products. Management is concerned with the performance of the company. They presented you with the following data: Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Time period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sales (units) 100 110 122 130 139 152 164 They have requested you to investigate the figures and predict the sales for 2019. You are required to: a. Find the least squares trend line. (33) b. Predict the sales for 2021. (6) [39] 17 Question 2 You are employed as an Industrial Engineer at a chemical plant manufacturing fertiliser. The plant manufactures a 50-kilogram bag of fertiliser for a specific chain of hardware stores which have a large gardening section. Management is concerned about the viability of this order. You are requested to investigate and report your findings to management. Your investigation of the demand for the past 11 years produces the following data: Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Demand (thousands) 4 6 4 5 10 8 7 9 12 14 15 In preparing your report to management you are required to: a. Develop a 3-year moving average of demand. (17) b. Utilising MAD determine the accuracy of the forecasts. (3) [20] Question 3 It is a requirement that you complete the module Industrial Engineering Practice I and II before you can graduate. Your brother owns a hardware store, and on the occasions, you have worked in the store you have notice his business experience problems with inventory holding. You offered your assistance in solving some of the inventory problems. During your observations you determine the annual demand for number six screws is 100 000. For the purpose of the Work Integrated Learning exercise, your brother made you responsible for all purchases. After studying previous records, you estimate the ordering cost to be R10 every time the business places an order for the screws. Furthermore, you estimate that the cost of carrying one screw in inventory for a year is one-half of one cent. Observing the process over time, you determine it takes approximately 8 working days for an order of number six screw to arrive once you place an order. The demand for number six screws is constant, and on average, you observe the store sells 500 of these screws each day. You are of the opinion stocks outs can be eliminated if the screws are ordered at the correct time. Your brother is unhappy with the number of orders you 18 OPR371S/101/0/2021 place for the screws. He is of the opinion orders should be placed twice a year. You are required to: a. Through the application of the correct equation, compute the number of screws to be ordered at a time if you wish to minimise total inventory cost. (5) b. Through the application of the correct equation, compute the number of orders to be placed annually as well as the annual ordering cost. (4) c. Through the application of the correct equation, compute the average inventory as well as the annual holding cost. (5) d. Through the application of the correct equation, compute the reorder point (ROP). (2) e. If you adhere to the policy prescribed by you brother, how much how much more would this cost every year over the policy you developed? If only two orders were placed each year, what effect would this have on the ROP? (9) [25] [84] ASSIGNMENT 4 DUE DATE: 20 August 2021 UNIQUE ASSIGNMENT NUMBER: 819105 Question 1 You are an avid fan of one of the large Gauteng soccer clubs. As part of their youth development entrepreneurship program, they invited tenders from youth to produce and sell programmes at their home matches. You saw it as an opportunity to earn an income while studying. You were successful in your submission to the club. Upon further investigation, you found there is a fixed cost of R400 for the printing of programs. You will incur a variable cost of R3 per program. Furthermore, you will incur a fee of R1 000 payable to the club to sell the programs at the home games. You envisage selling the programs for R5. This is scenario 1 in your planning process. After careful consideration, you have become concerned that sales may fall. The reason is the team is experiencing a terrible losing streak and match attendance has fallen off. From your investigation you are of the opinion you will only sell 500 programs at the next home match. You plan to increase the price and still attempt to sell 500 programs. This is scenario 2 in your planning process. To make an informed decision regarding the viability of the endeavour you are required to: 19 c. Calculate the number of programs you will have to sell under scenario 1 to break even (8) d. Calculate the price you will have to charge to break even at 500 as envisaged in scenario 2 (6) [14] Question 2 Your father is a specialist physician. He and a group of friends, all of them specialist physicians, are contemplating the construction of a private clinic where patients with specific diseases relevant to their specialities will be treated. As a result, patients with diseases other than their specialities will not be admitted. In the group discussion taking place amongst the prospective partners, they agreed that if medical demand is high (a positive market exist), they estimated a net profit of R100 000 can be realised. If the market is not favourable, they could incur a loss of R40 000. Another option for the group is not to proceed with the envisaged construction of the clinic (do nothing). The group have no data to base their decision on and as a result, they estimate that there is a 50/50 chance that the clinic will be successful. A market research company that offers to perform a study to determine the feasibility of the clinic has approached the group. The cost of the study is R5 000. The market research company claim they can predict an outcome reasonably accurate utilising Bayes’ theorem and predict the following probabilities for the clinic: Probability of a favourable market given a favourable study = 0, 82 The probability of an unfavourable market given a favourable study = 0, 18 Probability of a favourable market given an unfavourable study = 0, 11 Probability of an unfavourable market given an unfavourable study = 0, 89 Probability of a favourable research study = 0, 55 Probability of an unfavourable research study = 0, 45 The group is uncertain of their next step and your farther approached you for assistance. Yu are required to: You are required to construct a decision tree reflecting the options available to the group of specialist physicians. [19] Question 3 You are employed as an Industrial Engineer at a chemical plant manufacturing fertiliser. The plant produces a 50-kilogram bag of fertiliser for a specific chain of hardware stores which have a large gardening section. Management is concerned about the viability of this order. You are requested to investigate and report your 20 OPR371S/101/0/2021 findings to management. Your investigation of the demand for the past 11 years produces the following data: Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Demand (thousands) 4 6 4 5 10 8 7 9 12 14 15 In preparing your report to management you are required to: a. Develop a weighted 3-year moving average in which the sales in the most recent year are given a weight of 2 and sales in the other 2 years are each given a weight of 1. (17) b. Utilising MAD determine the accuracy of the forecasts. (3) [20] Question 4 You are employed as an Industrial Engineer at a valve manufacturer. The company provide valves and fluid control devices to the mining industry and many municipalities. Recently, stock outs occurred which led to customer complaints and cancelling of orders. The cancellation of order, if it continues, can negatively impact the profitability of the organisation. Senior management requested you to investigate and prepare a plan to exclude stock outs. Your investigation produced the following information: One of the most popular valves, the Western, has an annual demand of 4 000 units. The cost of each vale is R90. Inventory carrying cost is estimated to be 10% of the cost of each valve. Your investigation further showed that the average ordering cost is R25 per week. Furthermore, the lead time for the valve is two weeks and the demand during this period is approximately 80. You have decided to implement inventory control and you are required to: a. Compute the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). (8) b. Compute the Reorder Point (ROP). (3) c. Compute the average inventory as well as the annual holding cost. 21 (6) d. Compute the number of orders to be placed annually to prevent stock outs and compute the annual ordering cost. (9) [26] Question 5 During an upcoming municipal election, your friend decided to stand as an independent candidate. He is financing his own campaign and on has R40 000 available for advertising. He can utilise two types of advertising Community radio and television, to reach the maximum number of voters. Each radio advertisement cost R200 and reaches an estimated 3 000 people. Each television advertisement costs R500 and reaches an estimated 7 000 people. In planning his campaign your friend would like to reach as many people as possible. He had some specific requirements namely that at least 10 advertisements of each type must be used. Furthermore, the number of radio advertisements must be at least as great as the number of television advertisements. He requested you to find the optimal mix where his money will be well spent. You are required to solve the problem utilising the graphical and the iso profit line method to find the optimal solution. [20] [100] THE FOLLOWING QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED TOO. IT WILL PROVIDE EVEIDENCE OF YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND KNOWLEDGE IN UTILISING THE COMPUTER SOFTWARE ExcelQM. THE SOFTWARE IS AVAILABLE ON THE COMPANION WEBSITE OF THE PRESCRIBED TEXTBOOK. PLEASE UTILISE THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE TEXTBOOK TO ACCESS THE SOFTWARE. Question 6 You have found employment as an Industrial Engineer in a financial service company. It is one of the largest long-term insurance companies in South Africa. The organisation sells a fixed term life insurance policy. The provision in the policy stipulates if the policy holder dies during the term of the policy, the organisation the beneficiary of the policy R100 000. If the policy holder does not die, the organisation pays out nothing and there is no further value to the policy. The organisation uses actuarial tables to determine the probability that a person with certain characteristics will die during the coming year. For a individual, it is determined that there is a 0,001 chance that the person will die in the next year and a 0,999 chance that the person will live, and the organisation will pay out nothing. The cost of the policy is R200 per year. Based on the on the EMV criterion, should the individual buy this insurance policy? How would utility theory assist in explaining why a person would buy this insurance policy? 22 OPR371S/101/0/2021 ASSIGNMENT 5 DUE DATE: 1 October 2021 UNIQUE ASSIGNMENT NUMBER: 854086 Question 1 You are employed as an Industrial Engineer at a company that manufacture breakfast cereal. Each box of cereal is labelled “net weight 10 ounces”. Each hour, random samples of size n = 4 boxes are weighed to check process control. Five (5) hours of observations yielded the following information: Time 9h00 10h00 11h00 12h00 13h00 Box 1 9,8 10,1 9,9 9,7 9,7 Weight Box 2 10,4 10,2 10,5 9,8 10,1 Box 3 9,9 9,9 10,3 10,3 9,9 Box 4 10,3 9,8 10,1 10,2 9,9 Management has expressed their doubt about the integrity of the process and requested you to investigate whether the readings is within the acceptable limits. You are required to: a. Construct the limits for and R – charts. (16) b. Determine if the process is in control. (7) c. Inform the quality department what other steps they should follow at this point. (2) [25] Question 2 Your father is the proud owner of a 1955 sports car. On any given day, he never knows whether the car would start. Ninety percent of the time it would start if it started the previous morning. Conversely, 705 of the time it will not start if did not start the previous morning. Your fathers friend makes fun of this situation and he bets your farther R5 that the car would not start 5 day from now. Your father asked your advice and you are required to: a. Construct the matrix of transition probabilities. (4) b. Compute the probability that the car would start tomorrow if it started today. (3) 23 c. Compute the probability that the car will start tomorrow if it did not start today. (3) d. Compute the probability that the car will not start 5 days from now if it did not start today. (5) e. Compute the probability that the car will not start 5 days from now if it did not start today. (5) f. Compute the probability that the car will start in the long run if the matrix of transition probabilities does not change. (5) [25] Question 3 You are employed at the Durban container harbour as an Industrial Engineer. Over the preceding 5 years the volume of containers shipped to the port has steadily increased. Fully loaded container ships arrive at night in the port. The number of ships docking on any given night ranges from 0 to 5. The probability of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 arrivals is depicted in the following table: Nightly unloading rate 0 1 2 3 4 5 Probability 0,03 0,12 0,40 0,28 0,12 0,05 You undertook a study revealing that due to the size of the ships and the nature of the cargo, the number of ships unloaded each night also tend to vary. From the study you compiled the unloading rate: Unloading rate 1 2 3 4 5 6 Probability 0,03 0,12 0,40 0,28 0,12 0,05 Due to the schedules of the ships, the off-loading of containers must take place within the schedule of each ship. Due to the increase in ships arriving at the port, management is concerned that delays would occur, and the port authority will have to pay the shipping lines compensation if the ship is not unloaded in time. To 24 OPR371S/101/0/2021 achieve this objective, you are required to compile a simulation for 15 days which would depict the number of nightly arrivals, total to be unloaded, number unloaded. Furthermore, compute the average number delayed, the average number of arrivals and the average number unloaded. Utilise the following random numbers when simulating: For the arrivals: 37, 77, 13, 10, 02, 18, 31, 19, 32, 85, 31, 94, 81, 43 and 31 For the number to be unloaded: 69, 84, 12, 94, 51, 36, 17, 02, 15, 29, 16, 52, 56, 43, and 26 [25] Question 4 You are employed by an organisation that manufacture electronic components. The equipment utilised in the manufacturing process is highly sophisticated. As a result, the equipment breaks down frequently. The organisation retains a service crew to repair machine breakdowns that occur on an average of ʎ = 3 per day (approximately Poisson in nature). The crew can service an average of µ = 8 machines per day (distribution resembles the exponential distribution. Any downtime of a machine impacts the profit margins of the organisation negatively. Management requested you to investigate and report your findings. To do so, you are required to: a. Compute the utilisation rate of this service system. (4) b. Compute the average downtime for a machine that is broken (6) c. Compute the number of machines that are waiting to be serviced at any given time. (3) d. Compute the probability that more than one machine is in the system. Compute the probability that more than two are broken and waiting to be repaired and compute the probability that more than three is broken down and repaired. Compute the probability that more than four is broken down and repaired. (12) [25] [100] UNISA © 2021 25