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Muscles & Muscle Tissue: Types, Anatomy, Contraction

Muscles and
Muscle Tissue
In this chapter, you will learn that
Muscles use actin and myosin molecules to convert the energy of ATP into force
beginning with
next exploring
and asKlr,g
':-. _, How does smooth musc(e,
differ.from skeletal musde?.l'
a nd
r -and
Developmental Aspects
lw How does skeletal muscle
f~ ~(h~ercis~?
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UNIT 2 Coveri ng, Support, and Movement of the Body
Because flexing muscles look like mice scurrying beneath
Cardiac M uscle
the skin, some scientist long ago dubbed diem muscles. from the
Latin mus meaning "little mouse." indeed, we tend to think of
the rippling muscles of professional boxers or weight lifters
when we hear the word muscle. But muscle is also the dominant
tissue in the heart and in the walls of od1er hollow organs. Ln all
its forms, muscle tissue makes up nearly half the body's mass.
Muscles are distinguished by their ability to transform chemical energy (ATP) into directed mechanical energy. In so doing.
they become capable of exerting force.
Cardiac muscle tissue occw·s on ly in the heart, where it constitutes the bulk of the heart walls. Like skeletal muscle cells,
cardiac muscle cells are striated, but cardiac muscle is not voluntary. Indeed. it can and does contract without being stimu lated by the nervous sys tem. Most of us have no conscious
control over bow fast our heart beats.
There are three types
of muscle tissue
• Key words to remember for cardiac muscle are cardiac, striated. and involuniary.
Cardiac muscle usually contracts at a fairly s teady rate set
by the heart's pacemaker, but neural controls allow the heart to
speed up for brief periods, as when you race across the tennis
comt to make that overhead smash.
Learning Outcomes
Smooth M uscle
► Compare and contrast the three basic types of
Smooth muscle tissue is found in the walls of hollow visceral
organs. such as the stomach, urinary bladder, and respiratory
passages. Its role is to force fluids and other substances through
internal body channels. Smooth muscle also forms valves to
regulate the passage of substances tlirough internal body openings, dilates and constricts the pupils of your eyes, and forms
the arrecior pili muscles attached to hair follicles.
muscle tissue.
► List four important functions of muscle tissue.
Types of Muscle Tissue
Chapter 4 introduced the three types of muscle tissue-skelewl,
cardiac. and snwoth (◄ pp. 138-140). In tl1is chapter, we first
examine the structure and function of skeletal muscle. Then we
consider smooth muscle more briefly, largely by comparing it
with skeletal musc le. We describe cardiac muscle in detail in
Chapter 18, but for easy comparison, Table 9.3 on pp. 312-313
summarizes the characteristics of all three muscle types.
Let's introduce some tem1inology before we describe each
type of muscle.
• Skeletal and smootll muscle cells (but not cardiac muscle
cells) are elongated, and are called muscle fibers.
• Whenever you see the prefixes myo or mys (both are word
roots meaning "muscle") or sarco (flesh), the reference is to
muscle. For example, the plasma membrane of muscle cells
is called the sarcolemma (sat"ko-lem'ab), literally, ·'muscle"
(sarco) "husk" (lemma), and muscle cell cytoplasm is called
Okay, Jet's get to it.
Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscle tissue is packaged into the skeletal muscles,
organs that attach to and cover the skeleton. Skeletal muscle
fibers are the longest musc le cells and have obvious s tripes
called striations. Al though it is often activated by reflexes.
skeletal muscle is called voluntary muscle because it is the only
type subject to conscious control.
• Wilen you thitlk of skeletal muscle tissue, the key words to
keep in mind are skelellll, striated, and voluntary .
Skeletal muscle is responsible for overall body mobi liry. ll can
contract rapidly, but it tires ea~ily and must rest after short periods
of activity. Nevertheless, it can exert u-emendous power. Skeletal
muscle is also remarkably adaptable. For example, your forearm
muscles can exert a force of a fraction of an ounce to pick up a
paper clip-or a force of about 6 pmmds to pick up this book!
Like skeletal muscle. smooth muscle consists of elongated
cells, but smooth muscle has no striations. Like cardiac muscle,
smooth muscle is not subject to voluntary control. Its contractions are slow and sustained.
• We can describe smooth muscle tissue as visceral, mmstriated, and i11vo/11111ary.
Characteristics of Muscle Tissue
What enables muscle tissue to perform its duties? Four special
characteristics are key.
• Excitability, also termed responsiveness, is the abil ity of a
cell to receive and respond to a stimulus by changing its membrane potential. ln the case of muscle, the stimulus is usually
a chemical- for example, a neurotransmitter released by a
nerve cell.
• Contract.ility is tlle ability to shorten forcibly when adequately stimulated. Th.is ability sets muscle apart from all
other tissue types.
• Extensibility is the abi lity to extend or stretch. Muscle cells
shoncn when contracting, but they can be stretched. even
beyond their resting length, when relaxed.
• Elasticity is the ability of a muscle cell to recoil and resume
its resting length after stretching.
Muscle Functions
Muscles perform at least four important functions for the
Produce movement. Skeletal muscles are responsible for all
locomotion and manipulation. They e nable you to respond
quickly to jump out of U1e way of a car, direct your eyes, and
smile or frown.
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
Blood courses through your body because of the rhythmically beating cardiac
muscle of your heart and the mooth muscle in the wall of your blood ve el , which
help maintain blood pressure. mooth musc le in organ of the dige. tive, urinary and
reproducti e tracts propels ub tance (food tuft's urine semen) through the organ
and along the tract.
Maintain posture and body position. We are rarely aware of the skeletal muscles
that maintain body po mre. Yet the e mu cles function almost continuou ly making
one tiny adjustment after another to counteract the never-ending downward pull of
gra ity.
Stabilize joints. Even as they pull on bones to cause movement, they trengthen and
tabilize the joint of the skeleton.
Generate heat. Muscles generate heat a. they contract, which plays a role in main-
taining normal body temperature.
Check Your Understanding
When describing muscle, what does "striated " mean?
At right are photomicrographs of t hree types of muscle tissue
(introduced in Chapter 4)_ For each, identify the type of muscle, state whether it
is striated, whether it is voluntary, and its major location. Create a short table t hat
summarizes this information _
For answers, see Answers Appendix.
A skeletal muscle is made up of muscle fibers,
nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues
Lear ing O cor e
► Describe the gross structure of a skeletal muscle.
Each skeletal muscle i. a d.i crete organ, made up of se eral kinds of tissue . Ske letal
mu cle fiber predominate, but blood ves els, nerve fibers, and ubstantial amount of
connective tL. ue are aJ o present. We can easily examine a skeletal mu. cle' shape and
it attachment in the body without a microscope.
Nerve and Blood Supply
In general, one nerve, one artery, and one or more vein erve each muscle. These trucnirc all enter or exit near the central part of the muscle and branch profusely through its
connective ti ue heath (de cribed below). Unlike cell of cardiac and mooth muscle
tissue , which can contract without nerve timuJation, every ske letal muscle fiber L supplied with a nerve ending that control it acti ity.
Skeletal mu cle has a rich blood supply. Thi i understandable because contracting muscle fiber use huge amount of energy and require aimo t continuou. delivery
of oxygen and nutrient via the arterie . Muscle cell al o give off large amount of
metabolic waste that must be removed through vein if contraction i to remain efficient. Capillaries, the mallest of the body's blood vessels. take a long and winding path
through muscle, and have numerous eras -links, feature that accommodate changes in
mu cle length . They straighten when the muscle tretche and contort when the mu cle
Connective Tissue Sheaths
In an intact muscle, there are several different connective tis ue sheath . Together these
sheath upport each cell and reinforce and hold together the mu cle , preventing the
bulging muscles from bursting during exceptionally strong contractions.
UNIT 2 Cove ring, Support, and Movement of the Body
Epim sium
Muscle fiber
in middle of
a fascicle
(between individual muscle fibers)
Figure 9. 1 Connective tissue sheaths of skeletal muscle: epimysium, perimysium,
and endomysium. (b) Photomicrograph of a cross section of part of a skeletal musde (30 X).
Let's con ider these connective tissue heaths from external to in ternal ( ee Figure 9 ,1 and the top three row of
Table 9 .1).
Epimysium. The epimysiom (ep"t-mis'e-um; "outside the
mu cle") is an "overcoat" of deru;e irregular connective tissue
that . urro tmd the whole mu. cle. Sometime. it blend. with
the deep fascia that lies between neighboring muscle or the
superficial focia deep to the kin( ◄ p. 151).
Perimysium and fascicles. Within each skeletal mu cle, the
mu cle fiber are grouped into fascicles (fa 'I-klz; "bundles") that re emble bundle of ticks . Surrounding each
fascicle i a layer of dense irregular connective tis ue called
perimysium (per''l'-mi. 'e-um; 'around the muscle").
Endomysium. The endomysium (en"do-mis'e-um; "within
the mu cle'') i a wi py heath of connective ti sue that urrounds each individual muscle fiber. lt consists of fine areolar connective tissue.
hown in Figure 9. 1, all of the e connective tis ue. heath
are continuous wid1 one anotber as welJ as with the tendons that
join mu cle to bone . When muscle fibers contract, they pull
on the e sheath , which transmit die pulling force to the bone to
be moved. The heath contribute somewbat to the natural ela. ticity of muscle tissue, and also provide routes for the entry and
exit of the blood vessels and nerve fiber that serve the muscle.
RccalJ from Chapter 8 that most skeletal muscle span Joints
and attach to bones (or other tructures) in at least two place .
When a muscle contract , the movable bone. the muscle'
insertion, move toward the immovable or Je movable bone,
the mu cle • origin. In the muscles of the limbs. the origin typically lies proximal to the in ertion.
Mu cle attachment., whether origin o r in ertion, may be
direct or indirect.
• In direct, or neshy attachments, the epimysiw11 of the muscle is fused to d1e pcriosteum of a bone or pericbondrinm of
a cartilage.
• ln indirect. attachments, the mu cle '. connective tis, ue wrappings extend beyond the muscle eid1er a a ropelike tendon
( igure 9.1a) or as a sheetlike aponeuro is (ap"o-nu-ro' is)
(. ee Figure 10 .1 a on p. 347 . The tendon or aponeurosis
anchor the mu cle to the connecti e ti ue covering of a
skeletal element (bone or cartilage) or to the fascia of other
lndirect attachments are much more common because of
their durability and mall ize. Tendons are mostly tough collagen fibers, which can with. tand the abrasion of rough bony
projections that would tear apart the more delicate muscle tisues. Becau. e of their relatively small ize, more tendon than
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
Table 9.1
Structure and Organizational Levels of Skeletal Muscle
Musde (organ)
A muscle consists of hundreds to thousands of
muscle cel ls, plus connective tissue wrappings,
blood vessels, and nerve fibers.
Covered externally by
the epimY5ium
A fascicle is a discrete bundle of muscle cells,
Surrounded by
Fascicle (a portion of the muscle)
segregated from the rest of the muscle by a
connective t issue sheath.
Musde fiber (cell)
~ Endomysium
Nucleus - -
A muscle f i ber is an elongated multinucleate
cell; it has a banded (striated) appearance.
Part of muscle fiber
Myofibril (complex organelle composed of bundles of
Myofibrils are rod like contractile elements
that occupy most of the muscle cell volume.
Composed of sarcomeres arranged end to
end, they appear banded, and bands of
adjacent myofibrils are aligned.
Sarcomere (a segment of a myofibril)
A sarcomere is the contracti le unit, composed
of myofilaments made up of contractile
protei ns.
Thin (actin) filament
Thick (myosin) filament
Myofilament, or filament (extended macromolecular structure)
Head of myosin molecule
Thin filament
Actin molecules
Contractile myofilaments are of two types-thick and th in. Thick f11aments contain
bundled myosin molecules; thi n filame nts
contain actin molecules (plus other proteins) .
The sliding of the th in f ilaments past the thick
filaments produces muscle shortening. Elastic
filaments (not shown here) provide elastic
recoil when tension is re leased and help
maintain myofilament organization.
Surrounded by
UNIT 2 Coveri ng, Support, and Movement of the Body
fleshy muscles can pass over a joint-so tendons also conserve space.
Check Your Understanding
How does the term epimysium relate to the role and position
of this connective tissue sheath?
Mt+,H31C•Uldlll(•g;j What is the difference between a tendon
and a ligament' (Hint: See Chapter 4, p. 133.)
-==--------- For answe~. see Answe~ Appendix.
Skeletal muscle fibers contain
calcium-regulated molecular motors
Learning Outcomes
► Describe the microscopic structure and functional roles of
the myofibrils, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and T tubules of
skeletal muscle fibers.
► Describe the sliding filament model of muscle contraction.
Each skeletal muscle fiber is a long cylindrical cell with multiple oval nuclei just beneath its sarcolemma or plasma membrane (Figure 9.2b). Skeletal muscle fibers are huge cells.
Their diameter typically ranges from IO to 100 µm-up to ten
rimes that of an average body cell-and thei.r length is phenomenal. some up to 30 cm long. T heir large size and multi ple nuclei are not surprising once you team that hundreds of
embryonic cells fuse to produce each fiber.
Sarcoplasm, the cytoplasm of a muscle cell, is similar to
the cytoplasm of other cells. but it contains unusually large
amounts of glycosomes (granules of stored glycogen that provide glucose during muscle cell activity for ATP production)
and myoglobin, a red pigment that stores oxygen. Myoglobin
is similar to hemog lobin, the pigment chat transports oxygen in
In addition to the usual organelles, a muscle cell contains
three specialized structures: myofibriJs, sarcoplasmic ret iculum. and T mbules. Let's look at these stmcmres more closely
because they play important roles in muscle contraction.
A single muscle fiber contains hundreds to thousands of rodlike myofibrils that run parallel to its length (Figure 9.2b). The
myofibrils, each 1-2 ~un i.n diameter, are so densely packed in
the fiber that mitochondria and other organelles appear to be
squeezed between them. They account for about 80% of cellular volume.
Myofibrils are made up of a chain of sarcomeres linked
end to end. Sarcom.eres (shown in Figure 9.2c and decribed
shortly) contain even smaller rodlike structures called myojilam.ents. Table 9. 1 (bottom three rows; p. 283) summarizes these
Striations, a repeating series of dark and light bands, are evident along the length of each myofibril. ln an intact muscle
fiber, the dark A bands and light I bands are nearly perfectly
aligned, giving the cell its striated appearance.
As illustrated in Figure 9.2c:
• Each dark A band has a lighter region in its mid~ection called
the H zone (H for helle; "bright").
• Each H zone is bisected vertically by a dark line called the
M line (M for middle) formed by molecules of the protein
• Each light I band also has a m.i.dJine interruption, a darker
area called the Z disc (or Z line).
The region of a myofibril between two successive Z discs is a
sarcomere (sar'ko-mer; "muscle segment"). Averaging 2 µ m
long, a sarcomere is the smallest contractil.e unit of a muscle
fiber-thejimctiona/ unit of skeletal muscle. It contains an A
band flanked by half an I band at each end. Within each myofibriJ, the sarcomeres align end to end like boxcars in a train.
If we examine the banding pattem of a myofibril at the molecular level, we see that it arises from orderly arrangement of even
smaller structrrres within the sarcomeres. These smaller structures, t11e myofilaments or.filaments, are the muscle equivalents of the acti n-containing microfilaments and myosin motor
proteins described in Chapter 3 ( ◄ p. 88). As you will recall ,
the proteins actin and myosin play a role in moti.lity and shape
change in virtuall y every cell in the body. This property reaches
its highest development in t11e contractile muscle fibers. There
are two types of contractile myofilaments in a sarcomere:
• The central thick filaments containing myos in (red) extend
the entire length of the A band (Figure 9.2c and d). They are
connected in the middle of the sarcomere at tl1e M line.
• The more lateral thin filaments containing actin (blue)
extend across the I band and partway into the A band. The Z
disc, a protein sheet, anchors the thin filaments. We describe
the third type of myofilamen t. the elastic filament, in the
next section.
A close look at myofibril arrangement and banding patterns
reveals that:
• A hexagonal arrangement of six th.in filaments surrounds each
thick filament, and three thick filan1ems enclose each thin filament. This is shown in F igure 9.2e (far right), which shows a
cross section of a sarcomere in an area where thick and thin
filaments overlap.
• The H zone of the A band appears less dense because the
thin filaments do not extend imo this region.
• The M line in the center of the H zone is slightly darker
because of the fine protein strands there that hold adjacent
thick filaments together.
• The myofilaments are held in alignment at the Z discs and
the M lines, and are anchored to the sarcolemma at the Z
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
(a) Photomicrograph of portions
of two muscle fibers (700 x ).
Notice the striations
(alternating dark and light
(b) Diagram of part of a
muscle fiber showing
the myofibrils. One
myofibril extends from
the cut end of the fiber.
Dark A band
Thin (actin)
filament , ,
(c) Small part of one
myofibril enlarged to
show the myofilaments
Light I band
,, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J
responsible for the
banding pattern. Each
sarcomere extends from
one Z disc to the next.
I band
A band
I band
M llne
_________ :-----Sarcomere - - - -: _ _________ -,
(d) Enlargement of one
sarcomere {sectioned
Thin (actin)
• _ , ._ _ _ _ _.,..,...
Elastic (titin)
-==-!-..,£!-"-....;..--- Thick
(e) Cross sections of a
sarcomere cut through
In different locations .
I band
thin filaments
H zone
th ick filaments
thic!k filaments linked
by accessory proteins
Figure 9.2 Microscopic anatomy of a skeletal muscle fiber.
Outer edge of A band
thick and thin
filaments overlap
UNIT 2 Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
Longitudinal section of filaments with in one
sarcomere of a myofibril
In the center of the sarcomere , the thick filaments
lack myosin heads. Myosin heads are present only
in areas of myosin-actin overlap.
Thick filament
Thin filament
Each thick filament consists of many myosin molecules
whose heads protrude at opposite ends of the filamenL
A thin filament consists of two strands of actin subunits
twisted into a helix pl us two types of regulatory proteins
(troponin and tropomyosin).
Portion of a thick filament
Portion of a thin filament
Actin-binding sites
Flexible hinge region
Myosin molecule
Actin subunits
Figure 9.3 Composition of thick and thin filaments.
Molecular Composition of Myofilaments
Mu cle contraction depend. on the myosin- and actin-containing
myofilaments. As noted earlier, tltick fi laments are composed
primarily of the protein myosin. Each myo in molecule consist
of six polypeptide chains: two heavy (high-molecular-weight)
chain. and four light chain . The heavy chain twi t together
to form myosin's rodlike tail, and each heavy chain ends in a
globular head that is attached to the tail via a flexible binge
(Figure 9.3).
The globular heads each a ociated with two light chain , are
the "businc s end' of myosin. During contraction, they link the
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
thick and thin filaments together, forming cross bridges. and
wivel around their point of attachment, acting as motors to generate force. Myosin itself splits ATP act as an ATPa. e) and uses
the released energy lo drive movement.
Each thick filament contains about 300 myosin molecules
bw1dled together, with their tail forming I.he central part of the
thick filament and their beads facing outward at the end of each
molecule ( igure 9.3). As a re ult. the central portion of a duck
filament (in d1e H zone) i mooth but its ends are tudded with
a taggered array of myosin head .
The dun filaments are composed chiefly of the protein actin
blue in Figure 9.3). Actin ha kidney- haped polypeptide
subunit , called globular acti11 or G actin. Each G actin ha a
myo in-binding site (or active. ite) to which the myo in head.
artach during contraction. G actin ubunit polymerize into tong
actin filaments caJledfilamentu11s, or F, actin. 1\vo intertwined
actin filaments, resembling a twi . ted double trand of pearl.,
form the backbone of each thin filament Figure 9.3).
Thin filamenu al o contain everal regulatory proteins.
TI1e tenn muscular dystrophy refers 10 a group of inherited musclede troying di ea e that generally appear during childhood. The
affected muscles initially enlarge due to deposits of fat and connective tissue, but the muscle fibers atrophy and degenerate.
The mo t common and seriou fom1 i Ducbenne nmscuJar
dystrophy (DMD), which i inherited a a ex -linked rece •
sive disea e. It i expre sed almo t exclu ively in males (one
in every 3600 male birth ) and i diagno ed when the boy
is between 2 and 7 years old Figure 9.4). Acti e, normalappearing boys become clumsy and fall frequently as their
skeletal muscles weaken. The disease progresses relcntles ly
from the extremities upward, finally affecting the head and
che. t mu cles, and cardiac muscle. The weaknes continues to
progres., but with upporti e care, DMD patients are living into
their 30 and beyond.
• Polypeptide trands of tropomyosin (tro"po-m.i 'o-sin), , rodshaped protein. spiral about the actin core and help stiffen
and . tabilize it. Succes ive tropomyo. in molecules are arranged end to end along the actin filaments, and in a relaxed
mu cle fiber, they block myosin-binding ite on actin so that
myo in heads on the thick fiJaments cannot bind to the thin
fl.lament .
• Troponin (tro'po-n in). the other major protein in thin filament , i a globular protein with three polypeptide ubunits
igure 9.3). One subunit attaches troponin to actin. Another
ubunit bind tropomyo in and help po ition it on actin. The
third ubunit binds calcium ion .
Both troponin and tropomyo in help control the myosin-actin
interactions involved in contraction. Several other proteins help
form the tructure o the myofibril.
• The elastic filament we referred to earlier is composed of the
giant protein Utin Figure 9. d). Titin extend. from the Z disc
to me thick filament, and then run within d1e thick filament
(fonning it core) to attach lo the M line. lt hold the Ulick
filament in place, maintaining the organization of the A band,
and help the mu cle cell pring back into hape after tretching. (The part of I.he titin that spans I.he l bands i extensible,
unfolding hen the muscle strctche and recoiling when the
tension is released. Titin doe not resist tretching in the ordinary range of exten ion, but it tiffen as it uncoil, helping
the muscle re i t excessive stretching , hich might puJI the
sarcomcres apart.
• AnotJ1er important structural protein is d)•strophin, which
Link the thin filaments to tJ1e integral proteins of the arcolemma (wbjcb in turn are anchored to the extracellular
• Other proteins I.hat bind filament or arcomere toged1er
and maintain their alignment include nebulin, myomesin, and
C proteins. Intermediate (de min) filaments extend from the
Z di c and connect each myofibril to lhe next throughout the
width of the mu. cle cell.
Figure 9.4 A boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
(DMD). Physiotherapy can help maintain mobility.
DMD i. cau ed by a defective gene for dystruphin, the cytoplasmic protein de cribed above. Dystrophin links d1e cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix and, like a girder, helps. tabilize
the sarcolem.ma. The frag ile sarcolemma of DMD patient tear
during contraction, allowing entry of exec. Ca- +. which damages the contractile fibers. inflammatory cells (macrophages
and lymphocyte accumulate in the urround.ing connective ti ue.
the regenerative capacity of the muscle is lost, damaged
cell undergo apoptosis, and muscle mass drops.
TI1ere is till no cure for DMD. Current treatment. are aimed
at preventing or reducing . pine and joint deformitic and help•
ing tho e with DMD remain mobil e a long a po ible. 1\vo
newly-appro ed drug. may broaden the treatment option for
certai.n patients.
• ••
UNIT 2 Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
I band
Part of a skeletal
muscle fiber (cell)
A band
I band
m m
~ --s~,;-;7
~ ~~;i;::t--';-;-- Triad:
~~='---"~~8,~ ~~ ~~ - - • T tubule
~F~=,,=ia=ii~~:-;-:'------:-:-----• Terminal'
of the SR (2)
Figure 9.5 Relationshi p of the
sarcoplasmic reticulum and T tubules
to myofibrils of skeletal muscle. The
tubules of the SR (blue) fuse to form the
saclike terminal cisterns next to the A-I
junctions. The T tubules (gray) are inward
invaginations of the sarcolemma that run
deep into the cell. between the terminal
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and T Tubules
Skeletal muscle fibers contain two ets of intracelllllar tubule
that help regu late mu cle contraction: {I) the arcop la mic
reticulum and (2) T tubule .
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
hm n in blue i.n Figure 9.S, the sarcoplasmic reticulwn
( R ) i an elaborate mooth endoplasmic reticulum. The SR
regulates intracellular level of ionic calcium. It tore calcium
and relea e it on demand when the mu cle fiber is timulated
to contract.
you will see, calcium provides the final 'go"
signal for contraction.
1nterconnecting tubu les of SR urround each myofibril the
way the sleeve of a loo ely knitted wearer urround your arm.
Mo t SR tubule run longitudinally along the myofibril, comrmmicafrng with each other at the H zone. Others called terminal cisterns ("end ac ") form larger, perpendicular cro .
channels at the A band-I band junctions, and they always occur
in pairs . Clo ely as ociated with the SR are large numbers of
mitochondria and glycogen granules. both involved in producing the energy u ed during co11traction.
TTubu les
At each band- I band junction, the arcolemma of the muscle
celJ protrude deep into the cell interior, forming an elongated
tube called the tubule (T for "transverse"), shown in gray in
cisterns. (See detailed view in Focus Figure 9.2,
pp. 294- 295.) Sites o close contact of these
three elements (terminal cistern, T tubule,
and terminal cistern) are called triads,
igure 9.5. Tbe lumen (ca ity) of the T tubule i continuous
with the extracellular space. A a result T tubu.les tremendou. ly
increa. e tbe mu" cle fiber's . urface area. This allow change.
in the membrane potential to rapidly penetrate deep into the
mu cle fiber.
Along its lengtl1 each T tubule runs between the paired terminal ci. tern of the SR, forming triads (Pigur 9.5), uccessive
groupings of the three membranous structures {terminal cistern,
T tubule, and terminal cistern). As they pas from one myofibril
to the next, the T tubules also encircle each arcomere.
Mu cle contraction i ultimately controlled by nerveinitiated electrical impul e that travel along the arcolemma.
Becau. e T tubules are continuations of the arcolemma, they
conduct impulses to the deepest regions of the muscle cell and
every arcomere. These impul. e trigger the release of calcium
from Lhe adjacent terminal ci terns. Think of the T tubule as
a rapid communication or messaging ystem that ensures that
every myofibriJ in the mu. c le fiber conu·acts at virtually the
same time.
Triad Relationships
The roles of the T tubules and SR in provirung signals for contraction are tightJy linked. At the triads, membrane- panning
proteins from the T tubules and R link together aero s the gap
between the two membrane .
• The protruding integral protein of the T tubule act a voltage
ensor .
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
• The integral protein. of the SR form gated channels through
which Lhe terminal ci tern relea e Ca2+ ( ee top right of
Focu Figure 9.2 on p. 295).
(D Fully relaxed sarcomere of a muscle fiber
Sliding Filament Model of Contraction
We almost always th.ink • shortening" when we hear the word
contraction , but to physiologists contraction refers only to
the activation of myo. in's cros bridges, which are the forcegenerating site . Shortening only occurs if the cros bridge
generate enough tension on the thin filaments to exceed the
force tliat oppo e shorten ing, such as when you lift a bowling
balL Contraction end when the cros bridge become inactive,
the ten ion decline . and the mu cle fiber re laxe . .
ln a relaxed muscle fiber, the thin and thick filament overlap
only at the end of the band (figure 9 .6 (D). The sliding
filament model of contraction state that during contraction,
the thin filaments lide pa t the thick one o tbat the actin and
myosin filament overlap to a greater degree. either the thick
nor the thin filament change length during contraction. Herc·
how it works:
@ Fully contracted sarcomere of a
When the nervous system tinmJate mu de fibers , the myosi11 heads on the thick fi laments latch onto myosin-binding
ites on actin in the thin filaments, and tl1e sliding begins.
muscle fiber
The. e eros. bridge attachments fonn and break everal times
during a contraction, acting like tiny ratchet to generate tension and propel the thin filament. toward the center of the
• A thi event occur, simultaneously in arcomere throughout the cell, the mu. cle cell hortens.
At the micro copic level, the following thing occur as a
muscle cell hortens:
• The l band
• The di. tance between succe ive Z discs hortens. A the
thin filament slide centrally the Z di. cs to which they attach
are pulled toward the M line (Figure 9.6@).
• The H zone. di appear.
• The contiguou A bruid move c lo er together, but their
length doe not change.
Check Your Under.standing
Name proteins a, b, c, and d. Which protein can act as an
enzyme to hydrolyze (split) ATP? Which binds Ca2+? Which
must move out o the way in order for cross bridges to form?
Which region or organelle-cytosol, mitochondrion, or SRcontains the highest concentration of calcium ions in a resting
muscle fiber? Which structure provides the ATP needed for
muscle activity?
Figure 9 .6 Sliding filament model of contraction. At ull
contraction, the Z discs approach the thick filaments and the thin
filaments overlap each other. The photomicrographs
(top view in G) and@) show enlargements of 33,000x .
• · • Draw four thick filaments in each of two columns. Add
a column of four t hin f ilaments between the thick fi laments, as
they would appear in a relaxed myofibril. Then add two more
colum ns, each w ith four thin fi laments, on the left and right
sides of t he original drawing. Label an A band, an I band, and
an H zone. Draw and label an M line and a Z disc.
i,*,t-!:◄ i◄•1Mm11j•j,M Consider a phosphorus atom that is part
of the membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in the biceps
muscle of your arm . Using the levels of structural organization
(described in Chapter 1). name in order the structure that
corresponds to each level of organization. Begin at t he atomic
level (the phosphorus atom) and end at t he organ system level.
For answers, see Answers Appendix.
UN IT 2 Cove ring, Support, and Movement of the Body
change in the membrane potential (as we will see hortly}.
Receptor for acetykholine are a.tl example of thi clas . n
ACb receptor i a ingle protein in the pla,;ma membrane that
i. both a receptor and an ion channel.
Motor neurons stimulate
skeletal muscle fibers to contract
Lear ing Outco es
Explain how muscl e fi bers are st imulated to contract
by describing events that occur at the neuromuscular
► Follow the events of excitation-contraction coupling that
lead to cross bridge activity.
Describe the steps of a cross bridge cycle.
TI1e liding filament model tell us that myof1laments lide past
each other as the sarcomeres contract. ln thi'> module, we will
ee exactly how thi. happen . But before we begin. let' fill
in ome background information that wlll help you under tand
thi. topic, and then look at the big picture of how mu. cle contraction works.
Background and Overview
Remember that ke letal mu cle contraction are voltu1tary.
For example, yon decide when you want to contract your
bicep. muscle to pick up your cell phone. Making th.at de.cision involves many neuron in your bra.in but the contraction
of a keletal mu cle ultimately come. down to activating a few
motor neuron in the spinal cord. Motor neurons are the way
that the nervous system connects with keletal muscles and
"tell " them to contract.
Both neurons and mu des are exciwble cells. That is, they
re pond to external stimuli by changing their re ting membrane
potential. (Remember that all cells have a re ting membrane
potential, which i a voltage aero the pla ma membrane:
◄ pp. 79-80.) These chanoes in membrane potential act a signals. One type of e lectrical ignal is called an action potentiaJ AP; . ometime called a nerve impulse) . An AP i. a large
change in membrane potential that preads rapidly over Jong
di . tance within a ceU. Generally, AP don't. pread from cell
to cell. For this reason, the ignal ha. to be con erted to a
chemical . ignal-a chemical me enger called a neuro1rwzs111i1ter (◄ p. 81) that diffuses acros the small gap between
excitable cells to . tart the signal again. The neurotran mitter
that motor neuron use to 'tell" skeletal muscle to contract is
acetykholine (as"c-til-ko'len , or ACb.
Ion Channels
Rapidly changing the membrane potential in neuron and
mu cle cell requfres the opening and clo. ing of membrane
channel protein that allow certain ions to pass aero the membrane( ◄ p. 70). The movement of ions
rhrough these ion channels change. the
Chemical messenger
membrane voltage. 1\vo cla. se of ion
(e.g., ACh) )
channels are importan t for excitation
and contraction of. keletal muscle:
• Chemically gated ion channels are
opened by chemical me enger
e.g .. neurotransmitters). This cla s
of ion channel create small local
oltage-gated ion channels open or clo e in respon e to
change in membrane potent ial.
They underlie all action potentials.
ln skeletal muscle fiber , the initial
change in membrane potential is created by chemically gated channels.
In other word . chemically gated ion
channels cau. e a malJ local depo•
Voltage-gated ion
lari,.atio11 (a decrea e in the mem- channel
brane potential) that then triggers the
oltage-gated ion hannels to create
an action potential.
(We wiJJ de cribe ion channel. in more detail in Chapter J l.)
Anatomy of Motor Neurons and t he
Neuromuscular Junction
Motor neurons that activate keletal muscle fiber are calJed
somatic motor newvns, or mo/or ne1111ms of the somatic (vol1111/ary ) nervous system (Figure 9.7) . These neuron re ide in
the pinal cord (except for tho e that npply the mu cle of the
head and neck). Each neuron has a long threadlike exten ion
calJed an axon that extend, from the cell body in the pinal cord
to tl1e mus le fiber it serve. (◄ see Chapter 4, p. 140, to review
the patt of a neuron). The e axon cx_it the pinal cord and pas
throughout the body bundled together a nerves.
Tbe axon of each motor neuron branches profu ely as it
enter the muscle so that it can innervate multiple muscle fiber .
When it reache a mu cle fiber, each axon divides again, giving
off several short, curling branches that collectively fonn an oval
neuromuscular jm1ction, or motor end plate, with a ingle
mu cle fiber.
Each muscle fiber bas only one neuromu cular junction,
located approximately midway along its length. The end of
the axon, called the axon te rminal , and the muscle fiber are
exceedingly clo e 50-80 nm apart), but they remain eparated
by a space, tbe synaptic cleft (Figure 9. 7), whjch i filled with
a gel-like extracellular sub tance rich in glycoproteins and collagen fibers.
Within the moundlike axon terminal are synaptic vesicles,
mall membranous ac containing the neurotran mitter acetylcholine. The trough-like part of the mu cle fiber's arcolcmrna
that help form the neuromu. cular junction i highly folded.
The e junctional fold s provide a large surface area for the
thousands of ACh receptors located there.
To summarize. the neuromuscular junction is li ke a sandwich: lt i made up of part of a neuron (the axon terminal ),
part of a muscle cell the junctional fol d ). and the ''filler"
between them (tl1e synaptic cleft).
The Big Picture
Chemically gated ion
Figure 9.7 pre ents ao overview of skeletal mu. cle contraction and divide thi proccs into four group of step. . We will
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
·- - - - - Axon of
motor neuron
The neuromuscular junction is the
region w h ere he motor neuron
cont acts the skeletal muscle. It
cons ists of multiple axon terminals
and t he underlying junctlo nal fold s
of t he sa rco lem ma.
• Cell body
• Axon ---""'.'-:-lm ;:,;-,
-- ---- -- . . ...
--------Sequence of event s leading to contraction :
A motor neuron fires an action potential
(AP ) down its axon.
Axon terminal of
motor neuron
G) Events at the
junction (see
Focus Figure 9.1)
The motor neuron's axon terminal
releases acetylcholine (ACh) into the
synaptic cleft.
with ACh
ACh binds receptors on the junctional
folds of the sarcolemma.
ACh binding causes a local depolarization
called an end plate potential (EPP).
@ Muscle fiber
excilation (see
Figure 9 .8)
The local depolarization (EPP) triggers an
AP in the adjacent sarcolemma.
explore each group of tcps in more detail in tbe re t of this
Events at the neuromuscular junction ( ee Focu Figure 9.1
on p. 292). The motor n uron releases ACb tbat stimulates the keletaJ muscle fiber, causi11g a local depolarization (decrease in membrane potential) called an end plate
potenlia/ EPP).
Muscle fiber excitation. The EPP triggers an action potentiaJ that travels across the entire arcolemma (see igure 9.8
on p. 293).
Excitation"'contraction coupling (see Focu
Figure 9.2
on pp. 294-295). The AP in the arcolemma propagate along
the T tubules and causes release of CaH- from the tenninal
ci tems of the SR. Ca2+ is the final trigger for conrraction. lt is
the internal me . enger tbat links the AP to contraction. Ca2 +
bind to tropooin and this eau. e: the myo in-binding ite on
actin to be exposed o that myo in head can bmd to act.in.
ee Focu Figure 9.3 on p. 297). The
muscle contract a. a resuJt of a repeating cycle of step
that eau e myofilamcnt to tide relative to each other.
AP in sarcolemma travels down T tubules.
@Excitationcontraction coupling
(see Focus Figu re 92)
Sarcoplasmic reticulum releases Ca2 +.
ca2+binds to troponin, which shifts
tropomyosin to uncover the myosin-binding
sites on actin. Myosin heads bind actin.
@cross bridge cycle
(see Focus Figure 9.3)
Contraction occurs via cross bridge cycling.
Figure 9.7 Overview of skeletal muscle contraction.
Cross bridge cycling
Events at the Neuromuscular Junction
When a nerve impulse reaches a
neuromuscular junction, acetylcholine (ACh)
is released. Upon binding to sarcolemma
receptors, ACh causes a change in sarcolemma
permeabil ity leading to a change in
Action - -membrane potential.
potential (AP)
Watch a 3-D animation of this process: Ma r nngA&P" >
Study Area > Animations & Videos > A&P Flix
- - - Axon of
motor neuron
- ::::--.
Axon terminal of
neuromuscu lar
j unction
1 Sarcolemma of
the muscle fiber
G) Action potential arnve5 at
axon terminal of mo1or neuron
@vottage--gated Ca 2+
channels open. Ca2• enters the
axon term inal, moving down its
electrochemical gradient
@ Ca 2+ entry ca uses ACh (a
neurotransmitter) to be rel e1sed
by exocytosi.!.
© ACh diffuses across the
synaptic cleft and binds to ACh
receptors on the sarcolemma.
Sarcaplasm al
muscle fiber
® ACh binding opens chemically
gated ion channels that allow
simultaneous passage of Na• into
the muscle fiber and K+ out of
the muscle fiber. More Na~ rons
enter than K+ ions exrt, which
produces a local change in the
membrane potential called he
Postsynapllc membrane
ion channel opens;
10ns pass.
end plate potential,
@ ACh effects are terminated by
its breakdown In the synaptic
cleft by acetylcholinesterase and
diffusion away from the j unction.
Ion channel close s;
ions cannot pass.
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
Open voltagegated Na- channel
Axon terminal of
Q) An end p late potential (EPP) is generated at the
neuromuscular junction (see Focus Figure 9.1 ). The EPP causes
a wave of depolarization that spreads to the adjacent sarcolemma.
Closed voltagegated K+ channel
@Depolarization: Generating and propagating an action potential
(AP). Depolarization of the sarcolemma opens voltage-gated sodium
channels . Na + enters, following its electrochemical gradient. At a certain
membrane voltage, an AP is generated (initiated). The AP spreads to
adjacent areas of the sarcolemma and opens voltage-gated Na+ channels
there , propagating the AP. The AP propagates along the sarcolemma in all
di rections, just like ripp les from a pebble dropped in a pond.
Figure 9.8 Summary of events in the generation and
propagation of an action potential in a skeletal muscle fiber.
Closed voltageOpen voltagegated Na+ channel gated K+ channel
Events at the Neuromuscular Junction
How does a motor neuron tinmlate a keletal muscle fiber?
Focus on E vents at the Neuromus cular Junction ( Focus
Figure 9.1) covers this proces step by step. Study thi figure
before continuing.
The result of the events at t11e neuromu cular junction i
a transient change in membrane
potential that cause the interior r) Complete an interactive
of the sarcolemma to become le. s tu torial: M1scenngA&P' >
negative a depolarization . Tl1is Study Area> Interactive
local depo larization is called an Physiology
end plate potential (EPP). The
EPP spreads to the adjacent arcolemma and triggers an AP
After ACh bind to the ACh rccep ors, its effects are quickly
terminated by acetykbolinesterase (a "e-til-ko"lin-e 'ter-as),
an enzyme located in the ynaptic cleft. Acetylcbolinesterase
breaks down ACh to its building block , acetic acid and choline.
Removing ACh prevents continued muscle fiber contraction in
the ab ence of additional nervou y tern timulation.
Many toxin , drugs. and diseases interfere with event at t11e
neuromu cular junction _ For example, myasthenia gravis
(asthen = weakness; gravi = heavy) a di ease characterized
by drooping upper eyelids, difficulty swalJowing and talking,
and generalized mu cle weakne , involve a hortage of ACh
receptors. Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disea e in which
the immune ystem de troysACh receptor .
• • •
@Repolarization: Restoring the sarcolemma to its initial polarized
state (negative inside, positive outside). The repolarization wave is also
a consequence of opening and closing ion channels-voltage-gated Na+
channels close and 110ltage-gated K+ channels open. The potassium ion
concentration is substantially higher inside the cell than in the extracellular
fluid, so K+ diffuses out of the muscle fiber. This restores the negatively
charged conditions inside that a.re cha.racteristic of a sarcolemma at rest
Generation of an Action Potential across
the Saree emma
Now let's consider the electrical - ents that trigger an action
potential along the sarcolemma. An action potential i the re. ult
of a predictable equence of electrical changes. Once initiated,
an action potential sweep aJong the entire urface of the sarcolemma. Three tep are involved in triggerlng and then propagating an action potential. These three steps-generation of an
end plate potential fo llowed by action potential depolarization
and repolarization- are hown in Figure 9.8. A traci11g of the
(Text c o11ti1111e.s 011 p . 296.)
Excitation-Contraction Coupling
Excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling is the sequence of
events by which transmission of an action potential along
the sarcolemma leads to the sliding of myofilaments.
Watch a 3-D animation of this process: Mast ringA&P >
Study Area> Animations & Videos> A&P Flix
Setting the stage
The events at the neuromuscular junction
(NMJ) set the stage for E-C coupling by
providing excitation. Released acetylcholine
binds to receptor proteins on the sarcolemma
and triggers an action potential in a muscle
Axon terminal of
moto r neuron at NMJ
Muscle fiber
Steps in E-C Coupling:
(D The action potential (AP) propagates
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, along the sarcolemma and down the
@calcium ions are released.
Transmirnon of the AP along the
T tubule5 of the triads causes the
voltage-sensitive tubu le proteins to
change shape. Thts snape change opens
the Ca2~ release channels m the terminal
cisterns of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
(SR), allowing Ca 2+ to flow into the
----------- _
-----,_ -.....
Tropomyosin blocking
myosin·binding sites
@ Caldum binds to troponin and
removes the blotking action of
tropomyosin. When Ca2 binds,
troponin changes shape, exposing
myosin-bindmg sites on the thin
Myosin-binding sites exposed
and ready for myosin binding
cros s
© Contraction begins: Myosin
binding to actm forms cross
bridges and contraction (cross
bridge cyding) begins. At t his
point, E-C coupling is over.
The aftermath
When the muscle AP ceases, the voltage-sensitive tubule proteins return to their
original shape, closing the Ca2 + release channels of the SR. Ca2 + levels in the
sarcoplasm fall as Ca2 + is continually pumped back into the SR by active transport.
Without Ca2+, the blocking action of tropomyosin is restored, myosln-actin
interaction is inhibited, and relaxation occurs. Each time an AP arrives at the
neuromuscular junction, the sequence of E-C coupling ls repeated.
UN IT 2 Cove ring, Support, and Movement of the Body
Muscle Fiber Contraction:
Cross Bridge Cycling
Na+ chann els
close, K+ channels
due to Na+ entry
K+ channels
Figure 9.9 R.ecording of an action potential (AP) in a muscle
f iber. An A P is a brief change in membrane potent ial.
res ulting membrane potential changes i hown in Figure 9.9.
We will describe action potential in more derail in Chapter 11.
During repolarization. a muscle fiber is . aid to be in a
refractory period , becau e the cell cannot be stimulated
again until repolarization i complete. ote that repolarization
re tore only the electrical conditions of the restil1g (polarized)
state. The ATP-dependen t a+-K+ pump re tores the ionic conditions of the resting state, but thousands of action potential.
can occur before ionic imbalance interfere ~ ith contractile
Once initiated. the action potential i unstoppable. H ultimately results in contraction of the mu cle fiber. Although the
action potential it. elf last only a few milli econd. m ), the
contraction phase of a muscle fiber may persist for JOO m s or
more and far outla ts the electrical event that trigger it.
Excitation-Contraction Coupling
Excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling i tbe equence of
event by which tran mj _ sion of
an action potential along tbe sarco- 0 Complete an interactive
lemma cause myofilaments to lide. tutorial: Mast rrngA&P• >
Study Alea>lnteractNt'!
The action potential i brief and end
well before any ign of contraction Physiology
are obvious.
As you will ee, the e lectrical ignal does not act directly
on tbe myofilament . Ins tead , it cau e the ri e in intracellular
levels of calcium ions, which triggers a equence of events that
ultimately leads to . tiding of the filament .
Focus or1 Excitatio11 -Contractio11 Coupling ( Focus
Figure 9.2) on pp. 294-295 illustrate the reps in thi pro e s.
lt also reveal. how the integral proteins of the T tubules and
terminal cistem. in the triad interact to provide the Ca- + neees ary for contraction to occur.
As we ha e noted, cro s bridge formation requires Cal+. Let's
look more closely at bow calcium ions promote muscl cell
When intracellular calcium levels are low. the muscle cell is
relaxed because tropomyosin molecules physically block the
myosin-binding ites on actin. A Ca2 levels ri c. the ions bind
to regulatory sites on troponin. Two calcium ions must bind
to a troponin. causing it lo change shape and roll tropomyosin into the groove of the acti11 helix, away from the myosinbinding ites. 1n short, the tropomyosin blockade is removed
when ufficient calcium is present. Once binding sites on actin
are ex:po ed , the events of the cross
bridge cycle occur in rapid suc- 0 Watch a 3-0 animation of
ces. ion , a depicted in Focus 011 this process: M~ ti' ·111gA&P
the Cross Bridge Cycle ( Focus > Study Area > AnimaHons &
Videos > A&P Rix
Figure 9.3). The cycle repeats and
with each cycle, the myosin head
takes another step" by attaching to an actin site further along
the thin ftlament. The thin filament continue to lide a long a
calcium and adequate ATP are present.
Myos_in walks along the adjacent thin filament during muscle shortening like a centipede. The thin filaments cannot tide
backward a the cycle repeats again and again becau e ome
myosin heads (the "legs" ) are alway in contact with actin (the
' ground"). Contracting muscle routinely shorten by 30-35%
of their total resting le ngth. o each myosin cros bridge
attache. and detacbe many times during a single contraction.
It is likely that only half of the myosin heads of a thick filament
are pulling at the same instant. The other are randomly eeking
their next binding site.
A soon as Ca2+ is relea ed from the SR, the Cai+ pumps
of the SR begin to reclaim it from I.he cytosol. As CaH levels
drop, Ca2+ come off of troponin. whkh < gain changes shape
and pull. tropomyo in up to bJock actin's myo in-binding ite
The contraction ends, and the muscle fiber relaxes. When cross
bridge cycling end., the myosin heads remain in their upright
high-energy configuration (Fo us Figure 9.3 @), ready to bind
act.in when the muscle is timulated to contract again .
Except for the brief period following muscle cell excitation. calcium ion concentrations in the cytosol are kept almost
undetectably low. When nerve impulse arrive in quick ucces.
.mtracellular Ca 2+ levels soar due to successive ·'puffs ' or
bursts of Ca2 ... released from the R. 1n uch case , the muscle
cells do not completely relax between succes ive stimuLi and
contraction is stronger and more sustained (within limil~) until
nervous timulation cea e . .
gor morris (death ri~or) iUustrate the fact that cros bridge
tachment I ATP driven. Mo t mu cle begin to tiffen 3 to
Cross Bridge Cycle
The cross bridge cycle is the series of events
during which myosin heads pull thin filaments
toward the center of the sarcomere.
Watd1 a 3-D animation of this process: MasterfngA&P >
Study Area> Animations & Videos> A&P Flix
Thin filament
Myosin _/
G) Cross bridge formation. Energized
myosm head attaches to an actin
myofilament, forming a cross bridge.
© Cocking of the myosin head. As myosin
@The power (working) stroke. ADP and P1
are released and the myosin head pivots
and bends, changing to Its bent low-energy
state. As a result it pulls the actm filament
toward the M fine.
hydrolyzes ATP to ADP and P • the myosin
head returns to tts prestroke 1high-energy,
or "cocked, " position.
In the absence
of ATP, myosfn
heads will not
detach, causi ng
rigor mortis.
"'This cycle will continue as long as ATP is
available and Ca 2• is bound ta troponin _If
ATP is not available. the cyde stops
between steps@ and@.
@cross bridge detachment. After ATP
attaches to myosln, the link between myos1n
and actin weakens, and the myosin head
detaches (the cross bridge "breaks" )
UNIT 2 Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
4 hours after death. Peak rigidity occurs at 12 hours and then
gradually di sipate over the next 48 to 60 hour . Dying cell are
unable to exclude calcium which i in higher concentration in the
extracellular fluid) , and the calcium influx into mu cle cell promotes formation of myo. in cross bridges. Shortly after breathing
stop , ATP ynthe is cea e • but ATP continues to be con umed
and cross bridge detaclunent is impos ible once all of the ATP is
gone. Actin and myosin become irreversibly cro -linked, producing the tiffness of rigor mortis, which gradually di appears as
mu. cle protein break down after death .
•• • •
Check Your Understanding
From t he time an action potential reaches t he axon terminal of
a motor neuron until cross bridge cycling begins, several sets
of ion channels are activated . List t hese channels in t he order
that t hey are activated and state what causes each to open.
10. What is the f inal t rigger for contraction ? What is the initial
11. What prevents the f ilaments rom sliding back to their original
position each time a myosin cross bridge detaches from actin?
12. •Mt·Silil What would happen if a muscle fiber suddenly ran
out of ATP w hen sarcomeres had only partially contracted ?
- - - - - - - - - - For answen-. see Answen- Appendix.
Temporal summation and motor
unit recruitment allow smooth, graded
skeletal muscle contractions
Learning Outcome
► Define motor unit and muscle twitch, and describe the
events occurring during the three phases of a muscle
► Explain how smooth, graded contractions of a skeletal
muscle are produced.
► Differentiate between isometric and isotonic contractions.
ln it relaxed rate, a mu cle is oft and unimpre. ive, not what
you would expect of a prime mover of the body. However,
within a few milli econd , it can contract to become a hard elastic structure with dynamic characteri tic that intrigue not only
biologi t but engineers and phy ici ts a well .
Before we con ider muscle contraction on the organ level,
let's note two facts about mu cle mechanics.
• The principles goveming contraction of a single muscle fiber
and of a keletal mu cle consisti ng of a large number of fibers
are pretty much the same.
Spinal cord
(cross section)
Motor neuron
cell body
(b) Branching axon terminals fonn
neuromuscular junctions, one
per muscle fiber (photomicrograph 330 x ).
(a) Axons of motor neurons extend from the spinal cord to the muscle. Al the muscle, each
axon divides into a number of axon tenninals that form neuromuscular junctions with muscle
fibers scattered throughout th e muscle.
Figure 9.10 A motor unit consists of one motor neuron and all the
muscle fibers it innervates.
Practice Histology questions:
M, erin 6 A&P• > Study Area > Lab Tools > PAL
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
• The force exerted by a contracting muscle on an object i.
ca1led muscle tension . The opposing force exened 011 the
muscle by the weight of the object to be moved is called the
Latent Period of
period contraction
- ii
Period of
A keletal muscle contracts with varying force and for different
periods of time in response to our need at the time. To understand how this occur , we mu t look at the nerve-mu cle fm1ctional w1it called a motor unit.
The Motor Unit
Each mu cle i erved by at least one motor nerve. and each
motor nerve contains axons (fibrous extension. ) of up to hundreds of motor neuron . A an axon enters a mu cle, it branches
into a number of ending , each of which forms a neuromu cutar ju11ction with a ingle muscle fiber. A motor unit consists
of one motor neuron and all the mu clc fi bers it innervates, or
upplies (Figure 9.10). When a motor neuron fire (tran mit
an action potential), a.I.I the mu. cle fi ber it innervate contract.
The number of muscle fiber per motor unit may be as high
as several hundred or as few a four. Muscle. that exert fine
control (such as those controlling the fingers and eyes have
small motor units. By contra. t, large. weight-bearing musc le. ,
whose movements are less precise (such as the hip muscles),
have large motor units. The mu cle fibers in a ingle motor unit
are not clustered together but are pread throughout d1e mu cle.
A a re u]t, stimuJation of a single motor unit cau e a weak but
uniform contraction of the muscle.
(a) Myogram showing the three phases of an isometric twitch
1 Latent pe riod
Lateral rectus (extraocular muscle)
The Muscle Twitch
Mu cle contraction is inve tigated in die laboratory using an
isolated mu clc. The mu clc is attached to an apparatu that
produces a myogram, a recording of contractile activity consisting of one or more recorded lines called tracings. Remember that mu cles can contract witho ut shortening (an isometric
contraction, w hich we will discuss further on pp. 302- 303).
The myograms (graphs) in Figures 9.11 - 9. 14 bow the amount
of tension a muscle develops when its length is held constant
as it contract .
In the laboratory, a muscle twitch is the response of a muscle to a ingle stimulation. The mu cle fibers contract quickly
and then relax. Every twitch myogram has three distinct phases
Figure 9.11a).
1. Latent period. The latent period is the first few mmi econd {ms) followi ng stimulation when excitation-contraction
coupling is occurring. During this period, cro bridges begin
to cycle but muscle tension i not yet measurable so the
myogram doe not , how a re pon. e.
2. Period of contraction. D uring the period of contraction ,
cro . bridge are active, from the on. et to the peak of tension development, and the myogram tracing ri es to a peak.
Thi period la. t ](J....-JO0 m .
3. Period of relaxation. T his final pha. e, lasting 10-100 ms.
i. due to pumping of Ca2+ back into the SR . Becau e
the number of active cro s bridges is declining contractile
force i. declining. Muscle tensjon decrease to zero and
Time (ms)
(b) Comparison of the relative duration of twitch responses of
three muscles
Figure 9. 11 The muscle twitch.
the tracing return to tbe baseline. Notice that a muscle
contracts fa ter than it relaxes, as shown by the asymmetric
shape of the curve in Figure 9. 1l a.
As you can ee in Figure 9.1 1b, twitch contractions of . ome
muscles are rapid and brief, as with the extraocular mu cle
controlling eye movements. In contra t, the fibers of fleshy calf
muscles (gastrocncmius and soleus) contract more slowly and
remain contracted for much longer period . TI1e e d ifference
between musc les reflect variations in enzyme. and metabolic
propertie of the myofibrils.
Graded Muscle Contractions
Muscle twitches- like those ingle, jerky contractions provoked
in a laboratory-may re. ult from certain neuromuscular problem , but this is not the way our muscles normally operate.
instead, healthy mu cle contractions are relatively mood1 and
UNIT 2 Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
vary in strength as different demand. are placed on them. These
variation needed for proper control of keletal movement. are
referred to a graded mnscle contractions.
ln general, muscle contraction can be graded in two ways:
• An increa e in d1efreq1-1eucy of stimulation causes temporal
sw11111L1tio11. The higher the frequency, the greater the strength
of contraction of a given motor unit.
• An increa e in the st rengJ/1 of sti muJation causes recruitment. The tronger the stimulation, the more n1otor units are
activated, and the tronger the contraction.
1n the laboratory, it is easy to adju. t the settings used to artific ially stimulate a musde. ln the body, the brain determines
the trength of a mu cle 's contraction by changing (I) the rate
of firing of action potentials along the axon of it motor neuron (frequency) and 2) the number of its motor neurons that
are activated strength). 111 this way, we automatical]y and continuously adjust the . trength of our mu cle contraction . We
are only aware of this process when it doesn't work right. For
example, if you Lift what you expect to b a heavy box that i
in fact empty, you will use more muscle power than you should
and the box will go flying!
Muscle Response to Chang.es in Stimulus Frequency
The nervou ystem can achieve greater mu cu lar force by
increa ing the firing rate of motor neurons. For example, if two
identical stimuli electrical . hocks or nerve impuL e ) are deJivered to a mu cle in rapid ucce ion, the second twitch will be
stronger than the fir t. On a myogram the econd twitch wilJ
appear to ride on the shouJder of the fir t (Figure 9.12a, b).
ThL phenomenon is called temporal, or wave, swnmation.
It occur becau e the econd contraction begin before the mu cle ha completely reJaxed. The second contraction is greater
ilian the first because ilie muscle is already partiaJly contracted
and because even more calcium is squirted into the cytosol. ln
other word., ilie contractions are added together. (However, the
refractory perio d is always honored. So if a econd stimulu
arrive before repolarization is complete, no wave summation
lf the muscle is timulated at an increasingly fa_ ter rate:
• The relaxation time between twitches becomes shorter and
• The concentration of Ca 2 in the cytosol rise higher and
• The degree of wave ummation become greater and greater,
progre sing to a sustained but quivering contraction referred
Maximal tension of a single twitch
t Stimulus
+ stimulus
(a) Individual twitches. A s econd stimulus delivered after rel axation is
comp lete does not produce summation.
Time (ms)
(b) Temporal summation. Additional stimuli delivered before relaxation
is comp lete produce temporal (wave) summation.
Fused tetanus
Unfused tetanus
Time (ms)
(c) Unfused tetanus. Higher stimulation frequency results in unfused
Time (ms)
(d) Fused tetanus. At even higher stimulus freq uencies, there is no
relaxation at all between stimuli. This is fused (complete) tetanus.
Figure 9.12 Temporal summation. A muscle's response to changes in stimulation frequency.
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
laboratory, recruitment i. ach ieved by delivering stimu li of
increasing voltage, calling more and more muscle fiber into
Stimulus strength
• Stimuli that produce no observable contraction are subthreshold stimuli.
• The timulu at which the first ob ervable contraction occurs
i called the threshold stimulus (Figure 9.13 . Beyond thi
point, the muscle contracts more vigorou ly a. tbc timulus
strcngU1 increase .
Th reshold slimu lus
Stimul i to nerve
• The ma ximal stimulus is the strongest . timulus that
increases contractile force. It represen ts the point at which
all the muscle's motor un its arc recmited. 1n the laboratory,
increa ing the timulu inten ity beyond the maximal timulu does not produce a stronger contraction.
Proportion of motor units excited
The recruitment proce is not random. Instead it i dictated
by the size principle (Figure 9.14). ln any mu. clc:
• The motor units with the mallest mu cle fiber. arc activated
fir: t because they are controlled by the smalle t most highly
exc.itable motor neuron .
Strength of muscle contraction
Maximal contraction
• As motor units with larger and larger mu cle fibers begin to
be excited, contractile strength increa e .
The largest motor uni t , containing large. coarse mu cle
fibers, are controlled by the largest, lea t excitable (highc tthreshold) neuron and are ac tivated only when the mo t
powerful contraction is necessary.
Time (ms)
Figure 9.13 Recru itment. Relationship between stimulus
intensity (graph at top) and muscle tension (myogram below). Below
threshold voltage, the myogram shovvs no muscle response (stimuli 1
and 2). Once threshold (3) is reached, increases in voltage excite
(recruit) more and more motor units unt il the maximal stimulus is
reached (7). Further increases in stimulus voltage produce no fu rther
increase in contractile strength.
to a unfused or incomplete tetanus* tet' ah-nus;
rigid, ten e) (Figure 9. 12c).
Finally, as the stimulation frequency continues to i11crease,
mu cle ten ion increase until it reache maximal tension. t
thi point all evidence of mu. cle relaxation di. appear and
the contraction fuse into a mooth, ustained contraction
plateau called fused or complete tetanus (Figure 9.12d). l.n
t11c real world, physiological mechani ms prevent fu ed tetanus, so it rarely if ever occurs.
Temporal ummation contributes to contractile force, but it
primary function i to produce mooth , continuou muscle contractions by rapidly stimulating a specific number of muscle cells.
Muscle Response to Changes in Stimulus Strength
Recruitment, aJ. o called mu.Jtiple moto r unit summation, control the force of contraction more precisely. In the
* The tcnn tetanus al.so describes a bacterial disease (see Related Clinical TemLs
at the end of the chapter).
Why is the ize principle important? It allows the increases
in force during weak contractions (for example, tho e that
maintain po rure or low movement ) to occur in mall reps,
wherea gradations in mu cle force are progre i ely greater
when large amount of force are needed for vigorous activities
uch as jumping or mnning. The size principle explain. how the
ame hand that lightly pat your cheek can deliver a . tinging
slap at the volleyball during a match.
La rgefiber
Figure 9.14 The size principle of recruitment. Motor units
with the smallest fibers are recruited first, allowing f ine control of
UNIT 2 Cove ring, Support, and Movement of the Body
Isotonic contraction (concentric)
On stimulation, muscle develops enough tension (force)
to lift the load (weight). Once the resistance is overcome,
the muscle shortens , an d the tension remains constant for
the rest of the contraction.
(b) Isometric contraction
Muscle is attached to a weight that exceeds the muscle's
peak tension-developing capabilities. When sti mulated, the
tension increases to the muscle 's peak tension-develop ing
capability, but the musole does not shorten.
........._ Tendon
C ._..
Amount of
4 _ _ _/
Peak tension
c ......
Amount of resistance
6 --------------------------.,_ Muscle
Peak tension
~ :2100
8_ cn
Resting lenglh
.5 80
.s? ti
.!? I!!
"'"::==--Time (ms)--==~~,
- - - - Time (ms)-------1►
Figure 9.15 Isotonic (concentric) and isometric contractions.
Although all the motor units of a mu cle may be recruited
simultaneou. ly to produce an exceptionaUy trong contraction,
motor unit are more commonly activated a ynchronou ly. At
a give n instant, ome are contracting while others are re. ting
and recovering. This technique helps prolong a strong contraction by preventi ng or delay ing fatigue. l t also explains how
weak contractions promoted by infreq uent stimuli can remain
Muscle Tone
keletaJ muscle are de cri bed as voluntary, but eve n relaxed
ruu cles arc almost always slightly contracted, a phenomenon
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
called muscle tone. Muscle tone is due to spinal reflexes that
activate first one group of motor units and then another in
response to activated stretch receptors in the muscles. Muscle
tone does not produce active movements, but it keeps the muscles firm, healthy, and ready to respond to stimulation. Skeletal
muscle tone also helps stabilize joints and maintain posture.
Isotonic and Isometric Contractions
There are two main categories of contractions- isownic and.
isometric, depending on whether a muscle changes length or
not. Muscles change length in isotonic, but not isometric, contractions. When studying isotonic contractions in a laboratory.
the amo11111 of muscle shortening is measured as shown in the
bottom part of Figure 9.15a. More commonly, isometric contractions are studied. and what is measured is increasing muscle
tension (Figure 9.1 Sb, top graph).
the load is greater than the force (tension) the muscle is able
to develop-th ink of trying to lift a piano single-handedly.
Muscles contract isometrically when they act primarily to
ma.intain upright posture or to bold joints stationary while
movements occur at other joints.
Electrochemical and mechanical events occurring within a
muscle are identical in both isotonic and isometric contractions.
However. the results are different. ln isotonic contractions. the
thin fiJan1ents slide. JJJ isometric contractions, the cross bridges
generate force but do not move the thin filaments, so there is
no change in the banding pattern from that of the resting state.
(You could say that they are "spinning their wheels" on the
same actin binding sites.)
Check Your Understanding
13. What is a motor unit?
14. Identify each phase of the muscle twitch labeled a-c in the
figure below. What is happening in the muscle during phase a?
Isotonic Contractions
if the muscle tension developed overcomes the load and muscle
shortening occurs, the contraction is an isotonic contraction
(iso = same; 1011 = tension), as when you lift a 5 -lb bag of
sugar. Once sufficient tension has developed to move the load.
the tension remains relatively constant through tbe rest of the
contractile period (Figure 9.15a).
Isotonic contractions come in two " flavors"-concentric
and eccentric. Concentric contractions are those in which
the muscle shortens and does work, such as picking up a book
or kicking a ball. Concentric contractions are probably more
familiar, but eccentric contractions, in wh ich the muscle generates force as it lengthens, are equally important for coordination and purposeful movements.
Eccentric contractions occur in your anterior thigh muscles, for
example, as you walk down a steep hill. Eccentric contractions
are about 50% more forceful than concentric ones at the same
load and more often cause delayed-onset muscle soreness. (Consider how your thigh muscles/eel the day after hiking that hill.)
The muscle stretching that occurs during eccentric contractions
causes microtrauma in the muscles that results in soreness.
Biceps curls provide a simple example of bow concentric
and eccentric contractions work together in our everyday activities. Wllen you flex your elbow to draw a weight toward your
shoulder, the biceps muscle in your arm is contracting concentrically. Wben you straighten your arm to return the weight to
the bench, the isotonic contraction of your biceps is eccentric.
Basically, eccentric contractions put the body in position to
contract concentrically. All jumping and throwing activities.
involve both types of contraction.
Isometric Contractions
A contracting muscle does not always shorten and move
a load. 1f muscle tension develops but the load is nol moved.
the contraction is an isometric contraction (metric = measure). Jn isometric contractions, tension may bu ild to the
muscle' s peak tension-producing capacity, but the muscle 11eirher slwrtens nor lengthens (Figure 9. 1Sb) because
Time (ms)
mg Jacob is competing in a chin-up competition. What type
of muscle contractions are occurring in his biceps muscles
immediately after he grabs the bar? As his body begi ns to
move upward toward the bar? When his body begins to
approach the mat?
- - - - - - - - - - For answers, see A nswers Appen dix.
ATP for muscle contraction is
produced aerobically or anaerobically
learning Outcomes
Describe t hree w ays in which ATP is regenerated during
skeletal muscle contraction.
Define EPOC and muscle fatigue. List possible causes of
muscle fatigue.
Providing Energy for Contraction
As a muscle contracts. ATP supplies the energy to move and
detach cross bridges, operate the calcium pump in the SR, and
operate the Na+ -K+ pump in the plasma membrane. Surprisingly, muscles store very limited reserves of ATP-4 to 6 seconds' worth at most, just enough to get you going. Because ATP
is the only energy source used directly for contractile activities,
it must be regenerated as fast as it is broken down if contraction
is to continue.
UNIT 2 Cove ring, Support, and Movement of the Body
Fortunately, after ATP i hydrolyzed to ADP and inorganic
pho phate in muscle fiber . it i regenerated. within a fraction
of a second by one or more of the three pathway ununarized
in Figure 9.16: a) direct phosphorylation of ADP by creatine
pho phate, (b anaerobic glycolysis, wl1ich convert. glucose to
lactic acid, and (c) aembic re piration. All body ceU u e glycolysis and aerobic respiration to produce ATP, so we touch on
them here but describe them in detail later, in Chapter 24.
Di rect Phosphorylation of ADP by Creatine Phosphate
(Figu re 9.16a)
As we begin to exerci e vigorou ly, the demand for ATP . oars
and the ATP stored in working muscles i consumed within a
few twitche. Then creatine phosphate (CP) kre ' ah-tin). a
unique high-energy molecule tored. in mu des, i tapped to
regenerate ATP while other merabolic pathways adjust to the
sudden high demand for ATP.
Coupling CP with ADP transfers energy and a phosphate
group from CP to ADP to form ATP almost in tantly:
Crea tine pho phate
Muscle cells
CP reac tion
kinase, is o
changes very
crcn t1m:
kin »c
store two to three times mo re CP than ATP. The
with ADP. catalyzed by the enzyme creatine
ffieicn t that the amount of ATP in muscle cells
little during the initial period of contraction.
(a) Direct phosphorylation
Together, . tored TP and CP provide for maximum mu. cle
power for about 15 second - long enough to energize a 100meter dash ( lightly longer if the activity i le vigorous). · he
coupled reaction i readily rever ible, and to keep CP available,
CP reserve are replcni hcd duri ng period. of rest or inactivity.
Anaerobic Pathway: Glycolysis and Lactic Acid
Formation (Figure 9.16b)
s stored ATP and CP are cxhau ted, more ATP i. generated by
brealdng down (catabolizing glucose obtained from the blood
or glycogen stored in the mu cle. The initial phase of glucose
breakdown i glycolysis gli-kol'i- is; " ugar plitting"). Thi
pathway occurs jn both the presence and the absence of oxygen ,
but becau. e it doe not u. e oxygen, it is an anaerobic (an-a' erob-ik; "without oxygen") patl1way. During glycolysi,, glucose
i broken down to two pyru vic acid molecules, releasing enough
energy to form mall amounts of ATP (2 ATP per glucose).
When sufficient oxygen is pre ent. tl1e pyruvic acid produced during glycolysi enter. the mitochondria, producing. till
more ATP in the oxygen-using pathway called aerobic re piration, de. cribed hortly. When blood flow and oxygen deLivcry
are impaired during vigorous mu. c le contraction. most of the
pyruvic acid is converted. into lactic acid . and tl1e overall process is referred to as anaerobic glycolysis. Oxygen delivery is
impaired becau e buJging muscles compre . the blood vessels
wit11 in them. Thi bappen , hen contractile activity reac he
Anaerobic pathway
Aerobic pathway
Coupled react ion of creatine phosphate
(CP) and ADP
Glycolysis and lactic acid formation
Aerobic respiration
Energy source: CP
Energy source: glucose
Energy source: glucose; pyruvic aci d; free
fatty acids from adipose tissue; amino
acids from protein catabolism
Glucose (from
glycogen breakdown or
delivered from blood)
Oxygen use: None
Products: 1 ATP per CP, creatine
Duration of energy provided:
15 seconds
Oxygen use: None
Products: 2 ATP per glucose, lactic acid
Duration of energy provided: 3~ 0 seconds,
or slightly more
Figure 9.16 Pathways for regenerating ATP during muscle activity. The fastest pathway
is direct phosphorylation (a), and the slowest is aerobic respiration (c).
Glucose (from
glycogen breakdown or
delivered from blood)
Oxygen use: Required
Products: 32 ATP per glucose, CO2 , H2O
Duration of energy provided: Hours
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
about 70% of die maximum possible (for example, when you
mn 600 meter. with maximal effort.
Lactic acid i the end product of gluco e metaboli m during anaerobic glycolysi . Most of ilie lactic acid diffuse. out of
the mu cles into the bloodstream. Subsequently, the liver heart.
or kidney ce lls pick up the lactic acid and use it a an energy
source. Additionally, liver cell can re-convert it to pyruvic acid
or glucose and release it back into the bloodstream for muscle
use or convert it to glycogen for . torage.
The anaerobi pathway i inefficient but fa t. Jt harve ts only
about 5% a much ATP from each glucose molecule as ilie aerobic pathway. but it produce ATP about 2V2 thne faster. or
this reason, even when large amounts of ATP are needed for
moderate periods (30-40 econd ) of strenuou mu. cle acti ity, glycoly i can provide most of d'li TP. Together, tared
ATP and CP and the glycolysis-Jactic acid pathway can support
strenuous mu cle acti ity for nearly a minute.
Although anaerobic glycoly is readily fuels spurt. of vigorous exercL e, it ha. hortcomings. Huge amow1t of gluco. e are
used to produce relatively small harve t,;; of ATP. and the accumulating lactic acid i. partiaUy re pon ible for muscle sorene s
during intense exerci e.
Aerobic Respiration (Figure 9.16c)
During re t and light to moderate exerci. e, even if prolonged,
95'!'1 of d1e ATP u. ed for mu cle activity comes from aerobic
respiration. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen and mitochondria, and involves a equence of chemical reactions that break
the bond. of fuel molecule and relea e energy to make TP.
Aerobic re piration begins wid1 glycoly i and L followed
by reaction I.hat rake place in ilie mitochondria. lt break. down
glucose entirely to water and carbon dioxide, and generate
large amounts of ATP.
oxygen ➔
ATP stored in
muscles is
used first.
10 seconds
ATP is formed from
creatine phosphate
and ADP (direct
Energy Systems Used during Exercise
Which pathways predominate during exerci c ? A long as a
mu cle cell has enough oxygen , it will form ATP by ilie aerobic
pailiway. When ATP demands are within ilie capacity of the aerobic pailiway, light to moderate mu. cular activity can continue
for everal hour in well-conditioned individual (Figure 9 .17).
However, when exerci e demands begin to exceed dlC ability
of the mu cle cells to carry out d1e necessary reactions quickly
enough, anaerobic pailiway. begin to contribute more and more
of dlc total TP generated. The length of time a muscle can
continue to contract using aerobic pathway, i called aerobic
endurance, and die point at wbich mu cle metabolism converts
to anaerobic glycolysis is called anaerobic threshold.
30-40 seconds
Prolonged-duration exercise
End of exercise
Glycogen stored in muscles is broken down to glucose,
which is oxidi2ed to generate ATP (anaerobic pathway).
Figure 9.17 Comparison of energy sources used during short-duration
exercise and prolonged-duration exercise.
carbon dioxide + water+ ATP
· he carbon dioxide released diffu e out of the mu. cle ti sue
into the blood, to be removed from the body by the lungs.
A exercise begin , muscle glycogen provide most of the fuel
hon:ly thereafter, bloodbome gluco e, pyruvic acid from glycolysis, and free fatt acid arc the major somces o fuels. After about
30 minute. , fatty acid become the major energy fuel . Aerobic
respiration provide. a high yield of ATP (about 32 ATP per gluco e , but it is low becau e of it many step and il require continuou delivery of oxygen and nutrient fuel to keep it going.
Short-duration, high-intensity exercise
ATP is generated by breakdown
of several nutrient energy fuels by
aerobic pathway.
UNIT 2 Coveri ng, Support, and Movement of the Body
Activities that require a surge of power but last onl y a few
seconds, such as weight lifting. diving, and sprinting, rely
entirely on ATP and CP stores. The slighlly longer bursts of
activity in tennis, soccer, and a 100-meter swim appear to be
fueled almost entirely by anaerobic glycolysis (Figure 9 . 17).
Prolonged activities such as marathon runs and bicycle touring.
where endurance rather than power is the goal, depend mainly
on aerobic respiration using both glucose and fatty acids as
fuels. Levels of CP and ATP don ' t change much during prolonged exercise because ATP is generated at the same rate as
it is used- a "pay as you go" system. Compared to anaerobic
energy production, aerobic generation of ATP is relatively slow.
but the ATP harvest is enormous.
Muscle Fatigue
Vigorous muscle activity cannot continue indefini tely. Muscle fatigue is a state of physiological inability to contract even
though the muscle is still receiving stimuli. You might think
that runn ing out of ATP is the critical event that causes muscle fatigue. In fact, ATP levels inside muscle cells do drop, but
muscle fatigue serves to prevent complete depletion of ATP in
muscle, which would result in death of muscle cells and rigor
mortis. (Not good!) The mechan ism of muscle fatigue is complex. Although it is not full y understood, it involves alterations
in excitation-contraction coupl ing. The follow ing chemical
changes may be involved:
• Ionic imbalances. Several ionic imbalances contribute to muscle fatigue. As action potentials are transmitted, potassium is
lost from the muscle cells to the fluids of the T tubules and
Na+ is gained. These ionic changes disturb the membrane potential of the muscle cells. They also reduce the size of the
action potential, which reduces the movement of the voltagesensitive proteins in the T tubules and so reduces the amount
of Caz+ released from the SR.
• Increased inorganic phosphate (P1). Pi from CP and ATP
breakdown may interfere with calcium release from the SR.
It may also interfere with the release of Pi from myosin and
thus hamper myosin's power strokes.
• Decreased ATP and increased magnesium (Mg2+ ). ATP normally binds Mg 2 + in the cell, so as ATP levels drop, Mg2+
levels rise. Both low ATP and high Mg2+ act on the voltagesensitive proteins in the T n1bu le to decrease Ca2+ release
from the SR.
• Decreased glycogen. A decrease in glycogen is highly correlated with muscle fatigue.
Lactic ac id has long been assumed to be a major cause of
fatigue, and excessive intracellular accumulation of lactic acid
raises the concentration of H+ and alters contractile proteins.
Although lactic ac id and p H both contribute to the sensation
of pa in during intense exercise, neither seem to be directly
involved in muscle fatigue.
1n general. intense exercise of short duration produces
fatigue rapidly, but recovery is also rapid. la contrast, the s lowdeveloping fatigue of prolonged low-intens ity exercise may
require hours to days for complete recovery.
Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption
Whether or not fatigue occurs, vigorous exercise alters a muscle's chemistry dramatically. For a muscle to renim to its preexercise state, the following must occur:
Its oxygen reserves (stored in myoglobin) must be replenished.
• The accwnulated lactic acid must be reconverted to pyruvic
• Glycogen stores must be replaced.
• ATP and creatine phosphate reserves must be resynthesized.
The use of these muscle stores during anaerobic exercise simply defers when the oxygen is consumed, because replacing
them requi.res oxygen uptake and aerobic metabol ism after
exerc ise ends. Additionally, the liver must convert any lactic
acid persisting in blood to glucose or glycogen. Once exercise
stops, the repayment process begins.
The extra amount of oxygen that the body must take in
for these restorative processes is called the excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), formerly called the oxygen debt. EPOC represents the difference between the amount
of oxygen needed for totally aerobic muscle activity and the
amount actually used. All anaerobic sources of ATP used during
muscle activity contribute to EPOC.
Check Your Understanding
16. Chris joined the cross-country team partway through the
season, and has just completed another grueling session of
trying to keep up with her teammates. After the run, she is
breathing heavily, her legs feel weak, and she is sweating
profusely. Why is Ch ris breathing heavily? Which ATPgenerating pathway have her working muscles been using that
makes her breathless? What metabolic products might account
for her muscle weakness?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. For answers, see Answers Appendix.
The force, velocity, and duration
of skeletal muscle contractions are
determined by a variety of factors
)..earning Outcomes
► Describe factors that influence the force, velocity, and
duration of skeletal muscle contraction.
► Describe three types of skeletal muscle fi bers and explain
the relative value o f each type.
Force of Muscle Contraction
The force of muscle contraction depends on the number of
myos in cross bridges that are attached to actin. This in turn is
affected by four factors (Figure 9.18), the first rwo of which we
have already discussed:
• Frequency of stimulation. When a muscle is stimulated more
frequently, contractions are summed (temporal summation and
Cha pter 9 Muscl es an d Muscle Tissue
frequency of
and tetanus)
of fast glycolytic
(fatlgable) fibers
number of
La rge
Muscle and
stretched to
slightly over 100%
of resling length
t Contractile
Contractile force (more cross bridges attached)
of slow oxidative
Figure 9.20 Factors influencing velocity and duration of
skeletal muscle contraction.
Figure 9.18 Factors that increase the force of skeletal
muscle contraction.
Velocity and Duration of Contraction
tetany, see Figure 9. 12 on p. 300). The higher the frequency
of muscle timulation, the greater the force the muscle exert .
Muscles vary in how fast they can contract and how long they
can continue to contract before they fatig ue. he e characteri •
tics arc influenced by muscle fiber type, load, and re<:ru itment
Number of muscle fibers recruited. The more motor units
(Figure 9.20).
recrui ted the greater the force (Figure 9.13 on p. 30L).
Size of muscle fibers. The bulkier the mu cle and the greater
the cro s-sectional area, the more ten ion it can develop. The
large fi bers of large motor unit produce the mo t powerful
movement . Regular resi tance exercise increases muscle
force by causing muscle cells to hypertrophy (increase
in ize).
Muscle Fiber Type
There are several way of cla sifying mu scle fibers, but learning
about the. e classes wil.l be ea ier if you pay attention to just two
functional characteristics:
Speed of contraction. On the ba is of speed (velocity of fiber
shortening. there are slow fibers and fast fibers. The difference reflect how fast their myosin ATPases split ATP, and the
pattern of electrical activity of their motor neurons. Contraction duration also varie with fiber type ru1d depends on how
quickly Ca'.!+ move from the cytosol into the SR.
Degree of muscle stretch. If a mu c le i tretched to variou. lengths and maximally sti mulated. the tension the mu cle can generate varies with length. The amo un t of tens ion
a mu. cle can generate during an i ometric contraction at
vario us length - it length-tension
can be hown graphiSarcomeres
Sarcomeres at
Sa.rcomeres excessively
call y as in Figure 9.19. The idea l
resting length
length on this curve occur. when the
muscle i clo e to its resting length and
the thi n and thick fil aments overlap
----- 1 70 % ---►
75% -+100% )(
optimaJly, because this permits sliding
a long nearly the entire length of the
thi n filaments. If a muscle is stretched
Optimal sarcomere
so much that the filaments do not o eroperating lenglh
lap, the myo in head have nothing to
(80%- 120% of
attach to and cannot generate tension.
resting length)
~ 50
On the other hand, if the arcomere
are so compressed that the thin filament interfere with one another, little
or no further shortening can occur. Ln
the body, ke letal mu e le are main100
ta ined near their optimal le ngth at
Percent of resting sarcomere leng1h
re. t. Our joint normally prevent bone
moveme11ts that would stretch attached Figure 9.19 Length-tension relationships of sarcomeres in skeletal muscles. A
muscle generates maximum force between 80 and 120% of its optimal (resting) length.
muscle beyond their optimal range.
Increases and decreases beyond this optimal range reduce its ability to generate tension .
UNIT 2 Cove ring, Support, and Movement of the Body
Major pathways for forming ATP. The celJs that rely mostl y
on tl1e oxygen-u ing aerobic pathway for T P generation
are oxidative fibers. Those that rely more on anaerobic glycoly is and creatine pbo phate are glycolytic fibers.
U i.ng the e two c1iteria. we can clas ify kcletal muscle celJ as:
slow oxidative fibers fast oxidative fibers, or fast glycolytic
fibers .
Table 9.2 give detai Is about each group, but a word to the
wise: Do not approach thi information by .rote memorizationyou ' 11 ju t get fru trated. In tead, start with what you know for
any category and ee hm ilie charncteri tic listed upp011 that.
For example, think abou t a sluw oxidative.fiber (Table 9.2,
first column, and igure 9.20, right side). We can see that it:
• Contracts slowly because its myosin ATPases are Im
a criterion
• Has a ricb capillary supply (the better to deliver bloodbome Oi)
• L red (it color stem. from an abW1dant. upply of myoglobin,
mu cle' oxygen-binding pigment)
Add the e feature together and you have a mu cle fi ber best
suited to endurance-type activities.
Now thi11k abo ut a.fast glycolytic jtber (Table 9.2, third colunm, and Figure 9. 0, left ide). Ln contrast. it:
• Contracts rapidly due to the activity of fast myo in ATPa es
• U e Little oxygen
• Depend on plentiful glycogen re er e. for fuel rather than
on blood-delivered nutrient.
• Tire quickly becau e glycogen re erve are . hort- lived,
making it a fatigable fiber
• Depend on oxygen deli cry and aerobic pathways (its major
pathway for forming ATP give it high oxidarfre capacif)'---a
• Has a relatively large diameter, indicating botb the plentiful
myofilaments that aJlow it to contract powerfull y before it
"tires out" and its lack of dependence on continuou oxygen
and nutrient diffusion from the blood
• Resi. t fatigue and ha high end urance (typical of fiber that
depend on aerobic metaboli<;m)
• Has few m itochondria, little myoglobin, and few capillaries
(making it white)
• I. th in (a large amount of cytoplasm impedes diffusion of 0 1
and nutrient from the blood)
For these reasons, a fa t glycolytic fiber L best uited for hortterm, rapid, intense movement (moving furniture aero the
room, for example).
FinaJJy consider the le s common intermediate muscle fiber
types, callc-dfast oxldativejibers (Table 9.2, middle column) .
• Has relatively Little power (a thin cell can contain only a limited number of myofibrils)
• Has many mitochondria actual sites of oxygen use)
Table 9.2
Structural and Functional Characteristics of the Three Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Speed of c.ontraction
Myosin ATPase activity
Pri mary pathway for ATP
synth e.sis
Aerobi c (some anaerob ic
Anaerobic glycolysis
Metabolic Characteristics
Myoglobin content
Hi gh
Glycogen stores
Inte rmed iat e
Recruitment orde r
Th ird
Rate of fatigue
Slow (fat igue-resista nt)
Inte rmed iat e (moderatel y
fatig ue-resistant)
Fast (fatigable)
End urance-type activities-e.g.,
runnin g a marat hon; mai nta inin g
posture (antigravity muscles)
Sprinting, walking
Short-term intense or powe rful
movements, e .g., hitting a
baseba ll
Activities Best Suited For
Structural Characteristics
Fiber diameter
La rge*
Intermed iate
Mitochondri a
Ma ny
Capill aries
Ma ny
Red to pin k
Wh ite (pale)
*In a ni mal studies, fast glycolytic fibers were found t o be t he la rgest, but t his is not t ru e in hu ma ns.
Cha pter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
They ha e many charactcr-i tic
intermediate between the other two
types (glycogen tores and power.
for example). Like fast glycolytic
fibers, they contract quickly, but like
Intermediate load
slow oxidative fiber , they are oxygen
dependent and have a rich upply of
Heavy load
myoglobin and capillarie .
Some muscles have a predominance of one fiber type . but mo t
contain a mixture of fiber type s,
Ti me (ms)
Increasing load which give tbem a range of contracStlmulus
tile peeds and fatigue resistance.
(a) The greater the load, the br iefer the duration of
{b) 'Jihe greater the load , the slower
But, as might be expected all mu. cle
muscle shortening.
the muscle shortening.
fibers in a particular motor unit are
Figure 9.21 Infl uence of loa d on duratio n and velocity of muscle shorteni ng.
of the rune type.
A lthough everyone's muscles
contain mixture of the three fiber
type., ome people have relatively more of one kjnd. The.e
The amount of work a mu cle doe. i reflected in change in
difference are genetically initiated, bur can be modified by
tbe muscle itself. When used actively or- strenuously, muscle
exercise and no doubt determine athletic capabilitie., such as
may become larger or tronger, or more efficient and fatigue
endurance versus trengtJ1, to a large extent. For example. mu re i taut. Exerci e gain are based on the overload principle.
de of maratl10n runner have < high percentage of lo~ oxiForcing a mu cle to work hard increa e its trength and endurdative fiber (a bout 80%) while t110 e of pr-inters contain a
ance. A mu cles adapt to greater demru1d. they must be overhigher percentage about 60%) of fast oxidative and glycolytic
loaded to produce further gain .. Inactivity, on the other hand,
fibers. Interconversion between the "fast" fiber type occurs as
always lead to muscle weaknes and atrophy.
a re. ult of pecific exerci. e regi me , as we '11 describe below.
Aerobic (Endurance) Exercise
Load and Recru itment
Becau e mu cle are attached to bone . they are always pitted
against some resistance, or load, when lhey contract. As you
might expect, they contract fastest when there i no added load
on them. A greater load result in a longer latent period lower
. hortening. ru1d a briefer duration of hortening (Figure 9.21 .
lo the same way that many band" on a project can get a job
done more quickly and can keep working longer, the more
motor w,it that are contracting, the fa ter and more prolonged
the contraction.
Check Your Understanding
17. List two factors that influence contractile force and two that
influence velocity of contraction.
Jordan called several friends to help him move. Would
he prefer to have those with more slow oxidative muscle fibers
or those with more fast glycolytic fibers as his helpers? Why?
19. • ; ;
There are no slow glycolytic fibers. Explain why it would
not make sense to have these kinds of fibers.
18. •..
For ans w en-, see Answers Appendix.
How does skeletal muscle
respond to exercise?
rni g Outtor e
Compare and contrast th e effects of aerobic and
resistance exercise on skeletal muscles.
Aerobic, or endurance, exercise such as ., wimming, running,
fa. I walking, and biking result in everal recognizable change
in keletal muscles:
• Tbe number of capill arie
mcrea e .
urrounding the mu cle fibers
• TI1e number of mitochondria within the mu cle fibers also
increa es.
• The fiber
ynthesize more myoglobin.
The e change occur in alJ fiber type , but are most dramatic in slow oxidati e fibers, wnicb depend primarily ot1
aerobic pathway . The changes re ult in more efficient muscle
metabolism and in greater endurance, trength. and resistance to
fatigue. Regular endurance exerci e may convert fas.t glycolytic
fibers into fast oxidative fiber .
Resistance Exercise
The moderately weak but u. tained muscle activity required for
endurance exercise does not promote ignificant keletal muscle
hypertrophy. even though the exerci. e may go on for hours. Mu •
cle hypertrophy- think of the bulging biceps of a profe sional
weight lifter- results mainly from high-intensity resistance exercise (rypic<Uy under anaerobic condition ) such as weight lifting
or i ometric e ercise, which pils muscle again t high-re istance
or .immovable forces. Here strength, not lamina, is important,
and a fe~ minute e ery other day is sufficient to allow a proverbial weakling to put on 50% more mu cle within a year.
UNIT 2 Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
The additional muscle bulk largely reflects the increased ize
of individual muscle fibers (particularly the fa t glycolyti variety) rather than an increased number of mu cle fibers. lHowever,
some of the bulk may re. ult from longitudinal splittin of the
fibers and ubseq11ent growth of the. e "split" cell , or from the
proliferation and fusion of sateUite ceU. ee Figure 9.27).j Vigorously stressed mu cle fibers also contain more mitochondria.
fom1 more myofilaments m1d myofibrils. store more glycogen.
and develop more connective ti. sue between muscle cells.
Collectively the e change promote igni.ficant increa es in
mu cle strength and size. Re istance activities can also convert
fa t oxidative fiber to fast glycolytic fibet . However, if the
specific exercise routine i discontin ued the converted fibers
revert to their original metabolic propertie .
To remai11 healthy. muscles must be active. Immobilization due
to enforced bed rest or loss of neural stimulation results in disuse
atrophy (degeneration and lo of mas ), which begin almost as
soon a the mu cle are immobilized. Under uch condition ,
muscle strength can decline at the rate of 5% per day!
Even at rest muscle continually receive weak stimuli (recall
that they have muscle 10ne: ◄ pp. 302- 303). When totally
depri ed of neural timulation . a paralyzed mu cle may atrophy to one-quarter of its initial size. Fibrou connective tissue
replaces the lo t muscle ti sue. and complete recovery usually
take longer U1an the period of i1m11obilization.
• ••
Check Your Understanding
20. How do aerobic and resistance exercise differ in their effects
Smooth muscle is nonstriated
involuntary muscle
arn ng Outcomes
► Compare the gross and microscopic anatomy
of smooth
muscle cells to that of skeletal muscle cells.
► Compare and contrast the contractile mechanisms and the
means of activation of skeletal and smooth muscles.
► Distinguish between unitary and multi unit smooth
muscle structurally and functionally.
Except for the heart, which i made of cardiac mu cle. the
mu cle in the walls of all the body' hollow organ i almost
entirely mooth mu cle.
Mo t mooth muscle i organized into beet of rightly
packed fiber . The. e heet are found in tbe walls of all bu t
the mallcst blood ve. sels and in the walls of hollow organs of
the respiratory, digestive. urinary, and reproductive tracts. In
most ca e , there are two . beets of mooth mu cle with their
fibers oriented at right angle to each other, as in the i.nte. tine
(Figure 9 .22).
• In the lungi111di11al layer the mu cle fiber run parallel to rile
long axis of the organ. Consequently, when these fibers contract, the organ shortens.
• 1n the circular layer, the fiber run around the circumference
of the organ. Contra tion of thi layer constrict the lumen
(cavity in. ide) of the organ.
1l1e alternating contraction and relaxation of these layers mixc
ub ranee in the lumen and queeze them through th organ ·s
internal pathway. Contraction of smooth muscle in the rectum,
urinary bladder, and uteru helps those organs to expel their
on muscle size and funct ion?
For answer.s-. see Ans-wen- Appendix.
Longitudinal layer of smooth
muscle (shows smooth muscle fibers
in cross se<:tion)
Small intestine
---- --
(b) Cross section of the intestine showing
the smooth muscle layers running at
right angles to each other.
Figure 9.22. Arrangement of smooth muscle in the walls of hollow organs.
Circular layer of smooth muscle
(shows longitudinal views of smooth
muscle fibe rs)
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
contents. Smooth muscle contraction aJso accounts for tl1e contricted breathing of a thma and for tomach cramp .
The chemical and rne-cbanical events of contraction are
es entially the same in all muscle tissue , but smooth mu cle
is distinctive in several way. , as ummarized in Table 9.3 on
pp. 3 12- 3 13.
(I) Ca 2+ enters via Ca2+
channels concentrated in
membrane infoldmgs called
Differences between Smooth and Skeletal
Muscle Fibers
SA Ca 2 +
There are . everaJ struc turaJ differences between skeletal and
mootb muscle. ln contrast to keletaJ muscle:
Smooth muscle fibers are small spindl~shaped cells. Each
cell has one centraJly located nucleus ( · igure 9.22b). Typically, mootb mu. cle fibers have a diameter of 5- 10 µm and
are 30-200 µm long. Skeletal muscle fiber are up to 10 times
wider and thousand. of time longer.
Smooth muscle lacks the coarse connective tissue sheaths
found in skeletal muscle.
mall amount of fine connec-
that kclctal mu cle gets high- peed internet while moot11
mu cle gets low~speed diaJ-up.
Smooth muscle fibers have less elaborate SR and no T
tubules. The arcopla mic reticuJum of smooth muscle
fibers ha no terminal cisterns and lacks a pecific pattern
relative to the myofilaments. Although the SR does release
ome of the Ca2+ that trigger contraction, mo t Cal+ enters
through calcium channels directly from the extracellular
space. The arcolemma has multiple caveolae (ka"ve-o'le;
"little cave ''), pouchlike infolding containing large numbers
of Ca1+ channels (Figure 9.2.4). These calcium channels
are the major ource of Ca2 for 11100th muscle contraction.
TI1i situation i quite different from what we see in keletal
muscle, whicb doe not depend on extracellular Ca2+ for
excitation-contraction coupling.
Smooth muscle ha.s varicosities instead of neuromuscular
junctions. The innervating nerve fibers of the autonomic
involuntary) nervou sy tem ha e numerou bulbous wellings, called varicosities (Figure 9.23). nlike the highly
tructured neuromu cular junctions of keletal mu cle.
varico itie form diffuse junctions that have wide synaptic
clefts. The varico ities imply "sprinkle" neurotransmitter in
the general area of the . mooth mu cle cell . Comparing the
neural input to kcletal and mooth muscles. you could say
@ca 2 + entry triggers Ca 2+
release from the SR via SR
ea2+ channels
Figure 9.24 Sources of Ca2+ for smooth muscle contraction.
tive tissue (endomy ium is secreted by the smooth muscles
them.selves. It i found between smooth muscle fibers and
contain blood ve el and nerve . Epimysium and perimysium are not pre ent.
Smooth muscle fibers are usually electrically connected
by gap junctions. Gap junction are . peciaJized cell connection (◄ p. 68) that allow depolarization to spread from
cell to cell. ln contrast, keletal muscle fibers are electrically
isolated from one another.
There are no triations in mooth mu cle, a its name indicates, and therefore no arcomere . Smooth muscle fiber do
contain overlapping thick and thin filament , but the myo in
filaments are a lot horter than the actin fi lament. and the type
of myo in contained differs from kcletal mu cle. The proportion and organization of mooth muscle myofilarnents differ
from skeletal mu cle in the following way :
• Thick filaments are fewer but have myosin heads along
their entire length. The ratio of thick to thin fiJament i
Varicosities release
their neurotransmitters
into a wide synaptic
cleft (a diffuse junction).
Figure 9.23 Innervation of smooth muscle.
much lower in mooth muscle than in keletal mu cle (1: 13
compared to I :2). However, thick filament of . mooth muscle
contain actin-gripping myo in head. along their entire lensrh
a feature that make, smooth muscle a. powerful as a skeletal
mu cle of the same ize. Also, in mooth mu cle the myo in
head are oriented in one direction on one side of the filament
and in the oppo ite direction on the other ide.
(Text wmin.1tt'S on p. 314.)
UNIT 2 Cove ring, Support, and Movement of the Body
Table 9.3
Comparison of Skeletal. Cardiac, and Smooth Muscle
Body location
Attached to bones or (some facial
muscles) to skin
Walls of the heart
Unitary muscle in walls of hollow
visceral organs (other than the
heart); multi unit muscle in intrinsic
eye muscles, airways, large arteries
Cell shape and
Single, very long, cylindrical,
multinucleate cel ls with obvious
Branching chains of cells; uni- or
binucleate; striations
Single, spindle shaped,
un inucleate; no striations
Connectrve tissue
Epimysium, perimysium, and
endomysi um
Endomys ium attached to fibrous
skeleton of heart
Presence of
myofibrils composed
of sarcomeres
Yes, but myofibrils are of irregular
th ickness
No, but actin and myosin filaments
are present throughout; dense
bodies anchor actin filaments
Presence and
location of T tubu les
Yes; two per sarcomere at A-I
Yes; one per sarcomere at Z disc;
larger d iameter than those of
skeletal muscle
No; only caveolae
Z disc
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
Table 9.3
Elaborate sarcoplasmic
Yes; large terminal cisterns
Less than skeletal muscle (1--8% of
cell volume); small term inal cisterns
Equivalent to cardiac muscle (1--8%
of cell vo lume); some SR contacts
the sarcolemma
Presence of gap
Yes; at intercalated d iscs
Yes; in unitary muscle
Cells exhibit individua l
Not in un itary muscle; yes in multi
unit musc le
Regu lation of
Voluntary via axon termina ls of the
somatic nervous system
Involuntary; contraction init iated
by intrinsic pacemaker cells;
regulated by autonomic nervous
system, hormones, and stretch
Involuntary; initiated by intrinsic
pacemaker cells (in unitary muscle)
or autonomic nerves (in multi
unit muscle); regulated by loca l
chemicals, hormones, and stretch
Source of ca2 ➔ for
Sarcoplasmic reticu lum (SR)
SR and from extracellular f lu id
Extracellular flui d and from SR
Site of calcium
regu lation
Tropon in on actin-contain ing t hin
Troponin on actin-<ontaining th in
fi laments
Calmodulin in the cytosol
Presence of
Yes (in unitary musc le on ly)
Effect of nervous
system stimu lation
Excitation or inh ibition
Excitation or inhibition
Speed of contraction
Slow to fast
Very slow
Rhythm ic contraction
Yes in unitary muscle
Response to stretch
Contractile strength increases with
degree of stretch (to a point)
Contractile strength increases with
degree of stretch
Stress-relaxation res ponse
Metabol ism
Aerobic and anaerobic
Main ly aerobic
UNIT 2 Cove ring, Support, and Movement of the Body
(a) Relaxed smooth muscle fiber (note that gap junctions connect
adjacent fibers)
Dense bodies
of smooth muscle ceU. by gap junctions that tran. mit depolarization from fiber to fiber.
Some mooch mu. cle fibers in the stomach and . maU iote tine are pacemaker cells: Once excited, they act as "drummers"
to set the pace of contraction for the entire muscle heet. These
pacemaker depolarize spontaneou ly in the ab ence of external
tinnili. However, neural and chentical stimuli can modify botb
the rate and the intensity of mootJ1 mu clc contraction.
Contraction in smootJ1 muscle i. like contraction in skeletal
mu. cle in the fol.lowing way :
• The final trigger for contraction is a rise i.11 the intracellular
calcium ion level
• Acti.n and myosin interact by the tiding filament mechani m.
(b) Contracted smooth muscle f iber
Figure 9.25 Intermediate filaments and dense bodies of
smooth muscle fibers harness the pull generated by myosin cross bridges. Intermediate filaments attach to dense bodies
throughout the sarcoplasm.
No troponin complex in thin filaments.
s in kele tal
nm cle, tropomyosin mechanical ly tabilizes the thin fi laments, but mooth muscle bas no calcium-binding troponin
complex. instead a protein called calmodulin acts as the
calcium-binding itc.
Intermediate filament-dense body network. Smooth mu cle fibers contain a lattice-li.ke arrangement o noncontractile i11termediatefilame111s that re i1 t ten ion. They attach at
regular intervals to cytoplasmic tructure called dense bodie (Figure 9.25). The dense bodies, which are also tethered
to the sarcolemma, act as anchoring point for thin filament
and therefore correspond to Z di. cs of . keletal mu cle.
The intermediate fi lament- dense body network forms a
strong cable -like i.ntraceUular cyto. keleton that Imme es
the puJI generated by the liding of th thick and thi11 filaments. During contraction, area of the arcolemma between
the dense bodies bulge outward, making the eel.I look puffy
Figure 9.25b}. Den e bodie. at the arcolemma urface also
bind the mu clc cell to the connective ti ue fiber outside
tJ1e eel.I and to adjacent celJs. This arrangement tran mits
tbe pulling force to the urrounding connective ti sue and
partly accow1ts for the ynchronous contraction. of mo t
mooth muscle.
Thick and thin filaments arranged diagonally. Bundles of
contractile protein cri eras within the smooth mu cle celJ
so they piral down the long ax.i of the cell like the stripes
on a candy cane). Becau e of this diagonaJ arrangement, the
smooth mu cle cells contract in a twisting way so that they
look like tiny corkscrew {Figure 9.25b).
• ATP energize tJ1e liding proce s.
During excitat ion-contraction coupling, the SR rclea cs
Ca2+ , but CaH al o move into the cell from the extracelJular
space via membrane channels. Ln aJJ striated muscle types, calcium ions ac tivate myosi11 by binding to troponin. In mootb
muscle. calcium activates myosin by interacting with a regulatory
molecule aJl ed calmodulin , a cytopJa. mic caJcium-binding
protein . CaJmodulin . in tum , interacts with a kinase enzyme
caJled myosin light chain kinase or myosin kinase, which
phosphorylate the myosin. activating it Figure 9.26).
As in keletal mu, cle, mooth mu, cle relaxe when intracellular Ca2+ Jcvels drop-but getting smooth muscle to stop contracting is more complex. Events known to be involved include
caJcium detachment from calmodulin. active tran port of Cal-4into the SR and extracell ular fluid, and dephosphorylation of
myosin by a phosphata,;c enzyme, which reduces the activi y of
tJ1e myosin ATPa,;es.
Energy Efficiency of Smooth Muscle Contraction
mooth mu cle take 30 times longer to contract and re lax than
does keletal muscle, but it can maintain the same contractile
tension for prolonged periods at le than l % of the energy cost.
lf keletaJ mu cle is like a speedy windup car that quickly runs
down, then . mooth mu cle i like a teady locomotive engine
that lumbers along tirelessly.
Part of the triking energy economy of mooth muscle i tl1e
luggi. hne . . of it ATPa e compared to those in skeletal mu cle. Moreover, smooth muscle myofilaments may latch together
during prolonged contractions. Thi latching al o . aves energy.
The mooth mu cle in arteriole (. maJI arterie. and other
vi ceral organ routinely maint. in a moderate degree of contraction, called smoo1h muscle tone, day in and day out without
fatiguing . Smooth mu cle ha low energy requirement , and as
a rule. it makes enough ATP via aerobic pathways to keep up
with the demand.
Regu lation of Contraction
Contraction of Smooth Muscle
Mechanism of Contraction
fa most ca. e. , adjacent mooth mu cle fiber. exhibit slow, yncbronized contractions, the whole sheet re ponding to a timulu in unison. This synchronization reflect electrical coupling
The contraction of . mooth muscle can be regulated by nerve ,
hormone,. or local chcmicaJ changes. Let's briefly con ider
each of these method .
In ome case , the activation of smooth
muscle by a neural . timulu. i identical to tbat in keletaJ muscle:
Neural Regulation
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
Extracellular fluid (ECF)
Plasma membrane
Ca2 +
Q) Calcium ions (ca 2+)
ent er the cytosol from
the ECf via voltage-gated
or non-voltage-gated
ca2+ channels, or from
reticu lum (SR)
@ca 2• binds to and
activates calmodulin.
Inactive calmodulin
OC:,- Ca2+
Aci.,_led calmOO,lla
@Activated calmodulin
activates the myosin
light chain kinase
Inactive kinase
Activated kinase
The activated kinase enzymes
catalyze transfer of phosphate
to myosin, activating the myosin
myosin molecule
Activated (phosphorylated)
myosin molecule
Neurotransmitter binding generates an action potential, which
i coupled to a ri e in calcium ion in the cyto ol. Howe er,
some types of mooth muscle re. pond to neural timu lation
with graded potentials (local electricaJ sign als} only.
Recall that all somatic nerve ending. , that is, nerve enclings
that excite keletal mu"cle, relea e Lhe neurotransmitter acetylcbo line. However, different autonomic ner es crving the
smooth mu cle of vi. ceral organs relea e different neurotran milters, each of which may excite or inhibit a particu lar group
of mooth mu cle ceJJ .
The effect of a specific neurotransmitter on a smooth muscle
cell depends on the type of receptor molecule, on the cell·
arcolemma. Fore ample, ~ hen acetylcholine binds to ACb
receptor on smooth mu. cle in the bronchioles smaJI air pa. ageway of the lungs), the re pon e is strong contraction that
narrows the bronchloles. When norepinepbrine. released by a
different type of autonomic nerve fiber, bi11ds to norepinephrine receptors on the same mooth mu. cle cell . the effect i
inhibitory- the mu cle relaxe , which dilate the bronchiole .
However, when norepinephrine binds to mooth muscle in the
waJJs of mo t blood ve sels, it stimulate the smooth mu, cle
cell to contract and con trict the ves el.
Hormones and Local Ch emica l Factors Some smooth muscle layer have no nerve upply at all. In. tead , they depolarize
spontaneou ly or in re. ponse to chemical stimuli that bind to G
protein- linked receptor ( ◄ pp. 81-82). Other mooth mu cle
cells respond to both neural and chemical stimuli .
Several chem.icaJ factor cau e 11100th mu cle to contract
or relax without an action potential by enhancing or inhibiting
Ca 2 entry into the sarcoplasm. They include certain hormones,
histamine, exce carbon dioxide. low pH. and lack of oxygen.
The direc t respon e to these chemical timul i alters mootll
muscle activity according to local tis ue need ru1d probably
i most respon. ible for mooth mu clc tone. For example, the
hormone ga trin timulate tomach mooth mu cle to contract
so it can churn foodstuffs more efficiently. We will consider
activation of smooth muscle in specific organ a we di cu, s
each organ in ubsequent chapters.
@ Activated myosin forms cross
Special Features of Smooth Muscle Contraction
bridges with actin of the thm
fi laments just as in skeleta I mu~le.
Shortening begins.
Smooth muscle is intimately involved in the functioning of most
hol.low organ and bas a number of unique characteristics. We
have already considered some of the e- mooth mu cle tone, low
prolonged contractions, and low energy requirement . But smooth
muscle also responds differently to tretch and can lengthen and
horten more than other muscle type . Let' take a look.
Figure 9.26 Sequence of events in excitat ion-contraction
coupling of smooth muscle.
Unlike keletal muscle. smooth mu. cle pontru1eou ly contract when it i. !retched. Thi i u. eful
because it can move ubstances along an internal tract. However. the increased ten ion persi. t onJy briefly, and oon the
muscle adapt to it. new length and relaxc , while till retain.ing
the ability to contract on demand.
Tilis stress-relaxation response allow a hollow organ to ftl.l or
expand slowly to accommodate a greater volume without cau ing
trong contractions that would expel its contents. 111i. i an importam attribute. because organs such as the stomach and intestine
Response to Stretch
UNIT 2 Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
nmst store their content long enough to dige. t and absorb the
nutrient . Likewi e your urinary bladder must be able to store the
conti.nuou ly made wine w1til it is convenient to empty your bladder. or you would pend all your time in the bathroom.
Length and Tension Changes Smooth mu cle stretches much
more and generate more ten ion than skeletal muscles stretched
ro a comparable extent. The irregular. overlapping arrangement
of smooth mu, cle filament and the lack of sarcomeres allow
them to generate considerable force, even when they are subtantially !retched. The total length change that skeletal mu cles
can undergo and still function efficiently is about 60% (from
0% horter to 30% longer than re ting length; ee Figure 9.19
on p. 307), but mooth muscle can contract when it i anywhere
from half to twice its re ting length-a total range of 150%. This
capability allows hollow organs to tolerate tremendou change.
in volume without becoming flabby when they empty.
Types of Smooth Muscle
The smooth mu clc in different body organs varies ubstantially
in its J) fiber arrangement and organization, 2) innervation.
and (3) re ponsivenes. to variou timuli . For implicity, however. smooth muscle is usually categorized into two major types:
unitary and mu/1i unit.
1n contrast to unjtary mu cle. gap junction. and pontaneou depolarizations are ab ent. Like kelctal nm, cle, multi uni t
mooth mu. cle:
• Consists of muscle fibers that are tructuraUy independent of
one another
• l richly upplied with nerve endings, each of which forms a
motor unit with a number of mu cle fiber
• Responds to neural stimulation with graded contraction that
involve recruitment
However, skeletal muscle L served by the somatic (voluntary) divi ion of the nervou. y tern. Multi unit smooth mu. cle, like unitary . moot:h muscle is innervated by the autonomic
(involuntary) clivision and al o responds to honuones.
Check Your Understandin
21. Compare the st ructures of skeletal and smoot h muscle fibers.
22. Calcium is the trigger or contraction of all muscle types. How
does its binding site differ in skeletal and smooth muscle fibers'
23. How does t he stress-relaxation response suit the role of
smooth muscle in hollow organs?
24. •&ti&i••@ii•it•iM intracellular calcium performs other
important roles in the body in addition to triggeri ng muscle
contraction. Give one example . (Hint: See Chapter 3.)
For answen, see Answers Appendix.
Unitary Smooth Muscle
nitary smooth muscle, sometimes called visceral muscle
becau.~e it is in the walJs of all hollow organs except the heart.
is far more common. All the smooth muscle characteristics
de cribed so far pertain to unitary mooth muscle.
For example. the cells of unitary smooth muscle:
• Are arranged in opposing (longitudinal and circular) beets
• Are innervated by varico ities of autonomic nerve fiber and
often exhibit rhythmic spomaneou action potential
• Are electrically coupled by gap junction, and o contract a
a unit (for tbis reason recruitment does not occur in unitary
smooth muscle)
Respond to various chemical stimuli
Multi Un it Smooth Muscle
Examples of multi unit smooth muscle are: tbe mooth muscle in the large airway to the lungs and in large arteries, the
arrector pili mu des attached ro hair follicles and the internal
eye mu cle that adju. t pupil ize and allow the eye to focu .
mesoderm cells
Developmental Aspects of Muscles
With rare exception all three types of nm. clc ti ue develop
from cells called myoblasts that arise from the embryonic
me oderm ( ◄ Figure 4.16, p. 146). 1n forming kcletal muscle
tissue, several myoblasts fu e to form multinuclear myowbes
(Figure 9.27). Soon functional arcomere appear and keletal muscle fibers are contracting by week 7 wben the embryo
is only about 2.S cm (1 inch) long.
Initially, ACh receptor " prout" o er the entire surface of
the developing myobla t . As pinal nerve invade the mu •
cle masses. the nerve enclings. target individual myobla t and
release a growth fac tor that stimulate clustering of Ch recep•
tor at the newly fom1ing neuromu cular junction in each mu cle fiber. Then, the nerve endings release a different chemical
that e liminate the receptor ites not innervated or stabilized
by the growth factor. As the somatic nervous sy tem assume
control of mu cle fibers. the number of fa t and slow contractile
fiber type is detenuined by the nerve that innervate tbem.
G) Embryonic
mesoderm cells ca l led
myoblasts undergo cell
division (to increase
number) and enlarge.
myoblasts fuse
t ogether to form
a myotube.
Figure 9.27 Myoblasts fuse to form a multinudeate skeletal muscle fiber.
matures into
skeleta I muscle
f iber.
Athletes Looking Good and Doing Better with Anabolic Steroids?
Society loves a winner and top athletes reap
large social and monetary rewards. It is not
surprising that some will grasp at anything
that might increase thelr performanc~
including performance-enhancing drugs
such as anabolic steroids.
These drugs are variants of the male
sex hormone testosterone. They were
introduced in the 1950s to treat anemia
and certain muscle-wasting diseases and
to prevent muscle atrophy in patients
immobi lized after surgery. Testosterone is
responsible for the increase in muscle and
bone mass and other physical changes that
occur during puberty in males.
At hletes and bodybuilders were using
megadoses o steroids by the early 1960s,
a practice that ls still going on despite drug
testi ng programs. Investigations have stunned
sports fans with revelations of steroid use by
many elite athletes including Barry Bonds, Mark
McGwire, Marion Jones, and Lance Armstrong.
However, steroid use is not confi ned to
pro essional athletes. It is estimated that nearly
one in every 10 young men has tried them, and
their use has spread among young women.
It is difficult to determine the extent
of anabolic steroid use because users
stop doping before the event, aware that
evidence of drug use is hard to find a week
after they stop. "Underground" suppliers
keep producing new versions of designer
steroids that evade standard antidopi ng tests.
There is little question that many
professional bodybuilders and athletes
competing in events that require muscle
strength are heavy users, claimi ng t hat
anabolic steroids enhance muscle mass and
strength, and raise oxygen-carrylng capability
owing to a greater volume of red blood cells.
Do the drugs do all that is claimed?
Studies report increased isometric strength
and body weight in steroid users. While
these are results weight lifters dream about,
or runners and others requiring fi ne muscle
coordination and endurance, these changes
may not translate into better performance.
The jury is still out on this question.
Do the alleged advantages of steroids
outweigh thei r risks? Absolutely not.
Anabolic steroids cause: bloated faces
(C ushingoid sign of steroid excess), acne
and hair loss, sh riveled testes and infertility,
liver damage that promotes liver cancer, and
changes in blood cholesterol levels that may
predispose users to heart disease.
Myoblast producing cardiac and . mooth mu. cle cell do not
fu e but develop gap junctions at a very early embryonic stage.
Cardiac mu cle is pumping blood just 3 weeks after fertilization.
Regarding mu cle regeneration:
• Skeletal mu. cles top dividing early on. However sateLlite
cells, myoblast-like cell as. ociated with skeletal muscle, help
repair injmed fibers and allo limited regeneration of dead
keletal mu cle, a capability that declines with age.
• Cardiac mu. cle wa. thought to have no regenerative capability whatsoever, but recent studies suggest that cardiac cells
do div ide, but onJy at about 1 % per year. As a result. injured
heart mu cle i repaired mostly by car ti. sue.
• Smooth muscles have a good regenerative capacity and mooth
mu. cle cells of blood ves el. divide regularly throughout We.
Both skeletal mu cle and cardiac muscle retain the ability to
lengthen and thicken in a growing child and to hypertrophy in
re ponse to increa ed load in adults.
At birth, a baby' movement are uncoordinated and largely
reflexive. Muscular de e lopment reflects the le el of neuromuscu lar coordination, which develops in a head-to-toe and
proximal-to-distal direction. A baby can lift it head before it
can walk, and gro movements precede fine one .
All through childhood, our control of our skeletal muscle
becomes more and more sophi ticated. By midado lc cence, we
In addition,. females can develop
masculine characteristics such as smaller
breasts, enlarged clitoris, excess body hair.
and thinni ng scalp hai r. The psychiatric
hazards of anabolic steroid use may be
equally threatening: One-t hlrd of users
suffer serious mental problems. Depression,
delusions, and ma nic behavior- in which
users undergo Jekyll-and-Hyde personality
swings and become extremely violent
(termed 'roid rage}-are all common.
Some people seem willing to try almost
anything to win, short of killing themselves.
Are they unwitti ngly doing th is as well?
reach the peak of our natural neural control of muscle. , but can
improve it by athletic or other type of training.
A frequently asked question i whether the trength difference between women and men bas a biologicaJ basj . It doe .
lndjviduals vary, but on average, womens skeletal muscles make
up approximately 36% of body mas., whereas men account
for about 42%. Men' greater muscular development i due
primarily to the effects of te tosterone on skeletal mu cle. not
to the effect of exercise. Body strength per unit mu cle mass,
however, is the a.me in both exes. Strenuous muscle exercise
cau es more mu c le en largement in males than in females,
again because of the influence of le to lerone. Some atllletes
take large dose of yntbetic male sex hormones ("steroids") to
increase their mu etc mas . A aoser Look on p. 3 17 discus es
this illegal and phy iologically dangerou. practice.
Because of it rich blood supply, skeletal mu cle is amazing ly resi tant to infection. Given good nutrition and moderate exerci e, relative ly few problem afflict skeletal muscles.
However, muscular dystrophy (de cribed on p. 287) i a , eriou
congenital condition that affects keletal muscle.
As we age, tbe amomlt of connective tis ue in our skeletal
muscle increase , the number of musc le fibers decrease , and
the mu des become stringier, or more sinewy. By age 30, even
in healthy people, a gradual lo of nmscle mass called sarc:openia (sar-co-pe'ne-ah), begins. Becau. e keletal muscles
Homeostatic Interrelationships between the
Muscular System and Other Body Systems
Endocrine System Chapter 16
• Growth hormone and androgens influence skeletal muscle
strength and mass; other hormones help regulate cardiac and
smooth muscle activity
Cardiovascular System Chapters 17- 19
• Skeletal muscle activity increases efficiency of cardiovascular
functioning; helps prevent atherosclerosis and causes cardiac
• Cardiovascular system delivers needed oxygen and nutrients
to muscles
Chapters 20--21
• Physical exercise may enhance or depress immunity depending
on its intensity
• Lymphatic vessels drain leaked tissue fluids; immune system
protects muscles from disease
Lymphatic System/Immunity
Respiratory System Chapter 22
• Muscular exercise increases respiratory capacity and efficiency
of gas exchange
• Respiratory system provides oxygen and disposes of carbon
Digestive System Chapter 23
• Physical activity increases gastrointestinal motility; skeletal
muscle forms the voluntary sphincter of the anus
• Digestive system provides nutrients needed for muscle health;
liver metabolizes lactic acid
lntegumentary System Chapter 5
• Muscular exercise enhances circulation to skin and improves
skin health
• Skin protects the muscles by external enclosure; helps dissipate
heat generated by the muscles
Skeletal Syst em Chapters 6-8
• Skeletal muscle activity maintains bone health and strength
• Bones provide levers for muscle activity
Nervous System Chapters 11- 15
• Facial muscle activity allows emotions to be expressed
• Nervous system stimulates and regulates muscle activity
• Nervous system activity maintains muscle mass
Urinary System Chapters 25-26
• Skeletal muscle forms the voluntary sphincter of the urethra
• Urinary system disposes of nitrogenous wastes
Reproductive System Chapter 27
• Skeletal muscle helps support pelvic organs (e.g., uterus); assists
erection of penis and clitoris
• Testicular androgen promotes increased skeletal muscle
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
form so much of the body ma , body weight and mu cle
strength decline in tandem. By age 80. muscle strength usua.lly
decreases by about 50%. Thi "flesh wasting' condition has
serious health implications for the elderly particularly becau e
falling becomes a common event.
Mu cle can al o uffer indirectly. Aging of the cardiovascular system affects nearly every organ in tile body, a11d muscles
are no exception.
athero clero i ("hardenillg of the arterie ")
take its toll and begin to block distal arterie. a circulatory condition called intemiillent claudic:a1io11 (klaw''di-ka' htm; 'limping") occurs in some individual . This condition re trict blood
delivery to the legs, leading to excruciating pains in the leg muscles during walking, which forces the person to stop and rest.
But we don ' t have to . low down durillg old age. Regular
exerci e help. rever e sarcopenia, and frail elder who begin
to pump iron' (lift leg and hand weight ) can rebuild muscle
ma s and dramatically increase their strength. Performing those
lifting exerci e rapidly can improve our ability to carry out the
"explosive'· movement needed to ri e from a chair. Even moderate activity, like taking a walk daily, improve neuromu. cular
function and enhance. independent living.
Smooth muscle i remarkably trouble free. However, mooth
muscle i involved in forming the plaque of athero clerosi
that can lead to strokes and beart attacks. The involvement of
smooth mu. cle cell. in thi proce i de cribed in A Clo er
Look on p. 760.
Fibromyalgia A group of conditions involving chronic inflammation
of muscles, Lhei.r connective ti~sue coverings and tendon., and
capsuJes of nearby joints. ymptorns are nonspecific and involve
varying degrees of tenderness associated with specific trigger
points, as well as fatigue and frequent awakening from ·Jeep.
Hernia Protrusion of an organ through its body cavity wall. May
be congenital (owi ng to failure of mu cle fusion during
development), but most often is caused by heavy lifting or
obesity and subsequent muscle weakening.
Myalgia (mi-al'je-ah; algia
any muscle disorder.
= pain)
uscle pain resulting from
Myofasdal pain ynd.rome Pain caused by a tightened band of
muscle fibers, which twitch when the skin over them is to uched.
MostJy a~sociated with overu.~ed or sttained postural muscles.
increase from generation to generation subsequent generations
develop more severe symptoms. o effective treatment.
RICE Acronym for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. he
standard treatment for a pulled mu. de, or exce sively
stretched tendons or ligaments.
Spasm A sudden. involuntary twitch in smooth or skeletal muscle
rnnging from merely irritating to very painful; may be due
to chemical imbalances. In spasms of lhe eyelid or facial
muscles, called tics psychological factors may be involved,
Stretching and massaging the affected area may help end Lhe
pasm. A cramp is a prolonged spasm; mmally occurs al night
or after exercise.
Myopath (mi-op'ah-the; path= disease, suffering) Any disease
of muscle.
Strain Commonly called a ·'pulled muscle," a strain is excessive
slretching and possible tearing of a muscle due to muscle
overnse or abuse. The injured muscle becomes painfully
inflamed (myositis). and adjacenLjoinl~ are u~ually immobilized.
Myotonic dystrophy A form of muscular dystruphy that is less
common than DMD: in the .S. it affect.s about 14 of 100,000
people. ymptoms include a gradual reduction in muscle mass
and control of the keletal muscles, abnormal heart rhythm.
and diabetes meUitus. May appear at any time: not sex-linked.
nderly ing genetic defect is multiple repeats of a particuJar gene
on chromosome 19. Because Lhe number of repeats tend to
Tetanus (1) A late of s u tai.ned comraction of a mu 'de Lhat
is a normal aspect of skeletal muscle functioning. (2) An
acute infectious ctisease caused by lhe anaerobic bacterium
Clostridium teumi and resulting in persistent painful spasms
of some skeletal muscles. Progresses to fixe<l rigidity of
the jaws (lockjaw) and spasms of trunk and limb muscles.
Usually fatal due to respiratory failure.
llll There are three types of muscle tissue
Types of Muscle Tissue
(pp. 280-281)
(p. 280)
1. Skeletal muscle is attached to the skeleton. L~ striated. and can
be conttolled voluntarily.
2. Cardiac muscle forms I.he heart is striated, and is controlled
3. Smooth muscle, located chiefly in the walls of ho!Jow organs,
is controlled involuntarily. Its fibers are not striated,
Characteristics of Muscle Tissue
(p. 280)
4. Special functional characteristics of muscle include excitability,
contrnctility, extensibility, and elasticity.
Muscle Functions
pp. 280-281)
5. Muscle.· move internal and external body parts, maintain
posture, stabilize joints mid generate heat.
11111 A skeletal muscle is made up of musde fibers, nerves,
blood vessels, and connective tissues (pp. 281-284)
1. Connective tissue covering protect and strengthen skeletal
muscle fibers (cell ·). Superficial to deep. these are epimysium,
perimysiLLm, and endomysium.
2. Skeletal muscle attachment (origins/insertion.) may be direct
or indirect via tendons or aponeuroses. Indirect attachments
withstand friction better.
UNIT 2 Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
DI Skeletal muscle fibers contain calcium-regulated
molecular motors
(pp. 284-289)
l. S keletal muscle fibers are long, striated, and multinucleate.
2. Myofibril s are commc tile elements that occu py most of the cell
volume. Their banded appearance re uJL~ from a regular alternation
of dark. (A and light (I) bands. Myolibri1 are chains of sarcorneres;
each sarcomere cont ai ns thick (myosin) and thi n (actin)
myofi laments arranged in a regular array. The heads of myosin
molecules form cross bridge · that interact wilh Lbe lhin filame nts.
be sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is a system of membranous
tubules surro unding each myofibril. Its function is to release
and then sequester calcium ions.
tubul es are invaginatiom; of the sarcolemma that run between
the lenninal cisterns of the R. They allow an electrical
stimulus to be delivered quickly deep into Lbe cell.
S. According lo the · liding fi lament mode l. cross bridge (myosin
head) activity of tbe th ick fi laments pulls the thin filame nts
toward the sarcomere centers.
all Motor neurons stimulate skeletal muscle fibers to
(pp. 290- 298)
l. Regulation of skeletal muscle cell contract.ion involves (a)
ge nerating and transmitting an ac tion potential along the
sarcolemma and (b) excitation-contraction coupling.
2. An end plate potential occurs when ace tylcholine released by the
axon terminal of a motor ne uro n bin ds 10 ACh receptor · on the
sarcolemma, causing local changes in membrane permeability,
which allow ion flows that depolarize the membrane at that site.
Complete an mteraclive tutorial: MasteringA&P• > St!Jdy Area >
Lnteractive Physiology> Muscular System_The Neuromuscular Junction
3. Tbe flow of current from the locally depolarized area preads
to the adjacent area of the sarcolemrna. opening vo ltage-gaLed
a+ channels, ~ hich allows a+ influx . These events ge nerate
the action potential. Once initiated. the action potential i ·elfpropagaLing and unstoppab le.
4. As the action po tential travels away from a region, Na+ channel ·
close and voltage-gated K + channel open. repolariz.ing the
S. In excitation-contraction coupling the ac tion potential is
propaga ted down the T tubules, causing cal ciLLm lo be relea~ed
from the R into the cytosoL
6. Sliding of the fil aments is triggered by a rise in intracell ular
caki~ ion levels. Troponin bi nding of calcium moves
tropomyosin away from myosin-bi nding sites on acti n,
allowing cross bri dge binwng. Myosin ATPase split ATP,
which energizes the power strokes. ATP binding to the myosin
head is necessary for cros bridge detachment. Cross bridge
activity ends when calcium is pumped back into the SR
Complete an interactive t utorial : Mas , gA&P > Study Area >
Interactive Physiology > Muscular System : Excitation-Cont raction
11:11 Temporal summation and motor unit recruitment
allow smooth, graded skeletal muscle
contractions pp. 298-303}
l. A motor unit is one motor neuron and all the muscle eel.ls
it innervates. The neuron 's axon ha · everal brancbe ,
each of which forms a neuro mu. cular jun ction wi th one
muscle cell.
2. A motor uni r's respon ·e lo a single brief threshold stimulus is
a twi tch. A twitch has three phase ·: latent (preparatory event~
occur), conlrnction (the muscle lenses and may shorten), an d
relaxation (muscle tension dec lines and the muscle returns to it
resting length).
3. Graded responses of muscle lo rapi d stimuli are temporal
swnmation and unfused an d fused tetanus. A graded response
to increasingly .strong stimu li i · mu ltiple motor unit summation,
or recruitment The order of motor un it recruitment follows the
size principle.
4. Isotonic contractions occur when the muscle shortens
(co ncentric contraction or lengthen · (eccentric con traction) as
the load is moved. Isometric contractions occur whe n muscle
tension produces neither shorteni ng nor leng th ening.
Ell ATP for muscJe contraction is produced aerobically
or anaerobically
(pp. 303-306)
1. The e nergy source for muscle contraction is ATP. o btained from
a coupled reaction of creatine phosphate wi th ADP and from
aerobic a nd anaerob ic metabolism of glucose.
2. When ATP is produced by anaero bic pathways. lactic acid
acc umulates and ionic imbalances disturb tbe membrane potential.
To relum the muscle to their pre-exerci ·e slate, ATP must be
produced aero bically and used lo regenerate crealine phos phate.
glycogen reserves must be res tored, and accumulated lactic acid
mu. t be metabolized. Oxygen used to accompli. h this repayment
is called excess postexercise oxygen consum ption (EPOC).
The force, velocity, and duration of skeletal muscle
contractions are determined by a variety of
factors (pp. 306-309)
1. The force ofrn u cle contraction is affected by the num ber and
ize of contractin g mu ·cle cells (the more and the larger the
cells, the greater the force), the frequency of stimulation, and
the degree of muscle tretch.
2.. Whe n the thick and th.in filamellls are opti mal ly overlapping,
the muscle can generate maximum force. 1th excessive
increase or decrease in muscle lenglb. force declines.
3. Factors dete rmining Lhe velocity and duration of muscle
contraction are mu;cle fiber types. the load (the greater the
load, the slower the contraction), and how many motor ui1its
are recruited.
4. The three types of muscle fibers are: (l ) fas t glycolytic
(fatigable) fibers, (2) slow oxidative (fatigue-re i ·tanl) fibe rs,
and (3 ) fast oxidative (fatigue-resi ·taut) fibers. Most muscles
contain a mixture of fiber types. he fast muscle fiber types can
interconvert with certain exercise regimens.
How does skeletal muscle respond to exercise?
(pp. 309- 310)
1. Regular aerobic exercise gives .skeletal muscles increased
efficiency, endurance, strength, ,md resistance lo fatigue.
2. [n skele tal muscle, resi.s lance exercises cause hypertrophy and
large gains in .strength.
3. Immobilizi ng mu d es lead. to muscle weakness and severe
Smooth muscle is nonstriated involuntary muscle
{pp. 310-316)
mooth muscle cells are most often arr,mged iJ1 sheets. hey
lack. elaborate connective tissue coverings.
Chapter 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
Differences between Smooth and Skeletal Muscle
(pp. 311-314)
2. A smooth muscle fiber is spindle shaped and uninucleate, and
has ao striations.
he SR is poorly developed and T tubules are ab ent. Actia
and myosin filaments are present, but sarcomeres are not.
Inlennediate filaments and dense bodies form an intracellular
network that harnesses the pull generated d uring cros. bridge
activity and transfers it to the urrounding connective tissue.
Types of Smooth Muscle
p. 316)
Unitary smooth muscle has electrically coupled fibers that
contract synchronously and often spontaneously.
10. Multi unit smooth mu cle h,L~ independent, well-innervated
fibe rs that lack gap junc tions and pacemaker cells. Stimulation
occurs via autonomic nerves (or hormones). Mui Li unit muscle
con1ractions are rd.rely synchrono us .
Developmental Aspects of Muscles
(pp. 316 317,319)
1. Mu cle tissue develop from embryonic mesodenn cell called
Contraction of Smooth Muscle
(pp. 314-316)
4. Smooth muscle fibers may be electrically coupled by gap
5. ATP energizes smooth muscle contraction. which is activated by a
calcium pulse. However, calcium binds LO calmodulin rather than
to troponin (which is not present in smooth muscle fibers , and
myosin must be phospborylated to become active in C-ontractioa.
6. Smooth muscle contracts for extended periods al low energy
cost and without fatigue .
eumtransmitter.s of the aulOnomic nervous system may inhibi t
or stimulate smooth muscle fibers . Smooth muscle contraction
may al o be iniliated by pacemaker cell.~. hormones or local
chemical factors that influence intracellular calcium levels. and
by mechanical stretch.
8. Special features of. mooth muscle contraction inc lude t.he
stress-relaxation response and the ability to generate large
amounts of force when extensively tretched.
level 1 Remember/ Understand
(Some questions have more than one correct an ·wer. Select the best
answer or answers from the choices given.)
1. The connective tissue covering that encloses the sarcolemma
of an individual muscle fiber is called the a epimysium,
(b) perimysiurn, (c) endomysi urn, (d) perio. teum.
2. A fascicle is a (a) muscle. (b) bundle of muscle fibers enclosed
by a com1ective tissue sheath. (c} bundle of myofibrils,
{d) group of myofi.laments.
3. hick and thin myofilaments have different compositions. For
each descriptive phrase, indicate whether the filament is
(a) thick or (b) thin .
1) contains actin
_(2) contains ATPa~es
(3) attaches to the Z disc
(4) contains myosi n
_(5) contains troponin
(6) does not lie in the I band
he un ction of the T tub ules in muscle contraction is to
{a) make and store glycogen, {b) release Ca2+ into Lhe cell
interior and then pick it up again, (c) transmil the action
potential deep into the muscle cells, (d) form proteins.
5. he .-ites where the motor nen•e impulse is transmi tted from
the nerve endings lo the skeletal muscle cell membranes are the
a} neuromuscu lar junction , (b sarcomeres. (c) myofilamenl~,
d) Zdiscs.
6. Contraction elicited by a single brief stimulus is called
(a) a twitch, (b) temporal summation. (c) mu ltiple motor unit
summation, (d) fused tetanus.
myobla~LS. Several myoblasts fuse to fo rm a skeletal muscle
fibe r. Smooth and cardiac muscle cells develop from single
myoblasts and display gap j unctions.
For the most part specialized skeletal and cardiac muscle cells
lo ·e their ability to divide but retain the ability to hypertrophy.
Smooth muscle regeaerates well and its cells are able to divide
thro ughout life.
Skeletal mu cle development reflect. maturation of the nervous
system and occurs in head-to-toe and proximal- to-dis tal
directions. Natural neuromuscular co ntrol reaches iL~ peak in
mid adolescence.
Women 's muscles account for abou t 36% of their total body
weight and men 's for about 42%, a difference due chiefly to the
effects of male sex honnones on s keletal muscle growth.
keletal muscle is richly vascularized and quite resistant to
infection, but in old age, skeletal rnusi.:les become fibrous ,
decline in strength, and atrophy. Regular exerci e can offset
some of these changes.
To access additional practice questions usin g your srnartphone, tablet,
or computer: M· sce1 ingA&P• > Stu dy Area > Practice Tests & Quizzes
7. A ·mooth, sustai ned contraction resulting from very rnpid
stim ulation of the muscle, in which no evidence of relaxation
is seen, is called (a) a twitch, (b) temporal summ ation,
(c) multiple motor unit summation, (d fused tehums.
8. Characteristics of isometric contractions include all but
(a) shortening, (b) increased muscle tension throughout the
comrncrion phase. (c) absence of shortening, {d) used in
resistance training.
9. During muscle contraction, ATP is provided by (a) a coupled
reaction of creatine phosphate with ADP, b) aerobic respiration
of glucose, and (c) anaerobic glycolysis.
_(l) Which provides ATP fastest?
_(2) Which does (do) nol require that oxygen be avail ab le?
_(3) Which provides the h ighest yield of ATP per glucose
_ (4) Which resLLhs in the formation of lactic acid?
_ (5)
hich ha. carbon dioxide and water products?
_ 6) Which is most important in endurnn ce sports?
10. The ne urotraosmiller released by somatic motor neurons is
(a) acetylcholine, b) acetylcholinestera.~e, (c norepinephrine.
11. The ion · that enter the ·keletal muscle cell during the
generation of an action potential are (a) calcium ions,
(b) chloride ions, (c) sodium ions, (d) potassiun1 ions.
12. Myoglobin bas a peciaJ Junction in muscle tissue. It (a) breaks
down glycogen, (b) is a contrnctile protein. (c) holds a reserve
supply of oxygen in the muscle.
UNIT 2 Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body
13. Aerobic exercise results in all of the following except (a) more
capillaries surrounding muscle fi bers. (b) more mitochondria in
muscle cells, (c) increased size and strength of existing muscle
cells, {d) more myoglobin.
14. The smooth muscle type found in the walls of digestive and
urinary system organs and that exhibits gap j m1ctions and
pacemaker cells is (a ) multi unit, (b) unitary.
Level 2 Apply/Analy1:e
15. Nan1e and describe lbe fow- special functional abilities of
muscle that are the basis for muscle response.
16. Disti11guish between (a) direct and indirect muscle attachments
and {b) a tendon and an aponew-osis.
17. What is the impo11ance of acetylcholinesterase in muscle cell
18. Explain what is meant by the tenn excitation-contraction coupling.
19. Define and draw a motor unit.
20. True or false: Most muscles contain a predominance of one skeletal
muscle fiber type. Explain the reasoning behind your choice.
21. Describe some cause(s) of muscle fatigue and define this term
22. When a suicide victim was found, the coroner was unable to
remove the drug vial clutched in his hand. Explain the reasons
for tbfa. If the victim had been discovered three days later,
would the coroner have had the same difficulty? Explain.
level 3 Evaluate/Synthesize
23. (a) Describe the structure of a sarcomere and indicate the
relationship of the sarcomere to myofilarnents. (b) Explain
the sliding fi lament model of contraction using appropriately
labeled diagrams of a relaxed and a contracted sarcomere.
24. Explain how a slight {but smooth) contraction differs From a
vigorous contraction of the same muscle. Use the concepts of
multiple motor unit summation.
25. Smooth muscle has some unique properties. such as low e ne rgy
usage, and the ability to maintain contraction over long periods.
Tie these properties to the function of smooth muscle in the body.
26. M uscle-relaxing drugs are admi nistered to a patient d uring
major surgery. Which of the two chemicals described next
would be a good skeletal muscle relaxant and why?
• Chemical A binds to and blocks ACh receptors of muscle cells.
• Chemical B floods the muscle cells' cytoplasm with ea2+_
waddling walk and difficulty standing; Linda, 6 months, has
pneumonia associated with problems swallowing; and Tom,
12, has progressive weakness with fom drop and difficulty
''This kind of variation is not surprising," says Dr. Barr. "A
mutation in one of 11 different genes related lo thin fi laments
can cause nemaline myopathy, so you'd expect to see it present in different ways."
Dr. Barr has scheduled alJ three c hildren for a muscle
biopsy (surgical removal of a small piece of muscle tissue for
examination). He explains to you, '·We're going to use these
biopsies for two things. First, we're going 10 look for the
characteristic histology of nemaline myopathy. Second,
we ·re going to test for malignant hyperthermia. It's not
associated with nemaline myopathy but is associated with a
different myopathy that has a similar presentation.''
J. What does actin do? What conseque nces would you
expect From an abnormality in actin?
2. What does troponio do?
3. All types of nemaline myopathy cause weakness, including the ones with abnormal troponin. How could abnormal
troponin cause weakness?
Malignant hyperthermia is caused by a mutation in a gene
related io calcium storage and release in skeleial muscle cells.
In individ uals with malignant hyperthermia, certaiJ1 anesthetics
can trigger a mas~ive release of calcium into the cytoplasm.
This leads to the generation of enough heat to substantially
r-dise body temperatw-e- a life-threatening reaction.
tance of calcium in skeletal muscle contraction?
a. Extracellular calciLLm entering through ion channels
binds to troponi11 to initiate muscle contraction.
b. Extracellular calcium entering through ion channels
binds to tropomyosin lo initiate muscle contraction.
c. Calcium released from the sarcoplasmic reticulwu
binds to tropomyosin to u1itiate muscle contraction.
d. Calcium released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
binds to troponin to initiate muscle contraction.
5 . What is the fonction of the sarcoplasmic reticulum?
Children with Muscular Disorders
You're doing a clinical
rotation with Dr. Barr,
a world-renowned
specialist in children's
muscle disorders. On
your first day, you
meet three patients
with the same probable cliagnosL~nemaline myopathy.
Jodi. age 2. has a
CIHilWitili Which statement best describes Lhe impor-
Which statement best describes what
might happen if a chi.Id with malignant hyperthermia is
given the wrong anesthetic and the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases all its calcium?
a. The muscles become weak and the child is unable to
b. The blood calcium levels rise and the bones become
c. Continuous cross bridge cycling causes the muscle to
contract too much.
d. The troponi n a nd tropomyosin stop moving off the
myosin-binding sites of actin mid the muscles become
7. Histology confirms nemaline myopathy in all three
children. They are prescribed resistance training to
strengthen their respiratory muscles. How will this affect
their muscle cells?
Study collections