Solutions to problems existing throughout the operation of the Grand Deluxe Hotel I. Introduction The multigenerational workforce is always a challenge for the manager as understanding it and handling the problems effectively contributes massively to the organization (Salopek, 2006). This paper aims to look further into the differences between 4 Generations currently working in the Grand Deluxe Hotel as well as address problems existing within the hotel and provide insights to tackles the problems. Many problems are created during the operation of the hotel due to the differences between the generations. It started to appear more visually through communications, characters, work ethics and it results in lower performance, a decrease in effective communication in the hotel. The diversity of the generations is growing within the company and the understandings between generations are ultimately important as it is one of the pivotal factors that lead to the growth of the hotel. This paper will address the problems, deliver some new solutions and their possibilities to apply to the issues. II. Hotel briefing The Grand Deluxe Hotel is founded in 2018 in Vietnam by Danny Greyson a British who has lived in Vietnam for over 10 years. The hotel provides a great experience for visitors to Hanoi. It has been recognized as one of the well-known hotels for foreign tourists. Due to the success of the first Grand Deluxe Hotel, more and more offices and hotels are built across Vietnam. The hotel has been operating for 4 years and it has created a beautiful image for the foreign tourist. In recent few months, there have been many complaints about the employee performance and communication. An HR director was sent to figure out the situations and provide solutions to the issues. III. Problems and their causes 1. Problem (1) In the few recent months, there are many customers complained about the employee performance the flow of the work is slower and it has created a negative effect on the hotel monthly avenue. The leader has failed to solve the conflicts with the employees and without consulting the HR director, started to misuse his management role to talk directly to the employees aggressively about the problems and punish them without clearly understanding the situation occurring within the hotel. The diversity of the generations of employees working in the hotel has caused miscommunication between them and lowered the team performance which lead to waves of unsatisfied employees. 2. Causes (2) The main cause of the problem is the misuse of management of the leader leading to the dissatisfaction of the employees and creating conflicts between them, making the work environment toxic. As the flow of the work in the hotel is fast, the communication of the employees is weaker because of the diversity of generations working within the hotel and it started to start many conflicts between the employee. Each generation has a different way of responding to different leadership types. The leader in this case is born in generation X. Due to the rapid changes and great diversity at the time, Xers are more individualistic than collectivist. It leads to the main characters of them that are independent, thoughtful, and sometimes doubtful (Smola & Sutton, 2002). Rather than spending all the time at work, they tend to have a balance on their time at work and their private life (Bennett, Pitt, & Price, 2012). The situation happened when the leader suddenly spent lots of time on his private life. It resulted in the lower work performance of the leader. The IT department has released a new booking app to speed up the booking time for the customers with many new features. Due to the little time that the leader had in the hotel, he decided to leave the app to the employees to figure out how to use it and instruct it to the customers. Usually, Xers often seek to do a great job and achieve their individual goal at the same time (Johnson & Johnson, 2010) so the leader has misused his power to increase the working time of the employees and put pressure on their shoulders to do all the work. He (Xers) would value someone's worth by the amount of work and pressure they can handle (Smola & Sutton, 2002). Moreover, Generation X in the workplace can be described as a very competitive leader (Kupperschmidt, 2000). Due to that character, the leader also wanted to secure the number of Although the action of the leader has influenced the employees to work harder under pressure yet it was not suitable for all of the employees as their generations are different. IV. The diversity of the generations of employees 1. Baby boomers Baby boomers were born from 1946 to 1964 and most of them were working as managers and senior company runners. They have characteristics that are very different from the others (Harber, J. G.,2011). They are known to work hard and are very motivated. They are also very self-aware and are likely to ask for feedback and changes about their work. 2. Generation X Xers were born between 1965 and 1980. Xers have more opportunities to be exposed to the diversity of culture. As they are born later, they have chances to access better education. It resulted in a high number of Xers going to college (Kane, 2010). Xers also are exposed to the development of technology so they can use work on computers, phones,…They are not focusing on their work with one employer and they would prefer a balance between work and personal goals. 3. Generation Y Generation Y which is commonly called Millenials were born between 1980 and 2000. They live in a time of the fast development of technology. They would rather communicate through email, text than have face-toface conversations. Millennials choose to have lower pay with fewer working hours as they want a life and work balance. They like to work in teams and are better at working together. They are known to be diligent and would like to have a different opinion on their work from others (Kane, 2010). 4. Generation Z Born between 2000 and the present. Generation Z employees are bad at listening and lack of soft-skills. They would like to communicate through the internet, social network, emails, texts,… As they are not good at conversation, they tend to not have a face-to-face conversation V. 8 Stage of decision-making model 1. Identification of the problem Due to the diversity of generations of employees working for the hotel, communication has been a great obstacle to the team's performance of employees. Due to the misuse of the manager role, the leader has accidentally created more work pressure which has decreased the work performance of the employees due to the miscommunication between the employees with different generations. Problem and causes are resued from part (1) and (2) 2. Identifying decision criteria - Misuse of power of management team - Miscommunication - Work pressure 3. Weighting the criteria Criterion Weighting Miscomunication 10 Misuse of power 8 Work pressure 6 4. Developing alternatives - Generational diversity trainning - Mentorship 5. Analysis of alternatives Alternatives Generation diversity trainning Mentorship Miscommunication 10 10 Misuse of power 8 Work pressure 7 6 8 Analyzing Alternatives: Broader issues *Legality - Both alternatives are not against the law. It is showing its effectiveness in training the employees to fix miscommunication between generations. *Ethicalness The alternatives are ethical and under no circumstances will they harm stakeholders. * Economic Feasibility Due to the analyses of the two alternatives, the mentorship is costed more thane generational diversity training. However, both alternatives are reliable and the organization can afford and sustain them. *Practical The organization can use both alternatives. However, as mentioned above, mentorship may need a bigger financial fund from the organization. 6. Selecting the best alternatives 1. Apply generational diversity training model based on the communication type of the employee's generation. The management team needs to be informed about the situation of the hotel as the team performance is low due to the misuse of team leader management's role. Anderson stated in his research that "the modern workplace is something akin to the one-room schoolhouse of old, with all ages lumped together and working side by side" (Anderson, 2009, p. 62) Understanding the multigenerational traits is not enough for the workforce to achieve short and long-term goals. The management team is required to look up generational diversity training methods to fix the situation. A good management team is the one who knows specifically about the strengths and weaknesses, work ethics, motivation of each generation of employees working for the company (Messmer, 2006). Generational diversity training focus on the communication of the employees as the communication type of each generation is different from others. 2. Apply Mentorship Mentoring can be one of many suitable solutions to solve the communication problems in the multigeneration workforce. It is considered to be effective to deal with the generation gap in communication. Mentors can pair with each departure to provide practical guidance and support to the employees (Yamamura & Stedham, 2007). Even though mentorship can be a non-profit-driven technique. It is required financial support from the organization to pull it off. 7. Implementing the Decision After considering all the alternatives, the organization has decided to use the generational training model to approach the situation as it is researched to be more effective and costs less than mentorship. 8. Evaluating the Decision The situation is getting better after the organization has come through the decision to apply the generational training model to tackle the problem. The outcome of the decision is foreseen and it is getting on track with the steps that the management team has used. There are some drawbacks which are some of the employees are not able to keep up with the rest due to a large number of employees are being trained. References Anderson, J. (2009). 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