Gluconeogenesis NT Mazomba 2022 19 February 2022 1 Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. What, where, when and why? Relationship with glycolysis Bypasses and transport of OAA Regulation Synthesis of glycogen – why and how? 2 19 February 2022 2 Introduction Pathway for biosynthesis of new glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors (i.e. not from stored glycogen) – • Occurs in plants, microorganisms and animals • Occurs mainly in the liver (ca. 90%) and lesser in kidney cortex (ca. 10%) - in mitochondria and cytoplasm • When dietary glucose is not available, liver glycogen supplies are depleted. This occurs during heavy/intense exercise, diabetes, fasting or prolonged starvation. Why? 1. Glucose is essential as a primary source of energy for the brain, testes, erythrocytes and kidney medulla 2. It provides precursors for glycogen storage in other tissues, such as liver and muscles Precursors • Glycolysis products (pyr, lactate, DHAP), TCA intermediates (OAA, α-kg), and carbon skeletons of glucogenic (?) 19 February 2022(Ala, Asp, Asn, Glu, Gln) amino acids • 3 3 Glycolysis/Gluconeogenesis • The following discussion will focus on gluconeogenesis that occurs in higher animals, and in particular in the liver of mammals. • Synthesis of glucose from three and four carbon precursors - a reversal of glycolysis? • What is the difference? Look closely…. start with glucose or pyruvate.... Are there any similarities or differences? • Irreversible enzymatic steps of glycolysis are bypassed using different reactions or enzyme(s) in gluconeogenesis 19 February 2022 4 4 Bypass 1 - Pyr to PEP Conversion of PYR to PEP in gluconeogenesis requires two steps This is the reverse of an exergonic reaction in glycolysis, PEP to PYR 1st step - ATP-requiring reaction catalyzed by pyruvate carboxylase (PC) Firstly, pyruvate is carboxylated to form oxaloacetate (OAA) The CO2 used in this reaction is in the form of bicarbonate (HCO3-) An anaplerotic reaction - can be used to fill-up the TCA cycle Needs Mg2+ and biotin 5 19 February 2022 5 19 February 2022 6 19 February 2022 7 OAA transport • For gluconeogenesis to proceed, the OAA produced by PC must be transported to the cytosol • No transport mechanism exist for OAA’s direct transfer and OAA will not diffuse freely through the mitochondrial membrane • Mitochondrial OAA can become cytosolic only via three ways; 1. Conversion to PEP by the mitochondrial phosphoenol carboxykinase (PEPCK), 2. Transamination to aspartate or, 3. Reduction to malate • All of these (i.e. PEP, aspartate, malate) are transported to the cytosol 19 February 2022 8 OAA decarboxylated to PEP If OAA is converted to PEP by mitochondrial PEP carboxykinase (PEPCK), it is transported to the cytosol where it is a direct substrate for gluconeogenesis and nothing further is required PEPCK requires GTP for the decarboxylation of OAA to yield PEP No net fixation of carbon occurs – PYR and PEP have each 3 carbons Already 2 ATPs have been used in the conversion of PYR to PEP All of these steps occur within the mitochondrion 9 19 February 2022 9 Transamination of OAA to aspartate • Aspartate is transported to the cytosol where the reverse transamination occurs yielding cytosolic OAA • This transamination reaction requires continuous transport of glutamate into, and -ketoglutarate out of the mitochondrion • Therefore, this process is limited by the availability of these substrates • Whether mitochondrial decarboxylation or transamination occurs, is a function of the availability of PEPCK or transamination intermediates 19 February 2022 10 OAA reduced to malate • Mitochondrial OAA - reduced to malate in a reversal of the TCA cycle reaction catalyzed by malate dehydrogenase (MDH) • The reduction of OAA to malate requires NADH • The resultant malate is transported to the cytosol where it is oxidized to OAA by cytosolic MDH which requires NAD+ and yields NADH • When in the cytoplasm, OAA is converted to PEP by the cytosolic version of PEPCK • Hormonal signals control the level of PEPCK protein as a means to regulate the flux through gluconeogenesis 19 February 2022 11 Bypass 2 - F-1,6-bP to F-6-P Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (F1,6BP) - simple hydrolysis - catalyzed by fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (F1,6BPase) - to fructose-6phosphate (F6P) is the reverse of the rate limiting step of glycolysis. Major point of control of gluconeogenesis. What does this remind you of in glycolysis? 19 February 2022 12 Bypass 3 - G-6-P to Glc (or Glycogen) Simple hydrolysis - G6P to glucose (glucose-6phosphatase, G6Pase) Similar to F1,6BPase reaction Most non-hepatic tissues, the brain and skeletal muscle, lack G6Pase activity In the kidney, muscle and especially the liver, G6P can be shunted toward glycogen synthesis if blood glucose levels are adequate. 2007 BCH311 Gluconoegenesis NTM 19 February 2022 13 13 Regulation of gluconeogenesis • Gluconeogenesis and glycolysis both occur mainly in the cytosol • Gluconeogenesis synthesizes glucose and glycolysis catabolizes glucose • The two pathways must be controlled in a reciprocal fashion, i.e. negative effectors of glycolysis must be positive effectors of gluconeogenesis and vice-versa • The interconversion of fructose-6-phosphate and fructose-1,6bisphosphate is the key control point in both gluconeogenesis and glycolysis 19 February 2022 14 • Regulation of the two pathways is primarily brought about by allosteric controls on the enzymes that differ between the two pathways • These enzymes are: 19 February 2022 15 19 February 2022 16 Regulation of gluconeogenesis • The conversion of fructose-1,6bisphosphate and fructose-6phosphate is the key control point in gluconeogenesis • The major allosteric regulatory factor of the two pathways is fructose-2,6-bisphosphate. • Phosphofructokinase 2 (PFK 2) and Fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (F2,6BPase) are enzymes that are involved in the biosynthesis (kinase) and degradation (phosphatase) of Fructose-2,6bisphosphate respectively. • These functions occur on the same peptide, a bifunctional regulatory enzyme and are affected differently by phosphorylation • Interconversion of PFK 2 and F2,6BPase depends on the level of cAMP (which is stimulated by glucagon and is inhibited by insulin) 19 February 2022 17 19 February 2022 18 Regulation of gluconeogenesis • In the absence of glucose (e.g. during starvation), the hormones glucagon is released by the pancreas and attach to cells (e.g. liver) that carry out gluconeogenesis • Their attachment trigger a cascade of events inside the cells • These include increased levels or high levels of cAMP which stimulates phosphorylation of the bifunctional peptide, favoring the F2,6BPase function. • This enzyme degrades F2,6BP to F6P. • The low levels or absence of F2,6BP lead to activation of F1,6BPase, which in turn catalyze the conversion of F1,6BP to F6P. • This sequence of events thus increase the rate of gluconeogenesis. • What happens when there are high levels of glucose? 19 February 2022 19 Regulation of gluconeogenesis • What happens when there are high levels of glucose, i.e. in a fed state? • Insulin is released in order to promote the uptake of glucose by the muscles and adipose tissue. • This again leads to a cascade of events • These include lowered levels of cAMP which stimulates dephosphorylation of the bifunctional peptide, favoring the PFK2 function. • This enzyme catalyzes the synthesis of F2,6BP from F6P. • The high levels of F2,6BP lead to inhibition of F1,6BPase and activation of PFK1, which catalyzes the conversion of F6P to F1,6BP. • This sequence of events thus increase the rate of glycolysis. 19 February 2022 20 Glycogen synthesis • A major fate of abudant glucose in animals is the synthesis of glycogen 19 February 2022 21 Glycogen synthesis • A major fate of abudant glucose in animals is the synthesis of glycogen • 1st reaction - hexokinase, glc to glc-6-P • 2nd reaction phosphoglucomutase interconversion of glc-6-P and glc-1-P • This enzyme serves as a common link between glycogen biosynthesis and glycogen breakdown 19 February 2022 22 Glycogen synthesis • 3rd reaction – UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase - the transfer of glucose (from glc-1-P) to uridine triphosphate, forming UDP-glucose and pyrophosphate (“activating”) • This reaction is made essentially irreversible by hydrolysis of the pyrophosphate to 2Pi. • Effect of this is that glucose is prepared for incorporation into the growing glycogen chain 19 February 2022 23 Glycogen synthesis • This enzyme cannot simply form a bond between two isolated glucose molecules; it must add to an existing chain with α(1,4) glycosidic linkages. • The initiation of glycogen synthesis requires a primer for this reason. The hydroxyl group of a specific tyrosine of the protein glycogenin (37,300 Da) serves this purpose. • In the first stage of glycogen synthesis, a glucose residue is linked to this tyrosine hydroxyl, and glucose residues are successively added to this first one. • The glycogenin molecule itself acts as the catalyst for addition of glucoses until there are about eight of them linked together. At that point, glycogen synthase takes over. 19 February 2022 24 Glycogen synthesis • 4th reaction glycogen synthase - the formation of an α(1-4) glycosidic bond between carbon 4 of an existing glycogen chain and carbon 1 of a glucose (from UDP-glucose). • UDP is released in the process. • Glycogen synthase is the major point of regulation of glycogen 19 February 2022 25 biosynthesis. Glycogen synthesis • 5th reaction amylo-(1,4->1,6)-transglycosylase - most commonly called branching enzyme. • Introduces the abundant α(1-6) branches, which are characteristic of glycogen molecules. • The reaction transfers a terminal fragment, some 6 or 7 residues long, from a branch terminus at least 11 residues in length to a hydroxyl group at the 6position of a glucose residue in the interior of the polymer • As a result of the transfer, two termini recognized by glycogen synthase are created where only one existed before. • The synthesis and the mobilization of glycogen can proceed quickly and efficiently, depending on the needs of the cell. 19 February 2022 26 Synthesis of other complex sugars • Involves many of the similar mechanisms as for glycogen, particularly the use of nucleotide-linked sugars as activated biosynthetic intermediates and glycosyltransferase enzymes. Cellulose - a glucose homopolymer with β(1-4) linkages between the units. • UDP-glucose is used as an intermediate in some plant species. • Others use ADP-glucose and CDP-glucose. 19 February 2022 27