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Health Promotion & Ottawa Charter Presentation

Presented To
Shreejana Wagle
Assistant Professor
School of Health and Allied Sciences
Presented by:
Bikram Singh Dhami
BPH 5th Semester
Outline of Presentation
• Health promotion
• Introduction of Ottawa Charter
• Strategies
• Action Areas
• Call for International Action
• Health Promotion Emblem
Health Promotion
• Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase
control over, and to improve, their Health. To reach a state of
complete Physical, Mental and Social well-being.
• It is a positive concept emphasizing personal, social, political
and institutional resources, as well as Physical Capacities.
WHO (1990), health promotion glossary
Healthy Person
21st November, 1986
• First international conference on Health Promotion
• This conference was Primarily a response to growing
expectations for a new Public Health Movement around the
• Discussion focused on the needs of the developing countries,
but took into account similar concerns in all other regions.
The conference took place after the Alma Ata Conference on
Primary Health Care held on 1978. Furthermore, it was backed
up by other international conferences on health promotion held
in different parts of the world like Adelaide, Sundsvall, Jakarta,
Mexico, Bangkok and Nairobi.
3 Strategies
Action Areas
• Good health is a major resource for social, economic and
personal development and an important dimension of quality
of life.
• Political, economic, social, cultural, environmental,
behavioural and biological factors can all favour health or be
harmful to it.
• Health promotion action aims at making these conditions
favourable through advocacy for health.
• Health promotion focuses on achieving equity in health.
• Health promotion action aims at reducing differences in
current health status and ensuring equal opportunities and
resources to enable all people to achieve their fullest health
This includes
 A secure foundation in a supportive environment,
 Access to information,
 Life skills and opportunities for making healthy choices.
• People cannot achieve their fullest health potential unless they
are able to take control of those things which determine their
• Health promotion demands coordinated action by all
concerned: by governments, by health and other social and
economic sectors, by nongovernmental and voluntary
organization, by local authorities, by industry and by the
• Professional and social groups and health personnel have a
major responsibility to mediate between differing interests
in society for health.
5 Action Areas
Building Healthy Public Policy
Create supportive Environment
Strengthening community Actions
Develop Personal Skills
Reorienting Health System
Building Healthy Public Policy
 Health promotion goes beyond health care. It puts health on
agenda of policy makers in all sectors and all level, directing
them to be aware of health consequences of their decision
and to accept their responsibility for health.
 Identifying the impact of policies on health
 Influencing policy
 Deciding where to spend the money
Create Supportive Environment
 Systematic assessment of the health impact is essential and
must be followed by action to ensure positive benefit to the
health of the public
 Identifying personal support networks and community
 Identifying sociocultural, Physical, political and economic
influences on health.
Strengthening Community Actions
 Setting health priorities
 Making decisions collaboratively
 Planning health promoting strategies
 Identifying and effectively using resources
 Implementing and evaluating strategies
Develop personal skills
 Focuses on health promotion that supports personal and social
development of the individuals.
 It endeavors to empower the individual, increasing the option
available to people, and this allows them to exercise more
control over their health and their environments.
 Modifying personal behavior
 Gaining access to information and support
Reorient the Health Services
 The role of the health sector must move increasingly in a
health promotion direction, beyond its responsibility for
providing clinical and curative services.
 Health services need to embrace an expanded mandate which
is sensitive and respects cultural needs.
 Reorienting health services also requires stronger attention to
health research as well as changes in professional education
and training.
Call for international Actions
• The Conference calls on the World Health Organization and
other international organizations to advocate the promotion
of health in all appropriate forums and to support
countries in setting up strategies and programmes for
health promotion.
Health Promotion Emblem
• WHO global health Promotion conference cited on 17th Dec, 2019:https://www.who.int/healthpromotion/conferences/previous/ottawa/en/
• https://www.publichealthnotes.com/ottawa-charter/
• https://www.slideshare.net/kavitayadav165/ottawa-charter-and-jakarta-declaration