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Drama Notes: Vocabulary, Elements, Types, and Rhetorical Appeals

Name: __________________________ Date: __________________ Class: ____________
“Journey Map” Notes
First Journey - Vocabulary to know
Drama is a literary composition involving _________________________, _____________________,
and designed to be acted by players on a stage before an__________________________.
It comes from the Greek word “ ___________________” which means to “
___________________________” or “ ______________________________________”.
Drama is writing that is meant to be performed by actors for an audience.
Elements of Drama
● Plot
Plot refers to the_______________________________; the basic storyline of the play.
● Theme
○ Theme is the ____________________________________ to be learned from the .
● Characters
○ Characters are the people (_______________________________________________
_________________________________________) portrayed by the actors in the play.
○ It is the characters who move the __________________________________________.
● Dialogue
○ This refers to the words written by the ______________________________and spoken
by __________________________________________________________ in the play.
○ The dialogue helps move the action of the play along.
● Music/Rhythm
○ While music is often featured in drama, in this case Aristotle was referring to the rhythm
of the________________________________________________________________.
● Spectacle
○ This refers to the _________________________________________________of a play
Types of Drama
sets, costumes, special effects, etc.
Tragedy is a type of drama in which the characters
_____________________________________________, usually for the worse. Catastrophe and
suffering await many of the characters, especially the _____________________________________.
Comedy is a type of drama in which the characters experience
_____________________________________, usually for the better. Things work out happily in the
end. May be romantic - characterized by a tone of ________________________________________
- or satiric - works offer a darker vision of ______________________________________________.
Tragicomedy is a play that does not adhere strictly to the structure of tragedy. This is usually a
Characters and Types of speech
● Dialogue
conversation between______________ or __________________ characters
● Monologue
○ a lengthy speech that ____________________________________________ on stage
A character’s words are _____ meant to be heard by ________________ on the stage
● Soliloquy
○ A speech given by a
____________________________________________________________; the
audience knows what the what character’s inner thoughts are by the actor doing this
Comic Relief
○ A ___________________________________ or ________________________
intended to lighten the mood
○ Heightens the ___________________________________of the situation because of
the contrast
Tragic Hero
○ This is the _____________________________________, they __________________
or _______________because of the character flaw or twist of fate
● Character Foil
○ Characters whose personalities and attitudes contrast sharply with those of other
character (Yin and Yang or Good guy and Bad guy types of paring)
Terms and people to know
● Playwright
○ the author of a play
● Actors
○ the people who perform in the play
● Director
○ Gives directions to the cast and crew about stage directions or cues
● Stage Directions
○ instructions for actors while performing
● Acts
○ the units of action
● Scenes
○ parts of the acts
● Sets
○ The background and scenery
● Props
○ Small movable items that the actors use to make actions or sets look real
● Narrator
○ A character whose purpose is to narrator certain parts not told by action or dialogue
Second Journey - review the three types of rhetorical appeals
● Ethos
○ ______________________________________________________________________
● Pathos
○ ______________________________________________________________________
● Logos
○ ______________________________________________________________________
Third Journey - review the three types of irony
● Situational Irony
○ ______________________________________________________________________
● Verbal Irony
○ ______________________________________________________________________
● Dramatic Irony
○ ______________________________________________________________________