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Alkaram Furniture Hall Automated System Project Report

Alkaram Furniture Hall
Undertaken By:
Gulnaz batool
Iqra Kanwal
Sania Rasheed
Kalsoom Bibi
Supervised By:
Madam Asima Taslim
Government Degree College For
Women Haroonabad
Saying Of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
“A man shall be asked concerning five (things) on the Day of
Resurrection: Concerning his life How he spent it; Concerning his Youth,
how he Grew old; Concerning his health, whence he acquired it and in
what (way) he spent it and what it that he did in with the knowledge that
He was had”.
It is to certify, that we have gone through the project report that is
submitted by. My judgment is that this project is up to the standard to
warrant its acceptance by the Govt. Degree College Haroonabad.
External Examiner:
Internal Examiner:
(The Creator)
(His Final Messenger)
My Loving Parents
Whose love is power of my Life
I am greatful to almighty ALLAH, the most gracious, merciful and
beneficent who help us in every field of life. By whose grace I have been
able to complete this report successfully.
I feel great honor to express our sincere and cordial thanks to
respected “Madam Asima Taslim” for her invaluable guidance, sympathetic
attitude, meticulous training, healthy criticism, deep concern and strong
motivation regarding to our problems that we have faced during the studies.
She guided us in critical times and helped us whenever needed. We feel
proud to be daughter to our parents, whose consideration boosts our moral to
get the education we are much thankful to our friends, whose co-operation
helped us a lot.
Tables of contents
AIMS ................................................................................................ 9
Scope ........................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................. 10
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 10
Introduction .................................................................................... 11
Location ...................................................................................... 11
Introduction to Existing System .................................................... 12
Data redundancy and inconsistency ........................................... 12
Data isolation .............................................................................. 12
Integrity problems ....................................................................... 12
Program data dependency ........................................................... 12
Atomicity problem ...................................................................... 12
Security problem ......................................................................... 12
Proposed System ............................................................................ 13
Chapter 2 ........................................................................................ 15
System Requirements .................................................................... 15
Chapter 3 ........................................................................................ 19
SYSTEM DESIGN ........................................................................ 19
E-R Diagram ........................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Database Designing ....................................................................... 21
Relationship Sketch ............. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Relationships of all tables. ............................................................. 23
User Interface Designing Forms .................................................... 24
Owner Form ...................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Employee Form........................................................................... 25
Customer Form ........................................................................... 25
Item Form.................................................................................... 26
Item detail Form.......................................................................... 26
Project Brief
Project Name
Automated System Of Alkaram
Furniture Hall
Furniture Hall
Undertaken By
19566, 19597, 19668, 6590
Supervised By
Madam Asima Taslim
Starting Date
Operating System
Window XP
Back end
MS Access
Front end
MS Access
System Used
512MB RAM, 1.0GHz.
Following are the main aims of the project:
 To give help in improving the DATABASE
 To improve skills in DDBMS course
 To improve skills in software programming
 To help them in their skills of learning
This project is taken as an academic activity for the course of DBMS.
Here the introduction to organization and its working mechanism is
 The name of the organization is Alkaram Furniture Hall
 This organization is build in 2018
 Ali is the owner of this organization
 It achieves many award for her production
Alkaram Furniture Hall in Haroonabad is a hall that deals
within one city. It is located in Main bazaar Haroonabad. It was established
in 30 April 2018. The owner of this hall is most respected Ali.
Introduction to Existing System
Presently, the record of the hall is being maintained on manual basis.
It has the following problems.
Data redundancy and inconsistency
In manual system, the same data may be duplicated in several
files that cause data inconsistency.
Data isolation
The data in manual system in stored in various files. It
becomes very difficult to retrieve the appropriate data.
Integrity problems
Integrity means reliability and accuracy of data.
The stored data must satisfy certain type of consistency
Program data dependency
Program data dependency is a relationship between data in files and program
required to update and maintain the files. Application programs are
developed according to a particular file format in file processing system. If
the format of file is changed. The application program also need to be
change accordingly.
Atomicity problem
The atomicity means that either one transaction should take
place as a whole or it should not take place at all.
Security problem
Manual system does not provide adequate security on data. In
some situations, it is required to provide different types of
access to data for different users.
aProposed System
The proposed system is based to the concept of database system and provides better
solution then existing system.
Features of Proposed System
Some features of proposed system are following.
 It is used to maintain the database
 The proposed system managed the data and may user can share the
information easily.
 As the information are stored on the single place therefore redundancy
problem is reduce.
 Security system means the record is save from unauthorized access.
 The proposed system provides password to its users so that the data
should be protected from unauthorized users.
Benefits of Proposed System
The proposed system is build while considering all the disadvantages and drawbacks of
the existing system .The system covers almost all the errors of the existing system .The
main benefits are following.
 It is not time consuming system.
 The system is easy to manage.
 The system is fast then existing system
 Insertion deletion and updating record is very easy by just mouse
 The shop persons can see all the ups and down of the system easily by
just mouse clicking.
 Unlimited data can be stored .If high capacity hard disk is used in the
 It has the backs facility and data can be stored on any removable
The scope of a system means that which areas are being covered by the
system. The scope clearly defines the boundaries of the proposed system.
The project is expected to remove the existing problems and increasing the
efficiency of the organization resulting in higher profits by means of
following implications.
Chapter 2
System Requirements
Working System of Alkaram Furniture Hall
Alkaram Furniture Hall in Haroonabad is a hall that deals
within one city. It was established in 3 The owner of this hall is most
respected Ali.
This parlor is working in this city form previous 1 year, but there record
keeping system is still manual.
It provides many following facilities
 System Requirements
There are two sections of system requirements specifications that are given
 During Development.
 During Execution.
During Development
In this section we describe the hardware and software requirements used in
the development of this project.
Hardware Requirements
450 MHZ.
 Hard disk
128 MB.
Software Requirements
 Operating System
Windows 2000 Professional.
 Application
Microsoft Office 2000.
During Execution
In this section we describe the hardware and software requirements used
while running this project.
Hardware Requirements
 Processor
 Hard disk
450 MHZ.
64 MB.
6 GB.
Software Requirements
 Operating System
 Application
Windows 2000 Professional.
Microsoft Office 2000.
Preliminary Investigation
In this phase main objective is to identify deficiencies and requirements
in the user’s current environment. An important result of the preliminary
investigation is whether the system to be developed is feasible or not.
Feasibility is determined on the following parameters:
 Whether current technical resources or technology is available in the
developer’s organization or in the market that is capable of handling
the user’s requirements.
 Whether the system is cost effective economically or financially.
 How effectively the user will operate this software once installed.
Chapter 3
Database Designing
Table Name: Owner Table
Primary Key:Owner _ID
Table Name:Employee Table
Primary Key: Employee Id
Table Name:Customer table
Primary Key: Customer ID
Table Name:Item table
Primary Key:item ID
Table Name: Item Detail Table
Primary Key: Itemdetail_ID
User Interface Designing Forms
It is an interface through which you can add information about OWNER. For
example OWNER Name, ID, contect Number and Company
Owner Form
The record of an organization is managed in this form. For example
investment of an organization.
In this form managed the record of products which an organization
purchased from distributors
Customer Form
In this form service and its prices are declared. For example service
ID,name and service price. Which an organization provides to its customers .