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Meteorology Study Guide: Weather, Climate, and Atmosphere

Science Class Study Guide
Meteorology is the study of weather and the atmosphere
Weather vs. Climate
Weather – the state of the atmosphere right now or in within a short time
Ex. It is raining today/ We will have rain in 5 days/ A hurricane is coming
Climate – The average state of the atmosphere over a long time
Ex. Florida has a hot summer/ The average temperature is 78° F
Energy in the Atmosphere
Two things responsible for heat distributed around the earth
 Global Wind Systems – carries moisture into the atmosphere, moves air
 Ocean Currents – distribute heat and moisture around the globe, provides
water for water cycle
Coriolis Effect – Air circulating around the Earth
will be deflected to the right in the Northern
Hemisphere and the left in the Southern
Hemisphere. This is because different parts of
the Earth move at different speeds.
Ex. Think about the airplane being tossed
North – it would not go in a straight line but
more to the right
Science Class Study Guide
Sun Radiation
The sun’s rays hit the earth at different levels making certain parts hotter than
Jet Stream - A fast-moving wind that separates cold air masses and warm air
masses. Travels from West to East (Prevailing Westerlies).
Air Mass - A large amount of air mostly uniform in temperature and moisture
 Maritime – by the sea (more
moisture in the air)
 Continental – within land (less
moisture in the air)
o Maritime Polar – cooler with
more moisture
o Maritime Tropical – warmer
with more moisture
o Continental Tropical –
warmer with less moisture
o Continental Polar – warmer with less moisture
o Continental Arctic – warmer with less moisture
Science Class Study Guide
Cold Front – Blue
icicles/ Cold air mass
goes underneath a
warmer air mass
building up clouds
Causes: Thunderstorms
and rain
Warm Front – Red
lava rocks/ Warm
air travels with cold
air covering above
Causes: Lots of
clouds; maybe rain
Stationary Front –
Both blue icicles and red lava
rocks/Two air masses meet with
neither going forward
Causes: some clouds; maybe rain
Science Class Study Guide
Occluded Front – Purple icicles
and rocks/ Cold air travels under
and through warm air, this
creates a pocket of warm air
Causes: rain on both sides of the
Pressure Systems
High Pressure – Cold air sinking; brings on good weather
Low Pressure – Warm air rising; brings on bad weather
Science Class Study Guide
The Atmosphere