Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Public health informatics is considered to be the systematic application of the information, computer science and technology associated with the public health practice, learning and research. It basically deals with the improvement and transformation of the public health in the technological era. It also explains the significance of the public health in order to improve the overall health status of the community and it involves the usage of the technology to meet the goals of the learning and research programs so that the awareness can be easily spread among the people about the prevention and cure of the diseases. Altered communication process which is found to be ineffective sometimes. Understanding the role of technology used which keeps on updating itself and hence, healthcare workers find it difficult to keep up with it. Data preaching issues associated with the security concerns. Maintaining a human-technological relationship is always difficult, challenges with the maintenance of the data and Funding issues. o Medical staffs need to be updated with the usage of the technological systems and application of the IT. o Providing the ongoing training on regular basis to cope up with the advancement of the technology. o Electronic Health Record systems needed to be explained to all the healthcare workers so that it is easy for them to record the data rapidly and correctly using the online forms and coding systems. o The funding also plays a crucial role in this so the government and other healthcare sectors are required to provide the funds on whenever needed to improve the informatics. o Use of Data mining, and o Use of various types of technology/informatics tools. Computers Mobile devices Information and communication systems Formal medical terminologies. Computers will increase the efficiency of public health and health care service delivery Mobile devices will play a significant role in delivering and providing clinical decision- support information electronically. Information and communication systems, will improve information, productive interactions, and access to data on care and treatment effectiveness. Formal health terminologies will enable practitioners to deliver effective healthcare in particular clinical conditions systematically. They focus on public health aspects that permit the development and use of integrated public health information systems. The use of these recommendations will allow the healthcare industries to make informed decisions on matters of statistical concepts, skills and epidemiological aspects “Electronic Health Record systems”. Additionally, it will be easier to understand the appropriate approaches to be used in implementing new methods of dealing with such matters at hand. Data mining is an integration of different aspects which are not limited to experts from public health, statistics, computer science, decision sciences, medicine, mathematics, behavioral economics, human-centered design as well as health economics. Booth, R. G. (2016). Informatics and nursing in a post-nursing informatics world: Future directions for nurses in an automated, artificially intelligent, social-networked healthcare environment. Nursing Leadership, 28(4), 61-69. Hemmat, M., Ayatollahi, H., Maleki, M. R., & Saghafi, F. (2017). Future research in health information technology: a review. Perspectives in health information management, 14(Winter). Jacobs, R. J., Lou, J. Q., Ownby, R. L., & Caballero, J. (2016). A systematic review of eHealth interventions to improve health literacy. Health informatics journal, 22(2), 81-98. Retrieved from Melton, B. L. (2017). Systematic Review of Medical Informatics–Supported Medication Decision Making. Biomedical informatics insights, 9, 1178222617697975. Retrieved from Miller, D. D., & Brown, E. W. (2018). Artificial Intelligence in Medical Practice: The Question to the Answer? The American Journal of Medicine, 131(2), 129–133. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2017.10.035 Walpole, S., Taylor, P., & Banerjee, A. (2016). Health informatics in UK Medical Education: an online survey of current practice. JRSM open, 8(1), 2054270416682674. Retrieved from