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Nursing Exam 1 Blueprint: N34164 Basic Concepts

Note the topics listed may not be all inclusive but are identified to help guide you in further study for the exam
N34164 Basic Concepts
TheoryExam # 1 Blueprint
Fall 2021
Content Covered
Chapters to Review
Nursing Today, Theoretical Foundations,
Caring, Communication, Health & Wellness,
The Healthcare Delivery System
1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 24
Exam Topics
Approximate # of Questions
Nursing Today
(professionalism, ethics, levels of nursing, professional
organizations ie (ANA, NLN, Sigma Theta Tau), education levels in
nursing) and QSEN Competencies
Theoretical Foundations of Nursing
Examples: Nightingale, Orem, Leininger,
Caring & Communication
(demonstration of caring, verbal & nonverbal, communication
mechanisms of feedback, zones of personal space, steps of
therapeutic communication) Theorists ie Watson
Health & Wellness
(models of health (such as Health Belief Model, Pender’s Health
Promotion, Maslow Hierarchy of Needs) , factors that affect health
and illness, levels of prevention
The Healthcare Delivery System
Levels of care
(acute care, rehabilitation, LTAC, respite care, skilled care
Exam Date: During your class time for assigned date as per calendar (Week of September
The exam will be in person using the LRC (Learning Resources Center i.e. “computer lab”) Room 942. You will receive more detailed instructions related to time and procedure for
taking exams in the LRC. You will be using the school computers.