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NUR 481-550 Nursing Adult II Course Syllabus

NUR 481-550
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program
NUR 481-550
Nursing Adult - II
Subject to Change
Name: Wei Liu
Office: Nexus Rm 355
Email: wliu@adelphi.edu
Voicemail: 516-833-8171
Office Hours: Monday: 12:30PM-2:15PM
Wednesday: 12:30PM-2:15PM
Friday: 10:00AM-12:00PM
Office hours will be conducted by appointment through Zoom to limit person-toperson contact in enclosed spaces. Personal Zoom Room Link:
(Individual assistance is always available by appointment)
College of Nursing and Public Health
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council
Diversity Statement for Syllabi
College of Nursing and Public Health
The College of Nursing and Public Health (CNPH) supports an inclusive learning environment
where all students feel understood, respected, and appreciated. CNPH ensures that an
environment of civility and respect is established to promote an inclusive, comfortable learning
environment that facilitates the sharing of experiences and nurtures the critical examination of
assumptions. Recognizing that cultural diversity is a strength, we engage in cultural humility and
compassion in learning from others’ perspectives. With equitable support, we believe all students
have the potential to succeed in their chosen academic program. We courageously recognize that
diversity, equity, and inclusion is essential to achieving success. At CNPH we show respect to all
students, faculty, and staff and have zero tolerance for hate or discrimination.
CNPH creates a culture of learning that motivates students to thrive by participating actively in
learning experiences with curiosity, while encouraging the expression of diverse opinions
without fear of incivility. Students are encouraged to practice self-reflection, empathy,
compassion/humanity, and cultural humility. Within this supportive educational environment,
students assume accountability for meeting learning outcomes, while focusing on the
professional discipline, ethical principles, and socialization within their chosen profession.
Faculty are committed to cultural humility in the creation of equitable, active learning
environments that engages all students. Faculty have an ongoing commitment to self-reflection,
to foster self-awareness of implicit bias, and to create authentic learning environments. Faculty
engage in ongoing professional development to facilitate the use of inclusive course resources,
pedagogy, and assessments. Curriculum should be inclusive of diverse student backgrounds,
cultures, and abilities. Faculty are committed to student success through the inclusion of
equitable pedagogical strategies in all learning environments.
N481-550 Spring 2022
COURSE TITLE: Nursing Care Adult - II
SEMESTER/YEAR: Spring 2022
ASSIGNED DAY/TIME: Mondays and Wednesdays 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Hagedorn Hall of Enterprise, Rm 204
5 credits:
(3) theory
(2) clinical
PreREQUISITES: 0302- N477 (Nursing Care of Childbearing Women); N479 (Nursing Care
of Children) 0302-471 (Community Health Nursing); 0302-473 (Nursing Care of the Older
Adult); 0302-476 (Integration Seminar III), 0302-397 (Care of Adult I)
CoREQUISITES: 0302-483 (Transition to Professional Practice); 0302-484 (Integration
Seminar IV)
This is the second part of an extensive study of nursing care for adult patients with alterations in
physiological integrity. Students will learn to provide high quality, patient centered care, using
the nursing process to promote optimal well-being. Emphasis will be on promoting clinical
reasoning skills, integrating best practices, and ensuring patient safety.
This course has three (3) credits of classroom theory, and a two (2) credit clinical experience.
At the completion of this course, the student will achieve the following objectives:
Program Outcome
Plan and provide patient-centered nursing
care that contributes to safe and high
quality outcomes.
N481-550 Spring 2022
Course Objective
● Demonstrate knowledge of
pathophysiology, clinical
manifestations, and medical treatment
of patients experiencing altered
cellular, genitourinary, immune,
hematological, musculoskeletal, neural
sensory, and integumentary function.
● Plan and implement nursing care for
patients with complex disease
● Incorporate pertinent patient data
findings, including nursing, medical,
laboratory, radiographic.
pharmacologic, psychosocial and other
pertinent data, when formulating and
implementing a plan of care for
medical surgical patients.
● Demonstrate the ability to prioritize
nursing care for the adult patient.
● Evaluate effects of medications on the
medical surgical patient.
Apply critical thinking skills in
implementing the nursing process.
● Demonstrate critical thinking and
clinical reasoning when formulating
and implementing a plan of care for
adult patients with medical surgical
● Prioritize nursing diagnoses and
formulate a plan of care for patients
with medical surgical disorders.
Respect cultural diversity and the
uniqueness of all individuals.
● Demonstrate sensitivity to personal and
cultural influences on the individual’s
reactions to the illness experience.
● Utilize inter-professional collaboration
and communication that reflects
respect for personal and cultural
differences when providing patient
● Incorporate families’ medically-safe
personal and cultural preferences when
caring for medical surgical patients.
Apply evidence based knowledge from
nursing and the sciences as the basis for
N481-550 Spring 2022
● Deliver evidence based care that
reflects patient and family preferences.
● Integrate research data related to best
nursing practice to promote optimal
patient care outcomes.
Integrate informatics and communication
technologies to improve patient care
● Utilize information technologies
appropriately in the clinical setting.
● Discuss patient privacy guidelines and
Exhibit professional role development.
● Demonstrate behavior consistent with
the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses and
ANA Scope and Standards of Practice.
● Describe and apply ethical and legal
considerations relevant to the care of
adult patients.
● Compare the roles and perspectives of
the nursing profession with other
healthcare professionals.
● Act as an advocate for patients in the
clinical setting.
● Demonstrate a professional demeanor
and respect the rights of patients in
medical surgical settings.
Collaborate and communicate effectively
with patients and families and as a
member of the interdisciplinary health care
● Demonstrate professional oral
communication skills in collaboration
with members of the interdisciplinary
health care team.
● Demonstrate therapeutic
communication skills when caring for
patients in the clinical setting.
● Demonstrate thorough, accurate, and
professional documentation in
collaboration with members of the
interdisciplinary health team.
N481-550 Spring 2022
25%: Exam # 1
30%: Exam # 2
35%: Exam # 3 (Final exam)
5%: Assignments (see separate prepU and Kaplan Focused review rubrics)
5%: Kaplan exam taken on-site (see separate rubric and policy)
As outlined in the College of Nursing & Public Health’s Student Handbook, the student must
obtain a C+ (77) to pass the course. No extra credit projects/points are available in this course.
Clinical: Pass/ Fail (See Clinical Evaluation Tool).
1 Pass/Fail Concept map graded by Clinical Professor using Concept Map rubric. Students must
achieve a passing grade on concept map to pass clinical. 1 vSim (Lloyd Bennet) as outlined in
the clinical syllabus.
Expectations for virtual attendance and completion of assignments will be outlined on Moodle.
A student must pass the clinical component in order to pass the entire course.
Failure of either the theory or clinical portion of the course constitutes a failure of the course.
Examinations will be administered via ExamSoft using ExamID and ExamMonitor
Examsoft Customer Support is available. They are your best resource for questions and
troubleshooting. Keep the phone number available: 866-429-8889 (24/7 live rep)
(See separate Adelphi CNPH Academic Assessment Standards)
Lippincott CoursePoint - The Point - Wolters Kluwer for Brunner & Suddarth’s
Textbook of Medical -Surgical Nursing 14th edition (2018)
 Kaplan Nursing Online resources (available to all students) including:
Burckhardt, J. A., Brown, J., Irwin, B. S., & Redemske, M. (Eds.) (2017). The basics: A
Comprehensive outline of nursing school content [Adobe Digital Editions version]. Retrieved
from Kaplan login
 Nursing Central [software]. (2019) Charlottesville, VA: Unbound Medicine, Inc.
For those who additionally wish to purchase a hard copy textbook:
Hinkle, J.L. & Cheever, J.H. (2018). Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical
Nursing, 14th edition. Wolters-Kluwer/Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. (2 volume set)
Required readings: will be indicated on the syllabus and/or MOODLE site or at the discretion of
the course instructor
Recommended Text:
Hinkle, J.L. & Cheever, J.H. (2018). Study Guide for Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical-Surgical Nursing, 14th edition (2014).
N481-550 Spring 2022
Schuster, P. (2016) Concept mapping: A critical-thinking approach to care planning (4th ed.).
Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis
 Any Adelphi student can use this url to purchase CoursePoint+ at the Adelphi discounted
pricing: https://lippincottdirect.lww.com/NursingEducation-AdelphiUniversityGardenCity-Fall2021
National Student Nurses Association
American Nurses Association
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine (Future of Nursing 2020 – 2030)
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School for Health Professions
The Joint Commission
National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators
National Quality Forum
National Council State Board of Nursing: Social Media
Academy of Medical and Surgical Nursing
National Academy of Medicine
Class discussion/discussion boards
Zoom meetings
Asynchronous videos
Case studies/presentations
Assigned readings
Clinical experiences
Use of technology resources
Web based resources
In addition to the items below, all College of Nursing and Public Health policies, as outlined in
the Adelphi University College of Nursing and Public Health Student Handbook (Handbook),
will be strictly enforced.
All students must pass the medication calculation examination in order to attend clinical. Exams
must be scheduled in the computer lab and completed prior to the beginning of clinical. (See the
Handbook for grade requirements).
Kaplan Proctored Integrated Nursing Exams are designed to measure student competencies in a
number of nursing disciplines and to provide students with data on how their knowledge
compares with that of nursing students throughout the United States. The exams comprise 5% of
each student’s final course grade. See College of Nursing and Public Health Handbook and
N481-550 Spring 2022
CNPH Moodle site for Kaplan grading policies and rubric which is to be adhered to by all
faculty and students.
Students will have access to online and written resources provided by Kaplan Nursing throughout
their tenure in the College of Nursing and Public Health. Students are strongly encouraged to
utilize the resources in order to foster success in the program.
Students must abide by the codes of academic honesty and the code of ethics of Adelphi
University, as well as the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements (ANA, 2015)
(See College of Nursing and Public Health Handbook).
Adelphi University Code of Academic Honesty
The code of academic honesty prohibits behavior, which can broadly be described as lying,
cheating, or stealing. Violations of the code of academic honesty will include, but are not limited
to, the following:
1.Fabricating data or citations
2.Collaborating in areas prohibited by the professor
3.Unauthorized multiple submissions of work
4.Sabotage of others’ work, including library vandalism or manipulation
5.Plagiarism: presenting any work as one’s own that is not one’s own
6.The creation of unfair advantage
7.The facilitation of dishonesty
8.Tampering with or falsifying records
9.Cheating on examinations through the use of written materials or giving or receiving help
in any form during the exam, including talking, signals, electronic devices, etc.
Students are expected to demonstrate behavior consistent with the ANA and NCSBN Guidelines
on Social Media and Networking for Nurses (Joint Release 10/19/11)
The mode for general communication to the class is via announcements (Moodle) and Adelphi email, the official method of communication.
Students who anticipate being absent from class due to religious observance must notify the
instructor within the first two weeks of the first class session. This will allow the instructor and
student adequate time to make arrangements for makeup of missed work. Refer to the policy in
the CNPH student handbook regarding clinical absences.
If the University is closed, please log into the course’s MOODLE Electronic classroom each day
for instructions & possible assignments. Instructions for using MOODLE can be found on the
University’s MOODLE site.
During the last two weeks of the class, students will receive an email notifying them that course
evaluations are available for each course in which they are enrolled. Student evaluations are
N481-550 Spring 2022
anonymous; individual respondents cannot be identified. The results of the course evaluation
will not be available to the instructor until after the end of the semester, after the course grades
have been submitted. Please participate in this important activity.
If you have a disability that may significantly impact your ability to carry out assigned coursework, please
contact the Student Access Office (SAO) located in Post Hall 107 at 516-877-3806 or send an email to
sao@adelphi.edu. The staff will review your concerns and determine, with you, appropriate and
necessary accommodations. Please allow for a reasonable time frame for requesting ASL Interpreters or
Transcription Services. Reasonable accommodations are available in online classes for students with a
documented disability. Please note that due to the nature of online courses, some accommodations
approved for on-campus classes may not apply. If you have a disability that may significantly impact
your ability to carry out assigned coursework, please contact the Student Access Office (SAO) at 516877-3806 or send an email to sao@adelphi.edu. We will review your request and determine with you
appropriate and necessary accommodations. Please allow for a reasonable time frame for requesting ASL
Interpreters or Transcription Services.
The Student Counseling Center (SCC) provides confidential and professional virtual mental
health counseling services, resources, and referrals to support the academic and personal success,
health, and well-being of Adelphi students without additional charge. Counselors are available to
help students cope with a variety of stressors and personal issues that may interfere with their
academic and personal experiences. The Center also supports students who may be feeling
suicidal or in crisis. To schedule an appointment, please call (516) 877-3646, email
scc@adelphi.edu . If you need immediate assistance, walk-in services are available during the
fall and spring semesters Monday-Friday 9am-5:00pm. Additional information can also be found
by visiting https://scc.adelphi.edu.
Need support when the SCC is not available? For 24/7 emergency counseling, referral, or
assistance, please contact:
 Long Island Crisis Center (516) 679-1111
 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-TALK (8255)
 Crisis Text Line: Text 741741
 Adelphi Office of Public Safety:
 Off campus: (516) 877-3511
 On campus: Extension 5 on any campus phone
 911 (for immediate health-related emergency
The Learning and Writing Centers assist students in all disciplines to become more effective
and confident writers and scholars. Peer tutors are available for free for students of all levels.
Appointments are recommended, and can be reserved online at The Student Learning and
Writing Center, accessible through our E-campus service tab. The timeliest information for
students is available through the LWC Instagram account: Adelphi LWS More information is
available on Youtube.
If you are interested in learning more about the services available at the Learning and Writing
Centers; Call 516.877.3200 or stop by our locations any time.
N481-550 Spring 2022
Please utilize this valuable assistance/service if needed. Adelphi University and the College of
Nursing and Public Health are dedicated to your academic success.
Student Participation in Synchronous Remote/Online Courses and Recording/Sharing of
Video Course Content
Students enrolled in synchronous remote, online or hybrid courses are expected to actively
participate in those courses. Synchronous classes may be recorded at the discretion of the faculty
to provide students with access to recordings outside of class (asynchronously). Students are
presumed to consent to being part of recorded class sessions. Students may also be recorded
while taking remote exams.
While learning in a synchronous remote or online format, students are encouraged to remain on
camera to facilitate interactions with instructors and classmates. All students are encouraged to
speak with their instructors at the beginning of the semester about any challenges or potential
limitations to their on-camera participation in a synchronous remote, live-streamed or online
Additionally, in order to protect the privacy of other students enrolled in the course, students will
refrain from allowing family members or others to participate, listen in, or otherwise impinge
upon the shared virtual space of synchronous remote or online learning classrooms. Students are
prohibited from recording or sharing in any way video content from online classes with others.
Health and Safety
Health- and safety-related policies continue to evolve during the COVID-19 pandemic as
additional evidence on the most effective practices for reducing viral transmission is obtained.
Adelphi remains committed to providing students, employees, and others with a safe and
comfortable learning environment during this rapidly changing, unpredictable, and dynamic
public health crisis. The University’s Health & Wellness Team continually assesses campus risk
through the examination of global, national, and regional metrics to best inform our COVID-19
mitigation practice. Based on this information, it may be necessary to make changes to Adelphi’s
risk reduction policies at any time and with little advance notice. The University appreciates your
flexibility and understanding as it takes all necessary steps to best protect the members of our
academic community. For the current University policies, please see
Mask policy
In accordance with University-wide policy, individuals in a classroom or other indoor
instructional spaces are required to wear CDC-recommended masks that cover the nose and
mouth. In the event that a student does not wear a mask properly in the classroom or indoor
instructional spaces, the faculty member will ask the student to put on or adjust a mask. If the
student does not comply, the student will be dismissed from the class. Disposable masks will be
provided free of charge, if needed, at various locations on campus listed at
Infractions relating to failure to comply with the requirement to wear a mask may be addressed
through the Code of Conduct, available at https://operations.adelphi.edu/catalog/conduct/.
More information about masks, distancing and safety guidelines is available at
N481-550 Spring 2022
Food Consumption in Class
Because mask-wearing is a best practice for reducing disease transmission, individuals in a
classroom will not be permitted to consume food or drink a beverage unless they have an
approved accommodation requiring the ability to eat during class sessions. Such
accommodations must be approved through the Student Access Office in the normal fashion.
More Information Is available at https://access-office.adelphi.edu/accessibility-support-services/.
If you have such an accommodation, please notify the instructor prior to the course beginning.
Physical Distancing
Students are encouraged to be mindful of maintaining physical distance from other individuals in
the classroom as a best practice, and not to move classroom furniture unless asked to do so by
the faculty member.
Additional Health and Safety Protocols
Additional health and safety protocols may be provided by the faculty member. All such
protocols should be carefully reviewed and followed by all members of the class.
In the Event of a Positive Case of COVID-19
Adelphi’s Health Services Center works together with New York State and local departments of
health (e.g., the Nassau County Department of Health) to coordinate contact tracing as soon as
someone in our community has been identified as testing positive for COVID-19. If notified by a
student that they have tested positive, the instructor will notify Adelphi’s Health Services Center
(516-877-6000). After contact tracing, the Health Services Center will inform those who have
been deemed sufficiently exposed of next steps (which would likely include testing and
If you Exhibit COVID-19 Symptoms or are Required to Undertake a Quarantine
Before coming to campus, every individual completes a daily health monitoring checklist. It is
extremely important for the health and safety of yourself and your community that you complete
the checklist honestly. If you exhibit any of the symptoms of COVID-19 or otherwise are
required to stay home after completing the daily health checklist, please notify your instructor
Similarly, you may be contacted and notified by a contact tracer or other appropriate authority
that you have been in close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19. In
such cases, you should notify your instructor that you will be undertaking a quarantine and
provide the dates you have been directed to undertake quarantine.
In the Event of a Shift to Remote Instruction
Despite our best efforts, we cannot predict the course of the pandemic or of county and state
regulation. Adelphi University may be required to change the modality for your course to one
suitable for remote instruction at any time, either for a defined period such as two weeks or for
the remainder of the semester. In such a case, your instructor will provide you with any syllabus
updates within one week of such a shift.
N481-550 Spring 2022
Adult Clients with Changes in Cellular Function
● Adult Client and Family Psychological Responses
● Biophysical Conditions
o Applying a team approach to the management of holistic nursing care for the
client with cancer
o Factors associated with cancer
o General nursing assessment of clients with cancer
o Caring for clients receiving radiation therapy: brachytherapy & teletherapy
(internal and external) safe handling
o Caring for clients receiving chemotherapy safe handling of biohazardous
materials/safe handling of meds
o Caring for clients with neoplastic disorders including: lung, breast, colorectal,
pancreatic, laryngeal
o Caring for clients with oncologic emergencies
o Caring for the terminally ill client
o Caring for clients receiving hospice/end of life care
Adult Clients with Changes in Hematologic Function
● Adult Client and Family Psychological Responses
● Biophysical Conditions
o Caring for clients with anemia: Iron Deficiency Anemia, Pernicious Anemia,
Sickle Cell Anemia, Polycythemia Vera, thrombocytopenia
o Caring for clients with neoplastic hematologic dysfunction: Leukemia,
Hodgkin’s/Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
o Care of the patient with deficiencies in each blood component
o Caring for clients with multiple myeloma
Adult Clients with Changes in Genitourinary Function
● Adult Client and Family Psychological Responses
● Biophysical Conditions
o Nursing assessment of urinary function
o Caring for clients undergoing invasive and non-invasive diagnostic tests: IVP,
cystoscopy, retrograde, pyelogram
o Caring for clients with acute kidney injury (AKI previously AKF) and chronic
kidney disease (CKD previously Chronic Renal Failure CRF)
o Caring for clients receiving hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis
o Caring for clients with fistulas and shunts
o Caring for clients with kidney transplants
o Caring for clients with changes in prostatic function: BPH, prostatic cancer
o Caring for clients undergoing TURP surgery
o Caring for clients with urinary tract inflammations: cystitis, urethritis,
prostatitis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis
o Caring for clients with nephritic syndrome and nephrotic syndrome
o Caring for clients with urinary diversions
N481-550 Spring 2022
Adult with Changes in Immune Function
● Adult Client and Family Psychological Responses
● Biophysical Conditions
o Review concepts of immune pathology
o Caring for clients with HIV and AIDs related complications as well as legal
and ethical risks
o Caring for clients with allergies and anaphylaxis
o Caring for clients with changes in immune function including: rheumatoid
arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus
Adults with changes in sensory neural function
● Adult Client and Family Psychological Responses
● Biophysical Conditions
o General considerations when caring for clients with impaired hearing (ie: How
do you call for the nurse? Room assignments)
o Caring for clients with changes in auditory function: Meniere’s disease
o General considerations when caring for clients with impaired vision
o Caring for clients with: cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, macular
degeneration including surgical care
Adult Clients with Changes in Musculoskeletal Function
● Adult Client and Family Psychological Responses
● Biophysical Conditions
o General considerations when caring for clients with musculoskeletal disorders
How do you call for the nurse?
o Caring for clients with fractures, sprains, casts/splints, braces, traction (skin
and skeletal), compartment syndrome, fat emboli
o Caring for clients with osteoarthritis
o Caring for clients with osteoporosis
o Caring for clients with osteomyelitis
o Caring for clients with joint replacement: hip and knees
Adult Clients with Integumentary Function
● Adult Client and Family Psychological Responses
● Biophysical Conditions
o General considerations when caring for clients with integumentary disorders
including Steven-Johnsons syndrome (Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis)
o Caring for clients with: shingles, skin cancer and other rashes
o Caring for clients with cellulitis
Adult Clients with Critical Illness
● Adult Client and Family Psychological Responses
● Biophysical Conditions
o Caring for clients with burns
N481-550 Spring 2022
o Caring for clients in shock: cardiogenic, septic, anaphylaxis, hypovolemia,
o Caring for clients with complications of mechanical ventilation.
o Caring for clients with critical illness including hemodynamic monitoring and
mechanical ventilation.
o General considerations for initiating and managing a Rapid Response and
Cardiac Arrest
● Disaster management:
o Pandemic, terrorism, internal/external disaster planning, triage guidelines
o Principles of triage and evacuation
N481-550 Spring 2022
Weekly Class Schedule 481-550
Adult Clients with
Changes in Cellular
Brunner & Suddarth:
 Chapter 15
 Lung Cancer: pages 620-624
 Pancreatic Cancer: pages 1450-1453
 Hematological Neoplasms: Chapter 34
 Breast Cancer: pages 1730-1748
CoursePoint Resources:
 Critical Thinking Exercise: Chapter 15
 Concepts in Animation: Chapter 15
 Interactive Tutorial: Chapter 15
 Watch & Learn Videos: Chapters 15 & 16
 Picmonic: Chapter 15 Cisplatin, Leukemia
Assessment, Prostate Cancer
 Basics Book: Oncology Chapter 12, Section 1, 2,
4 and 6 (pages 397 – 415)
 Channel (Recorded): Test taking tips and
 Content Library: Pancreatic Cancer (including 7minute video)
Adult Clients with
Changes in
Brunner & Suddarth:
 Chapters 32, 33, 34
CoursePoint Resources:
 Critical Thinking Exercises Chapters: 32-34
 Concepts in Animation: Chapter 32
 Basics Book Hematologic and Immune disorders:
Chapter 6 Sections 1&2; Chapter 12 section 2
 Channel (Recorded): Hematological Disorders
 Content library: Polycythemia Vero (including
14-minute video); Anemia with 3 related videos
N481-550 Spring 2022
Adult Clients with
Changes in
Adult Clients with
Changes in
Function Continued
Brunner & Suddarth:
 Chapters. 53, 54, & 55
 Prostate Cancer: pages 1764-1771
 Renal Cancer: pages 1574-1576
CoursePoint Resources:
 Interactive Tutorials: Chapter 54
 Practice & Learn Interactive Case Studies:
Chaps. 54 & 55
 Critical Thinking Exercises: Chapters 53, 54, 55
 Concepts in Animation: Chapter 53
 Watch & Learn Videos: Chapters 54, 55
 Basics Book The Renal and Urological Systems:
Chapter 9 Section 1-3 (pages 297-316)
 Channel (Recorded): Renal/Urological
EXAM # 1
Last day to drop
Adult Clients with
Changes in Immune
 PrepU Chapters: 15, 33, 34
 Kaplan Focused Review: Kaplan Oncology A
 PrepU Chapters: 54 & 55
 Kaplan Focused Review: Renal-Urological A
Brunner & Suddarth:
 Chapters 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
CoursePoint Resources:
 Critical Thinking Exercises: Chapters 35-38
 Concepts in Animation: Chapter 35
 Watch & Learn Videos: Chapter 36 & 37
 Interactive Tutorials: Chapter 37
 Practice & Learn Interactive Case Studies:
 Chapter 37, 39
 Picmonic : Chapter 35 HIV (2)
 Basics Book: Hematologic and Immune
Disorders Chapter 6 Section 3
 Channel (Recorded): Immune Disorders
 Content Library : Nursing school – Anatomy and
Physiology: Immune system. Overview Immune
N481-550 Spring 2022
Adult Clients with
Changes in
Brunner & Suddarth:
 Chapters 39, 40, 41, 42
CoursePoint Resources:
 Picmonic: Osteoporosis Assessment: Chapter 39
 Osteoarthritis: Chapter 41 Osteoporosis
Interventions: Chapter 41
 Interactive Tutorial: Chapter 43
 Practice & Learn Interactive Case Studies:
Chapter 43
 Concepts in Animation: Chapter 40
 Watch & Learn Video: Chapter 40
 Basics Book: Chapter 10 Section 1
 Channel (Recorded): Musculoskeletal
 Content Library Nursing School – Anatomy and
Physiology: Musculoskeletal System and
Overview of Musculoskeletal system.
 PrepU Chapters: 36, 37, 38
 Kaplan Focused Review: Hematology –
Immunology A
Adult Clients with
Changes in
Function (con’t)
Adult Clients with
Changes in Sensory
Neural Function
Readings from class # 7
Brunner & Suddarth:
 Chapters 63, 64
CoursePoint Resources:
 Critical Thinking Exercises: Chapters 63-64
 Watch & Learn Videos: Chapters 63-64
 Practice & Learn Interactive Case Studies:
Chapters 63 & 64
 Basics Book Sensory and Neurological Function:
Chapter 11 section 2 and 3
 Content Library: Nursing School - Care of the
Hearing Impaired Client, Conductive Hearing
Loss, Hearing Impairment, Sensory neural
Hearing Loss
N481-550 Spring 2022
EXAM # 2
Last day to
Adult Clients with
Changes in
 PrepU Chapters: 41 & 42
 Kaplan Focused Review: Musculoskeletal A
 Kaplan Focused Review: Sensory A
Brunner & Suddarth:
 Chapters 60, 61, 62
CoursePoint Resources:
 Picmonic: Skin Anatomy Chapter 60,
Interventions for Impaired Skin Integrity Chapter
61 four (4) Burn Chapter 62
 Practice & Learn Interactive Case Studies:
Chapters 61 & 62
 Critical Thinking Exercises Chapters 60-62
 Basics Book: Maintenance of Skin Integrity
Chapter 2 Section 6. Chapter 12 section 3,
Chapter 3 Fluid and Electrolyte Burn
Management page 95-100
 Channel (Recorded): Integumentary
 Content Library: Nursing School – Integument:
Impaired, Burns
Adult Clients with
Changes in
Adult Clients with
Critical Illness
Readings from Class #11
PrepU Chapters: 61 & 62
Brunner & Suddarth:
 Chapter 14, Shock and multi-organ system failure
 Mechanical Ventilation: pages 525-537
 Hemodynamics: pages 705-707
 Basics Book: Chapter 4 Cardiovascular system
Section 4 Chapter 5 Respiratory System section 2
 Channel (Recorded): Crucial Content MedicalSurgical I, II, and III
 Content Library: Nursing School – Disaster
N481-550 Spring 2022
Adult Clients with
Critical Illness
-Disaster Planning
Brunner & Suddarth:
 Chapters 72 & 73
CoursePoint Resources:
 Critical Thinking Exercises Chapters 72-73
 PrepU Chapters: 72 & 73
 Kaplan Focused Review: Fluid & Electrolytes A,
Gerontology A, Respiratory B, Cardiovascular
B, Endocrine A, Gastrointestinal A
N481-550 Spring 2022
Kaplan Proctored
EXAM # 3 –
(Kaplan Resources – Care of Adult II)
A proctored Kaplan Exam will be implemented, however if this is not possible during the
pandemic, and alternate Kaplan Assignment will be provided.
Kaplan has updated their student resources. It is important to become familiar with this new format so
you can easily find what you are looking for.
The following resources can be used to prepare for the Kaplan proctored Integrated Medical Surgical
Exam which is 5% of the final grade (See rubric and policy in the CNPH Student Handbook). This exam
includes content from your Adelphi Care of the Adult I and Care of the Adult II. (Kaplan breaks it into 3
sections). Using the following resources will help you prepare for this exam.
1. ebook: Burckhardt, J. A., Brown, J., Irwin, B. S., & Redemske, M. (Eds.) (2017). The basics: A
Comprehensive outline of nursing school content [Adobe Digital Editions version].
2. The Channel: Hundreds of videos can be found on the Channel. Be sure to select ‘Recorded’. (You
can also view classes LIVE) Videos are sorted by TOPICS along the left side. There are several videos
on test taking tips.
 Key videos to prepare for your Kaplan exam include Crucial Content: Med-Surg I, II,
and III as well as Fundamentals
3. Focused Review Tests are available for practice by topic. Be sure to remediate after each test as the
remediation serves as a review of the topic. Scroll to ‘Review your overall performance for a ‘Test
Reflection Tool’ (Tests in bolded text are Adult II topics).
Focused Review Orientation
Cardiovascular System A
Cardiovascular System B
Endocrine System A
Fluid & Electrolyte System A
Gastrointestinal System A
Gastrointestinal System B
Hematology-Immune A
Musculoskeletal System A
Neurology A
Oncology A
Renal-Urological System A
Respiratory Test A
Respiratory Test B
Sensory A
4. Customized Focused Review Tests – Can be found under your ‘study plan’ section: Take tests,
focused review. You can create my own focused review tests by selecting customize and quiz yourself:
‘Take me there’
5. Content Library allows you to Search for remediation by topic: Go to ‘content library’ and use the
search bar
N481-550 Spring 2022