I. NURSING IS AN ART The Development of Nursing as an Art - deeply rooted in it’s History - evolution of nursing roles and functions - emergence and effects of technology and digitalization CARE AND COMPASSION - innate of nursing NURSING IS AN ART because It is composed of SKILLS that is perfected thru time and actual practice until one reaches Proficiency and Expertise. MODELS of NURSING PRACTICE Benner - (include work with Wrubel 1989 and other in 2010) -Caring is primary because it determines what matters to people - It involves a lot of interactions - It determines what is stressful to people and how to cope - creates a lot of POSSIBILITIES (benner and wrubel, 1989) - Connecting with people - Concern for others - Allows giving and receiving Health Nursing - is a process of helping people cope with the stress of illness. - Not blindly following sets of prescribed rules - each patients is unique Illness - is not reducible to disease (cellular pathology) - Caring depends on discerning problems, solutions and helping patients implement, and live, a solution. - Nursing is a moral act that goes beyond mere application of scientific knowledge It requires Creative use of knowledge in his or her encounter with patients. With creativity the nurse applies the concepts and acts according to the context of the situation Example: Giving medication to adults and children. Nursing is an art because of the skills and knowledge are Improved by constant practice. Frequent application of once knowledge and practice of skills will lead to mastery, efficiency and finest until it reaches automaticity. When we say automaticity it is not only a habit but it becomes a part of the nurses system or person hood. Experts nurses are known as good clinical eye so that just merely looking at the patient or at a situation would enable them to predict the next scenario and the consequences, and therefore their put in a good position prudently or sensitivity act, so that the patient wellfare and the desired outcomes will be maintained It involves Therapeutic use of one’s self It is an expression of Care and Compassion NURSING CONTRUCTS considered ARTS CARING - is the essence of nursing “Jean Watson” COMPASSION EMPATHY ENGAGEMENT EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION HOLISTIC APPROACH -Physical, Spiritual, Psychological, Social II. NURSING ACTIVITES CONSIDERED ARTS with Caring, Communication and Teaching. Leininger - TRANSCULTURAL CARING CARE- is the essence, central unifying and dominant domain that distinguishes nursing from all other health disciplines - is an essential Human Need ( necessary for the health and survival) - Care versus Cure ACTS of CARING - refer to those “nurturing” and skillful activities - Empathetic - Compassionate - Supportive CARING - is very personal (although universal) - differ in expression, processes and patterns - “culturally” based and rooted NURSES - must understand “cultural caring” behaviors - need to get to know the context of the person cared for: Culture - social norms, values and behaviors, laws, Social rules Subculture - Religion, Social class, Special needs, Sexuality Individual Culture - Gender, Education, Experience, Age THE ART OF CARING Caring is the essence of Nursing There is no cure when there is no Care Nursing is the pivotal health profession highly valued for its specialized knowledge skill, and CARING in improving the health status of the individual, family and community. -Nursing Agenda for the Future (ANA, 2002) CARING and knowledge are the core of nursing... with CARING being a key component of what a nurse brings to a patient experience. - American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE, 2015) Watson’s Model CARING - Is the “ central” focus of nursing - Integral to maintain the ethical and philosophical roots of the profession (2008) - Demands “ highly quality interaction” from nurses - Holistic approach - a conscious intention to care promotes healing and wellness (2008;2010) - rejects the disease orientation to health care - Care before cure - It becomes almost spiritual (raises questions on what it means to be human and humane) - It involves the use of “10 carative factors, Caritas processes” The model is TRANSFORMATIVE - it influences both the patient and the nurse (better or worse) Caring consciousness (on the part of the nurse promotes Healing) Swanson’s Model (Theory of Caring and Healing) Caring - is nurturing way of relating to valued other towards whom one feels a personal sense of commitment ans responsibility - It is growth and health-producing (nurturing) - occurs in relationships (relating) to the one cared for (a valued other) -individualized and intimate (personal), with a sense of commitment (passion), accountability and duty (responsibility) Nurturing is a set of interrelated process that evolve from the nurse’s own concivtions, knowledge, and interaction with a patient. CARING - is an expression of TECHNOLOGICAL COMPETENCY - Co-existence of technology and caring provides a framework for practice. FOCUS of NURSING: - to know human beings fully as a whole person - affirm, appreciate, and celebrate person hood through expert and competent use of nursing technologies. COMMON THEMES ACROSS the CARING MODELS Human interaction or communication Mutuality Appreciating the uniqueness of individuals Improving the welfare of individuals and families THE 6’S of CARING CARE Keep the safe Prevent harm Ensure high quality care Get to know them Make them feel valued COMPASSION Be with them in times of loneliness Maintain “human contact” Attitude “ show the 6 C’s Maintain and affirm dignity Boykin & Schoenhofer’ Model Caring - an innate human characteristic - All persons are caring by virtue of their humanness - is an essential feature and expression of being human -being a person means “living” caring - Caring is living in context of Relational responsibilities -Caring is responsibility to self and others. - Caring shapes relationships. 6 MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS: Persons are caring by virtue of their humanness. Persons are whole or complete in the moment Persons are whole or complete in the moment Person hood is living grounded in caring. Person hood is enhanced through participating in nurturing relationships with others. Nursing is both a discipline and profession. Locsin’s Model Assumptions: Person are whole or complete in the moment Knowing persons is a process of nursing that allows for continuous appreciation of persons moment to moment Nursing is a discipline and professional practice Technology is used to know persons as whole moment to moment. COMPETENCE Regular observations Thorough assessments Prevent: risk, falls infections COMMUNICATION Regular interaction Enchancing comfort Decreasing anxiety Make the feel valued Verbal and non-verbal COURAGE Challenging “poor” practice Proper reporting or “whistle-blowing” Admission of one’s limitations. Apology Patient advocate COMMITMENT Professionalism Patient at the center of care Perseverance Active “presence” and listening MANEFESTATION OF CARING IN PRACTICE Provide PRESENCE Use appropriate TOUCH Active Listening Knowing the patient Spiritual care Relieving symptoms and suffering Family Care III. THE ART OF COMMUNCATION COMMUNICATON establishes caring healing relationships. ALL behavior communicates… ALL communication influences behavior. Nurses with expertise in COMMUNICATION… ➢become sensitive to self and others ➢promote and accept the expressions of positive and negative feelings ➢develop caring relationships ➢instill faith and hope ➢provide a supportive environment ➢assist in the gratification of human needs ➢allow spiritual expression (Ryan, 2005; Watson,1985) The PROCESS of COMMUNICATION: Circular Transactional Model (Review) LEVELS of COMMUNICATION Intrapersonal (self-talk) Interpersonal (one on one interaction) Small group (with a number of people) Public (with an audience) Electronic (use of technology) THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION Use of “therapeutic communication” techniques AVOID forms of non-therapeutic techniques THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION ➢refers to those specific “responses” from the nurse that encourage the expression of feelings and ideas ➢makes the patient or other person feel accepted and respected ➢it is an ART to use these techniques or skills in different situations and with different clienteles ➢the face-to-face process of interacting that focuses on advancing the physical and emotional well-being of a patient THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES ➢active listening ✓providing information ➢sharing observations ✓clarifying ➢sharing empathy ✓focusing ➢sharing hope ✓paraphrasing ➢sharing humor ✓validation ➢sharing feelings ✓asking relevant questions ➢using touch ✓summarizing ➢using silence ✓self-disclosure ✓confrontation FORMS of COMMUNICATION Verbal Non-Verbal CONSIDERATIONS in COMUNICATION VERBAL o Vocabulary o Meaning (denotative and connotative) o Pacing o Intonation o Clarity and brevity o Timing and relevance NON-VERBAL o Personal appearance o Posture and gait o Facial expression o Eye contact o Gestures o Sounds o Teritoriality and personal space o Metacommunication NON-THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES X asking personal questions X giving personal opinions X changing the subject X automatic responses X false reassurance X sympathy X asking for explanation (why?) X using (excessive) silence X approval or disapproval X defensive responses X passive or aggressive responses X arguing COMMUNICATION as a HELPING PROCESS ➢Professional – avoid over familiarity ➢Objective ➢Goal-oriented ➢“Therapeutic use of the self” PHASES of the HELPING PROCESS CHED memorandum Order (CMO) 15 series of 2017 NCM102 as a major professional Subject PURPOSES OF PATIENT EDUCATION 1. Achieve Optimum Level of Health (EDELMAN et al, 2014) 2. Provision of Safe and Patient- Centered Care (QSEN,2014) 3. Reduce Health Care Cost (CANIVEL et al, 2016; HAINES et al, 2013) COMMUNICATION and the NURSING PROCESS For SUPPLEMENTAL SELF-DIRECTED READINGS: ➢Zones of Personal Space ➢Use and examples of THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES ➢Integration of communication in the Phases of the Helping Relationship IV. THE ART OF TEACHING and PATIENT EDUCATION Patient education (teaching is one of most important interventions and functions of the nurse. Patients have the RIGHT to know and be informed of their diagnosis and conditions, To help them make decisions about their health and wellness. THE ROLE OF THE NURSE IN TEACHING AND LEARNING Nurses have an Ethical Responsibility to each their patients (HEISKELL, 2010) Nurses assess the learning needs, provide education (teach) a variety of topics as parts of the patient’s plan of care Nurses need to Collaborate with the patient, his/her family and other health care team members. Nurses need to Document the teaching, adjunct interventions and patients responses. THE LEGAL BESES OF PATIENT EDUCATION Nursing Practice Acts - state that patient education falls under the scope of nursing practice (BASTABLE, 2014) The joint Commission (TJC, 2015) - sets standards for patient and family education American Nurses Association (ANA) - includes patient education as standards of Practice (integrated under standards 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) Republic Act 9173 (Philippines) - teaching functions is specified in Section 28 AREAS FOR PATIENT EDUCATION Maintenance and Promotion of Health This teaching affirm and to support the patients presence state of good health. Examples: Good Nutrition, Exercise and Engaging in a Relaxation Activity PREVENTION OF ILLNESS Activities or Health Topics that are involved in this particular aspect of health would be teaching clients to avoid diseases and stop unhealthy habits. Examples: Just like Drinking alcohol or Smoking RESTORATION OF HEALTH Teaching patients and guiding them back to previous level of functioning. COPING WITH IMPAIRED FUNCTIONS This is related ti rehabilitation This would mean teaching the person to accept his condition and the possible consequences of such in his activities of daily living. They can be still functioning in the certain optimum level because we are going to enhance their mini capacities, so that they can still functioning on their own. PATIENT EDUCATION AS COMMUNICATION - Involves the goal of teaching which is to chance the mindsets, the feelings, and actions of the people towards to better health. - Effective teaching depends on effective INTERPERSONAL interactions, so that when we teach we do not only fit the mind or cognitive but let us strive to feel the heart or affective and activate the hands and the feet (PSYCHOMOTOR). So that our learning will be true send we can address all domains of learning. Integrate the patients teaching and education is therefore and art because of the vast uniqueness of clients pills and the contexual applications on an strategies to address patient learning needs. “TELL ME AND I FORGET TEACH ME AND I REMEMBER INVOLVE ME AND I LEARN” - BENJAMIN FRANKLIN