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Chinese Civil Service Exam: Questions & Prompts

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ________ Period:______
“The Chinese Civil Service Exam System” by Ichisada Miyazaki Reading Questions & Discussion Prompts
1. What evidence suggests that China’s society was highly patriarchal?
The main piece of evidence that suggests that China's society was highly patriarchal was that China's civil service exams excluded
women. Women also has immense amounts of pressure to have five perfect baby boys, as seen with the five-character formula
women would put on the back on their mirror meaning "Five Sons Pass The Examination." They would also follow superstitions just
to make sure they brought honor to the family by having boys. Baby girls were considered unimportant and worthless to the family
and in society. In contrast, baby boys were highly celebrated even from birth.
2. What were boys expected to learn and study as part of their preparations for the exams? List at least five things.
(Hint: there are several examples from pgs. 288-290)
Boys were expected to learn and study extremely hard mainly in the classics in order to prepare for the exams. They would study
the Four Books, the Five Classics, and other Confucian works. They were also expected to learn how to compose poems and write
essays. Early education consisted of completing a lengthy poem to learn basic characters and ideograms.
3. At what age did formal education begin?
Formal education began at about 7 years old.
4. How did some students and tutors find shortcuts to learning? How did the Chinese government react to these
Some students and tutors found shortcuts to studying by memorizing exam answers that were published. Because there was a
need to repeat areas of the Four Books and Five Classics and not many to choose from, if they boys and tutors guessed correctly
they could pass the exams with little studying. The Chinese government was unhappy with this and issued many prohibitions of
these actions with little success.
5. Do you think students take shortcuts to learning today? Give an example.
I do think students take shortcuts to learning today and I've seen it happen many times. Some students who choose not to do the
work simply ask another classmate to send them answers. Because they're not taking the appropriate measures to practice the
material, they are often unprepared come test time. Students who wants to pass find ways to cheat, whether it be writing on their
hands or opening a new window on their computer.
6. What general purpose did the civil service exams play? Why did Sui rulers embrace this system?
The general purpose of the civil service exams was to give important positions to those who were best fit for the role instead of it
being based on nepotism. The exams allowed the government to pinpoint the brightest men regardless of their classes. Sui rulers
embraced this system to end government by hereditary autocracy. The Sui emperor wanted to give men who deserved these
positions a chance without backlash from aristocratic officials.
7. What problems did the Chinese aristocracy cause?
One problem that the Chinese aristocracy caused was that it heavily limited who the emperor could appoint to be officials. The
emperor could only appoint those with hereditary inheritance to the position, whether or not they were fit for the role. Another
problem was that people were so closed minded to appointing people outside the noble families. This caused the emperor to face
serious backlash if he were to try to do anything else.
8. What are some positive effects of the Tang Dynasty examination system?
One positive effect of the Tang Dynasty examination system was that it allowed the Tang Ruler to govern as he wished. Instead of
having to put aristocrats in higher up positions, the emperor used the examination system to put the highest degree winners in
these important positions so that they could do a better job. Another positive effect was that it forced career minded aristocrats to
take the examination if they wanted to enter the officialdom. This ultimately meant a real defeat for the aristocracy.
What were some negative effects of the Tang Dynasty examination system?
A negative effect of the Tang Dynasty examination system was that there were limited numbers of men who were passing these
exams due to the limited resource of printed books and paper. Because of this, there was a limited number of people that could
enter the workforce. Also, because this system had not been implemented for very long and the bureaucratic roots were still
shallow, there were harsh factional conflicts among officials because matters did not always go smoothly.
10. How did the Sung (Song) Dynasty improve the examination system? Give three examples.
The Song Dynasty improved the examination system with its increase in productive power and the consequent accumulation of wealth. Because
of this, more men were passing their exams and were eligible to work. Another way it was improved was because there was a new class in
China that concentrated hard on scholarship. Finally, classic books were printed giving people more resources to study.
Pick five of the following questions to answer IN DEPTH on a ​separate sheet of paper​.​ These will help you organize your
thoughts for our in-class discussion. Feel free to write down additional thoughts, feelings, or questions that you wish to
include in the discussion.
How did the Chinese civil service exam influence Chinese cultural values, ideas, and education?
What effects did the examination system have on the goals and values of young people?
How was the civil service exam used to reinforce the patriarchy?
What are some differences between “third wave” Chinese and Western European civilizations?
Did the Chinese Civil Service Exam create a more democratic society?
What role does testing play in our society today?
How is modern testing culture in the West different from that in the East?
What influence does the Civil Service Exam continue to have on modern Chinese / East Asian societies?
Does modern testing culture create a more or less democratic society?
Is discrimination present in modern day testing practices? If so,
How has testing impacted your life? Is it a positive or negative influence? (Please explain your response and include
Write two of your own questions here. These questions should not have simple “yes/no” responses.
Question 1:
What were young girls taught from a very young age and how were they treated in comparison to young boys?
Question 2:
Along with the literary curriculum, what other things were young boys taught in order to prepare themselves for the exams?
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