Uploaded by Profibrahim Abdi

Social Work Final Exam - Questions & Instructions

There are three aspects to the assessment of the course: first is the self-assessment test; the
second is tutor-marked assignments; and third, is a written examination.
In tackling the assignments, you are advised to be sincere in attempting the exercises; you are
expected to apply information, knowledge and techniques gathered during the course. The
assignments must be submitted to your tutor accordance with the deadlines stated in the
Presentation Schedule and the Assignment File. The work you submit to your tutor for
assessment will count for 50% of your total course mark.
The assignment is scheduled to be sent back by January 16. Please let us together save the time.
Instructions: the exam contains 6 Questions; answer any 5 Questions, each question is
marked 10 points out of 50%. Please read the instructions carefully.
Requirements: Discuss any Five (5) of the following questions in detailed you’re your
optimum knowledge and capacity. Please come up with live examples where possible
Tip: the more you write, the more you gain….!
1. Discuss Nature and History of Social Work.
2. What are people found and what is Mental illness?
3. Discuss Social policy and Social work.
4. What are the Purpose and function of social welfare?
5. Explain the Leadership in social work organizations.
6. Discuss Society and culture.
Wish you the best