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Rizal Law & Nationalism: Philippines History Lesson

Unit 1: Understanding the Rizal Law
1. This bill, which was later passed into law in 1956, resulted in the Philippines having
an obligatory Rizal subject. The bill requires educational institutions across the
country to provide a course on the hero's life, works, and writings, particularly the
'Noli Me Tangere' and 'El Filibusterismo.' The passage from bill to republic act was
not without difficulty. The plan was received with fierce opposition, particularly from
the Catholic Church.
The bill aims to accomplish goals as they believe it is helpful to education. As the
youth was aware to what it contributes and what is the principle life of Jose Rizal
that substantial to nationalism and to the unconditional love for our country. Rizal
had the urged to be a role model to the youths of the country as the Republic Act
was passed. He also symbolized the intelligence together with the humility, the
prestige to serve for the others, freedom and independence was reinforced to the
youth by the Republic Act.
As Jose Rizal devoted his life to the colonial ideology and develop a system that
aimed for the liberation to the nation. However, we must not bind the ideology to
the mind of the future generations. As we are not only enclosed to the Jose Rizal’s
works and understand the sociology of the 1800s. We also have the freedom to
read the other works like, Apolinario Mabini and other notable Philippine literary
authors who also had a deep understanding and also a creative perspective to the
historical view of the Filipinos.
2. Rizal had accomplished a lot, including making Filipinos understand his
perspective to the nationalism. Also as he used his novels, he creates a bond of
unity and solidarity to the Philippines. And the Rizal Bill was also a big part of
instilling the sense of patriotism. The best present of this is the People power,
where Filipinos shown the solidarity to overthrow a tyrant and fight for their rights.
On these days, nationalism became vague and decline by youths. Today’s youth
do not understand the significance and giving importance in maintaining our
identity. As the globalization emerged the society, individuals consumed and adopt
different cultures. The colonial mindset has been to their minds and it became
worse than it has ever been.
Unit 2: Nation, Heroes and Nationalism
1. Manuel L. Quezon
He as a provincial Governor of Tayabas, Quezon from the year 1906 to 1907.
He worked as Emilio Aguinaldo's aide-de-camp. He would be the third-longest
serving president with over 9 years in office, having served as the Philippines'
second president and then as the First President of the Commonwealth of the
Philippines. 1st of August, 1944 In the 1903 Bar Exam, he came in fourth place.
The selection of him entails not only the recounting of a historical episode or
event, but also the full process that has led to this person's status as a hero.
Apolinario Mabini y Maranan
A revolutionary leader, educator, lawyer, and statesman from the Philippines.
First as a legal and constitutional consultant to the Revolutionary Government,
and then as the Philippines' first Prime Minister once the First Philippine
Republic was established. He is the "utak ng himagsikan" or "brain of the
revolution" and is also to be considered to be as the National Hero in the
Philippines, he was able to persuade other heroes including José Rizal, the
national hero of the Philippines. Mabini's work and thoughts on the government
shaped the Philippines' fight for independence over the next century
Jose Rizal
He published his first novel, Noli me tangere a exposure novel about Spanish
rule in the Philippines. And El Filibusterismo a sequel novel that stablished the
reputation of the spokesman of the Philippine reform movements. He also
known as the leader of the Propaganda Movement. And Rizal who prioritize the
ideals of the future generations.
Unit 3: The Nineteenth Century Philippines
Change and Development
When the Philippines was founded,
Filipinos are not allowed to govern our
own country. It was ruled by the
Spanish government. The Spaniards
developed a stronghold region of their
government. And During the nineteenth
century the Filipinos were lived in the
Filipinos were ruled by the friars..
When the Spanish Government start to
rule the Philippines they implement
experience hard time to pay and sell
their goods. And during the 19th
Century our country is open to the
world trade, which our native products
and goods was exported to the other
In the 19th Century middle class was
born, they prioritize the lands as their
primary source of wealth. It is because
eof the cash-crops, and being able to
afford constructions to a property. The
technology interconnections also arise
Philippines also interconnected by the
railroads, steam ships, and advance to
the way of communication.
Lesson 4
1. The Dominican Friars Orders, that is formally known as the Order of Preachers,
are a collection of religious orders founded in France and it is a mendicant order
of the Catholic Church. The Spaniards entrusted the Dominican Friar to take care
and to have power to rule over the lands. The ownership of Calamba hacienda
was passed to the Dominicans after the Jesuits. Practically the Dominicans owned
all the lands around Calamba.
Rizal is the another name that is being mentioned. Rizal’s birthplace was in
Calamba, Laguna. The tenants of Calamba asked Rizal to conduct a investigation
regarding to the controversial fertile lands that is controlled by the government
Friars of the Dominican Order. Rizal’s family as well as to the other tenants of
Calamba wants to know the truth. And the tenants also asked Rizal to make a
report for the town council regarding to this controversial issues.
Because of these issues, the tenants suffered for many years due to the mandated
unjustified taxes they need to pay. Even there was an economic crisis the taxes
are continue to increased. They suffered under the Friars power. After the
investigation, the following report was drawn up and signed by more than fifty
residents, most of them are the tenants and principales of the land.
2. As Rizal mentioned The people of Calamba and himself wrote a petition to the
administrator of the Laguna. The petition was a concern about to stop the increase
of the rent of the lands. The tenants suffered for many years, as they mandated to
pay unjustified taxes. Even they all experience an economic issues the tax
continues to arise.
There is also another reason why the document was written. Rizal wants to raise
awareness to everyone. And despite of the continuous labor, the products of the
tenants have decreased considerably. As evidenced by the large number of
bankruptcy farmers, not only in the past, but also now, Over the previous three
years, they have become indebted and have lost their valuables. The purpose of
this document was to put an end to the corruption of the Dominican Friars.
The officials of the estate proclaimed to states the truth about the report, the people
drag their chains because of the corporation being rich and propose to spend ten
thousand pesos just to win the case. In short, they have shown a copy of letter of
the Treasury of the Land which they threatened the tenants who have testified,
accordingly o the facts not according to the wish of the estates. And because of
this, Rizal wants to free his family and the tenants from this suffering.