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Education & Learning Factors: A Cognitive Perspective

It is essential to know how we can help them acquire the necessary skills and plan the teaching
process accordingly.
the stages are considered fundamental, since they constitute a challenge, a challenge for
development and consolidation.
Know the characteristics of the students, their social contexts and motivations.
In the present work, the educational process and the factors that intervene in it are analyzed, seen
from a cognitive and humanistic perspective. The general objective was to recognize if such factors
are essential in the teaching-learning process. Specifically: a) identify whether cognitive skills,
personality, motivation and socio-emotional conditions are factors that interfere with this process;
b) discover how teachers deal with possible learning difficulties that may arise.
Education is a consubstantial fact to human development in the process of the historical-cultural
evolution of man. It is through this sociocultural process that the accumulated and culturally
organized knowledge is transmitted by generations and the processes of social development are
interwoven with those of personal development.
Tovar Santana, A. (2001). Constructivism in the teaching-learning process. Mexico, Mexico:
National Polytechnic Institute. Retrieved from
Learning is involved with multiple factors, which are mutually involved and although we can
analyze them separately, they are part of a whole that depends, both in its nature and its quality,
on a series of internal and external conditions of the subject.
It is the teacher who has the responsibility to make the learning process effective for the student.
There are a number of learning procedures, but it may happen that a particular technique that is
effective for one person may not be for another. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the factors
that influence the learning process in order to implement the appropriate learning approach for an
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The learning process is personal, building and sharing past experiences that influence future
Carvalho (1996) studied the factors that influence the learning of nursing students. It emphasizes
that the student's response to health/illness situations is based on the biography and personality
of the student, but it also showed that the type of relationship that students establish with
teachers and professionals in the exercise is essential to minimize fear and anxiety. distress and
improve safety. self-esteem and self-concept, fundamental aspects for those who have to
establish a helping relationship. Pereira (1996) also studied the teacher/student relationship in a
clinical context and concluded that the quality of the relationship and affectivity are more valuable
for the student's clinical learning.
Thus, learning from a cognitive-constructivist perspective and as described by Tavares and Alarcão
(1990) is a personal construction resulting from an experiential process, internal to the person and
manifested by a relatively stable behavioral change.
The concept of learning, for Vygotsky, is established when: the processes of learning and
development influence each other; that is, there is unity but not identity between the two (in the
dialectical sense) and the relationships in which they interact are complex. Both are interwoven in
a complex spiral pattern.
Tovar Santana, A. (2001). Constructivism in the teaching-learning process. Mexico, Mexico:
National Polytechnic Institute. Retrieved from
In summary, school teaching should be less concerned with "fossilized" or automated behaviors
and knowledge, and more concerned with those in the process of change.
Tovar Santana, A. (2001). Constructivism in the teaching-learning process. Mexico, Mexico:
National Polytechnic Institute. Retrieved from
For teaching to be effective, the level of development of the students must be taken into account.
2. The child must have an active role in learning and not be a mere receiver of information. 3.
Education is an interactive process in which parents, teachers and peers must participate. All
learning activity must be accompanied by a reflective discussion with others. 4. Stages are systems
in which restructuring occurs
Tovar Santana, A. (2001). Constructivism in the teaching-learning process. Mexico, Mexico:
National Polytechnic Institute. Retrieved from
There is no universally accepted definition of learning, however, many essential aspects of the
concept of learning