Medical Therapeutic Yoga Quiz: Module 7

Module 7 Quiz
In medical therapeutic yoga, after static and dynamic functional
_______________ have been established, static and dynamic
___________________ can be addressed.
a. Mobility, stability
b. Stability, mobility
c. Sensori-motor connection(s), behavioral organization
d. Behavioral organization, sensori-motor connection
Fascia is seen as a passive connective tissue.
a. True
b. False
Lumbar fascia can contribute to limitations in tendon gliding and spinal ROM.
a. True
b. False
Any work on the fascia is, in effect, work on the autonomic nervous system.
a. True
b. False
Myofascial release efficacy may be best increased by:
a. Attending to the agonist of the related joint.
b. Prescribing postural sequences.
c. Giving more attention to tissues with higher density mechano-receptors.
d. Notation of which tissue(s) may be restricted within the breath.
Decreasing sympathetic tone in myofascial release can be accomplished
a. Sustaining a pose for a minimum of 15 seconds.
b. Providing lateral stretch to stimulate ruffini organs
c. Exclusive delivery of treatment by the therapist
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
Psychoneurology is described as the field which studies the relationship
between emotional response and health status.
a. True
b. False
Neurophysiological changes can be addressed through the two precepts for
neutral tissue adaption and include all of the following concepts EXCEPT:
a. The nervous system can be mobilized only through a change in
intracranial pressure.
b. Neural movement can be described as tension or increased pressure within
the tissue.
c. Neural movement can occur through gross or intraneural movement.
Neural mobilization can occur through auto-mobilization (self) and/or
mobilization with movement in a pose (therapist).
a. True
b. False
The requisites for optimal joint stability play a vital role in exposing deficits
during biomechanical alignment and neural mobilization within postures.
a. True
b. False