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Phoresy in Pigeons: Lice & Flies Study

Augusto, Opelia G.
Magbanua, Frank Curtis B.
Tayona, Krizylda Gwyn
Analysis of phoretic relation between chewing lice and hippoboscid flies of
Columba livia
Columba livia or the rock pigeon is a widely distributed species of pigeon in the
mountainous areas of the Old World. Its distribution greatly influence host-parasite
and parasite-parasite interactions.
Obligate ectoparasite of birds like Chewing lice spends their entire life cycle on
its host. The primary mode of transmission is through physical contact such as sexual
activity and during nesting season. Some lice uses another mobile organism to
translocate. This mechanism is also called as phoresy. Chewing lice found in rock
pigeons uses louse flies specifically the hippoboscid flies (Pseudolynchia canariensis)
to disperse between hosts that are not in physical contact.
The study was performed to identify the abundance of hippoboscid flies and its
relation to chewing lice infestation on the rock pigeons. The level of chewing lice
infestation and the presence of hippoboscid flies corelates to the level of hygiene of
the nest.
The rock pigeons were collected from three different breeding sites in greater
Cairo, Egypt. Site 1 from Giza Zoo has good hygiene and sanitation. Site from an
established hobbyist who trades pigeons has moderate nest hygiene, and lastly, site
3 from local meat farm has low nest hygiene were pigeon are raised for human
consumption only.
The collection of ectoparasites from 12 pigeons from site 1, 21 pigeons from
site 2 and 36 pigeons from site 3 by chloroform fumigation chamber method. Pigeons
from site 2 and 3 have three different lice species collected whereas pigeons from site
1 only have two lice species present.
In order to lessen the transmission of lice and flies, good hygiene and sanitation
must be maintained. The level of hygiene and parasite infestation have an inverse
relation in which if there is a good hygiene then there will be low prevalence of
ectoparasite infestations.
Adly, E., Nasser, M., Soliman, D. E., AlAshaal, S. A., Kenawy, M. A., Gustafsson, D.
R., Alghamdi, K. M., & Shehata, M. (2020). Analysis of phoretic relation between
chewing lice and hippoboscid flies of Columba livia. Veterinary Parasitology:
Reports, 22,