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AP Environmental Science Study Guide: Earth Systems & Resources

AP® Environmental Science Study Guide
Earth Systems and Resources
Earth Science Concepts
Can you define the layers of the planet (core, mantle, crust, etc.)?
Can you identify what happens at convergent and divergent boundaries of continental and oceanic
Can you explain how the movements of tectonic plates cause smaller-scale changes, such as
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.?
Can you explain how the movements of tectonic plates cause large-scale changes, such as
mountain building, ocean expansion, and continental drift?
Can you describe seasonal changes on Earth and their causes?
The Atmosphere
Can you describe the Coriolis effect?
Can you relate atmospheric circulation to changes caused by El Nino events?
Can you explain the large-scale circulation of air in the atmosphere, including major currents, such
as the jet stream?
Can you identify the layers of the atmosphere?
Global Water Resources and Use
Can you explain ecosystem services that result in cleaner water?
Can you explain concerns about excessive extraction of water for irrigation?
Can you explain how people use water for drinking from groundwater, seawater, rivers, reservoirs,
Can you compare and contrast fresh and saltwater?
Can you explain the global circulation of water in the ocean, and the causes for the global
conveyor belt?
Can you describe what an aquifer is and where large aquifers can be found?
Soil and Soil Dynamics
Can you explain how water moves through soils?
Can you identify and describe typical soils in various biomes, and explain how they relate to
Can you use a soil texture triangle to determine soil type?
Can you identify and describe the soil horizons?
Can you explain soil formation?
The Living World
Ecosystem Structure
Can you explain the role of sun and Hadley cells in the development of terrestrial biomes?
Can you identify the unique characteristics and ecosystem services of the major aquatic biomes?
Can you identify the unique characteristics and ecosystem services of the major terrestrial biomes?
Can you describe the effect edge habitat can have on species diversity?
Can you name a keystone species and the impact it has on the ecosystem?
Can you list the characteristics of a keystone species?
Can you explain how organisms interact in a mutualistic relationship, parasitic relationship, and
commensalistic relationship?
Can you explain the competitive exclusion principle and its impact on a species niche?
Can you differentiate between a niche generalist and niche specialist?
Can you draw a predator-prey graph and explain what is happening at various points on the graph?
Can you identify density-dependent and density-independent factors on population growth?
Can you draw a logistic and exponential growth curve?
Can you identify the three different types of survivorship curves?
Can you differentiate between r-selected species and K-selected species?
Can you explain the purpose of corridors in metapopulations?
Can you differentiate between a population and community?
Energy Flow
Can you explain the efficiency of energy as it moves through a food chain?
Can you identify the relationship between an ecological pyramid and biomass/energy?
Can you explain how trophic levels connect to food webs and food chains?
Can you differentiate between scavengers, decomposers, and detritivores?
Can you identify producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers on
a food web?
Can you identify the most productive ecosystems around the world?
Can you calculate Net Primary Productivity given Gross Primary Productivity and Respiration?
Can you identify the inputs and outputs of cellular respiration?
Can you identify the inputs and outputs of photosynthesis?
Ecosystem Diversity
Can you give examples of instrumental and intrinsic values?
Can you differentiate between instrumental and intrinsic values of ecosystems?
Can you differentiate between allopatric and sympatric speciation?
Can you explain how mutations, genetic drift, bottleneck effect, and founder effect result in
evolution of a population?
Can you explain what fitness means in an evolutionary sense?
Can you identify the 4 tenets of natural selection?
Can you list the factors used to measure biodiversity in an ecosystem?
Natural Ecosystem Change
Can you describe how humans are impacting the natural cycling of ecosystems and their ability to
undergo succession?
Can you describe the differences between the stages of primary and secondary succession?
Can you identify when primary succession occurs versus secondary succession?
Can you describe the options species have when climate changes?
Can you identify how the climate has shifted in the past and describe the resulting effects on
species distribution?
Natural Biogeochemical Cycles
Can you explain human impacts on each of the cycles?
Can you identify where water is stored in the environment (pools) and how water moves through
the environment (flows)?
Can you identify where phosphorus is stored in the environment (pools) and how phosphorus
moves through the environment (flows)?
Can you identify where nitrogen is stored in the environment (pools) and how nitrogen moves
through the environment (flows)?
Can you identify where carbon is stored in the environment (pools) and how carbon moves
through the environment (flows)?
Population Biology Concepts
Can you give examples of organisms that exhibit three types of survivorship curves?
Can you identify and explain Type I, II, and III survivorship curves?
Can you compare and contrast r and K life history traits?
Can you identify r and K strategists?
Can you explain population growth and decline in terms of carrying capacity?
Can you identify carrying capacity in graphical forms?
Human Population
Can you relate problems of population growth with environmental and human health impacts?
Can you explain Indian and Chinese policies on population growth?
Can you recognize and interpret age structure diagrams?
Can you analyze demographic transition shifts and interpret the meaning?
Can you identify demographic transition phases?
Can you recall and apply the rule of 70?
Can you calculate doubling time?
Land and Water Use
Can you identify major world food crops?
Can you explain common agricultural soil problems, such as salinization and waterlogging?
Can you explain how nitrogen can be captured by crop rotation?
Can you describe various illnesses that can be caused by diets insufficient in various nutrients?
Can you describe the relationship between crops commonly grown in the US and the livestock
Can you explain the impact of fertilizer use on natural ecosystems?
Can you identify and describe agricultural techniques used for soil conservation in a variety of
Forestry and Rangelands
Can you describe the impacts of overgrazing?
Can you explain the causes of desertification?
Can you identify various people who had an early impact on land and wilderness conservation
Can you identify and describe various methods of producing lumber and other forest products?
Can you identify and describe the roles of various US departments in the conservation and use of
forests and rangelands?
Applications of Land Use
Can you compare and contrast land use in various countries, from most developed to least
Can you relate the Tragedy of the Commons to various practices in land use?
Can you identify US legislation international treaties that relate to fishing practices?
Can you compare and contrast global fishing practices?
Can you explain what is meant by ‘overfishing’ and offer solutions?
Can you explain why biomagnification is of great importance in fishing?
Can you list positive and negative consequences of each?
Can you identify and describe aquaculture methods?
Can you list positive and negative consequences of each?
Can you identify and describe various methods of catching seafood, including drift/gill netting,
longlining, purse-seining, trawling, using sonar, crab trapping, etc.?
Can you explain the formation of natural mineral deposits?
Can you identify US legislation international treaties that relate to mining practices?
Can you describe environmental consequences of mining techniques?
Can you identify and describe various mining techniques?
Can you identify US legislation that relates to habitat conservation?
Can you describe habitat fragmentation and explain the role of wildlife corridors in conservation?
Can you compare and contrast past urban design with future, sustainable urban design?
Energy Resources and Consumption
Energy Concepts
Can you identify instances of kinetic energy?
Can you identify types of potential energy?
Can you perform unit conversions and calculations for power and work?
Can you identify instances of the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
Can you identify instances of the First Law of Thermodynamics?
Energy Consumption
Can you discuss how the U.S. dealt with the 1973 energy crisis?
Can you identify present and future global energy needs?
Can you evaluate the evolution of energy use beginning with the Industrial Revolution?
Can you identify the difference between primary and secondary energy sources?
Fossil Fuel Resources and Use
Can you describe the production of ethanol, natural gas, petroleum and electricity?
Are you able to describe the formation of coal, natural gas and petroleum?
Can you identify the countries with the largest oil reserves?
Can you identify the countries with the largest coal reserves?
Can you identify the countries with the largest reserves of natural gas?
Can you assess the pros and cons of using coal, oil and natural gas as energy sources?
Nuclear Energy
Can you describe the advantages, disadvantages and risks of nuclear power?
Can you describe the impact of radiation on human health?
Can you describe the role of nuclear fuel synthesis as it applies to electricity and fission?
Hydroelectric Power
Can you discuss the pros and cons of hydroelectric power?
Can you discuss the effect of dams on climate change?
Can you describe the effect of dams on fish migration?
Energy Conservation
Can you define energy efficiency?
Can you describe the purpose of the CAFE standards and ways to improve them?
Renewable Energy
Can you identify types of renewable energy sources?
Can you explain the pros and cons of renewable energy resources (geothermal, solar, tidal, fuel
Pollution Types
Can you describe the first priority of integrated waste management as well as its purpose?
Can you discuss the results of the Solid Waste Disposal Act?
Can you describe the process of sewage and water quality testing?
Can you identify the causes of cultural eutrophication?
Can you identify the sources, causes and effects of water pollution?
Can you identify the sources of noise pollution?
Can you describe the impacts of noise pollution on the environment and human health?
Can you identify the laws that govern noise pollution?
Can you identify contributors to the heat island effect?
Can you describe the regulations of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts?
Can you identify the major air pollutants?
Can you identify the primary and secondary sources of air pollution?
Impacts on the Environment and Human Health
Can you define the “Tragedy of the Commons”?
Can you identify the elements of a cost-benefit analysis?
Can you define biomagnification and its persistence in ecosystems?
Can you explain the use of phytotechnology to clean up hazardous wastes?
Can you define hazardous waste?
Are you able to evaluate dose-response relationships?
Can you identify and describe the differences between acute and chronic conditions?
Can you identify the steps to conducting a risk assessment?
Can you identify the hazards to human health that exist in the environment?
Global Change
Stratospheric Ozone
Can you list the causes and effects of ozone depletion?
Can you define and describe the effects of ultraviolet radiation?
Can you explain the formation of the stratospheric ozone?
Global Warming
Can you describe the Paris Climate Agreement and its purpose?
Can you describe the causes and effects of global warming?
Can you define the greenhouse effect?
Can you identify the greenhouse gases?
Loss of Biodiversity
Can you identify the reason for what scientists believe is the sixth mass extinction?
Can you identify the roles that human-introduced species have on new habitats?
Can you describe instances of land overuse?
Can you define the Endangered Species Act (ESA), discuss its origin, and identify the organization
responsible for updating the Act.