“Naked” Egg Lab Name:___________________ ________________ Period:______ Date: ____/____/____ 1) Purpose question: What will the structure of a “Naked” egg be like? 2) Hypothesis: If we cut open a “naked” egg, I expect to see _________________________ inside. 3) Materials: 1) 2) 3) 4) 1x “Naked” egg (shell is dissolved) 1 x Dissection Scissors 1 x Dish/Plate 2 x Plastic tweezers 4) Procedure: 1. Feel your “naked” egg. What does it feel like? Write down your observations in the data table. 2. Draw the “naked” egg and label the parts in the data table. 3. Use the scissors to make a small incision (cut) in the membrane away from the yolk. 4. Use the tweezers and scissors to remove the membrane. 5. What does the egg white feel like? Write down your observations in the data table. 6. Draw in the data table what you see 7. Next, cut into the yolk to remove its membrane (skin). Observations of the “naked” egg, before cutting into membrane: Observations of the “naked” egg, after cutting into membrane Drawing of “naked” egg, before cutting into membrane Drawing of “naked” egg, after cutting into membrane 8) Observation Analysis: 1) How did the outer “skin” feel? 2) How does the clear liquid look and feel? 3) What happened when you cut open the membrane that surrounded the egg yolk (if you were successful)?