ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE BASED ICT SERVICES STRATEGIC PLAN NAME OF THE AGENCY NUEVA VIZCAYA STATE UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISE ARCHITECT VERSION CONTENT 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. BACKGROUND 3. STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholders of the Nueva Vizcaya State University are: BOR, Students, clients, agencies (government and non-government agencies), alumni, community 4. GOALS Primarily, Higher Education Institutions provide education which will prepare generations for their contribution to society. Specifically, they have the following goals: The role of universities as repositories and generators of knowledge; The obligation to equip graduates so that they can obtain viable employment; The obligation to offer rational and timely criticism in areas of public policy and social and economic life; and, The presence of universities as large and influential bodies in civil society and the state. The longer term role of graduates in creating cohesive and tolerant communities. 5. FRAMEWORK AND METHOD 6. CURRENT PERFORMANCE BASELINE OF ICT SERVICES ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE 6.1.1 Mandated and Budgeted Purpose Mandated in the GAA FY 2018 Agency Outcome (Program) Agency Output (Project and Operation Activities) MOTIVATION MANDATE AND FUNCTIONS The University shall primarily provide advanced instruction and professional training in agriculture, arts, science, technology, education and other related fields. It shall also undertake research and extension services and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization. The University shall offer graduate, undergraduate and short term technical courses within its areas of specialization and according to its capabilities, as the Board of Regents may deem necessary to carry out its objectives, particularly to meet the needs of the Province of Nueva Vizcaya and the Region. Legal basis Republic Act 9272, “An act establishing the Nueva Vizcaya State University in the Province of Nueva Vizcaya by integrating the Nueva Vizcaya State Institute of Technology in the Municipality of Bayombong and the Nueva Vizcaya State Polytechnic College in the Municipality of Bambang, both located in the Province of Nueva Vizcaya.”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gency Goals (Vision and Function) VISION STATEMENT NVSU: as a Premier University that nourishes a culture of excellence and peace. MISSION STATEMENT To develop fully the potentials of the University’s clientele through high quality and relevant instruction, research, extension programs and entrepreneurship for an empowered, productive and morally upright citizenry 6.2 Service Portfolio 6.2.1 Products and Service related to Customer Relationship (CRM) –front end services that directly deliver and support the customer and users results Outcome Service Area Name of Product and Services Enrollment CRM Registrar’s Office Management of ERP (Records Division) Records Maintenance and disposal of records Acquisition of ERP (Procurement Division) supplies, Supplies, materials and equipment are materials and procured equipment Monitoring of ERP (Supply Division) incoming and outgoing supplies , materials and equipment EPM Planning, QMS, Audit, Legal, Research 6.2.2 Products and Services related to Resource Enablers (ERP) – Back-End support to provide resources to service delivery and support objectives, namely General Administration, Operation, Finance, HR, Procurement, Asset, Property, Supply Technology, Logistic etc. 6.2.3 Products and Services related to Performance Control (EPM) – Back-End support to provide control and compliance to agreed service components target, level, standards, regulations, namely Planning, QMS, Audit, Legal, Research 6.3 Organization – Function and Location -The structure of accountability and responsibility to the mandated and budgeted outcome, output, and goals as experience in the offered and implemented service portfolio. Designated decision rights, authority and competency to perform the function. Unit Name Function/Role Strategic PMS Policy Formulation and decision making Administrative Policy Management Formulation Services and decision making Financial Policy Management Formulation Services and decision making Research Policy Formulation and decision making Extension Business Colleges Policy Formulation and decision making Policy Formulation and decision making Policy Formulation and decision making Location End Results Tactical Planning and Budgeting Operational Monitoring Main Campus Interoperating, harmonized management Planning and Budgeting Administrative Main Services Campus Interoperating, harmonized management Planning and Budgeting Financial services Main Campus Interoperating, harmonized management Planning and Budgeting Research-in house community Campuses Planning and Budgeting Extensioncommunity Campuses Researcher are used as basis to improve lives and services Served according (or above) target Planning and Budgeting Resource Generating Campuses Generated income Planning and Budgeting Academic Campuses Graduates 6.3.1 Strategy Level – Name of business units, function and location of business Business Unit Name Function Location End Results 6.3.2 Tactical Level – Name of business, function and location of business Business Unit Name Function Location End Results 6.3.3 Operation Level – Name of business units, function and location of business Business Unit Name 6.4 Business Processes Business Function Policy Board Resolutions Function Location Name of Process Event/s Responsible Executive Office of the Committee President; Office of Meeting the Board and University Secretary; Campus Admin.; Vice Presdents Administrative Administrative Council Meeting Offices;Office of the President; Office of the Board and University Secretary; Academic Council Academic Offices; Meeting Office of the President; Office of the Board and University Secretary; Board of Regents Office of the Meeting President; Office of the Board and University Secretary; Approval Office of the End Results Documentation Guidelines Minutes; Draft Minutes; Draft Minutes; Draft President; Office of the Board and University Secretary;BOR 6.5 Information Requirements Data Data Sets Data Elements Data Dictionary Application System for data capture, collection, transmission, manipulation, use, disclosure, sharing, dispose Security Information Security Data Privacy 7. Enterprise Architecture Principles, Regulatory Compliance and Standards Reference Principles Value Regulatory Mandate –Agency RA, IRR, Policy Quality, Effectiveness, Efficiency Accountability, Security QMS, ARTA, DPA, CCPL, CSC, COA DBM, GPBB, DICT Standards Specific Industry body of knowledge ISO Standards International Agreements 8. NEEDS AND PROBLEM ANALYSIS Want Policy Threats Regulations Vulnerabilities Control Standards Interoperability Disparate databases Data controls Application System Simplified, user friendly Multi language Application management Infrastructure Robust, scalable maintenance Controlled management Motivation Process Data 8.1 Motivation – The want, threats, and vulnerability of business and ICT services to deliver and support that are related to Policy, Regulation, Service Agreement, Audit Compliance 8.2 Process – Policy/Rules, organization, function, procedures, documentation, standards 8.3 Information – Availability, Accuracy, Immediacy, Integrity, Confidentiality, Accessibility, Reusability, 8.4 Infrastructure – location, compliance, quality, reliability, security 9. CHANGE REQUIREMENTS OF ICT SERVICE DELIVERY AND SUPPORT Motivation Review and update of policy, regulation, standards Process Compliance of process to QMS standards Information Data integration through the setting of common data dictionary Infrastructure Replace end of life technology E. STRATEGIC CONCERNS FOR ICT USE CRITICAL MANAGEMENT/OPERATING/ BUSINESS SYTEMS2 MAJOR FINAL OUTPUT1 MFO 1 & 2: Higher Education Services and Advanced Higher Education Services Provision of Higher Education Services and Advanced Higher Education Services Admission, Testing and Assessment Enrollment, Billing & Accounting Alternative Learning (eLearning&Distance Learning) ICT Resources for Office productivity & Instruction for both campuses Library Management PROBLEMS3 Promotion and researches MFO 3 & 4: Research Services & Technical Advisory and Extension Services Extension empowerment conduct of services Validation and approval of research proposals ICT Services to Administration General Administration Conflict in classroom scheduling due to manual programming Long queue during enrolment due to hardware & software problem Slow and Limited Internet Access Not all faculty have accessto distance learning due to limited bandwidth Limited budget in the provision of office and laboratory resources Difficulty in monitoring library operations and resources Human Management Resource Difficulty in compiling research proposals Difficulty in the delivery of research output to the community due INTENDED USE OF ICT4 Student Information and Accounting System Online Enrolment system, Grading system and Accounting system Online Distance Education eLearning System Computer Laboratory Infrastructure, HW & SW for instruction. GIS laboratory for advance engineering and forestry subjects related to climate change Library Management Information System Research Management Information System Web utilization thru the National Library Services Transparency in Government transactions ICT facilitates productivity towards service office quality to limited resources and budget Absence of an automated system to monitor research output and activities Technology achievement indicator with the following systems: Operative Excellence Support to Operation Services ICT hardware for IGPs Enhance production increase profit margin and Resource Maximization Delay in the preparation of HR data due to manual operation Difficulty in requesting faculty information when needed The computers intended for the daily office operation are not sufficient to the number of administrative staff ICT resources for IGP are not enough to support the operation of all projects, thus causing delay in report generation ePersonnel Information System E-Communication Tracking System e-DTR system e-PDS Philgeps utilization for Posting, Transparency in governance SIAS ICT Fiscal Management System 10. PROJECTS TO TRANSITION CHANGE OF ICT SERVICES PERFORMANCE Change Requirement B. Project Name Sourcing, Mode of Procurement, Supplier DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INFORMATION SYSTEMS NAME OF INFORMATION SYSTEM/ SUB-SYSTEM1 Rank 1:*Online NVSU Alumni Hub This web-based information system encourages alumni to participate actively in the Alumni Hub community, to attend events, to volunteer, to create new ways for alumni to stay connected to Alumni Hub, and to contribute to the greatness of the University. It will involve the greatest possible number of alumni and alumnae with Alumni Hub on an annual basis by creating a range of programs and services so appealing that alumni will seek to remain engaged with the University and each other. DESCRIPTION2 The system provides online registration and it will be checked and confirmed by the alumni relation office personnel to make sure that the registered member is a graduate of the university. It will also require a preregistration with relevant information to all in-coming graduating students that will be used for the NVSU’s official yearbook for Bayombong and Bambang campuses. This system helps the university to update the alumni database and maintain a tracer of the whereabouts of the alumni provided by up-to-date information which can be generated both in e-copy and hardcopy. This system will include features such as posting of current events and activities of the alumni community, gallery of alumni, members and admin can posts jobs, members can provide feedbacks to strengthen the alumni association, and search and view basic information such as employment status of fellow alumni. STATUS3 For enhancement of existing research database. Development of an API to establish a link to the CHED HEMIS project For outsourcing by the Lead Agency DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY4 To be identified by the outsource agency COMPUTING SCHEME5 INTERNAL6 Alumni Relation Coordinators Office personnel, College Alumni USERS Graduâtes EXTERNAL7 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INFORMATION SYSTEMS Rank 2: *Student Portal/myNVSU NAME OF INFORMATION SYSTEM/ SUB-SYSTEM1 DESCRIPTION2 An online enhancement of existing Student Information & Accounting System (SIAS). It shall have a security access of all students in checking their accounts and grades online. Available features are the following: Online reservation Grades monitoring Account/TF balance monitoring Tool for parents’ monitoring For enhancement of existing research database development of an API to establish a link to the CHED HEMIS project STATUS3 For outsourcing by the Lead Agency DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY4 COMPUTING SCHEME5 To be identified by the Lead Agency INTERNAL6 Students, Faculty members & Administration XTERNAL7 Parents and benefactors USERS 11. ICT SERVICES INVESTMENT, TIME PERIOD, YEARLY BUDGET AND APP REQUIREMENTS Deliverables Project Name New Policies Upgraded Network Policy Making Structured Cabling Cost/Budget Period to Start and Roll out Year1 Year 1 and Year 2 2M 100 M SUMMARY OF INVESTMENTS BUDGET ITEM/ FY 2018 ACCOUNT1 PHYSICAL TARGETS FY 2019 COST PHYSICAL TARGETS FY 2020 COST 1. Office Productivity A. Capital Outlay 507 Desktop with Operating System & Productivity Suite Regular Laptop Computers Printer with Scanner Multi-media Projectors Multi-Media Software 127 70 2 2 2 2 Academic Software Licenses SQL Programming Software Anti-Virus 2 lots Civil Works Construction of two (2) ICT Buildings for both campuses 2 lots for GIS and ICT Lab use Improvement of two (2) Server rooms 14,703,000.00 635,000.00 420,000.00 300,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 222,000.00 40,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 2. Internal ICT Project Servers with UPS File Server Webserver Application Server Database server with disk array 2 2 2 2 750,000.00 750,000.00 750,000.00 750,000.00 207 127 70 11,592,000.00 762,000.00 420,000.00 PHYSICAL TARGETS COST 607 18,210,000.00 127 70 762,000.00 420,000.00 3. Cross Agency Project Servers with UPS File Server Webserver Application Server Database server with disk array A. Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) Local Area Network (two campuses) Anti-Virus Internet Subscription in mbps Networking tools, peripherals and consumables Technical Training on FOSS SQL Programming & Web Dev Professional Services Total 2 2 2 2 2 lots 74 2 lots 2 2 4 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 3,000,000.00 222,000.00 2,000,000.00 454,000.00 160,000.00 160,000.00 500,000.00 73,056,015 80 2 lots 480,000.00 2,000,000.00 90 2 lots 500,000.00 4 500,000.00 16,256,016 540,000.00 2,000,000.00 500,000.00 4 500,000.00 22,934,017 12. ICT SERVICES STRATEGIC PLAN END STATE AND IMPLEMENTATION INDICTORS Strategic Action -Project Name – Structured Cabling 13. End-State Structurally network building and offices Achievement Indicators 1000 connected POP ORGANIZATION OF IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING Roles Accountability Responsibility Expertize Project Manager Project outcome Lead, direct and control Plan, design, budget 14. ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT SIGNATURE Stakeholder Business Unit Participation Requirement Executive enabler Signature Work/End User