Uploaded by Jennifer López Monsalve

Protista & Fungi Worksheet

Name _______________________
Date_______________ Pd_____
Kingdom Protista
1. What is the structural level (unicellular or multicellular) of most protist? _______________________
2. Cellular structure is (prokaryote, eukaryote): _______________________
3. Give two examples of animallike protist. ________________________, _______________________
4. Short hair like projections paramecium use for movement: ______________________
5. Method of movement in amoebas: _______________________
6. Whip like tail used for movement: ________________________
7. Organelle used to maintain water balance in protist: ___________________ ___________________
8. Give two examples of unicellular plantlike protist. _____________________, ___________________
9. What organelle does a euglena have that makes it an autotroph? ________________________
10. Give 3 examples of multicellular protist: ________________, ________________, ______________
11. Plantlike protists are used to make: (give one example) _______________________
12. Protists are a source of ________________for other organisms.
13. Give three examples of funguslike protist. _______________, _______________, _______________
14. What structure makes up the body of funguslike protist that enables them to spread? ____________
15. Where do protists live (water, land or both)? ______________________
Kingdom Fungi
1. What is the structural level of most fungi? ____________________ but few are ___________________
2. Cellular structure is (prokaryote, eukaryote): _______________________
3. Cells of fungi have what structure around them? _______________________
4. Nutritional description of fungi (heterotrophic, autotrophic): ________________________
5. Organism that obtains food from dead organism: ________________________
6. An example of a unicellular fungi: _______________________
7. Two human diseases caused by fungi parasites: __________________, __________________________
8. Lichens are composed of what two organisms: _____________________ and _____________________
9. Lichens are an example of what type relationship? __________________________
10. Root like structures (not roots) on fungi: ____________________________
11. Means of reproduction: _____________
12. How are Imperfect Fungi different from other fungi? _________________________________________
13. Fill in the blanks of the chart below:
Type of sprorangia
Type of spores
Matching – Identify as either Protist or Fungi or Both
1. ______ Red tides
11. ______ Ringworm
2. ______ Penicillin
12. ______ Green algae
3. ______ Mushroom
13. ______ Decomposers
4. ______ Red algae
14. ______ Lichens
5. ______ Paramecium
15. ______ Algal bloom
6. ______ Brown algae
16. ______ African Sleeping Sickness
7. ______ Yeast
17. ______ Euglena
8. ______ Malaria
18. ______ Athlete’s foot
9. ______ Hyphae
19. ______ Parasites
10. ______ Multicellular
20. ______ Cell walls