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Prepaid Energy Meter Design Presentation Outline

Presentation outline
Problem statement
Aim and objectives
Results and discussion
Conclusion and recommendation
The concept of prepaid electronic energy meter is
introduced in the power sector to effectively
monitor the billing faults and minimize losses.
The prepaid energy meter is a multipurpose device
which can integrate functions like billing and
automatic response to user.
Energy is very important in our lives today. We need
energy to do virtually everything as energy is the stimulus
for technology, commercialization and industrialization.
Recently owing to raise in number of new housing,
commercial and industrial developments in Nigeria, the
number of consumers of electricity have been increased in
the network distribution. The demand of power is
growing at a faster rate than the transmission capacity due
to the increase in population growth. To overcome the
shortage of power supply, this project provides a solution
for managing distribution of power to the consumers by
using remote monitoring and control to avoid the power
theft and bypass problem.
The manual approach to metering and billing has
staff moving around physically taking each meter
reading and delivering the data to various houses,
etc. This is prone to human errors, delays, high
costs and inaccurate reports. This paper thus seeks
to utilize technology to come up with a prototype of
a tool which enforces automatic meter reading,
timely billing and accurate.
Also the issue of power theft is of major concern.
The aim is to design, implementation and simulation of prepaid
electronic energy meter with bypass detector using arduino and
GSM technology and the objectives are:
To Implement a telemetering system for efficient metering.
To test and validate the designed system so as to ensure proper
power metering.
To minimize losses
Reduce revenue losses
To minimize operational cost and frustaration
To minimize fight between electricity consumers and staff of
electricity providers.
Loss reduction
Improvement of customer service
Decongestion of electricity bill payment Halls
Enhancing ease of bill payment
Demand control
Improved operational efficiencies
High accuracy
Low cost
Business centres
The hardware of Prepaid Energy Meter includes
several components such as current sensor,
voltage sensor, microcontroller, Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD) display, keypad modules, and a
GSM modem. These modules are integrated as a
system block diagram as shown in Fig. 1
The meter measures the watt per hour and covert to kilo watt per
hour to monitor the consumption of the energy and automatically
deduct from the recharged unit, when unit exhausted supply
terminated until the meter recharge again. The recharge could be via
SMS of manually enter by keypad, current sensor detects and
converts current to an easily measured output voltage, when user
intends to tamper with the meter, the system cutoff the supply
automatically until reactivated by the energy provider. The meter is
designed to report situations to energy providers via SMS and only
authority can activate via SMS. The Arduino was responsible for
both capturing the output of both current sensors, and sending the
measured data.
Arduino software was used to test run the
working operation of the circuit and the
firmware for efficiently, reducing the time
cost and risk of error involved in building
circuit prototypes.
The proposed meter has the advantage of reducing
human errors made when reading meters and
processing bills to a large extent. This proposed
model can provide a safe, secure, convenient and
efficient way to energy measurement calculation,
energy billing system and management. This
proposed digital prepaid energy meter controlled by
GSM based communication is economic and it will
promote the cashless policy of the Federal
Government of Nigeria.
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