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Office Automation ICT Worksheet for Grade 8

Vision: Ma’arif aims at having a pioneering role in preparing innovators to participate in imroving our
society.Mission: Ma’arifs teams work to create a motivating learning environment which leads to
Grade (8)
Subject: ICT
Worksheet 2
Chapter 22: Office Automation
Define the following
Fax: like a long-distance photocopier, capable of sending and receiving text and pictures along telephone
lines. where you put the document into the fax machine at one end and a copy comes out of a fax machine at
the other end.
Email: mail Electronic, data or messages can be sent electronically via the telephone network or other data
networks and via a central computer.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). use computers automatically to issue orders and pay suppliers
electronically without the need for paper invoices and cheques.
Videoconferencing: ICT system that allows face-to-face meetings to be conducted without the participants
being in the same room or even in the same geographical area.
E-commerce: E-Commerce is the selling of goods or services over the internet.
Telecommuting: Also known as teleworking or working from home. Means staying at home and working
using computers and telecommunications equipment.
Q. How the fax machine works?
1. The original is first scanned with a beam of light and then converted into electronic signals that can be passed
along the telephone lines.
2. The copy is printed out at the other end on the recipient's machine.
Q. What are some advantages of emails?
Emails are easy to use.
Emails are fast.
Emails do not use paper (there is no need for stamps, envelopes, etc.)..
Both sender and recipient can store the letters or documents on disk for future reference.
Q. Explain What is EDI?
Electronic Data Interchange is the method by which different companies’ computers automatically
exchange data.
– When stores are running low on a certain item, an order is automatically issued and sent
electronically to the supplier's computer where it is dealt with.
– Payment for the goods is made electronically from the retailer to the supplier via their bank
– This all happens without any paperwork.
Q. What do you need video conferencing?
a computer, videoconferencing software, high-speed Internet connectivity, mics, speakers and a web
Q. What are some advantages and disadvantages of videoconferencing?
Employees experience less stress as they do not have the stress of travelling to meetings
More time can be spend with family.
Save money as business does not have to spend money on travelling expenses, meals, hotels and so
Meetings do not have to be planned, can be called at short notice.
Better for environment as less travelling, reduces pollution.
It is expensive to buy software and hardware needed for videoconferencing
The image and sound quality can be poor unless you have a high-speed broadband
Social touch is missing as people do not meet face to face.
Difference in time zones could be an issue
Q. What are some advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce?
Advantages of E-commerce to companies:
It is cheaper - there is no requirement to pay for shops rents, electricity bills, maintenance cost and so
Fewer staff are needed
A company can offer 24 hours per day and 365 days a year.
It can reach many different countries.
It can locate its warehouse anywhere in the world.
Advantages of E-commerce to customers:
Goods are generally cheaper than in shops, greater offers
They can shop around the world on internet
They can shop from house (without leaving house over internet)
Goods can be delivered straight to the customers’ house.
Goods can be ordered from anywhere in the world.
Disadvantages of E-commerce to customers:
Poor people cannot be able to afford the goods, need internet connection and computer / smart phone.
You need some ICT skills to use the internet.
You usually need a credit card to make online purchase
Many people think it’s unsafe to use credit card on internet as can be hacked.
Do not have a choice of physically seeing the product.
If product is damaged while delivering, takes time to return and bring a better one.
Q. What are some advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones?
Personal security-you feel safer if you need to contact someone in an emergency situation.
You can access the internet.
You can send and receive email.
You can send and receive text messages.
People who are constantly on the move can be contacted by their base (e. g. lorry drivers, repair staff,
company reps/ salespersons).
6. It removes the difficulty of trying to find a Public telephone that works.
7. It can avoid the need to make expensive telephone calls from a hotel phone.
People forget to turn their phones off during concerts, lectures
They can be a nuisance (noisy) in public places (restaurants, bars, trains, service stations etc.)
People can become so dependent on their phones that they use them for no real purpose.
People can be contacted at any time, even when it is inconvenient.
People try to use phones in cars without hands-free kit, which is very dangerous and can lead to
6. Use of mobile phones can be very expensive.