Uploaded by Winie Jane Manalo Andaya

Classroom Management in the New Normal: Safety Protocols

Physical Health and Safety at
Sta Rosa II Elementary
2021-2022 School Year
Physical Safety for Students and Staff
We will be learning the new normal as school gets underway. Be
aware of your role to help your classmates stay safe. We are all in
this together!!
Your Safety is the most important aspect to
your Education
• In order for you to get a good education, you must be safe!
• Your attitude should be one of staying safe and keeping those
around you safe as well!
• Listen to all of the instructions and follow them without fail.
You not following the rules is not just about code of conduct,
but the health and safety of your friends.
Physical Safety for Students and Staff
• Wearing a facemask
• All students and staff
• If there is a medical reason that you cannot wear a mask,
please inform your teacher or administrator.
• Ultimately we will document this with
the school nurse and your parents.
Physical Safety for Students and Staff
• Wearing a facemask
• If social distancing criteria can be met in
the classroom, students may remove
their mask.
• Any guest who comes to KMS will also
be required to wear a mask
• This is also a City of Aiken mandate
Physical Safety for Students and Staff
• Social Distancing
• Students should maintain social distancing at all times to
the best of their ability (6 feet apart)
• Where social distancing cannot be met, a facemask is
Physical Safety for Students and Staff
• Your classroom will be setup to allow social distancing
• Set up desks 6 feet apart the best you can based on
student attendance.
Physical Safety for Students and Staff
• Classroom Setup Things to Consider
• Remember, no lockers! So whatever students need for
class will have to be carried with them
• Classroom materials may not be shared unless you are
able to appropriately disinfect between uses
• Students will be unable to store items in the classroom
Physical Safety for Students and Staff
• Classroom Sanitation
• At the end of every class, students will be expected to
wipe down their work station/desk. Teacher will walk
around and spray HALT and student will wipe down with
paper towel.
• It is recommended that the next student also do the
Physical Safety for Students and Staff
• Classroom Sanitation
• Custodial will clean, disinfect and mop the entire school.
• Custodians will wipe door handles every hour.
What do I do if I am sick?
• Communicate immediately with your teacher
if you have any of these symptoms.