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Ancient Greece Test: Athens, Sparta, Alexander the Great

Name:_________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________#_____
Ancient Greece Test
6.2.4 I can describe the development of the Greek city-state, the culture and achievements of Athens and Sparta, and the impact of
Alexander the Great’s conquests on the spread of Greek culture
6.4.1 – I can identify and describe physical features and climate conditions that contributed to early human settlement in regions of the
6.5.1 – I can describe the essential elements of Greek city-state government that influenced the development of democracy.
Part 1: Multiple Choice (1point each)
Directions: Read each question and pick the best answer.
_____1. This is an age that developed from a blend of Greek cultures and the cultures of the
lands Alexander the Great conquered.
A. Golden Age
C. Ice Age
B. Stone Age
D. Hellenistic Age
_____ 2. Which of the following describes the religious beliefs of the ancient Greeks?
A. Gods and goddesses lived on Mount Olympus and behaved much like humans.
B. Gods and goddesses lived on the island of Crete and behaved much like humans.
C. A single, all-powerful God ruled the universe.
D. The Greeks did not believe in gods or goddesses.
_____ 3. In ancient Sparta, who managed the family estates when the men were at war?
A. the eldest son
C. estate planners
B. the women of the family
D. The Spartan government
_____ 4. In which fields of study did the Greeks excel during the Golden Age?
A. the arts, architecture, philosophy, and medicine
B. engineering and broadcasting
C. the arts, engineering, electronics, and astrology
D. philosophy, nuclear energy, and astrology
_____ 5. The ancient city-state of Sparta had a society organized on
A. monotheism
C. militarism
B. philosophy
D. equality
_____ 6. Which achievement did Alexander the Great accomplish?
A. He converted his empire to Christianity.
B. He led explorations eastward from Greece to China.
C. He adapted the Phoenician alphabet in Greece.
D. He conquered the Persians and expanded Greek territory.
_____ 7. Which was a feature of the Hellenistic Age?
A. A time of prosperity after the Persian Wars
B. Continuous warfare between the city-states
C. When Science and Math reached their peaks and doctors made many discoveries
D. When the Delian League rose to power
_____ 8. How did the Ancient Greeks try to explain events in nature, their lives, etc.?
A. The gods
C. Olympic games
B. Their own actions
D. Myths
_____ 9. What was the major reason for Sparta’s victory over Athens in the Peloponnesian War?
A. Sparta had the mighty 100
B. A plague broke out in Athens killing Pericles
C. The Delian League formed an alliance
D. Sparta Macedonia emerged.
Name:_________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________#_____
_____ 10. What geographic features of Greece encouraged the independence of Greek city-states?
A. High mountains and many islands
C. long coastlines and numerous seas
B. Limited hill country and arid grasslands
D. wide valleys and active volcanoes
_____11. Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates are ancient Greek ____ who extended human knowledge.
A. Philosophers
C. Plagues
B. Immortals
D. Myths
_____ 12. Which is a feature of a direct democracy?
A. People elect representatives
B. There is a constitution
C. All citizens can create public policy
D. Everyone can vote, including women
_____ 13. What was the name of the war between Athens and Sparta?
A. Trojan War
C. Greek Wars
B. Persian Wars
D. Peloponnesian War
Part 2: Map: Match the correct letter on the map with the correct place from Ancient Greece. (1 point)
14. _____ Aegean Sea
15. _____ Mediterranean Sea
16. _____ Ionian Sea
17. _______ Mt. Olympus
18. _____ Balkan Peninsula
19. _____ Crete
20. _____ Peloponnese Peninsula
Name:_________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________#_____
Part 3: Geography Multiple Choice (1 point each)
Directions: Read each question and pick the best answer.
_____21. How was Greece different from the River Valley Civilizations in Unit 2?
It did not depend on a river to flood to form fertile valleys.
It’s main water source was a river that flowed through each city-state.
They depended on farming in order to survive.
It did not have any mountains like the River Valley Civilizations.
_____22. Which describes the physical features of Greece?
A. mountains, long coastlines, deep
valleys, rugged highlands
B. mountains, great rivers, fertile valleys
C. long coastline, deep valleys, great
D. mountains, great rivers, rugged
_____23. How did geography affect ancient Greek city-states?
A. Mountains divided Greece into regions which made it hard for the area to unite under one
B. The people of Greece were united and all spoke the same languages
C. Rivers and valleys made up most of the geographical features of the country
D. A lot of large cities developed because of the geographical features
Part 4: Athens or Sparta? (1 point each)
Read the following phrases and decide which city-state each one describes. Mark A for Athens and mark S for
24. Women had more rights than in other city-states__________
25. Five hundred citizens formed a council__________
26. Strictly ruled military state__________
27. Best example of Greek democracy__________
28. Boys sent to military camp at age seven__________