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HRM Report Assignment: Company Analysis & Presentation

Instead, students formed into groups, will prepare a Human Resource Management Report together
with a 10- minute video presentation. The HR Management Report should contain the following
1. It is applied to a small or medium-sized company as defined by the Department of Trade and
Industry. The group shall show proof of this qualification.
2. It is specific to the practices of the selected organization.
3. It is realistic in scope and content that considers the company’s actual human resource
management performance for a given period of at least one quarter or at most one year
Submission: week 6
 Name of company
 Proof of legality of company such as business permit
 Company history and background
- When was it started
- Why was it started
- State the company mission/ vision/ goals
- What is the industry the company is in (manufacturing, retail, service)
- Then be more specific. Example, manufacturing of what? Food and beverages?
Specifically in the soft drink industry?
- Would you consider the company micro, small, medium or large
Micro is 5 million below capitalization
Small is 5 to 20 million capitalization
Medium is 20 to 100 million capitalization
Large is over 100 million capitalization
- Write what are the different areas of the company; ie. Define the departments as in the
value chain of Porter. Describe in one paragraph each of these departments and what
they do.
4. It contains highlights for all major activities (such as recruitment, compensation, training,
performance management, labor relations, and separation) in human resource management that
are relevant to the company’s strategy, in the form of Human Resource Metrics. The Report
should also contain information on profile of the company including its vision-missionstrategies and structure of the HR unit.
Submission: week 9
 Interview of owners or managers on the following topic:
- Recruitment and selection
- Compensation and benefits
- Performance management
- Training and career development
- Labor relations and grievance committee
- Company rules and regulations
- Retirement and separation/ retrenchment
NOTE: Please state what is their metrics of measurements or KPIs (get 3 JDs)
Submit the report on these
Video the interview on any of the topics mentioned above. At least 5minute interview.
Ask the company what are their new policies during this pandemic.
Ask if their new strategy (during the pandemic) is working or not. Explain well and give
your opinion.
Submission: week 12
 Write 4 issues you think you see or the company has encountered.
 Write your possible solutions for that.
 Video your presentation- name the 4 issues and your possible solutions. Make sure all
groupmates are in this video.
5. It is a well written document that is from 20-30 pages, double spaced with one-inch margins
on all sides.
6. It is an original work, free from plagiarism.