FINAL RESEARCH PRESENTATION A Final Research Paper presented to: The Faculty of College of Education Eastern Visayas State University Tacloban City In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of the Degree BACHERLOR OF CULTURE AND ARTS EDUCATION BY GROUP 2: Ralph villanueva Princess del Rosario Consorcia Rellama Gharlyn Operio Katherine Diane M. Tañola Joseph Pedrigal Alderiza Cagyat Ella Mae Gacusana IMPACTS OF ONLINE LEARNING TO BACHELOR OF CULTURE and ARTS EDUCATION STUDENTS (BCAED) OF EASTERN VISAYAS STATE UNIVERSITY CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Equal Opportunity to a Quality Education In a new normal Education, Technology as a tool for a better future, E-learning a way to its changing world. This Covid-19 pandemic greatly influence education system that leads to widespread of closure of all schools from primary to tertiary level. It has been debated whether to suspended the classes or just stick with the staying at home protocol to be safe. The government were concerned that students will be left behind if they will stop schooling and might affect their future. In the end, the government decided to continue the education in the absence of face-to-face and divert the education process on modular and online learning. Lower level of education continues their schooling thru modular approach while the higher level of education applies the online learning approach. This condition is called the new normal education. In Eastern Visayas State University, online learning is employed from the start of this pandemic. Students are obliged to attend online classes via zoom, google meet, and other online learning platforms. Submissions of school outputs are via email. Class reporting or presentation of topics for discussion by the students is done via video lesson. Thus, the researchers decided to conduct the study on the impact of online learning particularly to Bachelor of Culture and Arts in Education students of Eastern Visayas State University for clarifying things and letting the public know that there are impacts of the online learning to students in this generation. Some students may experience that online is more convenient way of learning while some students may say that this will make a burden to them. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The results of the study may provide deeper insights on how new normal education can be made easier and more meaningful by the use of online learning. The study determined the significant effect of using of electronic devices and the internet as products of technology on the performance of the students. This study is beneficial to the following stakeholders. Administrators. This study will serve as basis for conducting webinars for teachers in the new teaching approach using online platforms. Outcome of this study will serve also as a guide on what intervention program to be implemented. Teachers. The results may serve as an eye-opener for teachers who are not comfortable with using computers and internet in their class lesson presentation. The findings of this study may encourage more teachers to apply technology-aided instruction. The teachers will be more inspired to teach using technology. Students. The results of the study may serve as an inspiration for them to continue improving their skills in using computers and the internet as they realize the comfort and advantages when it comes to technology as tools when they work on the requirements of their subjects. Parents. The results of the study may encourage parents especially those who aren’t used to technology to try using and learning the stuff to help their children with their studies. Parents may understand more on the usefulness of these technology and support their children with what is being demanded to get access to new normal education. App and Website Developers. The results may serve as a guide in the program planning and implementation of the IT department to create learning platforms which can be of great help to the both students and teachers of the universities. Researchers. Results and findings of this study will serve as a source of information in their related studies. SCOPE and DELIMINATION This study considers every aspect of students ‘personal information about how online learning has impacted student behavior in learning. Each of the respondent is given same questionnaire to answer. This study focuses on the current school year 2020-2021 where pandemic occurred and new normal education was implemented. CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE RELATED LITERATURE There are many approaches that a teacher can employ in teaching, however, some teachers prefer traditional approach than conventional or modern approach of teaching. Teaching methods in traditional approach are direct instruction, lectures and seatwork. Students learn through listening and observation. Teachers choose activities and provide materials at the appropriate level (Beck, 2009). There are advantages in the increased usage of virtual classrooms, as students get plenty of time to finish their coursework, keeping both their study and job hours feasible by working from homes. A survey by faculties from the International School of Business and Research, Bengaluru said: When faculty started taking sessions online, they were shocked to see students’ attendance was 20 times better than regular class sessions, with almost full attendance while engaging with them virtually. The faculty feels there is not much of a difference between online and offline sessions as they can share presentations, play videos and use boards and markers as in regular classrooms Teaching online is better than regular sessions as one can focus on their family and mental peace. On the other hand, poor internet connectivity, power supply, lack of smartphones and other gadgets hinder educational opportunities for the students in rural areas (Chatterjee,, 2020). RELATED STUDIES Bebell and O'Dwyer (2010) examined four different empirical studies of laptop programs in schools. They discovered that in most schools participating in one-to-one programs there were significant increases in grade-point averages or standardized tests of student achievement, relative to schools that did not provide such programs. In addition, they found that most students used their laptops to write, browse the Internet, make presentations, do homework, or take tests. Fleischer (2012) conducted a narrative research review of 18 different empirical studies on the usage of gadgets. These studies found a large range in the number of hours that students used laptops, from a few days to as little as 1 h per week. The most frequently used computer functions were searches, followed by expression and communication. In most studies it was found that students had a positive attitude toward laptops, and felt that they were more motivated and engaged in their learning, and it was further believed that teachers conducted more student-centered learning activities. Hwang and Tsai (2011) provided a broad discussion of studies on mobile and ubiquitous learning published in six journals between 2001 and 2010. In their review of 154 articles, they discovered that the use of mobile and ubiquitous learning accelerated markedly during 2008; researchers mostly studied students of higher education, and the fields most often researched were language arts, engineering, and computer technology. HYPOTHESIS In this study, the following hypotheses will be tested. • There is significant relationship between demographic profile of the students and the technological factors being experienced. • Online learning has an impact to the culture of education to Bachelor of Culture and Arts in Education students. • Online learning has an impacts to the academic performance of Bachelor of Culture and Arts in Education students. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK Dr. Michael G. Moore developed the “Theory of Transactional Distance”. This theory articulates the idea that “distance education is not simply a geographic separation of learners and teachers, but, more importantly, is a pedagogical concept.” Even in face-to-face teaching there is some element of transactional distance. Byron Reeves and Clifford Nass (1990). Revealed postulates the theory of equations media This suggests that the media is similar to real life and the electronic media in particular are given human nature. This is based on the equation Reeves and Nass stated that we respond to the communications media as though they alive. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK INPUT INPUT Profile of the Students Profile of the Students •Demographic Profile •Demographic Profile • Technological Profile • Technological Profile OUTPUT Intervention Scheme DEFINITION OF TERMS Internet. A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. Oxford Languages Dictionary. E-learning. Electronic Learning, is the delivery of learning and training digital resources. Although eLearning is based on formalized learning, it is provided through electronic devices such as computers, tablets and even cellular phones that are 2018/www, connected to the internet. Oct. 25, Achievement- is the measurement of the amount of academic content a student learns in a given time frame. Each instruction level has specific standards or goals that educators must teach to their students. Behavior- response of an individual or group to a stimulus. How students are acting in the classroom in response to what is going on or present around them. CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGN Due to today’s current situation, the researchers preferred to use quantitative method. This method is the only method that the researchers can use also in order to follow the policies given by the community for safety precautions. Further, it can produce numerical information and as a rule looks to set up easy-going connection between utilizing measurable techniques to test the quality and importance of connection. The data collection was based on the questionnaire distributed to the respondents and this serve as the primary instrument. RESEARCH LOCALE The study was done at Tacloban City, but as a descriptive analysis, the content of the study was conducted through Google Form which specifically surveyed of class BCAED (25) students in 1ST year, and (25) students in 2ND Year 2020-2021 in equivalent to 50 respondents. It has the needed students as respondents for the study. Collection of data from survey on the Impacts of online leaning to students in new normal education were summarized and analyzed. RESEARCH RESPONDENTS The respondents of this study were selected in accordance with convenience sampling procedure. The respondents were the students under the course of Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education (25) from 1ST year, and (25) students from 2ND Year 2020-2021 in equivalent to 50 respondents. The researchers select these participants because they are willing and available to be studied. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT The researcher constructed and use questionnaire in order to determine the perception of the BCAED 1st year and 2nd year students in EVSU. The student’s questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part of the student’s questionnaire was designed to elicit information on the student’s profile such as age, sex, and average monthly family income. Included in this part is the technological profile of the students such as internet capabilities, electronic devices use and the type of access to internet. Part II & III of the questionnaire elicited the impacts of online learning to the culture of education of the students and to their academic performance. DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE The researchers had allotted enough time, effort and cooperation in developing their questionnaire so as to serve its intended respondents. The survey was created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual questions formed by the researchers. The survey was comprised of 3 parts which were related to the participant’s experiences on the impacts of online learning to them. Google form is used to create the survey online following the manual made questionnaire on the appendix p. 21 (Research Questionnaire) that were distributed to the respondents via facebook messenger. The questionnaire is a combination of recognition type and subjective type where in recognition type, fixed alternative answers are already provided; the respondents simply choose from among the given choices. On the survey, respondents will check their preferred answers to the questions and also write their opinions at the last part. The respondents were given allotted time to complete the survey. Prior to the administration of questionnaire, a letter permit to conduct the survey was send to the respondents. The data gathered from this research instrument were tallied and computed for interpretation according to the frequency of items checked by the respondents. STATISTICAL TREATMENT Percentage will be used to present the data on the profile of the students in terms of sex, age, civil status and average family monthly income. This is to get the proportion of the whole. Formula: Percentage (%)= f/N x 100 Where:f – stands for the frequency of responses N- number of participants Weighted Mean. This is to arrive at a verbal description of each item in the three (3) selected checklist. Formula: TWF/N Where:WF- weighted mean TWF- total weighted frequency N-number of responses CHAPTER IV: PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION OF DATA IMPACTS OF ONLINE LEARNING to BACHELOR OF CULTURE and ARTS EDUCATION in 1st YEAR AND 2nd YEAR STUDENTS The table 1 discusses both positive and negative impact to 1st and 2nd year BCAEd students. Conducted by the college of education students. The result presented in the table statement 3, 6 and 10 got the highest mean of 1.96 interpreted as "high" followed by statement number 5 with 1.88 take to mean as "high" and statement 1 with 1.6 read as "high". On the other hand statement 7 and 9 got a mean of 1.56 presumed as "high" being followed by statement 4 with 1.52 delivered as "high" while statement 8 has to interpreted also as "high". The Impacts of Online Learning to Culture of Education of 1st year and 2nd year students got an overall mean of 0.31 which was interpreted as "high". The results presented in all the items imply that respondents were know the impact of online learning to culture of education in EVSU. STATEMENT MEAN 1. I need to wake up early morning STATEMENT starts at 2am just to catch up1.theI need to wake up early morning starts at just to catch up the internet access internet access especially during2am 1.6 especially during submission of school submission of school outputs viaoutputs via email. email. 1. I cannot feel the spirit of being student because wearing of school uniform is not required in an online learning. 2. I cannot feel the spirit of being 1. Teamwork task in an online learning is 1.2 student because wearing of school difficult to perform and building a good uniform is not required in an online rapport and intra personal relationship with groupmates is not effective learning. INTERPRETATION MEAN 1.6 1.2 INTERPRETATION HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH 1.96 HIGH compared to face-to-face learning. 3. Teamwork task in an online1. I cannot feel a strong collaboration and mutual support from my classmates in an learning is difficult to perform and online learning. building a good rapport and intra 1. I can save money in an online learning 1.96 because there are no fees anymore like personal relationship with library, medical, student id, classroom groupmates is not effective compared contribution for school outputs, etc. to face-to-face learning. 1.52 HIGH HIGH 1.88 HIGH STATEMENT STATEMENT 4. I cannot feel a strong collaboration and mutual support from my 1. I need to wake up early morning classmates in anjust online learning. starts at 2am to catch up the internet access especially during submission of school outputs via I can save money in an online learning because there are no fees 2. I cannot feel the spirit of being anymore library, medical, studentlike because wearing of student school id,uniform classroom contribution is not required infor anschool online outputs, etc. learning. 6. School celebrations like founding 3. Teamwork task in an online anniversary, intramurals, JS Prom, etc. learning is difficult to perform and are no longer required in an building a good rapport andonline intra learning. affects my social personalThese relationship with aspect of beingisstudents. groupmates not effective compared to face-to-face learning. MEAN MEAN 1.52 1.6 1.88 INTERPRETATION INTERPRETATION HIGH HIGH HIGH 1.2 HIGH 1.96 1.96 HIGH HIGH STATEMENT 7. Students in face-to-face learning are more disciplined because of personal contact with instructors and peers who can hold student’s accountabilities and responsibilities compared to online learning in which self-discipline is a must. 8. I feel that I am isolated in an online learning than face-to-face where I can communicate my classmates immediately, laugh with them, easily exchange ideas, and other interactions with my classmates and even my instructors. MEAN INTERPRETATION 1.56 HIGH 2 HIGH STATEMENT MEAN 9. Physical interactions during face-toface learning boost more selfconfidence than online learning. 1.56 HIGH 10. Instructor-student and studentstudent mutual respect is less observed in an online learning compared to face-to-face. 1.96 HIGH Overall Mean: 0.31 INTERPRETATION The data on the impact of online learning to student's academic performance to 1st and 2nd year BCAED students of EVSU was presented in table 2. Based on the results presented on the table, statement 1 got the highest mean of 1.88 deduced as "great extent", followed by statement 4 with a mean of 1.52 understood also as "great extent", statement 2 with a mean of 1.24 construed also as "great extent", and statement 3 with a mean of 1.04 interpreted also as "great extent". Contrariwise statement 5 got the lowest mean of 0.96 inferred as "less extent". The table 2 shows the result of the total tally of the impact of online learning to 1st and 2nd year culture of educations of BCAEd students. STATEMENT MEAN INTERPRETATION 1.I cannot attend more often in an online class because of internet connections. 1.88 GREAT EXTENT 2.I cannot participate online class discussion because I am not comfortable on this kind of learning. 1.24 GREAT EXTENT 3.Submission of school outputs is limited because of problems on internet access. 1.04 GREAT EXTENT STATEMENT MEAN INTERPRETATION 4.My learning satisfaction is less in an online learning compared to face-toface learning. 1.52 GREAT EXTENT 5. I feel motivated in an online learning compared to face-to-face learning. O.96 LESS EXTENT Overall Mean: O.13 As shown on the table, the impact of online learning to student's academic performance to 1st and 2nd year BCAED students of EVSU got an overall mean of 0.13 which was interpreted as "great extent". The result implies that the respondents were having a problem and difficulties regarding the impact of online learning in students academic performance . CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMARY OF THE STUDY With today’s new learning style the researchers conduct a study in regarding to know whether the online learning have impacted the students. It mainly focuses on measuring the impacts of online learning to 1st and 2nd year BCAED students of EVSU. Specifically, it intended to answer the following questions: 1.What are technological profile of the students in terms of the following: 1.1 Internet capabilities 1.2 Electronic or devices used 1.3 Types of internet access 2. What are the impacts of online learning to culture of education of Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education students? 3. What are the impacts of online learning to the academic performance of Bachelor of Culture and Arts students? 4. Are there some significant relationships between the demographic profile of the students to the technological factors? 5. What intervention scheme may propose based on the findings of the study? SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS: 1. Technological profile 1.1 Internet capabilities – the findings in this area is that majority of the students can access to all social media forms and also applications that are mainly used during the online learning. But there are few who cannot download some applications due to the reasons that they do not have enough space or storage in their phones. 1.2 Electronic or devices used – 95% of the students in 1st year and 2nd year under BCAED have gadgets and phones that they can use during classes. Some who came from affluent family have more than one electronic devices at home. The remaining 5% of the students always faces problems because since they don’t have the technology they need to borrow gadgets from their parents or they will go to computer shops just to attend online classes and to encode some paper works. 1.3 Types of internet access – Most of the 1st year and 2nd year students uses Mobile Data and Go Surf promos as the source of their internet access. Few of them have a home prepaid WIFI. 2. For the RQ 2, the things that impacted the most on the culture of education is the selfmotivation of the students to continue learning. With sudden changes it affects their social life and also deprived things that they can do during face-to-face classes. Students feel suffocated inside of their home, plus having too much worries in online classes affect their culture behavior in education. 3. For the RQ 3, the result implies that the students are really having difficulties in their academic performance. This means that their grades also were highly affected. Their grades become much lower than the one they’ve got during online classes. This is because most of the students prefer learning in a traditional way. 4. For RQ 4, there are a significant relationships between the demographic profile and the technological factors of the students. Since most of the students uses Mobile data and Go Surf promos in accessing internet, students needed to ask some money from their parents to buy some load. And it is also pricey for some students since they need to have internet everyday for their classes. CONCLUSION Based on the aforementioned findings, the following conclusion are deduced: 1. The 1st year and 2nd year BCAED respondents have “High” impact on the positive and negative impact of online learning to the BCAED students in EVSU. 2. The impact of online learning to the students academic performance have "Great Extent". 3. The respondents were having a difficulty and adjustment on the online teaching in learning process rather than in face to face class. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Enhanced the internet connection and services in the Philippines in order that students of 1st and 2nd year BCAED students can access directly the E-learning flat forms of the university. 2. The school should provide E-learning tools and materials such as flash drives, internet load, hard drives, and WiFi to every students so that online lectures can be recorded, archived and shared for future references . 3. Another related research study should be conducted with much bigger population to further justify the results of current study. THANK YOU!