Uploaded by Samir Chowdhury

Review: Global Goals & Life Cycle Perspective

Overall, the work is coherent to both the global goals and also extends to a life cycle perspective. The
group's way of feedbacking different dimensions to the global goals is very well formulated and also
well motivated. However, it would be a little more concrete if the group had chosen more specific
goals when connecting versus emphasizing an “environmental perspective” or “the social
dimension”. Here one could use sources that refer to, for example, goal 13 and goal 16. Here one
could also draw a connection to health risks that come in connection with material extraction and
use goal 3.
The group writes well about the problems with the development process linked to the life cycle
perspective, but here one could also nuance around the climate footprint and destruction that
comes in connection with resource extraction. In addition, one might think that the motivation:
“There is just enough raw material for batteries in the Nordic region…” is insufficient in connection
with the source being an online video and reducing scientific reliability. It is also possible within the
framework of scientific reliability to address the group's choice of source when motivating to: "Even
in countries where electricity production is to a greater extent produced in coal-fired power plants,
the electric car is better…". Here, there is more scientific literature that could be used to fill the
critique of the task.
The group discusses various problems well in areas concerning the responsibility of production
companies, the lack of statutory protection in the interest of workers and sustainable production and
more. At the end, the group takes into account the problem of: “.. large parts of the production are
moved abroad where the shortcomings are difficult to see. “. Here, too, one could fill in with the
major problems surrounding today's view of the reuse of car batteries.
The group uses a source from the three sources from the course literature, but a reference to the
sources has been made above. In addition, footnotes are well used, number of words adapted to the
requirements and a reference list clearly appeared at the end.