Assignment 7 (20 Points) STUDENT NAME: Eloi Ferguson CHE 105 (Dr. Madabushi) . Instructions: You can take a printout and complete or you can complete this on paper without taking a printout and post pictures of page(s). 1. Why do you think that fat soluble vitamins can build up to a toxic level in our body? (1pts) Fat soluble vitamins can be stored in the liver and fat & because of this, it can build up toxic levels affecting the function. 2. Can you explain why grain processing removes most of the water soluble vitamins? (1 pt) Grain processing removes most of the thiamine content. Thiamine also known as thiamin or Vitamin B1 is water soluble vitamin found in food. 3. Which of the vitamins play an important role in red blood cell development ? (2 pt) Vitamin E, Vitamin B12 4. Why is scurvy caused and what are its symptoms? (2 pt) Scurvy is a deficiency in vitamin C. Symptoms include collagen instability to perform function, blood vessel disruption, delay in wound healing, weakness in scar tissue, loosening of the teeth 5. Compare extracellular and intracellular body fluids, in terms of their location and amount? (2 pt) ECF: outside of cells, 55% of total body water ICF: inside the cells, 45% of total body water 6. Name one ion in ECF and ICF and their role in body? ( 2 pts) ECF: Sodium Na+, plays role in fluid and electrolyte balance ICF: Potassium K+, maintains normal ICF volume & establish resting membrane potential in neurons and muscle fibers 7. dATP contains the sugar deoxyribose, a precursor to DNA synthesis whereby the two existing phosphate groups are cleaved with the remaining deoxyadenosine monophosphate being incorporated into DNA during replication. See the figure below. How is it different from ATP? (5 pts) Draw the structure of ATP vs dATP and compare their structure and function in living organism. DATP: consists of deoxyribose sugar, 2’ position of the deoxyribose consists of sugar ATP: consists of ribose sugar, 2’ position of the ribose consists of a hydroxyl group. Top: ATP Bottom: DATP 8. List the diseases caused due to deficiency of these vitamins, if no diseases are caused, please list that as ‘None’ (5 pts) Vitamin Diseases caused by deficiency A Night blindness, lowered immune system D Osteomalacia, osteoporosis E None K Weak bones oseoperosis B1 Wernicke encephalopathy B2 Retarded growth, bad skin B3 Pellagra B5 None B6 Deficiency is more prevalent w/women w/diabetes B7 Dermatitis, conjunctivitis B9 Anemia B12 Megaloblastic Anemia C Scurvy, swelling of gums