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NSG 312 Study Guide Spring 2022

Introduction & General Considerations
1. Determine the need for recent trends that have evolved into “family-centered care.”
2. Analyze current social issues that affect women's health care.
3. Apply family theory to maternity nursing and women’s health care.
Anatomy & Physiology of Pregnancy
25. Analyze gravidity & parity by using the 5 & 2 digit systems.
26. Compare pregnancy tests including the role of the hormone of pregnancy.
27. Analyze the expected maternal anatomic & physiologic adaptations to pregnancy in relation
to body systems.
28. Differentiate between presumptive, probable & positive signs of pregnancy.
29. Compare normal adult laboratory values of pregnancy.
30. Link the maternal hormones produced during pregnancy to their target organs, & the major
effects on pregnancy.
31. Compare characteristics of the abdomen, vulva, & cervix of nullipara & multipara.
Normal Newborn
102. Assess the physiologic adaptations of the neonate during transition to extra-uterine life.
103. Compare the sequence to follow in assessing the newborn to other developmental age
104. Evaluate for deviations from normal physiologic findings during the examination of
105. Understand the differences in newborn bowel movements.
106. Assess thermoregulation in newborn & types of heat loss.
107. Analyze behavioral adaptations of newborn, including periods of reactivity & sleep-wake
108. Evaluate components of Apgar score.
109. Compare & contrast characteristics of preterm, late preterm, term, and post term neonate.
110. Analyze phototherapy & guidelines for treatment.
111. Compare current recommendations for infant feeding.
112. Evaluate benefits of breastfeeding.
113. Analyze nutritional needs of infants.
114. Assess for newborn feeding-readiness cues.
115. Analyze common problems associated with breastfeeding & nursing interventions to resolve
Conception and Fetal Development
19. Analyze the process of fertilization.
20. Evaluate the development, structure, & functions of the placenta.
21. Analyze the composition & functions of amniotic fluid.
22. Identify 3 organs or tissues arising from each of the 3 primary germ layers.
23. Compare the significant changes in growth & development of the embryo & fetus.
24. Evaluate potential effects of teratogens during vulnerable periods of embryonic & fetal
Contraception & Infertility
15. Compare various methods of contraception.
16. Analyze the common causes of infertility.
17. Evaluate the psychological impact of infertility.
18. Use clinical decision making when evaluating common medical diagnoses & treatment for
Nursing Care & Assessment of High Risk Pregnancy
32. Evaluate the confirmation of pregnancy & estimation of date of birth.
33. Compare benefits of prenatal care.
34. Apply the patterns of health care used to assess maternal & fetal health status.
35. Use clinical judgment to apply nursing assessment, prioritization, intervention, & evaluation
of pregnant women.
36. Compare education needs of pregnant women.
44. Differentiate between low & high risk pregnancy, risk factors, & diagnostic techniques.
45. Differentiate among diagnostic techniques, including when they are used in pregnancy & for
what purpose.
46. Analyze Nonstress test & Contraction test monitor strips to determine results.
Maternal Fetal Nutrition
37. Delineate recommended components of nutrition & dietary supplementation in preconception
38. Evaluate recommended maternal weight gain during pregnancy.
39. Give examples of food sources for nutrients required during pregnancy & lactation.
40. Compare nutritional risk factors during pregnancy.
41. Analyze examples of cultural food patterns & possible dietary problems of alternative eating
42. Analyze the effects of hyperemesis gravidarum.
43. Apply management of hyperemesis.
Pregnancy at Risk: Preexisting conditions
47. Differentiate the types of DM & risk factors associated with pregnancy.
48. Compare insulin requirements during pregnancy, postpartum, & with lactation.
49. Evaluate maternal & fetal risks or complications associated with diabetes & pregnancy.
50. Differentiate the management for pregnant women with class I-IV cardiac diseases.
51. Apply nonjudgmental care for pregnant women who use, abuse, or are dependent on alcohol
or drugs.
Pregnancy at Risk: Gestational Conditions
52. Differentiate the defining characteristics of gestational hypertension, preeclampsia &
eclampsia, & chronic hypertension.
53. Apply management of mild or severe gestational hypertension.
54. Prioritize management for eclamptic seizures prevention.
55. Differentiate among the causes, signs & symptoms, possible complications, & management
of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, premature dilation of the cervix, & hydatidiform mole.
56. Compare & contrast placenta previa & abruption placentae in relation to signs & symptoms,
complications, & management.
57. Differentiate signs & symptoms, effects on pregnancy & the fetus, & management during
pregnancy of common STI’s & other infections.
Labor & Birth Processes
58. Utilize the 5 P’s to evaluate the effect of the labor process.
59. Analyze the normal measurement & structure of the bony pelvis.
60. Compare the significance of the size & position of the fetal head during labor & birth.
61. Compare the cardinal movements of the mechanism of labor for vertex presentation.
62. Analyze the maternal anatomic & physiologic adaptations to labor.
63. Analyze fetal adaptations to labor.
64. Analyze fetal position.
65. Evaluate breathing & relaxation techniques used for each stage of labor.
66. Apply non-pharmacologic strategies to enhance relaxation & decrease discomfort of labor.
67. Compare pharmacologic methods used to relieve discomfort in different stages of labor & for
vaginal or C/S births.
68. Apply the nursing process to the management of discomfort in labor.
69. Analyze for signs of reassuring & non-reassuring FHR patterns.
70. Compare FHR monitoring performed externally & internally.
71. Analyze the baseline FHR & evaluate periodic changes.
72. Apply nursing measures that can be used to maintain FHR pattern WNL (TTOIV).
73. Differentiate among nursing interventions used for absent/minimal variability &
74. Participate in the initial assessment of the woman in labor.
75. Apply ongoing assessment of maternal progress during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th stages of
76. Analyze for signs of developing complications during labor & birth.
77. Apply nursing interventions for each stage of labor & birth.
78. Compare the role & responsibilities of the nurse during an emergency childbirth.
79. Increase the use of evidence-based practices in caring for women during labor & birth.
Labor and Birth at Risk
80. Differentiate between preterm birth & low birth weight.
81. Compare major risk factors associated with spontaneous preterm birth.
82. Analyze current interventions to prevent preterm birth.
83. Compare use of tocolytics & antenatal glucocorticoids in preterm labor.
84. Evaluate the effects of prescribed bed rest.
85. Apply nursing care for induction or augmentation of labor and cesarean birth.
86. Understand the differing forms of induction (COMMAND).
87. Apply care of post term pregnancy.
88. Analyze obstetric emergencies & appropriate management.
Common Reproductive Concerns
4. Identify the structures & functions of the female reproductive system.
5. Use clinical decision making when evaluating the conditions & characteristics that increase
health risks: age, substance abuse, nutritional & physical status, medical conditions, & intimate
partner violence.
6. Appropriately complete a patient’s H&P.
7. Describe how to adapt the history & physical examination according to a patient’s verbal
8. Differentiate signs & symptoms among common menstrual disorders.
9. Determine the need for prevention of STI’s.
10. Obtain sexual history using the 5 P’s.
11. Differentiate the signs, symptoms, diagnosis & management of bacterial & viral STI’s.
12. Differentiate the signs, symptoms, & management of selected vaginal infections.
13. Explain the effects on & management of pregnant women who have GBS.
14. Review infection control, including standard precautions.
Newborn at Risk
116. Compare & contrast the physical characteristics of preterm, late preterm, term, & post term
117. Analyze respiratory distress syndrome & the approach to treatment.
118. Compare treatment of infant with meconium aspiration to normal spontaneous birth.
119. Analyze risk factors associated with birth & transition of infant of mother with diabetes.
120. Apply assessment & care of newborn with soft-tissue, skeletal, & nervous system injuries
caused by birth trauma.
121. Differentiate methods used to identify clinical signs of infection.
122. Compare the effects of maternal substance use/abuse to normal delivery.
123. Calculate weight loss or gain.
Postpartum & Postpartum at Risk
89. Compare anatomic & physiologic changes during postpartum period.
90. Analyze characteristics of uterine involution & lochial flow.
91. Evaluate for expected values for VS, deviations from normal findings, & probable causes of
92. Apply components of a systematic postpartum assessment.
93. Analyze signs of potential complication in postpartum.
94. Evaluate nursing management of women in postpartum.
95. Evaluate parental & infant behaviors that facilitate & those that inhibit parental attachment.
96. Facilitate Parent-infant attachment.
97. Analyze causes, signs & symptoms, possible complications, & medical & nursing
management of postpartum hemorrhage.
98. Differentiate the causes of postpartum infection.
99. Assess & care for women with postpartum infection.
100. Compare sequelae of childbirth trauma.
101. Assess for postpartum emotional complications including incidence, risk factors, signs and
symptoms, & management.