Elevator Pitch24 A brief and concise summary statement to try to sell the merits of your organization. It is akin to a sales pitch in that your goal is to persuade your audience to buy into what you are speaking about and would likely focus on your organization’s mission, values, goals, etc. It is a short summary statement of 30 seconds to 2 minutes in length, to introduce your organization and mission OR a particular project or yourself as a member of the organization. • Know your audience (person, group). Who are you giving the pitch to? What do they want to know? What would be the most persuasive way to tailor your pitch? How can you best capture the listener’s attention? • Present involvement with your organization as an opportunity for the listener. You want the listener to believe in the impact of your organization and to be called to action. Successful elevator pitches are: 1. Quick 2. Concise 3. Tailored to the person or audience to whom you are speaking 4. Compelling- they spark interest 5. Memorable- they highlight something unique or different about the organization 6. Begetting-they lead to deeper dialogue or action Pitfalls to avoid: 1. Use of jargon or hard to understand terminology 2. Too much detail 3. Lack of focus or take away message 4. One sided – the pitch does not open the door for further conversation 5. Sounding rehearsed or unnatural 24 This section draws on: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/elevatorpitch.htm;https://www.alumni.hbs.edu/careers/career- resources/Pages/networking.aspx; http://theundercoverrecruiter.com/howcreate-your-memorable-elevator-pitch-four-simple-steps/ EMpower –The Emerging Markets Foundation 70 EXAMPLE: Shorten, Simplify, and Clarify the Mission Statement EMpower mission statement: “EMpower -The Emerging Markets Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that connects the resources of Emerging Markets (EM) professionals worldwide with the vitality of local organizations in emerging market countries.” Let’s reword it. EMpower supports local organizations in 15 countries so that youth living in poverty get the skills and resources to lead healthy, productive lives. Elevator Pitch Worksheet Shorten, simplify, and clarify the mission statement 1. What is the mission statement of your organization? 2. What are the main ideas of your mission statement? 3. How can you shorten and simplify the mission statement? 4. Can it be further re-worded to use plain language (eliminating jargon)? Prepare the content of your statement: 5. Who is your audience? 6. Using your shortened mission statement, explain what your organization does. What problems does it address? (BRIEF!) 7. What is unique about your organization? What sets you apart from other groups? 8. What do you personally find most exciting and inspiring about the organization? What are you most passionate about? 9. What is the call to action? How can you engage the audience in next steps? 10. What ways can you facilitate the audience joining your cause? Make sure to test your pitch and get critiqued (by peers, colleagues, board members) in order to assess strengths & weaknesses, and see if it inspires action! EMpower –The Emerging Markets Foundation 71