NSTP-CWTS II NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM Civic Welfare Training Service II FINAL OUTPUT COMMUNITY PROJECT PROPOSAL 1 You are to design a Community Project Proposal. 2 This is not an individual activity. Refer to the table for the number of assigned groups per block. COURSE/SECTION BSA 1 BSA 2 BSA 3 BSBA MM BSBA FM BEED BSED-FIL BSED-ENG HRM 1 HRM 2 SOE 1 SOE 2 BSN 1 BSN 2 IT-1 IT-2 SOH-PSYCH SOH-ABC NUMBER OF GROUPS 2 groups 2 groups 2 groups 1 group 2 groups 1 group 1 group 1 group 2 groups 2 groups 2 groups 2 groups 2 groups 1 group 2 groups 2 groups 1 group 1 group Assignment of membership to the group will be dependent on your section. 3 Once groups have been made, assign an overall leader. The task of the overall leader is to make sure that all members are doing their assigned tasks. 4 Follow the format of the Project Proposal. For a more detailed explanation of the parts of the proposal, refer to the learning material posted in the STEP classroom. Chapter I: The Project Proposal Outline A. Project Title B. Project Nature C. Project Duration D. Project Location E. Project Beneficiaries F. Initiating Section/Block G. Contact Person H. Community Project Counterpart I. Total Project Cost Chapter II: Project Description Chapter III: Project Rationale Chapter IV: Project Beneficiaries Chapter V: Project Objectives NSTP-CWTS II Chapter VI: Project Activities and Time Table Chapter VII: Project Management Chapter VIII: Project Financial Requirements 5 Although the activity will not be implemented, it will be presented to the Extension Office for review. Once approved, the activity will be executed as soon as the pandemic ends. 6 An oral presentation will be scheduled on July 1 and 2, 2021. However, if your group is already finished with the work, you may present it before the deadline. 7 All members are expected to cooperate with one another. If a member does not contribute at all, his/her name will be taken out of the group. The student shall not be given a final grade. 8 Only virtual meetings shall be conducted by the group. Face-to-face meeting is NOT allowed. 9 If there are concerns with regards to the activity, the group leader may communicate to the NSTP Instructor through email (istadeo@cdd.edu.ph).