AUDIOVISUAL CULTURE AND MEDIA IN THE U.S. 20.10.2020 Stuart Hall- culture as a process (not objects), set of practices pictorial turn= art history+cultural studies+literary theory (in the last century people have been exposed to way more images than ever before- so we are going through a pictorial turn) four sites at which the meanings of an image are made: ● production- when a painter paints ● the image itself ● circulation- how the image moves in the world ● audience -image is viewed by receivers (audience) Modalities (aspects) of the sites: ● technological -how an image is made, how it travels and is displayed ● compositional - specific material qualities of an image/ visual object ● social- the range of political, economic and social relations, institutions and practices that surroud an image and through which the image is seen and used (how an image is consumed) Images not only show but also represent the wrold- technologies and media have an impact vision - physiological function of the eye (natural) visuality - the way in which vision is constructed (cultural and relative) scopic regime-non-natural visual order operating on a prereflective (it happens in your brain before you think about it) level to determine the dominant protocols of seeing and being on view (there is nothing there but our brains believe it- movies) Who was it made for?- site of production , socialmodality When was it made?- production; social/composition Where and how was the text displayed originally?- circulation What materials were used to produce it?- technological modality, site of production What materials were needed to produce it?