Anti-Lost Smart Bluetooth Tracker When it comes to your pet's safety, it may be one of your biggest concerns as a pet owner. Since you can't always stick to your pets and protect them, locating them if they get lost is easily every pet lover's nightmare. For one, when you take them out for a walk, you simply can't avoid giving them their personal space. By doing so, however, your pet may run away, especially if they end up seeing something captivating. Even so, there is an easily accessible solution to this problem. The Anti-Lost Bluetooth Tracker is a simple device that you can attach to the dog's collar and set them free. Now, even if they do run away, you'll be able to pinpoint their exact location through your very own phone, be it on Android or on IOS. Not only that, since this device allows for pets to be navigated within 75 feet, you won't be losing your pet anytime soon. In addition, it is extremely easy to use. All you have to do is to install an iSearching app and connect it to your device. The device has a long battery time and a standby mode, meaning it helps to save battery if you aren't using the product. It may be available in a wide assortment of colors, too, so you can choose your very own pick. What's even more intriguing to note about this product is that it isn't just limited to your pets. You can use it for your kids or any object, as well.