Module 012 – Biotechnology and Biocolonialism The module contains the following topics: 1. Biotechnology and Environmental Politics in Agriculture 2. Biocolonialism Biotechnology Although the concept of biotechnology generally brings to mind genetic engineering, it can be conceived of very broadly. Definition (Biotechnology) Any use of biological organisms or processes in industrial, medical, agricultural and environmental engineer ing. In this way, we can trace the history of biotechnology from the beginning of scientific agriculture and fermentation at the end of the 19th century. Throughout the 20th century, there was both much hope for, and much disappointment in, the development of biotechnology. By the last decades of the 20th century, biotech became a major component of the R&D of most developed nations. Zymotechnology is the old term for the study of the processes of fermentation in yeast and bacteria in the production of foods and beverages such as bread, cheese, tofu, beer, wine, sake, nato, etc. Of course, these practices go back to ancient times, however, in the 19th century, with the rise of big industries, particularly in Britain and Germany, technoscientists began to isolate the microorganisms involved and to study them. With the techniques of scientific biology of the 19th century, it became possible to isolate pure strands of the various yeasts and molds involved in these processes, so as to standardize the mass production of these products. In this regard, at the end of the 19th century, various industrial and governmental labs, and teaching institutions were established. In the early part of the 20th century, technoscientists began to see zymotechnolgy as included in the applied sciences, analogously to chemistry. They established institutions f or collecting microorganisms. The concept of zymotechnolgy was broadened to a general concept of biological chemistry, involving the use of biological molecules such as amino-acids, proteins and enzymes in industrial production. The word ‘biotechnology’ was coined by Karl Ereky (1878–1952), in Hungary in 1919, to describe general processes of converting raw materials into useful products, such as on industrial farms. Course Module In Britain, Chaim Weizemann (1874–1952) developed bacterial fermentation processes for producing organic chemicals such as acetone and cordite propellants. During WWII, he worked on synthetic rubber and high-octane gas. In the early part of the 20th century, technoscientists began to see zymotechnolgy as included in the applied sciences, analogously to chemistry. They established institutions f or collecting microorganisms. Engineering nature During the interwar period, philosophers, sociologists and public intellectuals began to reflect on the growing link between biology and technology. They put forward the idea that biotechnology could be used to change human nature, and by changing human nature to change society. The Austrian Raoul Francé (1874–1943), for example, claimed that we could regard life as a series of technical problems, for which living organisms acted as optimal solutions. In Britain, biotechnology was conceived of as a possible solution to the damages of the industrial revolution. Patrick Geddes (1854–1932), the Scottish biologist, divided the history of technology into three stages: paleotechnic (1st industrial revolution), neotechnic (2nd industrial revolution) and biotechnic (future industrial revolution). Raoul France’s vision of a harmonious engineering: R. Francé, Plants as Inventors, 1920: “It was my thesis that we can conquer not only by the destruction of disturbing influences, but by compensation in harmony with the world. Only compensation and harmony can be the optimal solutio ns; for that end the wheels of the world turn. To attain its aim, life: to overcome obstacles, the organism — plant, animal, man, or unicellular body — shifts and changes. It swims, flies, defends itself and invents a thousand new forms and apparatuses. If you follow my thought, you will see where I am leading, what is the deepest meaning of the biotechnical tokens. It portends a deliverance from many obstacles, a redemption, a straining for the solution of many problems in harmony with the forces of the wo rld.” Institutionalizing the engineering of nature After WWII, technoscientists began to institutionalize biology and biotechnology in various ways; that is, to establish departments, institutes and ministries. During the war, a number of countries had used biotechnological means to supplement their shortages. These labs were now institutionalized. Cybernetics and general systems theory began to explore the parallel structures of machines and biological systems. That is, they began to explore the general theoretical similarities between biological and technological systems. At MIT there was already a department of biological engineering (1936). The first department of biotechnology was founded at UCLA in 1944, and, in the 1950s -60s, became widely respected for its work on man-machine interfaces. The promise of a green technology In the early Cold War period, biotechnology was considered as an alternative to a list of earth-destroying technologies developed by the “military-industrial complex.” It was hoped that it might solve major social problems, such as energy and food shortages. Imitation rhizobia: There were projects to try to develop bacterial fertilizers that could convert nitrogen to ammonia like the rhizobia bacteria in beans. Biogas and gasohol: In rural countries like China and India, there were projects to convert biomass into fuel. In 1974, Brazil began a massive project to convert sugar cane to gas. Single-cell protein: During WWII, the Germans grew single-cell (fungal) protein for animal fodder. In the 1950s, the oil companies developed processes for growing bacteria on oil. In 1968, the Japanese produced 110 tones of single-cell protein bacteria. Early biotech policy: Japan Course Module Japan’s long history of the use of fermentation processes gave Japanese technoscientists a broad conception of biotechnology. In the 1970s, Japan became a world leader in biotech policy. o By the end of the 1960s there were serious pollution problems and this lead to the idea that biotechnology could be used to make environmentally sound technologies. In the 1970s, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry put special emphasis on life sciences and biotechnology. o White Paper on S&T, 1977: “Life Science, in particular, is for the study of phenomena of life and biological functions that will be made useful; for industrial, medical, agricultural and environmental purposes, and so this area of science is expected to set the pace for the next round of technical progress.” Early biotech policy: Germany and Britain In the 1960s the Germans also became concerned with environmental protection (Umweltschutz) and began to put emphasis on a new mode of development. o Symposium of Industrial Microbiology, 1969: “A future aim should therefore be to close the gaps by suitable training, to rise above classical fermentation technology, and to build up a modern science of biochemical-microbiological engineering.” In Britain, chemical engineering, the antibiotics industry and applied microbiology developed as rapidly as in the U.S. In 1979, a government report outlined the country’s policy on biotechnology, which it defined as “the application of biological organisms, systems of processes to manufacturing and service industries.” o The British generally followed the Japanese and German policies, however, they put more emphasis on genetic engineering. Contrary to its name, biotechnology is not a single technology. Rather it is a group of technologies that share two (common) characteristics -- working with living cells and their molecules and having a wide range of practice uses that can improve our lives. Biotechnology can be broadly defined as "using organisms or their products for commercial purposes." As such, (traditional) biotechnology has been practices since he beginning of records history. (It has been used to:) bake bread, brew alcoholic beverages, and breed food crops or domestic animals (2). But recent developments in molecular biology have given biotechnology new meaning, new prominence, and new potential. It is (modern) biotechnology that has captured the attention of the public. Modern biotechn ology can have a dramatic effect on the world economy and society (3). One example of modern biotechnology is genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is the process of transferring individual genes between organisms or modifying the genes in an organism to remove or add a desired trait or characteristic. Examples of genetic engineering are described later in this document. Through genetic engineering, genetically modified crops or organisms are formed. These GM crops or GMOs are used to produce biotech-derived foods. It is this specific type of modern biotechnology, genetic engineering, that seems to generate the most attention and concern by consumers and consumer groups. What is interesting is that modern biotechnology is far more precise than traditional forms of biotechnology and so is viewed by some as being far safer.) Biotechnology for the 21st century Experts in United States anticipate the world’s population in 2050 to be approximately 8.7 billion persons. The world’s population is growing, but its surface area is not. Compounding the effects of population growth is the fact that most of the earth’s ideal farming land is already being utilized. To avoid damaging environmentally sensitive areas, such as rain forests, we need to increase crop yields for land currently in use. By increasing crop yields, through the use of biotechnology the constant need to clear more land for growing food is reduced. Countries in Asia, Africa, and elsewhere are grappling with how to continue feeding a growing population. They are also trying to benefit more from their existing resources. Biotechnology holds the key to increasing the yield of staple crops by allowing farmers to reap bigger harvests from currently cultivated land, while preserving the land’s ability to support continued farming. Malnutrition in underdeveloped countries is also being combated with biotechnology. The Rockefeller Foundation is sponsoring research on “golden rice”, a crop designed to improve nutrition in the developing world. Rice breeders are using biotechnology to build Vitamin A into the rice. Vitamin A deficiency is a common problem in poor countries. A second phase of the project will increase the iron content in rice to combat anemia, which is widespread problem among women and children in underdeveloped countries. Golden rice, expected to be for sale in Asia in less than five years, will offer dramatic improvements in nutrition and health for millions of people, with little additional costs to consumers. Similar initiatives using genetic manipulation are aimed at making crops more productive by reducing their dependence on pesticides, fertilizers and irrigation, or by increasing their resistance to plant diseases (14). Increased crop yield, greater flexibility in growing environments, less use of chemical pesticides and improved nutritional content make agricultural biotechnology, quite literally, the future of the world’s food supply. Industrial Biotechnology Industrial biotechnology applies the techniques of modern molecular biolog y to improve the efficiency and reduce the environmental impacts of industrial processes like textile, paper and pulp, and chemical manufacturing. For example, industrial biotechnology companies develop biocatalysts, such as enzymes, to synthesize chemicals. Enzymes are proteins produced by all organisms. Using biotechnology, the desired enzyme can be manufactured in commercial quantities. Commodity chemicals (e.g., polymer-grade acrylamide) and specialty chemicals can be produced using biotech applications. Traditional chemical synthesis involves large amounts of energy and often-undesirable products, such as HCl. Using biocatalysts, the same chemicals can be produced more economically and more environmentally friendly. An example would be the substitution of protease in detergents for other cleaning compounds. Detergent proteases, which remove protein impurities, are essential components of modern detergents. They are used Course Module to break down protein, starch, and fatty acids present on items being washed. Protease production results in a biomass that in turn yields a useful byproduct- an organic fertilizer. Biotechnology is also used in the textile industry for the finishing of fabrics and garments. Biotechnology also produces biotech-derived cotton that is warmer, stronger, has improved dye uptake and retention, enhanced absorbency, and wrinkle- and shrink-resistance. Some agricultural crops, such as corn, can be used in place of petroleum to produce chemicals. The crop’s sugar can be fermented to acid, which can be then used as an intermediate to produce other chemical feedstocks for various products. It has been projected that 30% of the world’s chemical and fuel needs could be supplied by such renewable resources in the first half of the next century. It has been demonstrated, at test scale, that biopulping reduces the electrical energy required for wood pulping process by 30% (11). Environmental Biotechnology Environmental biotechnology is the used in waste treatment and pollution prevention. Environmental biotechnology can more efficiently clean up many wastes than conventional methods and greatly reduce our dependence on methods for land-based disposal. Every organism ingests nutrients to live and produces by-products as a result. Different organisms need different types of nutrients. Some bacteria thrive on the chemical components of waste products. Environmental engineers use bioremediation, the broadest application of environmental biotechnology, in two basic ways. They introduce nutrients to stimulate the activity of bacteria already present in the soil at a waste site, or add new bacteria to the soil. The 5 bacteria digest the waste at the site and turn it into harmless byproducts. After the bacteria consume the waste materials, they die off or return to their normal population levels in the environment. Bioremediation, is an area of increasing interest. Through application of biotechnical methods, enzyme bioreactors are being developed that will pretreat some industrial waste and food waste components and allow their removal through the sewage system rather than through solid waste disposal mechanisms. Waste can also be converted to biofuel to run generators. Microbes can be induced to produce enzymes needed to convert plant and vegetable materials into building blocks for biodegradable plastics (7). In some cases, the byproducts of the pollution-fighting microorganisms are themselves useful. For example, methane can be derived from a form of bacteria that degrades sulfur liquor, a waste product of paper manufacturing. This methane can then be used as a fuel or in other industrial processes. Biocolonialism Biocolonialism is, to put it most simply, “the commandeering of knowledge and biological resources from an indigenous people without compensation.“ Laurie Ann Whitt explained it as “if colonialism encompasses the interlocking array of policies and practices (economic, social, political and legal) that a dominant culture can draw on to maintain and extend its control over other peoples and lands, then biocolonialism emphasizes the role of science policy…. …where valued genetic resources and information are actively sought, ‘discovered’, and removed to the microworlds of biotechnoscience. There they are legally transformed into the private intellectual property of corporations, universities and individuals, rendered as commodities, and placed for sale in genetic marketplaces such as the American Type Culture Collection. References and Supplementary Materials Online Supplementary Reading Materials 1. Biotechnology and its Applications; ; November 9, 2017 2. A History of Biotechnology;; November 9, 2017 3. Biocolonialism and its Effects on Indigenous Populations;; November 9, 2017 Course Module Module 011 – Emerging Technology in Medicine This module contains the following topics: 1. Genomic Sequencing and the Emerging Medical Practice 2. The Digitization of Health Records Genomic sequencing The development of massively parallel sequencing (or next-generation sequencing) has facilitated a rapid implementation of genomic sequencing in clinical medicine. Genomic sequencing (GS) is now an essential tool for evaluating rare disorders, identifying therapeutic targets in neoplasms, and screening for prenatal aneuploidy. Emerging applications, such as GS for preconception carrier screening and predisposition screening in healthy individuals, are being explored in research settings and utilized by members of the public eager to incorporate genomic information into their health management. The rapid pace of adoption has created challenges for all stakeholders in clinical GS, from standardizing variant interpretation approaches in clinical molecular laboratories to ensuring that nongeneticist clinicians are prepared for new types of clinical information. Clinical GS faces a pivotal moment, as the vast potential of new quantities and types of data enable further clinical innovation and complicated implementation questions continue to be resolved. Current and emerging clinical applications of GS Diagnostic sequencing To date, the diagnosis of rare Mendelian disease has been the primary clinical application of sequencing the genomes of individual patients. Thousands of pathogenic mutations identified through GS have been reported in recent years, and novel gene-disease associations are proliferating. Early reports on clinical GS demonstrated that identification of a causative mutation through GS can help to formulate a treatment plan and in other cases offer new opportunities for reproductive planning, as in the first publication reporting a successful diagnosis via GS, which resulted in effective management for a severe autoimmune illness in a young boy. Diagnostic GS is indicated for the detection of diagnostic genetic variants in patients with suspected monogenic disorders after known single -gene candidates have been eliminated from consideration or when a multigene testing panel has not yielded a diagnosis. The vast majority of diagnostic GS to date has been performed in children. However, patients can be of any age and presentations of Mendelian disorders in adulthood are probably underrecognized. The breadth of possible results from GS requires that thorough counseling and evaluation be performed before ordering GS to ensure proper interpretation of genomic variants, as well as careful clinical contextualization of the results. This process should include gathering detailed family history information, systematically evaluating the patient's and/or family's phenotype, reviewing medical literature and databases for possible overlap with known syndromes or implicated biochemical Course Module pathways, and obtaining informed consent. Individuals who consent to clinical GS should be aware that they may learn about disease risks that may also affect their relatives. Whereas many clinical molecular laboratories in academic medical centers and commercial laboratories now offer exome sequencing, Baylor College of Medicine and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in the United States have reported on the largest number of clinical sequencing cases and have estimated that they find a causative mutation in 25% to 26% of cases overall, with lower diagnostic rates for adults than for children. Of solved cases, a surprising percentage (4.6%) appear to result from blended phenotypes of two separate Mendelian disorders, each associated with distinct pathogenic variants. The combined impact of two distinct Mendelian disease variants often leads to a hybrid phenotype that appears unique and challenging to diagnose. The application of GS to rare disease has understandably been of intense research interest. In the United States, several National Institutes of Health (NIH) gra nt programs, including the Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (CSER) Consortium, the Centers for Mendelian Genomics, and the Undiagnosed Diseases Program and Network, have been funded to investigate the application of GS to the diagnosis of rare diseases. The scope of these efforts is broad and includes establishing technical standards for GS and interpretative pipelines (i.e., variant filtration algorithms and interpretation protocols), developing and implementing reporting mechanisms, and evaluating the clinical, behavioral, legal, and ethical impacts of GS on clinical practice. Emerging application: preconception carrier screening Although targeted carrier screening is well established (e.g., focused carrier screening for conditions such as Gaucher, Tay-Sachs, and Canavan disease in individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent), genomic technologies offer the opportunity for broader, more comprehensive screening. Preconception screening for carrier variants associated with rare, recessive disorders has been increasingly available in recent years via targeted multiplex genotyping that screens for known mutations in dozens of genes. These tests do not necessarily detect extremely rare or novel genetic variants that an unaffected individual may carry, and therefore a “residual risk” of being a carrier remains after negative testing. Several companies now offer GS for preconception screening. GS affords the opportunity to go beyond a selected subset of recessive disorders to evaluate and report on genes associated with extremely rare recessive conditions. Preliminary data from the MedSeq Project, which reports results on carrier variants in any gene associated with known autosomal recessive disorders, suggest that approximately 90% of individuals in the general population are carriers for at least one recessive disorder and that most carry two to four carrier variants. Due to imperfect coverage of some genes and the low sensitivity of GS for certain types of genetic variation (reviewed below), a negative result on GS does not eliminate the post-test probability of being a carrier, though it generally improves upon the existing residual risk of mutation panel-based approaches. Discovering that reproductive partners are each carrier for a severe recessive condition enables preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). PGD allows for testing of embryos for a specific genetic variant (or variants, in the case of recessive diseases). Embryos lacking the targeted genetic variants are then implanted, preventing transmission of the genetic disease to offspring. PGD is a complicated and controversial topic both technically and ethically, and has been reviewed thoroughly elsewhere. Emerging application: genetic predisposition screening Several research studies and personal genomics companies have begun to report a broad range of predispositional Mendelian variants to individuals. The general goal of these initiatives is to provide genetically informed predictions of disease risk and medication safety and efficacy, thereby enabling participants to make personalized decisions for disease prevention. Although preliminary data has not demonstrated significant risk of harm, benefits have not been systematically evaluated, and many experts and professional organizations call for caution before adopting GS for generally healthy individuals. To this end, the PeopleSeq (Personal Genome Sequencing Outcomes) Consortium has been formed as the first systematic large scale longitudinal study of outcomes of predisposition sequencing and will seek to collect short- and long-term data on participants in GS projects. Monogenic variants for Mendelian syndromes that confer a significant risk for a condition, such as the breast cancer susceptibility gene 1 and 2 (BRCA1/2) variants associated with breast and ovarian cancer, may be revealed in GS of persons without a personal or family history. In current clinical practice, these findings are discovered secondary to diagnostic sequencing and are routinely reported for selected genes believed to be clinically actionable. However, in predisposition screening, these variants are a primary finding. Using strict variant-filtering criteria and all genes associated with human disease, the MedSeq Project identified a monogenic variant in 21 out of 100 participants. Identification of these variants has enabled MedSeq physicians to perform deep phenotyping (targeted medical examination and assessment for manifestations of the associated conditions) of asymptomatic individuals with monogenic variants. GS can identify common genetic variants that have been associated with risk for complex phenotypes, such as coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes, in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Millions of individuals have undergone genotyping for such variants via direct-to-consumer services such as 23andMe, which have utilized chip arrays that identify genotypes at specific single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Because many variants identified in GWAS reside outside of exons (protein-coding regions of the genome), such SNPs would not be detectable by exome sequencing. Therefore, with regard to utilizing GS to identify these variants, wholegenome sequencing, instead of exome sequencing, is required. Despite the availability of relevant data from GS and the broad reporting of common disease risks by personal genomic testing companies, there is limited evidence for the clinical validity or utility of risk assessments from common genetic variation. GWAS variants account for a small proportion of variability in the risk of multifactorial phenotypes, known as the “missing heritability” problem (ie, other as yet unidentified genetic factors or interactions between genetic variants must contribute to the heritability of Course Module diseases). Additionally, risk-assessment methodologies to combine multiple variants remain in flux, and reclassification of individuals from higher risk to average or lower risk is expected to occur in most phenotypes as additional data accrue . Nevertheless, some studies have shown that individuals make positive lifestyle changes and become more engaged in their care after receiving such risk predictions . Utilizing known associations between genetic variants and blood group and antigen subtypes, GS can be used to predict clinically relevant hematological data, such as blood group and platelet antigen types. Antigen subgroup status has potential relevance for individuals who require multiple transfusions secondary to a chronic medical condition, as well as for identifying potential donors who have rare blood group antigens. The analytical algorithms have been developed and validated as part of the MedSeq Project. Finally, GS is a powerful tool to screen for multiple pharmacogenomic variants simultaneously, creating the opportunity for personalized medication selectio n and dosing regimens based on an individual's genotype or haplotype (group of genes inherited together). Pharmacogenomic data offer the opportunity for querying genomic data at the point of care as patients are prescribed medications for the first time and new associations among drugs, genetic variants, and dosing requirements or side effect risks are discovered and validated. The topic of pharmacogenomics will be explored more comprehensively in two companion articles in this special issue. The Digitization of Health Records In medicine, the first information technology wave to hit the art and science of healing was the digitization of medical files, now known as electronic health records (EHRs). The data contained in EHRs in combination with other sources have the potential to transform medical practice by leveraging data, technologies, and healthcare delivery to improve the overall efficiency and quality of care at a reasonable cost. The widespread adoption of EHRs has generated large sets of data. The cr eative merging of datasets collected from patients and physicians could be a viable avenue to strengthen healthcare delivery. These massive datasets are currently understood as a byproduct of medical practice instead of utilizable assets that could play pivotal roles in patient care. Currently, for instance, most EHRs collect quantitative, qualitative, and transactional data, all of which could be collated, analyzed, and presented using sophisticated procedures and techniques that are now available to make use of text-based documents containing disparate and unstructured data. The purposeful use of data is not a mystery to medical practice. Since their humble beginnings, evidence-based undertakings have been grounded in the principle that questions answered through the scientific method were superior to anecdotes, expert opinion, panels, and testimonials. In terms of acknowledging the value of data and information in guiding a rational and logical decision-making process, medicine has been at the forefront of adapting to modernity. However, physicians, nurses, and healthcare facilities have been slow to embrace the newest methods to fully use the data contained in EHRs. Let us examine four hidden benefits of EHRs. EHRs may augment the attainment of new knowledge through the automated and systematic analysis of unstructured data by applying advanced computational techniques that enable comprehensive data collection. The acquisition of structured data to answer emerging clinical questions is onerous. Narrow and a utomatic searches within EHRs using natural language processing (NLP) may be a less expensive alternative. In fact, a 2011 study suggests that the automated identification of postoperative complications within electronic medical records using NLP is far superior to patient safety indicators linked to discharge coding. EHRs may assist in the dissemination of new knowledge. As clinical practice evolves to incorporate the latest evidence and facts guiding medical care, physicians encounter the daunting task of sorting through large volumes of information to craft adequate and safe treatment options for patients with diverse chronic illnesses. Tinkering with EHRs can generate on-screen dashboards that can guide medical care decisions. Physicians could receive pop-up messages informing them about clinical presentation, diagnostic work, and therapeutic choices made by clinicians facing similar case profiles. It appears that data-driven healthcare decision-support tools aid the standardization of care and result in cost savings. EHRs may help to blend medical practice with personalized clinical initiatives by facilitating opportunities to utilize analytical methods and techniques that can holistically integrate biology-based interdisciplinary fields of study (e.g., metabolomics, phenomics) with EHR datasets to streamline genomics research and create a rich culture of cooperation. EHRs may empower patients to play more active roles in caring for their health by directly delivering information to these individuals. Patients not only can know specific details about their health parameters and illnesses but also can present medical records to other healthcare professionals when needed. The benefits of this approach are twofold: information can be readily accessed without filling out forms or having to interview patients with long questionnaires, and traditional health related data can be linked to other details associated with personal data, such as diet, education, exercise, habits, hobbies, income, and military service. There will surely be problems along the way. Current EHR systems and health information exchange platforms are diverse and fragmented and have limited interoperability. Privacy issues will very likely emerge as a concern, especially for the protection of confidential information. Ultimately, interconnections between technology and medicine are inevitable, which explains why medical informatics plays a central role in healthcare. An article by Palgon added the benefits of electronic health records: In the early 1960s, when most hospitals and health systems were steeped in paper, a handful of highly progressive healthcare providers embarked on a journey to implement a computer-based patient record. Envisioning the benefits of electronic health records to reduce, or even eliminate, paper in medical record keeping for healthcare providers of all sizes and specialties, their bold steps forever changed the way clinicians gather, document and review patient information. Course Module In 1972, the first electronic medical record system emerged, only to be shunned by physicians due to its high cost. It was mainly used by government hospitals and few forward thinking institutions. Fast forward to 2017, and the benefits of electronic health records (EHR) are widely recognized among healthcare providers. In fact, 98 percent of all hospitals now demonstrate meaningful use and have adopted an EHR. On the ambulatory side, the global EHR market expects 5.8% growth by 2021, growth that is fueled by government mandates, the need to reduce costs and growing consumer demands to enhance healthcare quality and delivery. Growing Value for Providers, Patients Despite growing use of electronic health records, the healthcare industry is nowhere close to realizing the full benefits of the digitized record. While most providers acknowledge the benefits and vision for the future, the growing pains created by varying standards and the challenges of data exchange due to different electronic formats remain a hurdle. EHRs deliver advantages to healthcare providers and patients by enabling better collection, storage and sharing of health information for the purpose of coordinated care delivery. Electronic data storage and retrieval reduces the risk of lost patient records and test results and offers more secure access over their paper predecessors, which easily could be left on a desk and viewed by anyone walking by. This can be a very important advantage and in better alignment with HIPAA compliance requirements. Another benefit of EHR technology is that it supports greater accuracy in records, as healthcare providers are prompted to complete required data fields, use standard terminology and check predefined boxes, not to mention the fact that the EHR has purged the patient record of illegible physician notes. One specific benefit of electronic health record technology is the speed in which clinicians can gain access to critical test results and progress notes, eliminating delays in treatment caused by missing data. Finally, electronic health records support enhanced patient safety by collecting more complete data and providing secure access throughout the care continuum. On the other hand, electronic health records are not without their own challenges. One of the biggest and perhaps most visible risks of electronic health records is data security, as brought to light by the recent WannaCry ransomware cyber attack which affected16 National Health Service hospitals in the UK. This massive hack effectively took the hospitals offline, forcing suspension of services. In this attack, as in previous ones, cyber criminals disrupted care and business operations by making personal and clinical data contained in the electronic health records unavailable at the point of care. The negative impacts of cyber attacks are two-fold: risk to patient care and safety and risk to patients’ financial health as other personal information is exposed to unauthorized individuals with malicious intent. While data is potentially more secure inside the four walls of the health system, the ability to share data to those who need it to deliver care beyond those walls also offers the risk of unintended information exchange on a mass scale. Therefore, health systems need a comprehensive approach to data security that includes all aspects of their operations, including the EHR. Efficiency Supports Better Care The benefits of electronic medical records are spread between healthcare providers and patients and support the ultimate goal of effective exchange of data (information) between providers caring for the same patient. In addition, electronic health records can help physicians practice more efficiently by saving time with electronic prescription, lab and imaging ordering and faster test result transactions. The end goal is improved patient care and outcomes through better health and disease management. Enabling data integration into a single electronic medical record or single view, EHRs make data accessible for the right person at the right time in the care delivery process. But on a broader scale, health systems, like Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) and highly integrated delivery systems that embrace EHR technology, are able to integrate, aggregate and harmonize data across specialties, multiple EHRs in acute and ambulatory settings, and financial, operational and claims data sources. This allows providers to effectively collaborate and establish appropriate metrics to support the overarching goal of coordinated, high quality care. Hidden Data Provides Insight While the benefits of electronic health records to store, manage and exchange patient information are enormous, the advantages of using the EHR as a data source to provide insight beyond individual patient care are immeasurable. However, a recent survey showed that we still have ways to go. The survey noted that only 31 percent of healthcare providers use their EHR analytics capabilities while another third utilized a combination of the EHR capabilities and an outside vendor to analyze data. Demonstrating the underutilization of this important aspect of the EHR, 11 percent of respondents said they didn’t analyze EHR data at all. For the greater patient (or population) good, health systems more than ever need to understand and utilize the comprehensive set of data that the EHR can provide, especially in combination with other EHRs and other data sources. ACOs know that this integrated approach to data management and exchange can improve care. They understand the benefits of using the collective data in electronic health records to analyze specific patient populations, distinguish risk factors, identify trends in disease treatment and predict future outcomes, all of which improve patient care, outcomes and the cost of care. To unlock this hidden benefit of the EHR, healthcare organizations need a flexible and scalable platform that allows management and integration of complex data across and, in some cases, beyond the enterprise. In many organizations, internal IT resources do not have the time or ability to manage the increasing volume and integration complexities of new and expanding sources of data. Choo sing cloudbased technologies and a trusted partner to supplement internal IT resources helps create a comprehensive data set in a secure and compliant manner. The success of data management can be measured by the quality of the business decisions and outcomes that are derived from the data. This requires moving beyond Course Module simple data collection to a strategy and tools that are designed to improve data integration, data exchange, and overall data management along with care and business outcomes. A good place to start is analyzing the data that exists in the EHR and leveraging that data for continual improvement. References and Supplementary Materials Online Supplementary Reading Materials 1. Genomic sequencing in clinical practice: applications, challenges, and o pportunities;; November 9, 2017 2. Future Opportunities for Genome Sequencing and Beyond: A Planning Worksho[ for the National Genome Research Institute;; November 9, 2017 3. Deploying whole genome sequencing in clinical practice and public health: Meeting the challenge one bin at a time;; November 9, 2017 4. Electronic health records: beyond the digitization of medical files;; November 9, 2017 5. Digitizing Delivers: The Benefits of Electronic Health Records;; November 9, 2017 6. The Digitization of Medical Records;; November 9, 2017 7. Digitizing Healthcare: Why Having an Electronic Medical Record Matter s;; November 9, 2017 Module 010 – Sociology of Science This module contains the following topic: 1. Sociology of Science The Sociology of Science Merton’s “The Sociology of Science: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations” has stated the following regarding the Sociology of Science: Science, like any other activity involving social collaboration, is subject to shifting fortunes. Difficult as the notion may appear to those reared in a culture that grants scien ce a prominent if not a commanding place in the scheme of things, it is evident that science is not immune from attack, restraint and repression. Writing a little while ago, Veblen could observe that the faith of western culture in science was unbounded, u nquestioned, unrivaled. The revolt from science which then appeared so improbable as to concern only the timid academician who would ponder all contingencies, however remote, has now been forced upon the attention of scientist and layman alike. Local conta gions of antiintellectualism threaten to become epidemic. Science and Society Attacks on the integrity of science have led scientists to recognize their dependence on particular types of social structure. An institution under attack must reexamine its foundations, restate its objectives, seek out its rationale. Crisis invites self -appraisal. Scientists have been jarred into a state of acute self-consciousness: consciousness of self as an integral element of society with corresponding obligations and intere sts. Scientists are compelled to vindicate the ways of science to man. They have come full circle to the point of the reemergence of science in the modern world. Centuries ago, when the institution of science could claim little independent warrant for social support, natural philosophers were likewise led to justify science as a means to the culturally validated ends of economic utility and the glorification of God. The pursuit of science was then no self-evident value. With the unending flow of achievement, however, the instrumental was transformed into the terminal, the means into the end. Thus fortified, the scientist came to regard himself as independent of society and to consider science as a self-validating enterprise which was in society but not of it. Science refers to a variety of distinct though interrelated items. It is commonly used to denote (1) a set of characteristic methods by means of which knowledge is certified; (2) a stock of accumulated knowledge stemming from the application of these methods; (3) a set of cultural values and mores governing the activities termed scientific; or (4) any combination of the foregoing. For examining sociology of science, we shall consider the mores with which the methods of science are hedged about. Course Module The Ethos of Science The ethos of science is that affectively toned complex of values and norms which is held to be binding on the man of science. These norms are expressed in the form of prescriptions, proscriptions, preferences, and permissions. They are legitimatized in terms of institutional values. These imperatives, transmitted by precept and example and re-enforced by sanctions are in varying degrees internalized by the scientist, thus fashioning his scientific conscience or, if one prefers the latter-day phrase, his superego. Although the ethos of science has not been codified, it can be inferred from the moral consensus of scientists as expressed in use and wont, in countless writings on the scientific spirit and in moral indignation directed. toward contraventions of the ethos. The institutional goal of science is the extension of certified knowledge. The technical methods employed toward this end provide the relevant definition of knowledge; empirically confirmed and logically consistent statements of, regularities (which are, in effect, predictions). The institutional imperatives. (mores) derive from the goal and the methods. The entire structure of technical and moral norms implements the final objective. The technical norm of empirical evidence, adequate and reliable, is a prerequisite for sustained' true prediction; the technical norm of logical consistency, a prerequisite for systematic and valid prediction. The mores of science possess a methodologic rationale but they are binding, not only because they are procedurally efficient, put because they are believed right and good. They are moral as well as technical prescriptions. Four sets of institutional imperatives— universalism, communism, disinterestedness, organized skepticism—are taken to comprise the ethos of modern science. o Universalism Universalism finds immediate expression in the canon that truthclaims, whatever their source, are' to be subjected to pre-established impersonal criteria: consonant with observation and with previously confirmed knowledge. The acceptance or rejection of claims entering the lists of science is not to depend on the personal or social attributes of their protagonist; his race, nationality, religion, class, and personal qualities are as such irrelevant. Objectivity precludes particularism. The circumstance that scientifically verified formulations refer in that specific sense to objective sequences and correlations militates against all efforts to impose particularistic criteria of validity. However, the institution of science is part of a larger social structure with which it is not always integrated. When the larger culture opposes universalism, the ethos of science is subjected to serious strain. Ethnocentrism is not compatible with universalism. Particularly in times of international conflict, when the dominant definition 'Of the situation is such as to emphasize national loyalties, the man of science is subjected to the conflicting imperatives of scientific universalism and of ethnocentric particularism. The structure of the situation in which he finds himself determines the social role that is called into play. The man of science may be converted into a man of war —and act accordingly. However inadequately, it may be put into practice, the ethos of democracy includes universalism as a dominant guiding principle. Democratization is tantamount to the progressive elimination of restraints upon the exercise and development of socially valued capacities. Impersonal criteria of accomplishment and not fixation of status characterize the open democratic society. Insofar as such restraints do, persist, they are viewed as obstacles in the path of full democratization. Thus, insofar as laissez-faire democracy permits the accumulation of differential advantages for certain segments of the population, differentials that are not bound up with demonstrated differences in capacity, the democratic process leads to increasing regulation by political authority. Under changing conditions, new technical forms of organization must be introduced to preserve and extend equality of opportunity. The political apparatus may be required to put democratic values into practice and to maintain universalistic standards. o Communism "Communism," in the nontechnical and extended sense of common ownership of goods, is a second integral element of the scientific ethos. The substantive findings of science are a product of social collaboration and are assigned to the community. They constitute a common heritage in which the equity of the individual producer is severely limited. An eponymous law or theory does not enter into the exclusive possession of the discoverer and his heirs, nor do the mores bestow upon them special rights of use and disposition. Property rights in science are whittled down to a bare minimum by the rationale of the scientific ethic. The scientist's claim to "his" intellectual "property" is limited to that of recognition .and esteem which, if the institution functions with a modicum of efficiency, is roughly commensurate with the significance of the increments brought to the common fund of knowledge. Eponymy—for example, the Copernican system, Boyle's law—is thus at once a mnemonic and a commemorative device. Given such institutional emphasis upon recognition and esteem as the sole property right of the scientist in his discoveries, the concern with scientific priority becomes a "normal" response. Those controversies over priority which punctuate the history of modern science are generated by the institutional accent on originality. There issues competitive cooperation. The products of competition are communized and esteem accrues to the producer. Nations take up claims to priority, and fresh entries into the commonwealth of science are tagged with. Course Module the names of nationals: witness the controversy raging over the rival claims, of Newton and Leibniz to the differential calculus. But all this does not challenge the status of scientific knowledge as common property. The communism pf the scientific ethos is incompatible with the definition of technology as "private property" in a capitalistic economy. Current writings on the "frustration of science" reflect this conflict. Patents proclaim exclusive rights of use and, often, nonuse. The suppression of invention denies the rationale of scientific production and diffusion, as may be seen from the court's decision in the case of U.S. v. American Bell Telephone Co.: "The inventor is one who has discovered something of value. It is his absolute property. He may withhold the knowledge of it from the public." Responses to this conflict-situation have varied. As a defensive measure, some scientists have come to patent their work to ensure its being made available for public use. Einstein, Millikan, Compton, Langmuir have taken out patents} Scientists have been urged to become promoters of new economic enterprises. Others seek to resolve the conflict by advocating socialism} These proposals—both those which demand economic returns for scientific discoveries and those which demand a change in the social system to let science get on with the job—reflect discrepancies in the conception of intellectual property. o Disinterestedness Science, as is the case with the professions in general, includes disinterestedness as a basic institutional confuse institutional and motivational levels of analysis. A passion for knowledge, idle curiosity, altruistic concern with the benefit to humanity, and a host of. other special motives have been attributed to the scientist. The quest for distinctive motives appears to have been misdirected. It is rather a distinctive pattern of institutional control of a wide range of motives which characterizes the behavior of scientists. For once the institution enjoins disinterested activity, it is to the interest of scientists to conform on pain of sanctions and, insofar as the norm has been internalized, on pain of psychological conflict It is probable that the reputability of science and its lofty ethical status in the estimate of the layman is in no small measure due to technological achievements. Every new technology bears witness to the integrity of the scientist. Science realizes its claims. However, its authority can be and is appropriated for interested purposes, precisely because the laity is often in no position to distinguish spurious from genuine claims to such authority. The presumably scientific pronouncements of totalitarian spokesmen on race or economy or history are for the uninstructed laity of the same order as newspaper reports of an expanding universe or wave mechanics. In both instances, they cannot be checked by the man-in-the-street and in both instances, they may run counter to common sense. If anything, the myths will seem more plausible and are certainly more comprehensible to the general public than accredited scientific theories, since they are closer to common-sense experience and to cultural bias. Partly as a result of scientific achievements, therefore, the population at large becomes susceptible to new mysticisms expressed in apparently scientific terms. The borrowed authority of science bestows prestige on the unscientific doctrine. o Organized Skepticism As we have seen in the preceding chapter, organized skepticism is variously interrelated with the other elements of the scientific ethos. It is both a methodological and an institutional mandate. The temporary suspension of judgment and the detached scrutiny of beliefs in terms of empirical and logical criteria have periodically involved science in conflict with other institutions. Science which asks questions of fact, including potentialities, concerning every aspect of nature and society may come into conflict with other attitudes toward these same data which have been crystallized and often ritualized by other institutions. The scientific investigator does not preserve the cleavage between the sacred and the profane, between that which requires uncritical respect and that which can be objectively analyzed. As we have noted, this appears to be the source of revolts against the so-called intrusion of science into other spheres. Such resistance on the part of organized religion has become less significant as compared with that of economic and political groups. The opposition may exist quite apart from the introduction of specific scientific discoveries which appear to invalidate particular dogmas of church, economy, or state. It is rather a diffuse, frequently vague, apprehension that skepticism threatens the current distribution of power. Conflict becomes accentuated whenever science extends its research to new areas toward which there are institutionalized attitudes or whenever other institutions extend their control over science. In modern totalitarian society, anti-rationalism and the centralization of institutional control both serve to limit the scope provided for scientific activity. References and Supplementary Materials Online Supplementary Reading Materials 1. The Sociology of Science: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations;; November 9, 2017 Course Module 2. Sociology of Science; ce.pdf; November 9, 2017 Module 009 – Ethical, Social and Policy Issues of Nanotechnology This module contains the following topics: 1. Ethical and Social Issues and Implications of Nanotechnology 2. Policy Issues and Implications for Nanotechnology Commercialization 3. Risk Management of Nanotechnology Ethical and social implications nanotechnology As we design systems on a nanoscale, we develop the capability to redesign the structure of all materials– natural and synthetic–along with rethinking the new possibilities of the reconstruction of any and all materials. Such increases in design power present significant social and ethical questions. To support sustainable, ethical, and economic nanotechnological development, it is imperative that we educate all nanotechnology stakeholders about the short-term and long-term benefits, limitations, and risks of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology, like its predecessor technologies, will have an impact on all areas. For example, in healthcare it is very likely that nanotechnology in the area of medicine will include automated diagnosis. This in turn will translate into fewer patients requiring physical evaluation, less time needed to make a diagnosis, less human error, and wider access to health care facilities. And, with nanomedicines, if the average human life span increases, the larger number of elderly persons requiring medical attention will likely result in increased health expenditures. It is essential for nanotechnology stakeholders to strive to achieve four social objectives: (1) developing a strong understanding of local and global forces and issues that affect people and societies, (2) guiding local/global societies to appropriate uses of technology, (3) alerting societies to technological risks and failures, and (4) developing informed and ethical personal decision-making and leadership to solve problems in a technological world.7 Advances in nanotechnology also present numerous challenges and risks in health and environmental areas. Nanotechnology risk assessment methods and protocols need to be developed and implemented by the regulatory bodies. Eric Drexler, author of Engines of Creation, has identified four challenges in dealing with the development, impact, and effects of nanotechnology on society. (1) The Challenge of Technological Development (control over the structure of matter) (2) The Challenge of Technological Foresight (sense of the lower bounds of future possibilities) (3) The Challenge of Credibility and Understanding (clearer understanding of what these technological possibilities are) (4) The Challenge of Formulating Public Policy (formulating polices based on understanding) Lewenstein gave the following social and ethical issues in nanotechnology: Course Module The list of social, ethical, legal, and cultural implications includes such issues as privacy, avoiding a ‘nano-divide’, unintended consequences, university/industry relationships and potential conflicts of interest, research ethics, and so on. It is widely acknowledged that, precisely because the applications of nanotechnology are not yet clear, neither are the ethical issues clear. And yet, many argue, the nano community must begin to address these issues now, before they overwhelm nanotechnology and derail potential benefits. Read the full document of his report here: In addition, Wolfson had this to say: Nanotechnology has an enormous potential to do good in society. However, like many technologies, its introduction and implementation raise serious societal and ethical issues, both for the scientists who are developing this technology and for the members o f the public who may benefit from or be exposed to it. The purpose of this paper is to explore some of these societal and ethical issues. The purpose is not to take policy positions or to suggest solutions but merely to raise some of the important social issues. In this way, it is hoped that this paper can form the basis of a discussion on the public policy ramifications of nanotechnology, from which positions and solutions can begin to emerge. Many of the social and ethical issues are the same as those that affect a wide range of other high technologies. That is, while the technology is new, the issues it raises have been faced before by researchers and society. We need to remind ourselves about the lessons we have already learned about social and ethical issues that were raised by biotechnology (such as from regulatory failures in gene therapy), from the development of nuclear technologies, and from computer technologies. The Risk Management Model in Nanotechnology Goudarzi, has suggested the 10-step model for nanotechnology risk management in related projects and believe that these considerations could considerably control the hazardous effects of the materials in workplaces and the environment. Step 1: A basic knowledge of the work is essential fo r doing an adequate assessment. Therefore, workplace personnel who have extensive knowledge of the field should always be involved. Consultation between managers and employees benefits the assessment and will help in providing information about the substances used, how the work is performed, exposure to nanomaterials and commitment to quality control. Project managers might do the assessments themselves when working in a small workplace, or it might be necessary to establish a team in a larger workplace. The assessment team should have abilities to understand the information in the protocols and labels, inspect the conditions of work and forecast potential problems. They also should communicate efficiently with employees and possible stakeholders for makin g valid conclusions about exposures and risks and finally report the findings accurately. Step 2: To be able to make a thorough risk assessment, divide the work into sections, subsections and tasks or process-units according to Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Step 3: Identify all nanoparticles that are, or will be, used or produced in every work unit and process. A nanoparticle might be produced in the form of a powder, liquid, gel, vapor, dust, mist or fume in the workplace. Step 4: Identify the type of nanoparticle. Nanoparticles can be found in several forms, from relatively safe such as engineered insoluble nanoparticles in a matrix to more hazardous forms such as free nanoparticles. Step 5: The supplier should provide information about the nanomater ials. However, for most nanomaterials, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are not available, so it will be necessary to obtain adequate information from other sources such as textbooks, provided standards, technical reference sources, scientific papers, reports, trade journals, electronic online databases or experience from a previous use of similar substances or processes. Step 6: How are hazardous nanoparticles released into the work area? Are persons exposed to hazardous nanoparticles through respiration, skin, ingestion or eye contact, or is there a possibility of accidental injection into the body? A ‘walk through’ inspection will provide information about each of the work units. It is important to talk to the employees at each location and ensure that all persons that could be exposed to nanomaterials are covered. If a new assignment, process or work unit is being planned but not yet in operation, evaluation of the relevant work process, plan or design is needed. Is there nanoparticle exposure? How much and how long are the personnel exposed? Is there an intermittent or continuous exposure? Is there a frequent exposure? What kind of control measures could be used or proposed? Are the existing controls sufficient? Are there any risks related to the storage and transport of nanomaterials? Step 7: A significant risk involves serious health effects to people in the workplace18, for instance by inhalation of nanoparticles or working with highly toxic nanoparticles (e.g. nanobased anticancer drugs). Consider the nature and severity of the hazard and the degree of exposure of people involved in the process. For summarizing the evaluation process, four decisions could be made: Decision 1: There are not significant risks at the moment and they are not likely to increase in the future. Executions: Go to step 9 and end current assessment but review the assessment if the situation changes. Decision 2: There are significant risks but they have already been effectively controlled. There might be a possible increase in the future. Executions: Maintain control procedures and minimize chances of higher exposure occurring. Establish additional control procedures (see step 8) if a high-risk event occurs despite previous precautions. Review assessment steps if the situation changes. Decision 3: There are significant risks present and they are not adequately controlled. Executions: Determine and implement actions for preventing or controlling exposure immediately. Investigate and implement a possible stop in the production. Begin reviewing if more controls are required. Evaluate the exposures again if the upgraded control procedures are used. Establish employee -training programs. Course Module Decision 4: There are uncertainties about the risks involved – not enough information or uncertainty about the degree of exposure. Executions: Find more information or conduct a more detailed assessment. Request specialist advice if necessary and decide using suitable actions presented in conclusion 1, 2 or 3. Apply a good practice to minimize exposure meanwhile. Step 8: If the assessment shows that there are significant risks to health, besides the executions mentioned in step 7, further actions should be acquired if needed: Complementary employee training More precise monitoring procedures Health surveillance system First aid and emergency facilities Step 9: The record should be concise and should include a description of the work unit, name of assessor or assessment team personnel, date, time and a list of hazardous nanomaterials used or produced in the project unit. It should also include a summary of the process containing a description of normal operations in the project unit, with a note of any changes observed or anticipated which might affect accuracy of assessment; risk identification, including possible routes of exposure; procedure for assessment of exposure; the degree of exposure and existing control procedures. The above mentioned record should be saved either on paper or electronically in a permanent format. Step 10: Review and regulation of the assessment is required if: There should be significant changes in project products, work, material, process or control procedures Nanoparticle-related intoxication is reported Inadequate control procedures are reported New evidence about risks of nanoparticles emerges from recent publications In these circumstances using a new or improved control method becomes reasonable. Read the full report through this link: References and Supplementary Materials Online Supplementary Reading Materials 1. Ethical and social implications of nanotechnology;; November 9, 2017 2. What Counts as a ‘Social and Ethical Issue’ in Nanotechnology?;; November 9, 2017 3. Social and Ethical Issues in Nanotechnology: Lessons from Biotechnology and other High Technologies; 76C22B89.pdf; November 9, 2017 4. Nanotechnology risks: A 10-step risk management model in nanotechnology projects;; November 9, 2017 Course Module Module 008 – Nanotechnology commercialization and convergence with other technologies This module contains the following topics: 1. Commercialization of Nanotechnology 2. Convergence of Nanoscience with other technologies Commercialization of Nanotechnology Discoveries in nanotechnology have continued to increase as technologies have advanced and commercialization strategies have become better implemented. In 2013, for example, the number of patents issued under the nanotechnology classification, as defined by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), was 1,130. In fact, the last eight years (2006 2013) have shown steady growth in the number of patents issued, with approximately 4x as many issued in 2013 as in 2006. A variety of industries manufacture products incorporating nanotechnology including biomedical devices, home appliances, batteries, industrial lubricants, computers, cameras, food and beverage, clothing, cosmetics, fashion and manufacturing. To appropriately measure nanotechnology’s commercial successes, it is essential to first define what it is exactly. The National Nanotechnology Institute defines nanotechnology as “the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications.” 9 The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) applies a similar definition of nanotechnology (Patent Classification 977) and further specifies more than 250 subclassifications including nanostructures with biological material component (subclass 702), carbon nanotubes (subclass 742), atomic force probe (subclass 863) and specified use of nanostructures for medical, immunological, body treatment, or diagnosis (subclass 904), gene therapy (subclass 916), dental (subclass 919) and carrying or transporting (subclass 963). Commercialization Strategies There are two basic commercialization strategies for nanotechnology - product innovation or process innovation. Product Innovation Changes and advances in nanotechnology have resulted in commercial successes in a variety of different industries. In most instances, nanotechnology is used to facilitate a product innovation, often in response to anticipated and/or actual demand for specific product characteristics. For example, “a tennis racket made from a composite material which includes CNTs to improve its mechanical properties is an attempt to create a differentiated and improved product to gain market share” or a nanofiber that, when used in conjunction with other materials, yields stronger and Course Module lighter bicycle frames. In these example, much like real life, nanotechnology is use to augment current technologies to enhance products and/or processes which already exists. Indeed, considered in this light, it often is easier to identify nanotechnology as a process rather than a product. Nanotechnology provides the means by which a desired characteristic can be achieved within a product market that already exists. In such cases, the use of nanotechnology becomes almost an incremental decision – one that allows for the achievement of a requisite characteristic already valued by the market. The numerous other characteristics also included in the technology also are valued and thus the potential for royalty stacking comes into play. Process Innovation By contrast, process innovations are more embedded, but potentially more radical. These tend to be much broader, focusing on developing new technologies and thus new markets. For example, consider a hypothetical self-repairing nanomachine in which demand is driven by the entirety of the product. Funding Research and development spending and commercialization costs represent significant barriers to entry for firms wanting to enter the nanotechnology market. Development and manufacturing of equipment can be cost prohibitive for firms with limited access to capital. Further, it also is necessary to develop and maintain sufficient levels of human capital. As with most other industries, access to capital markets for funding is vital to success. For nanotechnology, the single largest share of investment funds comes from corporations. In 2010, worldwide corporate funding amounted to approximately $9 billion while the second largest share of investment funds, federal funding, was just over $1 billion. Nanosciences and its Convergence with other Technologies Nanosciences and nanotechnologies are a rapidly growing field that already generates many hopes within the scientific and technological community of future discoveries, developments, and solutions to a number of societal problems. Simultaneously, fears of possible negative and uncontrolled impacts on humans and the environment are also developing steadily. In this paper, we propose a typology to classify these fears, which are shown to be associated with images, metaphors, and symbols deeply rooted in the Western religious tradition. However, we think that it is necessary, and urgent, to discern between the hype, notably due to the media coverage of the field, and reality. Strangely enough, the idea that there might be a problem with nanotechnologies first emerged amongst the community of experts and promoters of this field, at a time when the general public was not even aware of the existence/emergence of a nanoworld. Is it only initially a media phenomenon? Whatever the answer, we may have the opportunity, perhaps for the first time in the history of science and technology, to consider simultaneously the developments of new scientific knowledge and engineering capabilities with its impact on society and the environment and, thus, to take in time appropriate decisions ‘to keep everything under control’. In a potentially controversial context, political decision-makers have the responsibility, with the active participation of scientists and engineers, to initiate, stimulate, and organize the public debate. Their objective should be to clarify the actual issues at stake, putting aside purely imaginary ones which rather belong to science fiction, as well as to identify methodologies to tackle these issues and to implement regulations, where necessary, to ‘master’ the development of nanotechnologies. The difficulty of this task stems from the wide variety of (nano)objects, topics, and issues associated with the expressions ‘nanosciences’ and ‘nanotechnologies’. Indeed, nanoparticles, molecular robots, radiofrequency identification devices, etc., rais e different questions and call for specific solutions. The possible toxicity of nanoparticles, which may be released massively in the environment, poses a different problem than the wide commercial diffusion of RFIDs, which may endanger the privacy of personal information, even in a democratic society. The convergence of bio, nano, and information technology Nature has seen the evolution of extremely intelligent and complex adaptive systems to drive the biological processes found in everyday life. For example, a cell can fuse information-rich genetic processes with nanometer-scale sensors and actuators, becoming one of the most efficient autonomous molecular systems. These basic processes that occur at the molecular level lead us toward a compelling engin eering approach: the fusion of biotechnology, nanotechnology, and information science. Nanotechnology has enabled the production of new materials and molecular -scale devices. Biotechnological advancements have allowed scientists to physically manipulate genetic pathways or engineering strains of proteins to possess novel functionalities. Informatics has served as the catalyst for organizing and understanding vast knowledge from a system point of view. The fusion of biotechnology, nanotechnology, and information science will culminate in system architectures that can rival those that have taken millions of years to come to fruition. With this comes the hope of achieving a fundamental comprehension of how to manipulate and control cells on the molecular level. It will also enable us to question just how much further we can push the envelope of human engineering. The Institute for Cell Mimetic Space Exploration (CMISE) is one of four NASA University Research, Engineering and Technology Institutes for developing technologies on the nanometer scale for the study of biological phenomena. With these unique nano modalities, the Center for Cell Control (CCC), a National Institute of Health Nanomedicine Development Center, will apply engineering feedback control schemes to direct information-rich biological cells towards therapeutic use. Nature's Model for Bio, Nano, and Information Fusion: the Living Cell The cell is the most fundamental biological unit, a magnificent, self-organized system that performs the complex processes of life. A cell consists of a large number of functional macromolecules, such as the millions of proteins with sizes ranging from one to tens of nanometers. Self organization of these nanometer-scale machineries confined within a fluidic capsule forms a live cell at a size scale of only a few micrometers. Course Module Cellular activities are manifestations of the intra- and intermolecular transports and motions of cellular molecules. These activities result in a comprehensive set of functionalities: to sense (monitor its biological surroundings and responses), to decide (evaluate incoming signals and trigger an optimal response through information analysis), and to actuate (modify its nanometer-scale surrounding to make it more suitable for survival). The cell's responses to the internal and external stimulations through organized molecular activities, governed by a complex information processing network, render it an ideal model for a bio, nano, and information fusion system. References and Supplementary Materials Online Supplementary Reading Materials 1. Commercialization of Nanotechnology;; November 8, 2017 2. New Initiatives to Accelerate the Commercialization of Nanotechnology;; November 8, 2017 3. New Initiatives to Accelerate the Commercialization of Nanotechnology;; November 8, 2017 4. Nanosciences and its Convergence with other Technologies;; November 8, 2017 5. The convergence of bio, nano, and information technology;; November 8, 2017 6. Science and technology convergence: with emphasis for nanotechnology-inspired convergence; ; November 8, 2017 7. Patenting Natural Products after Myriad;; November 8, 2017 8. Convergence and Multidisciplinarity in Nanotechnology; sredir=1&article=1106&context=buschmarart; November 8, 2017 Module 007 – The Impact of Nanotechnology in Business and Economy This module contains the following topics: 1. Impact of Nanotechnology on Business 2. Effects of Nanotechnology on Economy Impact of Nanotechnology on Business The fundamental characteristics of nanotechnology have led analysts to suggest that it may constitute a basis for long-term productivity and economic growth. It may also help to address pressing national and global challenges in areas such as health care, energy, water and climate change – you'll find plenty of examples here in our Nanowerk pages. While sites like Nanowerk and others focus more on traditional science and technology issues that highlight the broad-based nature of nanotechnology, others like consultants and analysts go wild in predicting huge markets (hey guys – are we still on for a $3 trilliondollar market anytime soon?) and contributions to entrepreneurship and job creation. Between those two areas, however, it is hard to obtain reliable information in terms of the implications for nanotechnology companies and nanotech business in general. But it is exactly this information that governments would need to determine how they should structure their innovation policies. – Nanotechnology is an enabling technology (or set of technologies) and the company case studies show that this feature is a major reason for their entry into the field. Nanotechnology allows for both the improvement of existing and the develo pment of completely new products and processes, and sometimes new services as well. Companies often experiment with multiple applications at the same time, many of which are still in the research phase. – Nanotechnology may best be described as a "science-based and demand-driven field". While all of the case study companies undertake in-house R&D, collaboration with universities and "star scientists" are also important sources of innovation and knowledge, especially for small companies. Larger companies in relatively mature nanotechnology subareas appear to focus more on applications which are driven by market demand and tend to collaborate with a broader range of organizations to leverage their in -house R&D. – Nanotechnology mainly affects the R&D and production activities of the case study companies. Many of the smaller companies focus exclusively on nanotechnology, while the larger ones typically blend nanotechnology with a range of other technologies. In the larger companies it is thus difficult to single out the share of nanotechnology in total labor costs, R&D expenditure, production costs, capital spending and sales. – The larger companies in the sample have typically been involved in nanotechnology for many years and seem well placed to assimilate nanotechnology due to their established Course Module critical mass in R&D and production, their ability to acquire and operate expensive instrumentation and to access and use external knowledge. The relative strength of larger companies in the early phases of nanotechnology developments runs counter to what the traditional model of company dynamics and technology lifecycles would predict where smaller, younger companies are generally considered more innovative. –The case studies illustrate that nanotechnology is a complex field owing to its dependency on various scientific disciplines, research/engineering approaches and advanced instrumentation. Further, many nanotechnology sub-areas are in an early, immature, phase of development. These features of nanotechnology can often create barriers to entry especially for smaller companies which have limited human and other resources. They also contribute to the poor process scalability of nanoscale engineering during the transition from R&D to pilot and industrial scale production. – Difficulties arise for recruiting human resources, especially for R&D and production activities. The need for employees, or so-called gatekeepers, who combine specialist and general knowledge (knowledge integration) and can manage interdisciplinary teams is also a challenge. – Challenges to funding R&D and related activities are often mentioned, especially by business start-ups. The poor process scalability of R&D, which raises costs and prolongs new product development times, can make nanotechnology less attractive to investors. Uncertain regulatory environments and public perceptions of nanotechnology's environmental, health and safety (EHS) risks can also influence R&D funding. – The novelty of nanotechnology, the established interests of stakeholders, and difficulties that companies can have in communicating the value proposition of applications to potential customers (e.g. other companies), makes their entry and positioning in value chains harder. The challenge is even greater for smaller companies th at experiment with multiple applications and have to monitor many different industries and business environments. – Intellectual property rights (IPR) may become an issue as commercialization progresses and nanotechnology matures as there is already a very wide range of patent claims, and the possible formation of patent thickets (interrelated and overlapping patents), which could contribute to barriers to entry for companies. – The potential for overreaction to both actual and perceived EHS uncertainties a nd risks, combined with regulatory uncertainties, complicates the business environment for companies. Global harmonization of future EHS regulations is considered important. A similar project was conducted by dandolopartners with their study of business’ understanding of and attitudes towards nanotechnology. The report contains findings from a component of that research base – in-depth interviews with 15 representatives from the business community. Businesses interviewed ranged from small businesses to multinational companies, industry associations and local government. Key Findings 1. Companies are generally aware of nanotechnology and positive about its potential benefits. 2. Overall, businesses have few concerns about nanotechnology, but are wary of unknown health and safety side-effects. 3. For most companies, nanotechnology is a ‘watching brief’: they believe its impact will not be felt in the short term, except perhaps in ICT (Information and Communications Technology) and electronics. It is seen as offering a particularly strong competitive advantage for companies operating in highly competitive and mature markets. 4. Local companies see themselves predominantly as users of nanotechnology, rather than developers of nanotechnology 5. Companies believe there is a clear role for government to support nanotechnology development The full details of the study are in the report that can be accessed through this link: nts/Nanotechnologyandthebusinesscommunity2005.pdf Effects of Nanotechnology on Economy A recent review article in Environmental Health ("Opportunities and challenges of nanotechnology in the green economy") examines opportunities and practical challenges that nanotechnology applications pose in addressing the guiding principles for a green economy. The authors provide examples of the potential for nanotechnology applications to address social and environmental challenges, particularly in energy production and storage thus reducing pressure on raw materials, clean-up technologies as well as in fostering sustainable manufactured products. The areas covered include: nanomaterials for energy conversion (photovoltaics, fuel cells, hydrogen storage and transportation) nanomaterials for energy storage nanomaterials for water clean-up technologies nanomaterials for the construction industry These solutions may offer the opportunities to reduce pressure on raw materials trading on renewable energy, to improve power delivery systems to be more reliable, efficient and safe as well as to use unconventional water sources or nano -enabled construction products therefore providing better ecosystem and livelihood conditions. Conflicting with this positive message is the growing body of research that raises questions about the potentially negative effects of engineered nanoparticles on human health and the environment. This area includes the actual processes of manufacturing nanomaterials and the environmental footprint they create, in absolute terms and in comparison with existing industrial manufacturing processes. Consequently, the review aims to critically assess the impact that green nanotechnology may have on the health and safety of workers involved in this innovative sector and proposes action strategies for the management of emerging occupational risks. Course Module The authors propose action strategies for the assessment, management and communication of risks aimed to precautionary adopt preventive measures including full lifecycle assessment of nanomaterials, formation and training of employees, collective and personal protective equipment, health surveillance programs to protect the health and safety of nano-workers. Concluding, the scientists emphasize that green nanotechnology should not only provide green solutions, but should also 'become green' in terms of the attention paid to occupational safety and health. In this context, a full democratic discussion between expertise should be pursued to carefully balance the benefits of green nanotechnology and the potential costs for the society, particularly in terms of environmental, public and occupational health. This careful consideration will maximize environmental and societal benefits, health gains and cost savings and will increase the likelihood of further investment and sustainable development of this promising technological field. References and Supplementary Materials Online Supplementary Reading Materials 1. The Strategic Impact of Nanotechnology on the Future of Business and Economics ;; November 7, 2017 2. Nanotechnology business – The impact of nanotechnology on companies;; November 7, 2017 3. Nanotechnology and business opportunities: scenarios as awareness instrument; =pdf; November 7, 2017 4. Nanotechnology and the business community; uments/Nanotechnologyandthebusinesscommunity2005.pdf; November 7, 2017 5. Nanotechnology in the ‘green’ economy – opportunities and risks;; November 7, 2017 6. Assessing the Economic Impact of Nanotechnology: The Role of Nanomanufacturing;; November 7, 2017 7. Social and economic aspects of nanotechnology;; November 7, 2017 8. The Social and Economic Impacts of Nanotechnologies: A Literature Review; uments/SocialandEconomicImpacts_LiteratureReview.pdf; November 7, 2017 Module 006 – Technology in Various Fields and the Internet This module contains the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. Technology and Economy Technology in Education, Communication, and Mass Media The Internet Domination Internet Regulation and Legislation Technology and Economy, Education, Communication and Mass Media Technology and Economy Technical progress is defined as new and better ways of doing things and new techniques for using scarce resources more productively. An improved technology yields greater output from the same quantity of resources. It involves two activities: process innovation and product innovation. There is no sharp distinction between process innovation and product innovation. Process innovation is more emphasized because there are many literatures related to the effects of technical change on productivity or new ways of satisfying existing wants, rather on satisfying new wants. Producing a new technology involves two processes: invention and innovation. Invention entails the conception of a basic idea. This is the product of laboratory scientists. Innovation is the application of that idea to something directly useful to humankind. This is the work of engines. Innovation also pro vides cheaper and more efficient ways to make existing goods. According to Joseph Schumpeter, technical progress is partly technological and partly economic in nature. Inventions are the emergence of new scientific or technological ideas that may be part of a random, exogenous process. An innovation is an economic process that occurs as a response to perceived profit opportunities, through an act of foresight of the capitalist entrepreneurs, who create or realize these opportunities though innovations. Technology is a complex set of knowledge, ideas and methods and is likely to be the result of a variety of different activities, both intentional and accidental. Technological progress is a gradual process consisting of a sequence of small increments lying along a continuous path. For example, a generator and electric lights were demonstrated in 1876. Until six years later, Thomas Edison opened the first commercial generator to power electric lights in the Wall Street district of New York. Only in the 1930s, 60 years later, the Rural Electrification Act provided the financing to bring electric power to most rural areas of the United States. It seems that the new idea spreads slowly initially, then it begins to be applied more often, gradually attaining widespread acceptance and adoption; and finally it reaches 100% diffusion as the last potential users are won over. Course Module While the growth path of technology is continuous, it does not generally exhibit a constant slope or growth rate; technology can grow rapidly, stagnate, or even decline. The path may take sudden sharp turns. Technology is partially nonrival in nature. If one person uses an idea or method, that does not prevent another from using it. Thus the marginal cost of using a particular form of technology is zero, meaning that competitive market forcer will tend to drive the price of existing technology toward zero. Creativity and innovation will tend to be very low if nonrival ideas are freely used by anyone. Therefore, the creators of the new ideas get no reward from their creative efforts. New ideas may be excludable. Patent laws seek to give the creator of an idea to use the product or process exclusively for a specified number of years. For example, the Coca-Cola Company has kept its formula secret for over 100 years; its idea is protected by the complexity of a formula that no one has be en able to reproduce exactly. Some growth economists describe technology as path-dependent. The ability to create new technologies depends on the level of technology already accumulated. It means that previous technologies are often difficult to abandon. Often, technology is not excludable. If old knowledge is not available, then others cannot create new knowledge. Thus, patent laws set limits on the length of time tha t a patent remains in effect. The formal recognition of intellectual property rights is likely to facilitate the spread of technology. Patents and copyrights permit the owners of intellectual property to sell and sent their rights to others. As long as the price for the use of the idea exceeds the possible loss of monopoly profit, the owner of the idea should be willing to let others use the idea. If a certain idea can be productively used elsewhere in the economy, others should be willing to pay for the right to use the idea. Technology in Education Every day, many students are spending countless hours immersed in popular technologies—such as Facebook or MySpace, World of Warcraft, or Sim City—which at first glance may seem like a waste of time, and brain cells. But these genres of technologies—Social Networking, Digital Gaming, and Simulations—deserve a second, deeper, look at what’s actually going on. Market research data indicates that many a normal, middle-aged adult uses these technologies with frequency. The fact is, one can be 17, 35, or 60, and when one begins to engage with them and observe what’s really going on, one can begin to see that these technologies are more than just entertainment. These technologies are already demonstrating how they impact the way we think, learn, and interact—and they are also demonstrating the tremendous potential they have in these areas as well. The emergence of social networking technologies and the evolution of digital games have helped shape the new ways in which people are communicating, collaborating, operating, and forming social constructs. In fact, re cent research is showing us that these technologies are shaping the way we think, work, and live. This is especially true of our youngest generations— those arriving at classrooms doors, soon to be leaving them and entering the workforce and society-at-large. Our newest generation – currently in K-12 – is demonstrating for us the impact of having developed under the digital wave. These youths have been completely normalized by digital technologies—it is a fully integrated aspect of their lives (Green & Hannon, 2007). Many students in this group are using new media and technologies to create new things in new ways, learn new things in new ways, and communicate in new ways with new people— behaviors that have become hardwired in their ways of thinking and operating in the world. Green and Hannon give an excellent example of this, “Children are establishing a relationship to knowledge gathering which is alien to their parents and teachers” (2007, p. 38) Nearly all institutions known such as business, industry, medicine, science and government, have all harnessed aspects of these technologies for decades. Games and simulations have been a key component of training doctors and military personnel, but even businesses like PricewaterhouseCoopers used a game about a mining company in outer space to teach its employees about derivatives. Although that may seem a bit “off the wall,” the fact is major corporations, the Department of Defense, and the medical community would not use these tools if they were not highly effective. Although these examples are mainly centered on training purposes, there are deeper educational benefits to digital simulations and games. Yet educational institutions have been reluctant to embrace these technologies. Likewise, where schools have often shied away from giving students an online identity in a digital networking platforms to increase opportunities for learning, professional organizations are leveraging networking technologies to increase collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and production amongst their employees. Traditionally, education has been impeded by the security and other po tential dangers of employing social networking technologies. These concerns should not be ignored; however, neither should these tools due to these concerns. Advances in these technologies continue to afford us new ways to manage the potential dangers. Simulations, digital gaming, and social networking technologies have all definitely suffered the same public relations problems that all new technologies do. However, there are countless examples of these technologies demonstrating their educational value to other industries, confirming the powerful learning opportunities and advantages they afford. It is our position that these technologies are safe, valuable tools schools must take seriously. Of course, changing instructional approaches is no easy task, particularly when technology is involved. Adopting and integrating technology-based instructional strategies has a long history of challenges, but with it has come a great understanding of how to achieve success with them. In the contents to follow, we will discuss: Course Module the background and affordances of Simulations, Digital Games, and Social Networking; the cognitive implications of these technologies; specific challenges with using these tools in the classroom, as well as strategies for overcoming these challenges in order to achieve successful learning experiences; and the future of these technologies and their impact and learning and teaching. Read more about technology in education through the link to this paper: Technology in Communication Communication has been one of the deepest needs of the human race throughout recorded history. It is essential to forming social unions, to educating the young, and to expressing a myriad of emotions and needs. Good communication is central to a civilized society. The various communication disciplines in engineering have the purpose of providing technological aids to human communication. One could view the smoke signals and drum rolls of primitive societies as being technological aids to communication, but communication technology as we view it today became important with telegraphy, then telephony, then video, then computer communication, and today the amazing mixture of all of these in inexpensive, small portable devices. Initially these technologies were developed as separate networks and were viewed as having little in common. As these networks grew, however, the fact that all parts of a given network had to work together, coupled with the fact that different components were developed at different times using different design methodologies, caused an increased focus on the underlying principles and architectural understanding required for continued system evolution. This need for basic principles was probably best understood at American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) where Bell Laboratories was created as the research and development arm of AT&T. The Math center at Bell Labs became the predominan t center for communication research in the world, and held that position until quite recently. The central core of the principles of communication technology were developed at that center. Internet Regulation and Legislation Internet Law, or Cyberlaw as it is sometimes called, refers to the legal issues related to the use of the Internet. It is less a distinct field of law than a conglomeration of intellectual property law, contract law, privacy laws, and many other fields, and how they pertain to the use of the Internet. Unique Nature of Cyberlaw If there can be laws that could govern the Internet, then such laws will require a unique structure to grapple with the international and ethereal nature of the web. Many argue the Internet is not actually “regulable” at all, while others argue that not only can it be regulated but substantial bodies of law already exist. Since the Internet is not geographically bound, national laws can not apply globally. A few international agreements exist, but some have argued that the Internet should be allowed to self-regulate as its own "nation." Internet Regulation Aside from blatant censorship of the Internet in nations like China, Saudi Arabia, or Iran, there are four primary modes of regulation of the internet: Laws, Architecture, Norms, and Markets. 1. Laws are the most obvious form of regulation. As various states, countries, and international groups attempt to grapple with issues raised by the use of the Internet, they normally effect their policies through the implementation of laws. Such regulations govern areas like gambling, child pornography, and fraud. Of course, the shortcoming of laws are their limited geographical scope. After all, should internet sites hosted in foreign countries but available globally have to comply with varying, and sometimes conflicting, laws in every corner of the globe? 2. Architecture refers to how information literally can and cannot be transmitted across the Internet. This can refer to everything from internet filtering software, to firewalls, to encryption programs, and even the very basic structure of internet transmission protocols, like TCP/IP. In many ways, this is the most fundamental form of Internet regulation, and all other areas of Cyberlaw must relate to or rely upon it in some fashion since it is, quite literally, how the Internet is made. 3. Norms refer to the ways in which people interact with one another. Just as social norms govern what is and is not appropriate in regular society, norms also affect behavior across the Internet. In other words, while laws may fail to regulate certain activities allowed by the architecture of the internet, social norms may allow the users to control such conduct. For example, many online forums allow users to moderate comments made by other users. Comments found to be offensive or off topic can be flagged and removed. This is a form of norm regulation. 4. Similar to norm regulation is market regulation. Market regulation controls patterns of conduct on the internet through the traditional eco nomic principles of supply and demand. If something is unpopular, it will lack a demand and eventually fail. On the other hand, if there is too much supply, then competitors will eventually have to find ways to differentiate themselves or become obscured by the competition. This helps to prevent predatory conduct, drive innovation, and forces websites to self-regulate in order to retain customers and remain viable. Net Neutrality Another major area of interest in Internet Law is net neutrality. Net neutrality refers to regulations of the infrastructure of the Internet, itself. Every piece of information transmitted across the internet is broken into what are called “packets” of data, then passed through routers and transmission infrastructure owned by a variety of private and public entities, like telecommunications companies, universities, and government agencies. This has become a major area of concern in recent years, because changes to laws affecting this infrastructure in one jurisdiction could have a ripple effect, changing how information is sent and received in other jurisdictions whether those areas would otherwise be subject to the jurisdiction of the country implementing the new law or not. Free Speech on the Internet The Internet has allowed those living in many repressive countries, where free speech is not a right, to rely upon the cloak of anonymity granted by the Internet to have their voices heard. The rise of the Internet has been credited, in part, as the Course Module cause of many of the political movements around the world seeking greater access and equality, such as the “Arab Spring” incidents. Of course, this leads to an inevitable backlash in the form of internet censorship. China is one of the staunchest in its efforts to filter unwanted parts of the internet from its citizens, but many other countries, like Singapore, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia, have also engaged in such censorship. In the Philippines, Republic Act No. 10175 or the Act Defining Cybercrime Providing for the Prevention, Investigation, Suppression and the Imposition of Penalties therefore and for other Purposes, has been begun in 2011. The Cybercrime Offenses that are punishable under this act are the following: a. Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems: 1. Illegal Access. – The access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right. 2. Illegal Interception. – The interception made by technical means without right of any non-public transmission of computer data to, from, or within a computer system including electromagnetic emissions from a computer system carrying such computer data. 3. Data Interference. — The intentional or reckless alteration, damaging, deletion or deterioration of computer data, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right, including the introduction or transmission of viruses. 4. System Interference. — The intentional alteration or reckless hindering or interference with the functioning of a computer or computer network by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data or program, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right or authority, including the introduction or transmission of viruses. 5. Misuse of Devices. i. The use, production, sale, procurement, importation, distribution, or otherwise making available, without right, of: 01. A device, including a computer program, designed or adapted primarily for the purpose of committing any of the offenses under this Act; or 02. A computer password, access code, or similar data by which the whole or any part of a computer system is capable of being accessed with intent that it be used for the purpose of committing any of the offenses under this Act. a. The possession of an item referred to in paragraphs 5(i)(aa) or (bb) above with intent to use said devices for the purpose of committing any of the offenses under this section. Please read the full document on the Cybercrime Act through this link: References and Supplementary Materials Online Supplementary Reading Materials 1. Technological Progress and Economic Growth;; November 7, 2017 2. The Instructional Power of digital games, social networking, simulations and How Teachers Can Leverage Them;; November 7, 2017 3. Introduction to digital communication;; November 7, 2017 4. Computer as Paintbrush: Technology, Play, and the Creative Society;; November 7, 2017 5. Internet Regulation and the Role of International Law;; November 7, 2017 6. Internet Law – Guide to Cyberspace Law;; November 7, 2017 7. Internet Policy;; November 7, 2017 Course Module Module 005 – Scientific Research This module contains the following topics: 1. Funding and Conflicts in Scientific Research 2. Research Data Recording 3. Societal Responsibilities of Scientists and Science Funding and Conflicts in Scientific Research From the October 2007 Issue of Discover Magazine, an article entitled, “Science’s Worst Enemy: Corporate Funding” had this to say regarding funding and conflicts in research: “In recent years there have been a number of highly visible attacks on American science, everything from the fundamentalist assault on evolution to the Bush administration’s strong-arming of government scientists. But for many people who pay close attention to research and development (R&D), the biggest threat to science has been quietly occurring under the radar, even though it may be changing the very foundation of American innovation. The threat is money—specifically, the decline of government support for science and the growing dominance of private spending over American research. The trend is undeniable. In 1965, the federal government financed more than 60 percent of all R&D in the United States. By 2006, the balance had flipped, with 65 percent of R&D in this country being funded by private interests. According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, several of the nation’s science-driven agencies—the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Agriculture, the Department of the Interior, and NASA—have been losing funding, leading to more “outsourcing” of what were once governmental science functions. The EPA, for example, recently began conducting the first nationwide study on the air quality effects of large-scale animal production. Livestock producers, not taxpayers, are slated to pay for the study. “The government is clearly increasing its reliance on industry and forming ‘joint ventures’ to accomplish research that it is unable to afford on its own anymore,” says Merrill Goozner, a program director at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a consumer advocacy group. Research universities, too, are rapidly privatizing. Both public and private institutions now receive a shrinking portion of their overall funding from government sources. They are looking instead to private industry and other commercial activities to enhance their funding. Last summer, an investigation by the San Jose Mercury News found that one-third of Stanford University’s medical school administrators and department heads now have reported financial conflicts of interest related to their own research. These included stock options, consulting fees, and patents. Is all this truly harmful to science? Some experts argue that corporate support is actually beneficial because it provides enhanced funding for R&D, speeds the transfer of new knowledge to industry, and boosts economic growth. “It isn’t enough to create new knowledge,” says Richard Zare, a professor of chemistry at Stanford University. “You need to transfer that knowledge for the betterment of society. That’s why I don’t want to set up this conflict of interest problem to such a heightened level of hysteria whereby you can’t get universities cooperating with industry.” Course Module Even many industry leaders worry that the current mix of private and public funding is out of balance, however. In 2005, a panel of National Academies (the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine) that included both industry and academic members (including Zare) concluded that corporate R&D “cannot and should not replace federal R&D.” Norman Augustine, the panel’s chairman and a former CEO at Lockheed Martin, noted that market pressures have compelled industry to put nearly all its investment into applied research, not the riskier basic science that drives innovation 10 to 15 years out. Others fear that if the balance tips too far, the “public interest” side of the science system— known for its commitment to independence and objectivity—will atrophy. Earlier this year, former FDA commissioner Jane Henney remarked that “it’s getting much more difficult to get that pure person with no conflicts at all. . . . The question becomes both one of disclosure and how much of a conflict you can have and still be seen as an objective and knowledgeable reviewer of information.” More than half the scientists at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service who responded to a survey conducted by the Union of Concerned Scientists in 2005 agreed that “commercial interests have inappropriately induced the reversal or withdrawal of scientific conclusions or decisions through political intervention.” Merrill Goozner argues that the danger runs deeper. “In many precincts of the scientific enterprise, the needs of industry have become paramount,” he says, turning science into “a contested terrain” where facts are increasingly contingent on who is funding the research. “The whole scientific revolution, which was a product of the Enlightenment, is threatened when you commercialize science,” he warns. So is private funding a boon or a bane for American science? The answer, like good science itself, requires looking carefully at how the phenomenon is playing out in the real world. Steven Nissen is perhaps the most prominent physician speaking out about the pharmaceutical industry’s growing influence over medical research. An esteemed cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic, Nissen has written more than 300 articles and served as the immediate past president of the American College of Cardiology. Working in a bustling academia-affiliated medical center has given Nissen a unique perspective on the benefits and risks of privatization. In the past, academic medical investigators strove to maintain “arm’s-length relationships with their corporate sponsors,” says Marcia Angell, a former editor in chief at The New England Journal of Medicine. That changed with the rise of biotechnology and the passage of landmark congressional legislation known as the Bayh-Dole Act. Passed in 1980, the act granted universities and their professors automatic rights to own and commercialize federally funded research. The goal was to unlock financial incentives that would speed the pace of American scientific innovation. Overnight, many of the cultural taboos associated with overt commercial profiteering on campus began to evaporate. Nissen believes that interactions between academia and industry are crucial to the development of new treatments. He also accepts sponsored research grants from industry, both to test drugs and develop new treatments, although he tries to limit his personal financial conflicts of interest by requiring that any other consulting fees and honoraria be given directly to charity. Still, he is clearly troubled by the threat that privatization poses to academic autonomy—and to research objectivity. “We can only make good decisions in science when all of the information is available for physicians, scientists, and patients to review,” he says. But drug companies are increasingly keeping physicians and their patients in the dark. Last year, Nissen grew suspicious about possible health risks associated with GlaxoSmithKline’s top-selling diabetes drug, Avandia. “We requested access to the original patient-level data,” he says, but “we were not afforded access.” Nissen wasn’t surprised; for years he has perceived a growing tendency by the drug industry to suppress negative research data. Searching the Internet, Nissen stumbled upon a remarkable cache of data belonging to Glaxo. His search unearthed 42 Avandia clinical trials—only 15 of which had ever been published. Nissen didn’t know it at the time, but the reason Glaxo’s data were just sitting there on the Web was the outcome of a lawsuit filed by former New York attorney general (and current governor) Eliot Spitzer in 2004. The lawsuit alleged that Glaxo had concealed negative trial data associated with its popular antidepressant drug, Paxil. When the data were properly analyzed, they showed that children given Paxil were actually two times more likely to experience suicidal thinking and behavior than children given a placebo, or sugar pill. When Glaxo settled the suit, it denied having suppressed data and consented to posting results of all its clinical trials online—including its data on Avandia. Nissen knew there were limitations to the public information he had. He lacked any original patient-level information, and a meta-analysis of prior drug studies is always less powerful than a large prospective, randomized clinical trial. This May, however, Nissen felt compelled to alert doctors and patients to what he had found. Publishing in The New England Journal of Medicine, Nissen reported that Avandia raised the risk of heart attacks in patients by 43 percent. The news made front-page headlines. Two days later, the FDA, which had already been assessing the health risks of Avandia, imposed its toughest warning label, the “black box,” on the drug, as well as on Actos, another drug used to treat diabetes. At a subsequent congressional hearing chaired by Representative Henry Waxman, it came to light that the FDA had known about Avandia’s risks for some time. Rosemary JohannLiang, a former FDA drug safety supervisor, had recommended a black box warning label for Avandia due to its harmful effects on the heart one year prior to Nissen’s publication. Glaxo’s own meta-analysis, presented to the FDA in 2006, showed a 31 percent increased risk of heart attacks. Yet according to Johann-Liang, “my recommending a heart failure box warning was not well received by my superiors, and I was told that I would not be overseeing that project.” She was also told to obtain her supervisors’ approval before making any future black box recommendations. After the hearing, the FDA completed its own meta-analysis of the original patient data and found virtually the same heart risks Nissen had reported. Nevertheless, Nissen found himself under attack, often by people with explicit financial ties to the drug industry. His challengers have included Valentin Fuster, who wrote a critique of Nissen’s work in Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine. Fuster receives Glaxo funding and serves as the chairman of Glaxo’s Research and Education Foundation. Peter Pitts wrote a stinging attack on Nissen in The Washington Times; he is a senior vice president at the PR firm Manning Selvage & Lee, which represents Big Pharma, including Glaxo. Douglas Arbesfeld, a senior communications consultant at the FDA, disparaged Nissen in a biting e-mail to the media. He formerly worked as a spokesman for Johnson & Johnson. Press reports over the last 15 years detail how whistle-blowers inside academia and within the FDA who have attempted to expose drug-research and safety issues have been pressured. Some were threatened with legal action, others punished by their superiors and Course Module discredited. “Whenever we’ve raised safety questions about drugs,” Nissen says, “there’s always been a reaction like this. Exactly the same thing happened in 2001 when we published a manuscript that suggested that Vioxx might be causing excess heart attacks.” Nissen was coauthor of one of the first studies on the dangers of Vioxx. Three years later, Merck pulled the drug from the market. By that time, one FDA analyst estimates, the drug had contributed to up to 139,000 heart attacks. (A Merck representative states that the paper from which the estimate of 139,000 was derived had “serious limitations” and did not necessarily reflect the views of the FDA.) Experiences like these have bolstered Nissen’s position that the independent research system needs to be protected and preserved. “I think having independent physicians leading the study and analyzing the data is the best way to protect against biases in the reporting of results.” But increasingly, he says, the pharmaceutical industry is farming out its clinical trials to for-profit entities, known as contract research organizations. Independent academic investigators are getting shut out. The numbers bear Nissen out. Big Pharma now finances approximately 70 percent of the nation’s clinical drug research. In the past, most of this sponsored-research money went to academic medical centers; today an estimated 75 percent flows to for-profit contract research firms. Even when academic physicians are involved, often they don’t enjoy anything close to true research independence, Nissen says: “Academic physicians are still involved in the leadership of the study, but not fundamentally in the design of the study, or in the key aspects of the execution of the study.” Often, he notes, the industry sponsor will prevent the academic investigator from performing any independent analysis of the complete raw data related to his or her research. “The physician gets a printout of the main results,” Nissen says, “but the actual analysis itself is done by statisticians within the companies.” Read further through this link: Furthermore, an article about government-funded research, the first one in a four-part series described the current situation of research today: “Throughout the ages, science has moved forward with boosts from many well-heeled patrons, from monarchs to millionaires. Galileo’s heretical revelation that the Earth revolves around the sun would have been unlikely if not for his education at the University of Pisa, which was founded by Pope Clement VI, remembered even today as a devoted patron of the arts and learning. Four centuries after Clement, German universities adopted the notion that it was the academy’s responsibility to advance the understanding of science, a conviction that we take for granted today. We also think that the government should pay for university research—and it does pay for the vast majority of it. But since government funding flatlined several years ago, scientists at BU and universities across the country are worried, very worried, not just about their research, but about the future of science in America. “The situation is serious,” says Gerald Denis, a BU School of Medicine (MED) associate professor of pharmacology and medicine in the Cancer Research Center and a fellow of the Obesity Society. “The last few years of funding uncertainties have been deadly, and several investigators I know have lost their jobs because grants were terminated. Cancer cohorts have been lost, long-term studies decimated. Who will be around to make the next set of American medical discoveries and advances? This is no way to maintain international scientific leadership.” Richard Myers, a MED professor of neurology and the author of more than 250 papers, says his funding “came to a screeching halt” in 2008. On those rare occasions when he is funded, he says, the money is likely to be reduced year after year until he ends up with just over half of what he requested. “I know what good science is,” says Myers. “And that compromises the science.” Gloria Waters, vice president and associate provost for research, says finding funding sources other than the federal government has become “a top priority” of the University. In spring 2014, Waters’ office launched a series of workshops designed to help researchers with such things as Humanities Proposal Writing and Working with Federal Agencies. Every one, she says, was “extremely-well attended,” so well-attended that her office recently ramped up the program to include eight events per semester. At BU, whose researchers study an enormous range of subjects, from the birth of frogs to the birth of planets, about 80 percent of the roughly $350 million for sponsored research received in FY 2014 (down from a 2010 peak of $407 million) came directly from the federal government, and another 10 percent originated in government grants and came to BU through other institutions, such as Harvard or MIT. About 45 percent of that money went to researchers at MED, where, according to Karen Antman, MED dean and Medical Campus provost, funding anxiety is at an all-time high. Antman says grants to the Medical Campus dropped $30 million in 2013 because of sequestration, although the money bounced back in 2014 when sequestration was put on hold. “These types of fluxes in research budgets produce a lot stress for faculty,” she says. Some observers of the funding dilemma take a more sanguine approach. One Washington insider, an expert on US research funding and a BU alum, who requested anonymity because of his position, says that “research and development funding generally does pretty well in the government’s budget process,” because the government branches agree it’s important to stay competitive in science and technology. But looming over every budget decision, this expert says, is a broader debate about what the size of the government should be and how the government should spend its limited research budget. In other words, some legislators wonder why the government should pay for so much university research. Waters offers some good reasons. She points out that the other likely source of research funding—industry—prefers to direct its money to projects that affect the bottom line. “Industry is focused on applied research that will result in the development of products with immediate commercial application,” she says. “But fundamental or basic research is needed in order to create the knowledge base that leads to more applied research. For example, in the area of medicine, specific treatments for many diseases cannot be developed until we know much more about the basic cellular and molecular changes involved in the development of the disease. Social science research has also played an extremely important role in addressing national security challenges. In a similar vein, scholarship in the humanities is critical to creating a broadly educated workforce and our ability to engage with other areas of the world.” Continue reading the article through this link: Conflicts of Interest A number of sciences and professions have recently become aware of and concerned about the extent to which corporate funding has influenced or will influence their activities and directions. For example, the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Course Module Institute for Biological Sciences was entirely devoted to bioethics in a changing world and the responsible conduct of science and included a plenary session titled Public Citizenship and the Duties of Scientists: Avoiding the Best Science Money Can Buy (Shrader-Frechette, 2003). Various medical journals have had difficulty finding reviewers who are independent of pharmaceutical funding and have published new guidelines for reviewers. Philip Zimbardo, then president of the American Psychological Association (APA), was appalled by the extravagant exhibits sponsored by pharmaceutical companies at the 2002 convention of the American Psychiatric Association (as were newspaper reporters; see Seligman, 2003; Vedantam, 2002). His concern that prescription privileges for psychologists would be accompanied by increasing pharmaceutical industry interest in funding APA activities led to discussions with the Board of Directors and to the appointment of the APA Task Force on External Funding. The purpose of the task force was to review the experiences of other organizations, sciences, and professions receiving corporate funding; to consider relevant scientific literature bearing on this issue; and to suggest policies and procedures to protect the integrity of the association without unnecessarily restricting APA activities. Problems may arise, of course, as a consequence of outside funding from any source when the values of the donor and those of the recipient are either in conflict or incompatible. It is sobering to note, however, that a broad range of industries, including tobacco (Bero, 2003), lead (Markowitz & Rosner, 2003), food (Simon, 2006), real estate development (Ottaway & Stephens, 2003a, 2003b, 2003c), and pharmaceuticals (Angell, 2004; Mundy, 2001; Rennie, 2003), have used similar and often hidden strategies to influence a range of sciences and professions. Front organizations—industry-funded grassroots, consumer advocacy (Herxheimer, 2003; Mundy, 2003; Stern, 2003), research, and educational organizations whose primary goal is to promote marketing, influence regulations, or advance other industry interests—are among the strategies intentionally designed to obscure the actual sources and amounts of funding for activities favoring corporations (Beder, 2002; Center for Science in the Public Interest [CSPI], 2003a). In fact, much of the knowledge available to investigators about such industry-funded activities has come through documents only made available in the discovery process of litigation (Castleman, 2003). This is true of the pharmaceutical industry as well as the lead and tobacco industries. The task force reviewed the consequences of external funding of a range of activities across several sciences and professions but chose to focus on pharmaceutical funding as a case example for three reasons. First, the effects of pharmaceutical funding on the science and profession of medicine have been very well-documented and provide a telling example of the distortions and unintended consequences that can occur when academic centers, scientists, and practitioners become overly dependent on for-profit industries. Second, pharmaceutical companies have expressed interest in funding activities of the APA (and, in fact, have already done so to a limited extent), and that interest is expected to increase as more psychologists obtain prescription privileges. Finally, the pharmaceutical industry is of interest because it has been enormously wealthy and politically influential and therefore has the potential to exert a significant impact on the field of psychology. Many readers may find it difficult to understand how the distortions that arose within the field of medicine could occur in such a well-established and powerful profession. That may be because they do not fully comprehend the size and scope of the pharmaceutical industry, the significant role that it has come to play in the cost of medical care, or how it has benefited from a very favorable social and political climate in the United States. The result has been an enormously powerful industry with virtually unprecedented financial resources to pursue its own agenda. The pharmaceutical industry is so profitable and so influential that it is unlikely that APA or any similar organization is going to change it or succeed in preventing its influence on the health care system or on psychology as the number of interactions with drug manufacturers increases. What psychologists can do is inform themselves of the nature of this business and make certain that they have adopted appropriate policies and procedures to help avoid the more egregious mistakes of others. Continue reading the document through this link: Transparency and objectivity are essential in scientific research and the peer review process. When an investigator, author, editor, or reviewer has a financial/personal interest or belief that could affect his/her objectivity, or inappropriately influence his/her actions, a potential conflict of interest exists. Such relationships are also known as dual commitments, competing interests, or competing loyalties. The most obvious conflicts of interest are financial relationships such as: Direct: employment, stock ownership, grants, patents. Indirect: honoraria, consultancies to sponsoring organizations, mutual fund ownership, paid expert testimony. Undeclared financial conflicts may seriously undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors, and the science itself. An example might be an investigator who owns stock in a pharmaceutical company that is commissioning the research. Conflicts can also exist as a result of personal relationships, academic competition, and intellectual passion. An example might be a researcher who has: A relative who works at the company whose product the researcher is evaluating. A self-serving stake in the research results (e.g. potential promotion/career advancement based on outcomes). Personal beliefs that are in direct conflict with the topic he/she is researching. Not all relationships represent a true conflict of interest–conflicts can be potential or actual. Some considerations that should be taken into account include: whether the person's association with the organization interferes with their ability to carry out the research or paper without bias; and whether the relationship, when later revealed, make a reasonable reader feel deceived or misled. Full disclosure about a relationship that could constitute a conflict–even if the person doesn't believe it affects their judgment–should be reported to the institution's ethics group and to the journal editor to which a paper is submitted. All publishers require disclosure in the form of a cover letter and/or footnote in the manuscript. A journal may use disclosures as a basis for editorial decisions and may publish them if they are believed to be important to readers in judging the manuscript. Likewise, the journal may decide not to publish on the basis of the declared conflict. According to the U.S. Office of Research Integrity, having a conflict of interest is not in itself Course Module unethical, and there are some that are unavoidable. Full transparency is always the best course of action, and, if in doubt, disclose. Guide to Conflict of Interest and How to Prevent It Research Data Recording Surrey’s web library has this to say for those handling qualitative research data. 1. Researchers can either take notes during their interviews (transcribing) or observations, or take a recording 2. Using a tape recorder: 3. The benefits tape recording include: 1. The researcher can concentrate and listen and respond better 2. The discussion flows better when there are no distractions 3. In note taking there is an increased risk of the researcher being more subjective 4. The entire interview/observation is recorded, which gives a better, more holistic picture of what is going on 5. The participants may feel less observed if the tape recorded is used in a a discreet way 6. During analysis, the researcher has the opportunity to go back over material 4. Transcribing: 1. Transcribing the interview involves taking notes of the is the full 'script' of the interview and the aim is to take a full written version of the interview 2. Transcribing an interview is very time consuming, with an estimated time ratio of 5:1 (i.e. 5 hours of transcribing a one hour interview) 5. Tape analysis can be used, which is a combination on the two and involves the researcher taking notes from the recording 6. Bias must be considered when taking notes or using tape analysis 7. Good quality transcribing relies on skills beyond just taking notes and there is often space for subjectivity Societal Responsibilities of Scientists and Science At the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS, publisher of Science Careers) Annual Meeting in Boston this afternoon, Mark S. Frankel, the director of the Scientific Responsibility, Human Rights, and Law Program at AAAS, made a case for scientists to think more deeply about their social responsibilities. Right now, much of the emphasis in science is on the professional responsibility of scientists to stick to "standards agreed upon by the scientific community" regarding how research should be conducted, Frankel said. He called these responsibilities "internal." But scientists also have "external," social responsibilities "toward the larger community," Frankel argued—and "it is no longer acceptable to focus on internal responsibilities." Science depends on public money, affects policy decisions, and offers risks and benefits to society. "The communities in which you live and the communities much farther out … are ultimately affected by the work that you do." Frankel would like to see three core ideas integrated into graduate education. The first is that "science is a social institution, with a mission and 'baggage' like all other social institutions created by human beings," he said. By that, he means that graduate students should be given the opportunity to explore the values and expectations inherent to their specific fields and to consider whether these are consistent or in conflict with broader social values. Graduate students should also seek to grasp the social aspects and implications of scientific issues and be given the opportunity to "gain a good understanding of what it means to be a socially responsible scientist in this day and age." Frankel's second core message was that young scientists should appreciate the global dimension of science. They should be "looking beyond themselves," he said, and should "use their skills to help with global problems." Last, they should realize that their education and research are being subsidized by society, and take into account society's expectations of how they should be using this knowledge in the future. "We must educate graduates to be vitally concerned with not only how to apply their knowledge and skills, but also to consider the value of what they do for others," Frankel said. Scientists should also be prepared to confront situations where their internal responsibilities clash with their external responsibilities. One key professional responsibility for scientists, for example, is to publish their results so they can be reviewed and help science move forward. But in some cases, publication of sensitive information has the potential to cause harm to society. Frankel took the example of the avian flu research that in 2011 sparked a fierce debate about whether it should be published, given that it identified mutations that could make the H5N1 virus much more transmittable to humans. Scientists have the "social responsibility to make sure that this information is not used by those who can do harm," such as bioterrorists or countries with ill-equipped safety laboratories, Frankel says. Sometimes, different social responsibilities can clash, as also happened with the avian flu study. Scientists had "the social responsibility to give [the information] to those who need Course Module it to prevent an epidemic," Frankel said. Scientists' decision to impose a moratorium was "a very profound thing to do," with "probably profound effects on their careers and funding." The decision was an "exemplar" of how to deal with the issues. "We need to be thinking about ways to train [students] about social responsibilities along [with] those internal responsibilities." (Pain, 2013) The Researcher in Society The public appreciates the scientific and technological advances contributing to improving their well-being. The scientific community should not “overreact” to the uncertainty and even resistance with which society sometimes responds to scientific or technological developments. Instead, it should try to understand the basis and the meaning of such reactions, by creating an open, non-paternalistic dialogue with the public. Some segments of the public do not appreciate with clarity that there is no absolute certainty in scientific theories and models (i.e. results that are immune to being changed by subsequent theories). Likewise, they do no understand that “zero risk” is unattainable (as much as risk is, and should be, reducible to socially acceptable levels). Scientists, on their part, all too frequently seem to be disconcerted by ethical debates on research, and often attribute them merely to the public’s lack of information. The effect of the combination of these two attitudes on controversial science-related subjects could erode the “intangible asset” of the public’s confidence in the scientific community. Researchers have to be aware of concerns and attitudes in the social environment that are relevant to some aspects of their work. They should take advantage of any available opportunities to inform society of how researchers incorporates the public’s concerns, preferences, and requirements into its work and decision-making. Another important aspect of researchers’ social commitment relates to the public origin of the funds used for their work. It should be clear to the scientific community that using public resources entails certain indissoluble, inherent principles of reciprocity, such as explaining the efficient use of resources in terms that can be understood by society that provides them. This task may be conducted by research organizations through activities such as: open-house days, electronic information resources, disseminating reports of activities undertaken and outlining researchers’ principles of conduct. This institutional support would in no way substitute for the responsibility of individual researchers. The researcher as a teacher and spokesperson It is important and urgent to make a lasting and effective effort to increase society’s knowledge and interest in the culture’s scientific foundations and science’s contribution to their development. This may also help the younger generation decide on taking up scientific careers. Initiatives should tackle many aspects such as: 1. Providing an intelligible and attractive description of the creative function of scientific knowledge and the impact of scientific and technological advances on growth and well-being. 2. Stimulating scientific interest and scientific knowledge at all educational levels, according to the specific characteristics of each level. 3. Communicating information about the methods and elements that typify scientific research, such as: curiosity and a desire to understand the world, the role of doubt, attention to empirical evidence, uncertainty, risk, perseverance, and critical analysis of the arguments of others, and, more importantly, one’s own arguments. A clear and explicit commitment to valuing and encouraging researchers’ work in this area has to be made by the scientific community and the scientific institutions with competence in the area of science policy. They should provide specific, professional and financial incentives to researchers carrying out this task. The researcher as advisor in public matters The number of channels for managing and applying scientific knowledge should be increased. Channels should be formalized and made transparent (or institutionalized). They should not only be available in crisis situations, but also for the daily management of the public’s interests. Any research organization requires generous measures of the following: social space for personal initiative and creativity; time for ideas to grow to maturity; openness to debate and criticism; hospitality toward novelty; and respect for specialized expertise. [These] may sound too soft and old-fashioned to stand up against the cruel modern realities of administrative accountability and economic stringency. On the contrary, I believe that they are fundamental requirements for the continued advancement of scientific knowledge—and, of course, for its eventual social benefits. —JOHN ZIMAN, Prometheus Bound: Science in a Dynamic Steady State, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1994, p. 276. References and Supplementary Materials Online Supplementary Reading Materials 1. Science’s Worst Enemy: Corporate Funding;; November 7, 2017 2. Who Picks Up the Tab for Science?;; November 7, 2017 3. Corporate Funding and Conflicts of Interest;; November 7, 2017 4. Conflict of Interest;; November 7, 2017 5. Handling qualitative research data; 20Managing%20Information%20Leicester/page_73.htm; November 7, 2017 Course Module 6. Managing your research data;; November 7, 2017 7. The Social Responsibilities of Scientists;; November 7, 2017 8. Science for society: the social responsibility of scientists;; November 7, 2017 9. The responsibility of scientists to society; 20society.pdf; November 7, 2017 10. The Scientist in Society;; November 7, 2017 11. Science and Responsibility;; November 7, 2017 Module 004 – Biopolicy This module contains the following topic: 1. Biopolicy Biopolicy The text below is from the presentation of Dr. Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis, President and Founder of the Biopolitics International Organization, entitled: Biopolicy – A Vision for the Millennium: “Poverty, hunger, disease, environmental degradation, a declining resource base, the loss of species and habitats, climate change, inadequate water supplies, desertification – all these are global problems. They do not respect national boundaries and they are all related. Addressing them will require an unprecedented level of international cooperation. If we are to solve the problems of our world, nations must redirect their efforts away from conflict toward environmental restoration and the eradication of poverty, hunger and disease. This is the goal and vision of biopolicy. Over the past 50 years. humans have affected global ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any other comparable period in human history. Humans are an integral part of the world’s ecosystems, constantly changing them and often damaging the ability of the ecosystems to provide the services necessary for human well being. The deterioration of the global environment is threatening the very continuation of life on our planet, adding urgency to the need for coherent long-term international strategy and cooperation. The increased mobility of goods, services, labor, technology and capital throughout the world, facilitated by technological advancements in communications and transportation that has been called globalization, profoundly demonstrates the urgency for rigorous inquiry into the opportunities and challenges ahead. Increasingly, with information and communication technologies empowering individuals everywhere, humanity’s future rests with new models of thought, action, communication and participation. A new millennium vision in policy, which we call biopolicy, is needed to guarantee the continuity of bios on our planet and lead society to a harmonious future. In 2000, all 189 member states of the United Nations adopted the Millennium Declaration, an international acknowledgement of the massive problems facing humanity which sets goals for achieving specific targets by certain dates. The Millennium Development Goals include the reduction by one half of the proportion of people in the world whose income is less than one dollar per day, and the proportion of people who suffer from hunger. Other goals call for the achievement of universal primary education, the promotion of gender equality, the reduction of child mortality, improvement of maternal health, halting the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other major diseases, ensuring environmental sustainability, and developing a global partnership for development. The Millennium Development Goals are an admirable effort to solve the world’s great problems. Achieving them will require a great commitment by the developed nations and a fundamental realignment of their priorities. Course Module Biopolicy encompasses all aspects of human endeavor, and is based on a framework of environmental ethics that is intended to promote a reassessment of current assumptions and lead to a new global appreciation for the protection of life on our planet. Biopolicy can become a unifying vision for attaining the Millennium Development Goals and lead to the future harmonious co-existence of all forms of life. It provides the necessary incentives for every endeavor to be oriented toward the better understanding and preservation of the environment and all forms of life. In the spirit of biopolicy, every individual on the planet is encouraged to actively engage in the search for new paradigms and to join environmentally committed legislators, scholars, educators and business leaders in influencing governmental protection of environmental issues around the world. Today’s society may be illustrated as an inverted and therefore highly unstable pyramid in which societal values are heavily influenced by developments in the realm of technology. It is vital that we correct this imbalance and move to a stable society, which is characterized by respect for bios and the environment. B.I.O.’s educational and awareness-raising programs are directed at restoring the stability of our human and natural environments. To alleviate regional conflicts and reconcile economic growth with environmental harmony, a new vision is needed in every aspect of human affairs – industry, energy, transport, agriculture and regional development. In order to be successful, however, these policies have to be based on a framework of environmental ethics. Biopolicy provides these ethical guidelines and urges a reassessment of current assumptions with a view to a global appreciation of bios. Society needs to mobilise every one of its elements and strive for a better future. Working to sustain what already exists is not enough. With new challenges constantly arising and with an increased awareness of the urgent need to take action against destructive trends, the time is ripe to find more comprehensive, long-term solutions to protect our planet and guarantee a balanced society for the future. A new vision, beyond sustainable development, can help place the situation in perspective, and provide the necessary incentives to move ahead and explore po ssibilities leading to more just and safe global management. World Referendum How can we engage everyone in the race to save the environment? Advances in communication technology provide the unprecedented opportunity for all the people of the world to become actively involved in the great issues of our time. With the internet, it is now possible for every citizen from any corner of the globe to cast a vote for saving the global environment. B.I.O. has proposed such a worldwide referendum on the urgency of saving bios and the environment. By giving every individual the opportunity to simultaneously make their voice heard, new pathways for participatory democracy would be established. With a massive vote in favor of the environment, public opinion on saving the environment could no longer be ignored. Bio-education The purpose and responsibility of bio-education is to uplift the spirit of humanity in order to reverse the crisis in values that has resulted in serious environmental deterioration. The advent of globalization has brought major changes in economic, social and educational priorities and is creating new challenges for humanity. These developments have, in effect, 3 made the world a single market place. To meet the challenges of education for the new millennium, a radical shift is needed away from the intra-disciplinary entrenchment that has prevailed in the past into more creative patterns of thought for the development of the highest potential of each individual and for the benefit of future generations. By providing interdisciplinary models with concern for bios and the environment at the core of every specialty, bio-education seeks to apply environmental protection to every human endeavor. This vision may be illustrated graphically as follows: To further this vision, B.I.O. launched the International University for the Bio -Environment (I.U.B.E.) in 1990. The I.U.B.E. urges scholars, decision-makers, diplomats, business and civic leaders to actively contribute to the development of a life-supporting society. Bearing in mind that universities should be, by definition, universal, the I.U.B.E. acts as a catalyst to accelerate environmental awareness and impart an environmental message to opinion formers, students and training professionals around the world. Rather than focusing on the Course Module award of degrees, the I.U.B.E. functions as an open and distance learning initiative – using modern teaching tools such as e-learning – whereby leading educators and decisionmakers infuse existing educational institutions with bios-enhancing values. B.I.O.’s landmark textbook, BioSyllabus for European Environmental Education, has become part of the curriculum of numerous university courses in an expanding list of countries. The book provides basic concepts on a range of environmentally related topics, such as bio architecture, bio-ethics, bio-economics, bio-health, bio-history and bio-tourism. The book provides themed references to the highly regarded and wide ranging resource of other published B.I.O. material, and is freely available to both educators and educated, in print and electronically – on the internet and on CD-Rom. Bio-education to enrich sustainability – B.I.O.’s extensive e-learning programme B.I.O. places a wealth of educational material and resources online with its broad range of elearning courses promoting pioneering dimensions in bio-education. The hope is to infuse new thinking in environmental education and to enrich the concepts of sustainable development. Currently, participants from sixty-six countries are enrolled in B.I.O.’s elearning courses: The following courses are available: - - Bio-Architecture: Environmental models in architecture, energy efficient buildings, environmentally responsible urban planning Bio-Diplomacy: International cooperation in environmental protection, the environment as a unifying factor for peace. Bio-Economics: Environmental management, natural resource economics, international policy, EU environmental policy, corporate policy. Bio-Energy: Renewable energy sources, clean energy, models for energy savings, wind, solar, biomass, energy efficient buildings. Bio-Ethics: Environmental protection as an ethical responsibility, codes of environmental ethics for every profession, the environment in bioethics. Bio-Health: Environmental quality and public health, pollution threats to health, risks and benefits of biotechnology, quality of life. Bio-History: Environmental factors in the development of human civilization, culture, historical sources, ancient texts. Bio-Legislation: International and European Union environmental policy and legislation, international treaties, environmental action. Bio-Assessment of Technology: Tools and methods for pollution abatement, waste management technologies, recycling. Waste Management: Tools and methods of waste management and technologies, including recycling, composting, landfilling, and wastewater treatment. Bio-Tourism: Environmentally friendly tourism industry, suggestions for cultural tourism, environmental hotel management, water conservation, recycling. Common Agricultural Policy: A simplified text for non-experts who wish to become acquainted with the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Food and Agriculture: Agriculture and the environment, pollution loads, GMOs, water and soils, chemicals and biotechnology, environmental policy. - People with a Disability in Modern Society: Improving equity and quality of life for the disabled, accessibility, information, assistive technology, sports, Paralympic Games. Bio-economics It is clear that there is an intimate relationship between the environment and development. In the past, industries were the greatest polluters. Economic actors are therefore key players in the drive to tie business to environmental protection. Preserving the wealth and beauty of the natural world, securing the health of the earth’s population, providing fair rules of trade, and guaranteeing equal educational opportunities for every country in the world can be a source of genuine profit, both monetary and social. The quality of life issue needs to assume top priority, along with biopolicy and education. Moreover, the concept of “profit” has to be redefined to encompass elements which constitute a genuine profit for society: culture, internal wealth, preservation of natural resources, better health and the protection of biodiversity, as a measurable part of a nation's prosperity. The participation of economic leaders is vital to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. The world is experiencing a range of hurdles with regard to seeking a compromise between the legitimate needs of development and fragile environmental balances. Poor countries overuse their resource base and, thereby, their natural environment. Water development projects often damage the downstream ecology. The sale of raw materials in over saturated markets leads to falling prices, which in turn reduces net proceeds. Because of such conditions, appeals to protect the environment are ignored or often met with derision. The conflict between the industrial countries' ongoing economic growth and the developing countries' undisputed need for growth, on the one hand and, the negative environmental effects of intensive energy and raw material utilization on the other, cannot be solved within the present framework. Environmentally sound guidelines may be discussed and arrogated at the negotiating table, but in real life, these directives too often do not reach national decision -making. An approach combining the consensus and consent of the people, as well as that of governments and international institutions, is essential in order to prevent economies from expanding without due concern for the environmental repercussions of uncontrolled growth. Corporations and entrepreneurs can work together to tackle these challenges and tread lightly on the planet in their business endeavors. At same time, a grassroots mobilization and public participation, on both the local and international levels, can enhance the establishment of bios-supporting economic strategies and initiatives worldwide. Course Module Eradicating poverty and fighting hunger Global agriculture today faces a major challenge: feeding more people using less land, without further degradation of natural resources and the environment. The Millennium Development Goals call for cutting by one half, the number of people who suffer from hunger by 2015. The industrialized model of agriculture cannot meet this challenge, due to its excessive reliance on chemical inputs and the pattern of environmental degrad ation and loss of biodiversity to which it contributes. To meet the challenge of feeding the world’s hungry, society must focus upon reforming political institutions, creating appropriate technologies, promoting cultural capital and enabling institutional frameworks that favor policy for environmental protection. Key to these goals is the increased use of participatory research methods, proper agrarian policies and local capacity building. Consumers, however, must ultimately be the driving force for envir onmentally viable economic development. Poverty and food security are social and economic issues, but are also at the root of many environmental problems in developing countries. As world population expands in these regions, the ability to provide basic necessities is threatened. In the 21st century, agricultural policy will have to complement development policies and programs with the aim of increasing food production and personal incomes without further degrading local environments. Food security – providing all the people with sufficient food at all times to meet their daily dietary needs for a healthy and productive life – is an essential precondition for economic and social development in every country. It depends on the availability of and access to food, and on proper food use. Achieving food security is more than just an issue of food production, nutrition, and food aid. Hunger is a severe manifestation of poverty, and alleviating it depends in the long run on sustainable and broad-based economic growth and income generation. In most countries, these depend on a productive, competitive, and environmentally sound agricultural sector. To achieve these conditions, underdeveloped countries must invest in rural areas to strengthen agriculture, the food sy stem, and infrastructure, and to restore and conserve critical natural resources for agricultural production. This requires both public and private investment, and the political will to implement the necessary changes. Bio-legislation The central concept of bio-legislation is to link the protection of bios rights to the defense of the rights of future generations. The interdependence between human rights and human obligations is vital in this context. Rights correspond to obligations, and, in addition to the existence of human rights, there exists a series of human obligations concerning our common responsibility to preserve the environment and improve quality of life on a global level. The defense of human rights should not be regarded as an issue unrelated to the protection of other forms of life on our planet. Health hazards arising from environmental degradation and pollution, desertification, depletion of natural resources, water scarcity and famine are a threat to the human species. To secure o ur rights and to prevent disaster, we urgently need to accept the responsibility of reversing negative trends and protecting our natural heritage. There has been a growing recognition that environmental justice cannot be achieved without effective international legislation dedicated to addressing environmental issues. After well-documented environmental disasters, such legislation is not a mere aspiration but indeed a necessity. The integration of the environment into all aspects of global policy and the issue of environmental liability are therefore priorities. Bio-diplomacy and defense for life Today, the world faces an unprecedented crisis of environmental degradation. The continuation of life on our planet is threatened by global climate change, by hunger and disease, by the destruction of the forests and biodiversity, and other forms of environmental degradation. Yet the nations of the world are too pre-occupied with international conflicts and preparations for war to mount an adequate response to the environmental crisis. Future generations should not be burdened with the results of today's negligence. The convergence of the aspirations of sovereign states and civil society into a spirit of cooperation in long-term environmental policy and action can overcome the current climate of competition and unending conflict and lead to universal harmony and peace among the peoples of the world. This is the vision of bio -diplomacy. Course Module Bio-diplomacy – international cooperation in environmental protection – is a concept that was pioneered by B.I.O. at a time when civic leaders, international organizations and the world community as whole had not yet fully realized the urgency of adopting common environmental policy. Bio-diplomacy focuses on the interdependence of all forms of life, and calls upon diplomats and other people of influence to engage in a collective endeavor in defense of the environment. Joint efforts to protect the environment can boost international relations and act as a bridge between global communities at the national and local levels. At the same time, bio-diplomacy actively supports efforts to maintain biological and cultural diversity and seeks to improve human relations and to attain the goal of world peace by replacing current diplomatic attitudes with a complete international and intercultural perspective. Defense for life must become a priority in every facet of our lives. The conversion of war regimes to programs for the preservation of the environment would guarantee a better future. Military aircraft, instead of dropping bombs, could be used to survey the state of the environment and to drop seeds for trees, restoring devastated areas and benefiting the entire planet. Naval destroyers could be used to clean the oceans and shorelines of pollution. Hospital ships could be deployed off the coasts of Africa and South Asia, treating the sick and hungry. Such steps would be the best response to poverty and deprivation. The environment, as a common point of reference, can bring all peoples of the world together, in harmony and coexistence.” The following theoretical introduction is from the collection of researches called, “Biopolicy: The Life Sciences and Public Policy,” edited by Somit and Peterson. “Biopolicy, in simplest terms, is concerned with the relevance of biology and the life sciences for public policy. This can take a number of forms. One is the relevance of evidence in the life sciences that can help to inform policy decisions. For example, from an evolutionary perspective, laws against prostitution are probably doomed to fail, given the impelling urge of males to engage in sexual (reproductive) behavior (McGuire & Gruter, 2003). Another implication is that biology can affect the behavior of policy makers and, in that manner, affect policy decisions. Finally, biotechnology can be a focus of policy making. The development of medical information technology is a classic example. (Funke, 2009).” References and Supplementary Materials Online Supplementary Reading Materials 1. Biopolicy: The Life Sciences and Public Piolicy; biopolicy+pdf&source=bl&ots=hcMpB7bkU&sig=HDUW3HzBZnBRT8DXEUkm1AQuMh0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5uWPq4bXAhXMXbwKHaxeAzYQ6AEIPzAF#v=onepage&q=biopolicy&f=false; November 7, 2017 2. Biopolicy – A Vision for the Millennium; s.pdf; November 7, 2017 Module 003 – Science and Technology This module will contain the following topics: 1. Science for Technology and Technology for Science 2. Sociopolitical Influence on Science 3. Technoscience and Intellectual Property Tussles Science for Technology and Technology for Science Our societies are dominated and even 'driven' by ideas and products from science and technology (S&T). It is very likely that the influence on S&T on our lives will continu e to increase in the years to come. Scientific and technological knowledge, skills and artefacts 'invade' all realms of life in our modern society: The workplace and the public sphere is increasingly dependent on new as well as the more established technologies. So are also the private sphere and our leisure time. Knowledge and skills in S&T are crucial for most of our actions and decisions, as workers, as voters, as consumers etc. Meaningful and independent participation in modern democracies assumes an ab ility to judge evidence and arguments in the many socio-scientific issues that are on the political agenda. In short, modern societies need people with S&T qualifications at the top level as well as a general public with a broad understanding of S&T contents, methods and as a social force shaping the future. S&T are major cultural products of human history. All citizens, independent of occupational 'needs', need to be acquainted with this part of human culture. S&T are important for economical well-being, but also seen from the perspective of a broadly based liberal education. One might expect that the increasing significance of S&T should be accompanied with a parallel growth in the interest in these subjects as well as increasing understanding of basic scientific ideas and ways of thinking. This does, however, not seem to be the case. The evidence for such claims are in part based on 'hard facts' (educational statistics etc.), in part on large comparative studies and in part based on research and analysis of trends in our societies. The situation is described briefly described and analyzed in the following. Who needs Science and Technology and Why? The problematic situation for S&T can be seen from different perspectives and different interests. These range from industry's concern about national, economical competitiveness to a concern about an empowerment at the grassroots level for the protection and conservation of nature. Different conceptions of 'the crisis' may possibly lead to different solutions. Here is an indication of possible arguments for learning S&T. 1. Industry needs people with high qualifications in S&T. Modern industry is high tech and often called 'knowledge industry'. This industry is in need for highly qualified scientists and engineers to survive in a competitive global economy. This aspect is of importance for the economy of the nation. (But young people do not base their educational choices on what is good for the nation!) Course Module 2. Universities and research institution have similarly a need for researchers (and teachers) to maintain research at high international level and to provide good learning possibilities for coming generations of experts, researchers and teachers. The above-mentioned two groups constitute a highly skilled elite. But the actual number of such people may not necessarily be very high. It would also be a mistake to have mainly these groups in mind when reforming S&T in schools. A policy based on this perspective could even further decrease the proportion of young people who find S&T interesting, and who would choose to continue with S&T. The next perspective is one of high importance for a much larger gro up, the teaching profession: 3. Schools need qualified teachers in S&T. The decline in recruitment has already hit the teaching profession. Well-qualified and enthusiastic teachers constitute the key to any improvement of S&T in schools -- and for the further development of knowledge, interests and attitudes of ordinary citizens when they have left school. The S&T teachers also play a key role in the recruitment of people to the S&T sector. The long-term effects of a lack of good S&T teachers could be very damaging, although the effects are not so immediately observable as the lack of qualified people in industry and research. The S&T teachers need a broad basis for their activities. A solid foundation in the academic discipline is important, but not enough. They need broader perspectives and skills on order to cope with challenges of the sort outlined earlier in this document. In short: S&T teachers do not only need a foundation in S&T, they also need to have perspectives on S&T in a historical and social context. This may require reforms in teacher training. The next points, although different, are of importance for more or less all citizens. 4. A broader labor market needs S&T competencies People in general need qualifications in S&T to compete on the modern labor market. The need is great and growing fast, as knowledge and skills based on science and technology become prerequisites in new areas and new parts of the labor market. Not only doctors, pharmacists, engineers and technicians need S&T. Health workers handle complicated and dangerous equipment, secretaries and office staff need good computer literacy etc. New as well as more traditional technologies often dominate the workplaces, and those with skills in these areas may have a competitive advantage for their further career. Many countries have also identified a need for people with S&T skills to replace those retiring in the near future. There is also a general need to become flexible and able to learn. A foundation in S&T as well as mathematics is of great importance to develop such learning skills. Besides, most of the changes are likely to be related to technological innovations, and people with basic S&T skills may be better equipped to cope with changes and innovations. 5. S&T for citizenship and democratic participation: As stated in the introduction, our modern society is dominated by S&T. Many aspects of life have a dimension related to S&T. All citizens are confronted with such issues as consumers and as voters. As consumers we have to take decisions about food and health, quality and characteristics of products, claims made in advertisements etc. As voters we have to take a stand and be able to judge arguments on all sorts of issues. Many of these political issues also have an S&T dimension. In such cases, knowledge of the S&T involved has to be combined with values and political ideals. Issues relating to the environment are obviously of this nature, but also issues relating to energy, traffic, health policy etc. have S&T dimensions. It is indeed hard to think of any contemporary issue that does not have some aspects relating to S&T. Social and political issues should not be seen as 'technical' – and left in the hands of the 'expert'. A broad Public understanding of science and technology may in fact be a democratic safeguard against 'scientism' and a domination of experts. The above 'democratic argument' does not only assume that people have some grasp of the contents of S&T. It also requires some public understanding of the nature of S&T and the role they play in society. Among other things, people need to know that scientific knowledge is based on argumentation and evidence, and that statistical considerations about risks play an important role. Everybody cannot become 'experts', but everybody should have tools to be able to judge which 'expert' and what kind of arguments one should trust. Science and Technology in schools – recent trends and responses The challenges for S&T education outlined in this document have been met in different ways. Many countries have introduced more or less radical reforms, and there has been support to curriculum development and experiments. Reforms are related to the content and framing of the curriculum as well as to pedagogies: teaching methods and organization of the learning processes. A general trend is that there seems to be less influence from the (traditional) academic organization of curricula and contents. An underlying concern is that S&T should contribute to more general aims of schooling in a situation where 'everybody' attends school for 12-13 years. The general tendency is a widening of the perspective and a gradual redefinition of what counts as valid school science. Social and ethical aspects of S&T are often becoming part of the curriculum. The following is a listing of some trends. Many are related, but still mentioned separately. Not all these trends are found in all countries, but together they represent a series of identifiable tendencies: A. Towards "Science for all" More weight on aspects of science that can be seen to contribute to the overall goals of schooling. Key concern: liberal education ('allmenn dannelse', 'allmänn Bildning' Bildung, Formation..…) Hence; there is less weight on traditional academic contents and science as mainly as preparation for tertiary studies in science. Specialization postponed to the last few years of school. B. Towards more subject integration. Course Module C. D. E. F. G. H. In the early years of schooling, S&T is usually more or less integrated with other school subjects. Only later are the sciences presented as separate disciplines. The level where this specialization starts varies between countries. It is a general trend that separate science subjects are taught only at a late stage. (e.g. in Norway, only the two last years of upper secondary school have single science subject.) Widening perspectives More weight on cultural, historical and philosophical aspects of science and technology. S&T are presented as human activities. These aspects may also appeal to the pupils that are in search for 'meaning', not only factual information and the accepted correct explanations. NOS: The Nature of Science The 'Nature of science' has become an important concern in the curriculum. This often means a rejection of the often stereotypical (and false) image of science as a simple search for objective and final truths based on unproblematic observations. The weight on recent understanding of the nature of science also implies a stress on the social, cultural and human aspects of science. Science is presented as knowledge that builds on evidence as well arguments in a creative search for meaning and explanation. This aspect also strengthens that human and social relevance of science, and may attract pupils who value such aspects. Contexts become important More weight on putting science and technology in meaningful contexts for the learner. This often implies examples from everyday life and current socio scientific issues. These themes or topics are by their nature interdisciplinary, and require teacher cooperation. Such issues often require methods like project work. (For which teachers have to be adequately educated.) Concern for the environment Towards more weight on environmental questions as part of the S&T curriculum. (The name of the S&T subject in the new Norwegian curriculum is "Science and environmental study") Environmental issues are often of the socio-scientific nature mentioned above, and their treatment often requires project work in interdisciplinary settings. Weight on Technology Technology has recently been introduced in many countries as a subject in its own right, also in the general part of the education system. In other countries, it has received a broader place within the science curriculum, not only as interesting concrete examples to illustrate scientific theories and principles. (The name of the new S&T subject in Denmark is "Nature and technology"). The curricular definition of 'technology' is, however, often confusing and incoherent. In some countries technology is placed in a context of 'design and technology' (in the UK). In other countries the term technology implies modern information technology and ICT. In some places, the stress is on the technical (and underlying scientific) aspect of technology. In other countries the weight is put on human relations to technology, society and technology etc. STS: Science, Technology and Society STS has become an acronym for a whole 'movement' within S&T education. The key concern is not only the Science and the Technology content, but also the relationship between S&T and society. The trends described in the preceding points (relevant contexts, stress on the environmental and the role of technology) can also be seen as belonging to an increase of the STS perspective. I. Inclusion of ethics When S&T issues are treated in a wider context, it becomes evident that many of the topics have ethical dimensions. This is of course the case when dealing with socioscientific issues. But ethics is also involved in discussions relating to 'pure' science, like what sorts of research one ought to prioritize (or even allow), and the moral dilemmas in e.g. using animals in research. Again, this ethical dimension may contribute to giving S&T a more human face. It is also likely to empower future voters on important political issues on which they are invited to take a stand. J. "Less is more" This has become a slogan for curriculum development. More weight is put on 'great stories' of S&T and on presentation of key ideas and their development, often in an historical and social context. These key ideas replace (the impossible) attempt to give an encyclopaedic coverage of the whole of science. One hopes to avoid the curse of the overcrowded curriculum that leaves so little time for reflection and search for meaning. By choosing 'typical' and important stories, one hopes to convey an understanding of the nature of S&T. One also hopes to nourish curiosity and respect for S&T – and to inspire some students to pursue S&T. 'Narratives' have become a key word for this development. K. Information technologies as subject matter and as tools Information and communication technologies (ICT) are products that by their definition 'belong' to the S&T sector. (The 'hardware' is science-based technologies; the 'software' builds on basic mathematics etc.) Hence, the underlying physical and technical ideas are to an increasing extent treated as important subject matter on their own right in S&T curricula. Besides, ICT provide new tools that are very suitable for teaching and learning in S&T. The whole range of 'ordinary' software is used, including databases, spreadsheets, statistical and graphical programs. In addition, modelling, visualization and simulations of processes are important. ICT is also used for taking time series of measurements for a wide variety of parameters ('data logging'). S&T subjects are likely to be key elements in strategies to develop ICT to become a better educational tool. It is also likely that S&T teachers are better educationally equipped for this task than most other teachers – although they are also in need for ways to be updated and retrained. Cultural Influence in Science THE JOY OF SCIENCE. Course Module For most scientists, a powerful psychological motivation is curiosity about "how things work" and a taste for intellectual stimulation. The joy of scientific discovery is captured in the following excerpts from letters between two scientists involved in the development of quantum mechanics: Max Planck (who opened the quantum era in 1900) and Erwin Schrodinger (who formulated a successful quantum theory in 1926). [Planck, in a letter to Schrodinger, says] "I am reading your paper in the way a curious child eagerly listens to the solution of a riddle with which he has struggled for a long time, and I rejoice over the beauties that my eye discovers." [Schrodinger replies by agreeing that] "everything resolves itself with unbelievable simplicity and unbelievable beauty, everything turns out exactly as one would wish, in a perfectly straightforward manner, all by itself and without forcing." OTHER PSYCHOLOGICAL MOTIVES and PRACTICAL CONCERNS Most scientists try to achieve personal satisfaction and professional success by forming intellectual alliances with colleagues and by seeking respect and rewards, status and power in the form of publications, grant money, employment, promotions, and honors. When a theory (or a request for research funding) is evaluated, most scientists will be influenced by the common-sense question, "How will the result of this evaluation affect my own personal and professional life?" Maybe a scientist has publicly taken sides on an issue and there is ego involvement with a competitive desire to "win the debate"; or time and money has been invested in a theory or research project, and there will be higher payoffs, both practical and psychological, if there is a favorable evaluation by the scientific community. In these situations, when there is a substantial investment of personal resources, many scientists will try to use logic and "authority" to influence the process and result of evaluation. IDEOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES are based on subjective values and on political goals for "the way things should be" in society. These principles span a wide range of concerns, including socioeconomic structures, race relations, gender issues, social philosophies and customs, religions, morality, equality, freedom, and justice. A dramatic example of political influence is the control of Russian biology, from the 1930s into the 1960s, by the "ideologically correct" theories and research programs of Lysenko, supported by the power of the Soviet government. OPINIONS OF "AUTHORITIES" can also influence evaluation. The quotation marks are a reminder that a perception of authority is in the eye of the beholder. Perceived authority can be due to an acknowledgment of expertise, a response to a dominant personality, and/or involvement in a power relationship. Authority that is based at least partly on power occurs in scientists' relationships with employers, tenure committees, cliques of colleagues, professional organizations, journal editors and referees, publishers, grant reviewers, and politicians who vote on funding for science. SOCIAL-INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXTS. These five factors (psychology, practicality, metaphysics, ideology, authority) interact with each other, and they develop and operate in a complex social context at many levels — in the lives of individuals, in the scientific community, and in society as a whole. In an attempt to describe this complexity, the analysis-and-synthesis framework of ISM includes: the characteristics of individuals and their interactions with each other and with a variety of groups (familial, recreational, professional, political); profession-related politics(occurring primarily within the scientific community) and societal politics (involving broader issues in society); and the institutional structures of science and society. The term "cultural-personal" implies that both cultural and personal levels are important. These levels are intimately connected by mutual interactions because individuals (with their motivations, concerns, worldviews, and principles) work and think in the context of a culture, and this culture (including its institutional structure, operations, and politics, and its shared concepts and habits of thinking) is constructed by and composed of individual persons. Cultural-personal factors are influenced by the social and institutional context that constitutes the reward system of a scientific community. In fact, in many ways this context can be considered a causal mechanism that is partially responsible for producing the factors. For example, a desire for respect is intrinsic in humans, existing independently of a particular social structure, but the situations that stimulate this desire (and the responses that are motivated by these situations) do depend on the social structure. An important aspect of a social-institutional structure is its effects on the ways in which authority is created and manifested, especially when power relationships are involved. What are the results of mutual interactions between science and society? How does science affect culture, and how does culture affect science? SCIENCE AFFECTS CULTURE. The most obvious effect of science has been its medical and technological applications, with the accompanying effects on health care, lifestyles, and social structures. But science also influences culture, in many modern societies, by playing a major role in shaping cultural worldviews, concepts, and thinking patterns. Sometimes this occurs by the gradual, unorchestrated diffusion of ideas from science into the culture. At other times, however, there is a conscious effort, by scientists or nonscientists, to use "the authority of science" for rhetorical purposes, to claim that scientific theories and evidence support a particular belief system or political program. CULTURE AFFECTS SCIENCE. ISM, which is mainly concerned with the operation of science, asks "How does culture affect science?" Some influence occurs as a result of manipulating the "science affects culture" influence described above. If society wants to obtain certain types of science-based medical or technological applications, this will influence the types of scientific research that society supports with its resources. And if scientists (or their financial supporters) have already accepted some cultural concepts, such as metaphysical and/or ideological theories, they will tend to prefer (and support) scientific theories that agree with these culturalpersonal theories. In the ISM diagram this influence appears as a conceptual factor, external relationships with cultural-personal theories. For example, the Soviet government supported the science of Lysenko because his theories and research supported the principles of Marxism. They also hoped that this science would increase their own political power, so their support of Lysenko contained a strong element of self-interest. PERSONAL CONSISTENCY. Course Module Some cultural-personal influence occurs due to a desire for personal consistency in life. According to the theory of cognitive dissonance (Festinger, 1956), if there is a conflict between ideas, between actions, or between thoughts and actions, this inconsistency produces an unpleasant dissonance, and a person will be motivated to take action aimed at reducing the dissonance. In the overall context of a scientist's life, which includes science and much more, a scientist will seek consistency between the science and non -science aspects of life. Because groups are formed by people, the principles of personal consistency can be extrapolated (with appropriate modifications, and with caution) beyond individuals to other levels of social structure, to groups that are small or large, including societies and governments. For example, during the period when the research program of Lysenko dominated Russian biology, the Soviets wanted consistency between their ideological beliefs and scientific beliefs. A consistency between ideology and science will reduce psychological dissonance, and it is also logically preferable. If a Marxist theory and a scientific theory are both true, these theories should agree with each other. If the theories of Marx are believed to be true, there tends to be a decrease in logical status for all theories that are inconsistent with Marx, and an increase in status for theories consistent with Marx. This logical principle, applied to psychology, forms the foundation for theories of cognitive dissonance, which therefore also predict an increase in the status of Lysenko's science in the context of Soviet politics. Usually scientists (and others) want theories to be not just plausible, but also useful. With Lysenko's biology, the Soviets hoped that attaining consistency between science policy and the principles of communism would produce increased problem-solving utility. Part of this hope was that Lysenko's theories, applied to agricultural policy, would increase the Russian food supply; but nature did not cooperate with the false theories, so this policy resulted in decreased productivity. Another assumption was that the Soviet political policies would gain popular support if there was a belief that this policy was based on (and was consistent with) reliable scientific principles. And if science "plays a major role in shaping cultural...thinking patterns," the government wanted to insure that a shaping -of-ideas by science would support their ideological principles and political policies. The government officials also wanted to maintain and increase their own power, so self -interest was another motivating factor. FEEDBACK. In the ISM diagram, three large arrows point toward "evaluation of theory" from the three evaluation factors, and three small arrows point back the other way. These small arrows show the feedback that occurs when a conclusion about theory status already has been reached based on some factors and, to minimize cognitive dissonance, there is a tendency to interpret other factors in a way that will support this conclusion. Therefore, each evaluation criterion is affected by feedback from the current status of the theory and from the other two criteria. THOUGHT STYLES. In the case of Lysenko there was an obvious, consciously planned interference with the operation of science. But cultural influence is usually not so obvious. A more subtle influence is exerted by the assumed ideas and values of a culture (especially the culture of a scientific community) because these assumptions, along with explicitly formulated ideas and values, form a foundation for the way scientists think when they generate and evaluate theories, and plan their research programs. The influence of these foundational ideas and values, on the process and content of science, is summarized at the top of the ISM diagram: "Scientific activities...are affected by culturally influenced thought styles OVER-GENERALIZING. When scholars are thinking about cultural-personal factors and their influence in science, too often there is too much over-generalizing. It's easy to get carried away into silly ideas, unless we remember that all of these cultural-personal factors vary in different areas of science and in communities within each area, and for different individuals, so the types and amounts of resulting influences (on the process of science and the content of science) vary widely. CONTROVERSY. Among scholars who study science there is a wide range of views about the extent to which cultural factors influence the process and content of science. An extreme emphasis on cultural influence is neither accurate nor educationally beneficial, and that even though there is a significant cultural influence on the process of science, usually (but not always) the content of science is not strongly affected by cultural factors. Technoscience Technoscience refers to the strong interactions in contemporary scientific research and development (R&D) between that which traditionally was separated into science (theoretical) and technology (practical), especially by philosophers. The emphasis that the term techno(-)science places on technology as well as the intensity of the connection between science and technology varies. Moreover the majority of scientists and philosophers of science continue to externalize technology as applications and consequencesof scientific progress. Nevertheless they recognize the success and efficiency of technology as promoting realism, objectivity, and universality of science. The prehistory of the concept of technoscience goes back at least to the beginning of modern science. Francis Bacon (1561–1626) explicitly associated knowledge and power; science provided knowledge of the effective causes of phenomena and thus the capacity for efficient intervention within them. The concept became clearer during the first half of the twentieth century. Gaston Bachelard (1884–1962) in Le nouvel esprit scientifique (1934; The new scientific spirit) places the new scientific spirit under the preponderant influence of the mathematical and technical operations, and utilizes the expression science technique to designate contemporary science. However the term techno(-)science itself was not coined until the 1970s. The History of Techno(-)science The first important occurrence of the term appears in the title of an article titled "Ethique et techno-science" by Gilbert Hottois, first published in 1978 (included in Hottois 1996). This first usage expresses a critical reaction against the theoretical and discursive conception of contemporary science, and against philosophy blind to the importance of technology. It associates technoscience with the ethical question, Course Module “What are we to make of human beings?” posed from an evolutionist perspective open to technical intervention. Throughout the 1980s two French philosophers, Jean François Lyotard and Bruno Latour, contributed to the diffusion of the term in France and North America. For Lyotard technoscience realizes the modern project of rendering the human being, as argued from the work of René Descartes (1596–1650), a master and possessor of nature. This project has become technocratic and should be denounced because of its political association with capitalism. As a promoter of the postmodern, Lyotard thus facilitates diffusion of the term within postmodern discussions. In Science in Action (1987), Latour utilizes the plural technosciences in order to underline his empirical and sociological approach. The technosciences refer to those sciences created by human beings in real-world socioeconomic-political contexts, by conflicts and alliances among humans and also among humans and non -humans (institutions, machines, and animals among others). Latour insists on networks and hybrid mixtures. He denounces the myth of a pure science, distinct from technologies susceptible to good and bad usages. In reality it is less technology that Latour internalizes in the idea of science than society (and therefore politics), of which technologies are part in the same ways as other artifacts. He rejects any philosophical idea, whether ancient or modern, of a science that is supra - or extrasocial and apolitical. The worldwide successes of the technosciences are a matter of political organization and will, and do not derive from some universal recognition of a rational and objectively true knowledge that progressively imposes itself. Latour has contributed to the success of the term technoscience in social-constructivist discussion since the 1990s. The work of Donna Haraway illustrates well the diffusion of technoscience crossed with the postmodern and social-constructivist discussions in North America. Technoscience becomes the word-symbol of the contemporary tangle of processes and interactions. The basic ingredients are the sciences, technologies, and societies. These allow the inclusion of everything: from purely symbolic practices to the physical processes of nature in worldwide networks, productions, and exchanges. In France, in continental Europe, and in the countries of Latin America, the use of the term technoscience has often remained closer to its original meaning that involves more ontological (as with German philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889 – 1976)), epistemological, and ethical questioning than social and political criticism. Indeed, in a perspective that complements the one provided here, in La revolución tecnocientífica (2003; The technoscience revolution), Spanish philosopher Javier Echeverría provides an extensive analysis of technoscience as both concept and phenomenon. A political usage is not, however, rare, especially in France where there is a tendency to attribute to technoscience a host of contemporary ills such as technicism and technocracy, multinational capitalism, economic neo-liberalism, pollution, the depletion of natural resources, the climate change, globalization, planetary injustice, the disappearance of human values, and more, all related to U.S. imperialism. The common archetype of technoscience is Big Science, originally exemplified by the Manhattan Project, which closely associated science, technology, and the politics of power. In this interpretation, technoscience is presented from the point of view of domination, mastery, and control, and no t from that of exploration, research, and creativity. It is technocratic and totalitarian, not technopoiétique and emancipating. The Questions of Technoscience What distinguishes contemporary science as technoscience is that, unlike the philosophical enterprise of science identified as a fundamentally linguistic and theoretical activity, it is physically manipulative, interventionist, and creative. Determining the function of a gene whether in order to create a medicine or to participate in the sequencing of the human genome leads to technoscientific knowledge-power-doing. In a technoscientific civilization, distinctions between theory and practice, fundamental and applied, become blurred. Philosophers are invited to define human death or birth, taking into account the consequences of these definitions in the practical-ethical plans, that is to say, in regard to what will or will not be permitted (for example, the harvesting of organs or embryonic experimentation). Another example is familiar to bioethicists. Since the 1980s there has existed a line of transgenic mice (Onco mice) used as a model for research on the genesis of certain cancers. Here is an object at once natural and artificial, theoretical and practical, abstract and concrete, living and yet patented like an invention. Their existence and use in research further involves many different cognitive and practical scientific questions and interests: therapeutic, economic, ethical, and juridical. It is even a political issue, because transgenic mice are at the center of a conflict between the European Union and the United States over the patentability of living organisms. The most radical questions raised by technosciences concern their application to the natural (as a living organisms formed by the evolutionary process) and manipulated (as a contingent creation of human culture). Such questions acquire their greatest importance when one takes into account the past and future (unknowable) immensity of biological, geological, and cosmological temporality, in asking, for example: What will become of the human being in a million years? From this perspective the investigation of human beings appears open not only to symbolic invention (definitions, images, interpretations, values), but also to techno physical invention (experimentation, mutations, prosthetics, cyborgs). A related examination places the technosciences themselves within the scope of an evolution that is more and more affected by conscious human intervention. Both approaches raise questions and responsibilities that are not foreign to ethics and politics but that invite us at the same time to consider with a critical eye all specific ethics and politics because the issues exceed all conceivable societal projects. References and Supplementary Materials Online Supplementary Reading Materials 1. Science and Technology in Education – Current Challenges and Possible Solutions;; November 7, 2017 Course Module 2. Technoscience;; November 7, 2017 3. Cultural Influence in Science: Causes and Effects;; November 7, 2017 4. Science and Society;; November 7, 2017 5. Social Impact/Activism;; November 7, 2017 6. Impact of Science and Technology on Society and Economy;; November 7, 2017 [Science Technology and Society] [Formation of Scientific Knowledge] 1 Formation of Scientific Knowledge This module starts with the stages toward the acquisition of scientific knowledge and ends with responsibilities of scientists to the society. The module covers the experimentation on animals and humans and its ethicality, the application of science to technology and of technology to science, the sociopolitical influence on science and the intellectual property dispute, biopolicy, conflicts in scientific study, and research data recording. Read through the text more than once in order to grasp the key details of the lesson.. Facets of Science Science may be defined as a “body of organized knowledge” that has been accumulated through research and that serves as a tool for solving problems, a learning theme, a cultural resource, or a social enterprise which needs physical facilities (Ziman, 1985). In this regard, scientific investigations are geared towards obtaining new information for short-term, long-term, immediate or future use in various fields, including economics, agriculture, industries, and education, or for publication in scholarly journals, encyclopedias, reference books and textbooks, and so forth, across several areas of study, for example, biology, psychology, geology, chemistry or physics. As presented below, principles or concepts are used to explain or describe the features or aspects of science. These are the discovery science, academic science, industrial science, science as a social enterprise, and science as a cultural resource. Thus, science is multifaceted, for it is an engagement with investigated information and phenomena in the context of society, education, economics, industries, politics, and culture. 1. Discovery science The formation of scientific knowledge starts from the works of scientists that leads to discovery of novel (new) information explaining or describing a phenomenon. Through systematic methods, the data relating to the discovery is rigorously examined for validity prior to its publication as historical knowledge for addressing a corresponding economic, social, or political problem, issue, or necessity. 2. Academic science From the territory of science, scientific knowledge is passed on to the world of technology. 3. Industrial science Course Module Technology that emerges from scientific knowledge serves as an instrument to solve practical problems in areas of sociology, military, commerce, or industry. 4. Science as a social enterprise/institution Scientists have a social responsibility in their quest for novel knowledge, while the society interacts with science and are becoming increasingly concerned about its impact to both society and culture. In this regard, the community of scientists communicate with one another in order to arrive at a consensus of opinion as to the validity or truthfulness of publicized outcomes of scientific investigations, while the community of learners examine such publications through a variety of media, such as books and scholarly journals. 5. Science as a cultural resource Scientific knowledge influences cultural beliefs and values. Dimensions of Science 1. Cognitive/Philosophical Dimension Scientific knowledge is spread, for instance, through scholarly publication, which brings about the historical dimension, as the pieces of scientific knowledge are stored and organized in an archive to serve as a bridge to future discoveries. 2. Sociological/Communal Dimension Scientific knowledge is addressed to a specific segment of society, for example, the scientific researchers. 3. Psychological Dimension The scientific information has a psychological relevance to its author or discoverer who has an intellectual authority over the information and who deserves the recognition for bringing about novel knowledge which is related to the cognitive status of the research outcome that the information presents. Research Toward Scientific Information The stages of obtaining scientific knowledge are: 1. Describing the natural or physical world or event through expert observation 2. Making generalizations about an observed phenomenon 3. Examining patterns of facts derived from observation 4. Using research instruments to measure and interpret data collected from investigation 5. Conducting a purposeful, contrived (designed), empirical (real-world or experience-based), and relatively original experiment 6. Formulating scientific laws or rational (logical) generalizations based on the outcome of the experimentation [Science Technology and Society] [Formation of Scientific Knowledge] 3 7. Presenting an explanation for the formulated scientific laws or rational generalizations, which can be (a) a cause-and-effect relationship, (b) a model for the investigated phenomenon, or (c) a theory 8. Subjecting the rational generalizations or scientific laws to investigation and review by other members of the scientific community for evaluation 9. Interpolating over the evaluated information for consideration as a scientific frontier (fresh discovery) or as a support or addition to an already established or widely accepted knowledge 10. Acknowledging the verity (trueness) of the scientific knowledge Glossary Science – is a body of organized knowledge that has been accumulated through research and that serves as a tool for solving problems, learning theme, cultural resource, and social institution, which needs physical facilities (Ziman, 1985). Phenomenon (pl. phenomena) – a situation or event that can be perceived by the senses ( on). Model – a descriptive statement of how something works. ( model_1__18). Theory – an explanation of why or how something occurs; a set of principles on which a particular subject or occurrence is based. ( Cognitive – recognition and comprehension of things. ( References Lecture Reference: Ziman, J. (1985). An Introduction to Science Studies: The Philosophical and Social Aspects of Science and Technology. NY: Cambridge University Press. PDF. Reading Activity Reference: Kramer, D. (2015). Reducing carbon: a bacterial approach. Bio 2.0. Scitable. Nature Education. Retrieved from Course Module ch Reading Assignment Reference: Norrgard, K. (2008). Human Subjects and Diagnostic Genetic Testing. Nature Education. Retrieved from Formation of Scientific Knowledge This module starts with the stages toward the acquisition of scientific knowledge and ends with responsibilities of scientists to the society. The module covers the experimentation on animals and humans and its ethicality, the application of science to technology and of technology to science, the sociopolitical influence on science and the intellectual property dispute, biopolicy, conflicts in scientific study, and research data recording. Read through the text more than once in order to grasp the key details of the lesson. Then, view the powerpoint presentation while listening to the recording that refers to the details in the slides. Biomedical Experimentation with Animals Sociopolitical Foundation Biomedical experimentation using animals as subjects has made breakthroughs in understanding the functions of body organs and in formulating medicinal drugs for treating various disorders. However, since 1800s, the involvement of animals for the study of anatomy and physiology of both animals and humans and for the development of therapeutic drugs has been the subject of criticism of animal rights activists who were then called antivivisectionists. Still considered as the two most influential animal rights philosophers are Peter Singer (Princeton faculty member) and Tom Regan (North Carolina State University emeritus professor). Of much influence on the ethical and legal foundations of biomedical research using human subjects were the 10 principles listed in the Nuremberg Code of the late 1940s. The third principle of the Code validated the use of animals for biomedical experimentation, whereby the anticipated outcomes of the biomedical research should justify the experimentation with animals. Legislation/Regulation Regardless of the consensus concerning the use or criticism of the use of animals in biomedical research, the US has undergone a series of legislation and regulation of animal research, as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Brief history of US legislation/regulation of animal use in research 1960 Federal legislation requiring individual animal researchers to be licensed was proposed, owing to the initiatives of Animal Welfare Institute. 1963 The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (shortened to the Guide) was published by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). The Guide was revised several times from 1965 to 1996. 1966 The Laboratory Animal Welfare Act was enacted, owing to the public clamor over an article in Life magazine. The legislation underwent a Course Module series of amendments from 1970 to 1985, and is presently termed as the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). 1985 NIH was required, through the Health Research Extension Act of 1985, to establish guidelines concerning the use of animals in both biomedical and behavioral research. 1986 The NIH Office of Protection from Research Risks published the Public Health Service (PHS) policy on the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, whereby PHS laboratories (as well any other institution that would request for funding from PHS) must abide by the PHS policy and the Guide. 2010 The US National Academy of Sciences published the 8th edition of the Guide. Such publication signaled the wide acceptance of the Guide by the US and international animal research institutions. The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (shortened to the Guide) serves as a significant document for both the scientific community and animal care personnel because of the following reasons: (1) The Guide provides guidelines concerning the way in which animal research should be done, including recommendations for overseeing the welfare of animals, including veterinary care and management of facilities for housing and environment. (2) The Guide mandates numerous institutional policies that animal researchers should follow as to the screening and training of the professional animal care personnel and as to the protection of the staff who come into contact with the animal subjects. (3) The Guide addresses the appropriateness of the physical environment where the experimental animals stay, including ventilation and temperature conditions, as well as the actual place where animals are experimented upon. The Guide requires each research institution to have an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) having a minimum of three members, who are responsible for the welfare of animals used in research and who should evaluate the living conditions of the animals and the research protocols for approval. One of the members of the committee must be a doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM) who should oversee all aspects of animal care, one practicing scientist, and at least one non-affiliated personnel. The AWA obliges each research institution to have an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) having a minimum of three members. The members must include one DVM and at least one non-affiliated personnel. The PHS policy mandates an IACUC that has a minimum of five members. The members must include one DVM, one practicing scientist, one nonscientist, and at least one non-affiliated personnel. Ethical Guidelines As proposed by William Russell and Rex Burch in 1959, animal research institutions should conform to the three principles (3 R’s) concerning the human use of animals for biomedical experimentation. These principles are: (1) Replacement – refers to the use of lower species of animals as much as possible, as lower species are viewed as less susceptible to pain and distress as compared to higher species of animals, including chimpanzees. (2) Reduction – refers to the reduction of the number of animals to be used for experimentation as much as possible. (3) Refinement – refers to the minimization of frequency or degree of pain and distress that animal subjects experience in experiments. Animal Rights Movement One of the staunch defenders of animal welfare is the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Although numerous animal rights activists fight for animal rights appear to be sincere in their advocacy, some of them have resorted to violence to discourage the scientific commu nity from using animals as experimental subjects. In this regard, the US enacted in 2006 the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act to protect researchers from acts of violence perpetrated by groups of anti-animal research militants. Biomedical Experimentation with Humans Sociopolitical Foundation The 10 Nuremberg Principles (Nuremberg Code) served as the ethical and legal foundation for the future guidelines concerning the use of human subjects for biomedical research, of which the most notable is the Declaration of Helsinki. The statements in the Code upheld the protection of human subjects, the analysis of the risk as contrasted to the benefit of the experiments, the performance of experiments only by scientists, the right of the human subject to withdraw from the experiment anytime they wish to, and the initiative of the researchers to halt the experimentation for anticipated injury, disability or death of the human subject in the course of the experiment. The Code actually stemmed from the trials in Nuremberg concerning crimes committed in World War II. The trials prosecuted all those involved in experimentation on humans without the willingness or permission of the human subjects. International Regulation The Declaration of Helsinki was formalized in 1964 by the World Medical Association (WMA) in Helsinki, Finland. Containing guidelines concerning the humane use of humans in biomedical research, such document has become the international standard for biomedical Course Module experimentation with humans. Since then, the document underwent a series of amendments until 2013. American Initiative In relation to the Declaration of Helsinki, the US PHS issued a memo two years after the Helsinki Conference, specifying the first requisite to the institutional review boards (IRBs). Such memo required that research studies that are to be funded by PHS be subjected to independent review to examine the rights and welfare of study participants, the accuracy of processing the informed consent, and the possible benefits and risks of the biomedical research to be conducted. In 1979, the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research presented the Belmont Report, which contains three basic ethical considerations in using h umans as subjects for research. Generally accepted by IRBs, the three principles are: (1) Respect for Persons – requires that the research subjects to be capable of making their own decisions. (2) Beneficence – requires that the risk to human subjects be minimized and that the benefits of conducting the research be maximized. (3) Justice – requires that the burden on human subjects be equally distributed and not merely concentrated on an individual or a single group of individuals. Glossary Anatomy – parts of the animal or human body; plant structure ( Physiology – the study of the functioning or operation of bodily parts of living things ( ). Biomedical – pertaining to biomedicine. Biomedicine – the application of the principles of biology/biochemistry to the field of medicine ( e). References Lecture Reference: Macrina, F. (2014). Scientific Integrity: Text and Cases in Responsible Conduct of Research (4th ed.). Washington, DC: ASM Press. Reading Activity Reference: Norrgard, K. (2008). Human Subjects and Diagnostic Genetic Testing. Nature Education. Retrieved from Course Module