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San Ildefonso Church Strategic Management Paper

Strategic Management Paper 1.
San Ildefonso De Toledo Parish Church
Tanay, Rizal
Strategic Management Paper
Presented to the Faculty of
School of Tourism Management
Philippine Women’s University
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Advanced Heritage Tourism Development and Management, MSTM 517
Submitted by:
Kristine Hanzel C Cueto
Submitted to:
Mr. Ryan N. Sebastian
June 2021
Strategic Management Paper 2.
Executive Summary
San Ildefonso Church, also known as Tanay Church, is one of Jubilee Churches in the
Philippines. It was declared one of the 26 Heritage Churches in the country by the
National Commission for Culture and the Arts on July 31, 2001, due to its age and the
centuries-old religious artifacts that it houses.
The style of the church, with its triangular pediment and rounded belfry, leans toward
Baroque architecture. The church also houses a relic of a piece of bone of San Ildefonso
housed in a monstrance, given by Rev. Fr. Felipe Pedraja on October 2006 from Zamora,
Spain in which the body of the patron saint lies.
Without proper management, heritage tourism can lead to a lack of understanding and
appreciation of the culture and heritage of the place within the wider community as a
result of inadequate or inappropriate presentation; it can diminish the protection and
conservation of cultural heritage overtime without the adequate integration of cultural
heritage protection and management laws at the national and regional level; and certain
tourism activities can unconsciously or inadvertently encourage theft of cultural resources
and properties. There are a number of concepts that can pose for or against heritage
tourism, but inevitably it is the way forward and with careful consideration of all the issues
and implementation of adequate management plans it can be a prominent economic
resource but more importantly it can bring awareness to the heritage within the local
communities instilling a sense of pride and cultural identity that they may not have
previously understood or known (Haynes 2018).
Strategic Management Paper 3.
San Ildefonso Church, also known as Tanay Church, is one of Jubilee Churches in the
Philippines. It was declared one of the 26 Heritage Churches in the country by the
National Commission for Culture and the Arts on July 31, 2001, due to its age and the
centuries-old religious artifacts that it houses.
Brief History
1573 to 1582 Franciscans Fr. Juan de Plasencia and Fr. Diego de Oropesa established
missions along Laguna de Bay where among the communities was Monte Tan-ay, then
part of Pilang-Morong (Pililla as barrio of Morong).
1583 Monte Tan-ay was made a barrio of Pililla when Pililla separated from Morong and
became town and independent parish.
1606 Monte Tan-ay separated from Pililla and was made an independent parish with San
Ildefonso de Toledo as its patron saint.
1620 Monte Tan-ay transferred to San Antonio (The second site of Tanay) with the same
patron saint. The church of wood and cogon grass roof was burned down by hostile Aetas.
1639 The combined Spanish-Filipino forces defeated Chinese camps which enabled the
townspeople to regroup after being dispersed to different places. From the mountains,
they went to Tanay’s present site.
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1640 the establishment of the Tanay town and the parish of San Ildefonso de Toledo. The
church was made of bamboo and cogon grass roof.
1673 First stone church in Tanay was started from donations of the people.
1680 completion of the church but was later greatly damaged due to natural calamities
such as typhoons and strong earthquakes.
1773 to 1783 Construction of the present church began through the initiative of Fr. Alonso
de Fentanes and the people of Tanay.
1786 installation of the Retablo mayor: 6 retablos in honor of Nuestra Señora de las
Angustias, of La Purisima Concepcion, of San Josef, of San Pedro de Alcantara, of the
Baptism of our Lord and of San Ildefonso de Toledo.
1999 declared one of the five Jubilee Churches in the Diocese of Antipolo.
The Papal Nuncio to the Philippines, Most Rev. Antonio Franco visited and prayed inside
the church on June 22, of the Jubilee Year 2000.
July 31, 2001 declared one of the National Cultural Treasure Churches which is the
highest recognition given by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts in the
Strategic Management Paper 5.
The style of the church, with its triangular pediment and rounded belfry, leans toward
Baroque architecture. The church also houses a relic of a piece of bone of San Ildefonso
housed in a monstrance, given by Rev. Fr. Felipe Pedraja on October 2006 from Zamora,
Spain in which the body of the patron saint lies.
The 14 Stations of the Cross inside the church is considered as one of the most beautiful
Stations of the Cross in Asia. The carvings are depicted to have Malay features as
evidenced by the brown skin of the natives and their squat figures, all of which are
believed to have created by native Tanay artists. Some distinct depictions are borrowed
from the native culture such as the "Tambuli" made of carabao and the bolo instead of
the typical Roman sword. The carvings are encased in large glass windows across each
side of the church.
Patron Saint
St. Ildefonsus of Toledo, Tanay Church’s patron, spent his childhood in the Benedictine
monastery of Agalia and became its Abbot. He attended the Eighth (653) and Ninth (655)
Councils of Toledo and has been Archbishop (657). He had a high reverence to the
Blessed Virgin Mary. Legend told that while he prayed before the relics of Saint Leocadia,
the saint arose from the tomb and thanked St. Ildefonsus for being devoted to the Blessed
Mother. Another story stated that the Blessed Mother appeared and rewarded him with a
priestly vestment for honoring her. Events/ Feasts St. Ildefonsus died in January 23, 667
with the date regarded as his feast day.
Strategic Management Paper 6.
San Ildefonso De Toledo Parish Church is a government-owned Catholic church. The
main attraction in the area is the 16ft Acacia sculpture that depicts the image of the Virgin
Mary appearing in front of Saint Ildefonsus. The masterpiece is entitled as “Pamana sa
Tanay, Hane!”. It was designed by Yvette Beatrice Y Co and and sculpted by Roel Lazarro
and Frank B Gajo and the rest of the sculptors from both Kalayaan and Paete Laguna.
There were two giant and century old Acacia tree in the churchyard. The one managed
to survive the calamities but the other one failed to withstand the challenge of nature. To
preserve the memory brought by this tree, the parish in coordination with other concerned
people of Tanay decided to transform the tree into a masterpiece that even future
generations of Tanayans can embrace.
Liturgical Services
MASS Schedules
Monday – Friday : 6:00 am : 6:00 pm
Saturday: 6:00 am, 6:30 pm (Anticipated Mass)
Sunday : 6:00am, 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 3:30 pm (Children’s Mass), 5:00 pm, 6:30 pm
(English Mass)
Funeral Mass / Blessing
: 1:00 pm
Sick Call
: Every Wednesday
: Before / After the Mass
: Pre-Schedule
: Tuesday-Saturday (7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 2:30 pm and 4:00 pm)
Strategic Management Paper 7.
: Tuesday-Sunday (11:00 am)
Confirmation : January and November
Adult Confirmation and Baptism: Every 3rd Friday of the Month
Holy Hour with Confession : Every Friday (5:00 am); Every 1st Friday (5:00 am and 5:00
How to Get There
Traveling from Manila to Tanay Rizal is easier than you think it is. From Manila to Tanay
Rizal, it will take about two hours to reach it depending on the traffic. There are vans and
jeepneys plying from Shaw Boulevard in Mandaluyong, or in Sta. Lucia in Cainta, also in
Antipolo that go through Tanay. You may ask the driver to drop you off at San Ildefonso
Market Profile
The majority of visitors are between the ages of 36‐64, closely followed by ages
19‐35, with 45% (female) and 55% (male) ratio.
Approximately half of the visitors were traveling with a partner and/or friends, a
third were travelling with children, and the remainder traveling alone.
Potential Impacts of Tourism
Cultural tourism management must be based in the principles of sustainable development
that itself is based in four pillars: economic, environmental, social, and cultural. For this
reason, the impacts (positive and negative) above mentioned could be analyzed from
Strategic Management Paper 8.
three different points of view:
economic, socio-cultural, and environmental. In the
following points the general impacts of tourism are divided into positive and negative.
Positive Economic Impacts
Generating of cash-flow for all type of services.
Generating of incomes to the municipality for taxes.
Generating of private investments in hotels and business, creation of employments
and improvement of living standards of the inhabitants of the cultural site.
Develop of small towns, cities, and rural communities for the increasing of the
tourism demand and for the creation of activities and business by the inhabitants.
Recovery of ancient crafts and traditions that could create interest for the tourists,
such as handicrafts, rituals, dances, etc.
Negative Economic Impacts
Inflation of the local economy in basic services and products for the daily life.
Increase of land prices, creating difficulties to buy houses and to create smalls
businesses for the inhabitants of the city, causing depopulation and neglect of the
historical cities.
Positive Socio-Cultural Impacts
Creations of employments in different sectors as culture, travel agencies, creation
of activities and events, hospitality, gastronomy, shopping, etc.
Demand of skilled jobs to offer best services and to realize management projects
in all sectors and this increase investment in education and training for local
Strategic Management Paper 9.
Cultural exchange between visitors and local communities.
Valorization of local culture.
Investment in the conservation and protection of the touristic places.
Recovery of handicrafts and ancient traditions as dances, rituals, celebrations, etc.
Negative Socio-Cultural Impacts
Loss of interest and displacement of local culture and traditions. The local culture
and traditions become a consumption object.
Over – exploitation of the cultural and natural resources.
Important changes in the life of the local population. (ex. lack of basic services as
markets, parking, etc, and displacements at moderns’ cities with cheaper
Growth of social problems such as traffic, violence, thefts, heath problems, sexual
exploitation, etc.
Loss of cultural identity. The inhabitants lose their traditions.
Positive Environmental Impacts
Environmental awareness.
Interest for natural areas and conservation of the places and sites.
Minimization of pollution and street-cleaning.
Creation and launch of conservation projects.
Negative Environmental Impacts
Overcrowding of destination and place.
Excessive landscape impact by building out of control.
Generation of waste and pollution of air and water.
Strategic Management Paper 10.
Without proper management, heritage tourism can lead to a lack of understanding and
appreciation of the culture and heritage of the place within the wider community as a
result of inadequate or inappropriate presentation; it can diminish the protection and
conservation of cultural heritage overtime without the adequate integration of cultural
heritage protection and management laws at the national and regional level; and certain
tourism activities can unconsciously or inadvertently encourage theft of cultural resources
and properties. There are a number of concepts that can pose for or against heritage
tourism, but inevitably it is the way forward and with careful consideration of all the issues
and implementation of adequate management plans it can be a prominent economic
resource but more importantly it can bring awareness to the heritage within the local
communities instilling a sense of pride and cultural identity that they may not have
previously understood or known (Haynes 2018).
Other Attractions in the Area
1. Daranak Falls – One of the most famous falls in Rizal. When you google Tanay
Rizal tourist spot, the first that comes up is Daranak Falls. This 46 ft. high waterfall
is a perfect destination for a quick and refreshing dip. This falls in Rizal is
complemented by forest trees, flowering wild plants, as well as cascading rivers
and ponds that will make you come back for more.
2. Mt. Daraitan Tanay – A popular Rizal tourist spot perfect for hiking.
3. Tinipak River – A Rizal tourist spot perfect to get refreshed for pre or post-hiking.
Tinipak River used to be a hidden gem but has now become one of the most
popular places to visit in Tanay Rizal thanks to its picturesque beauty. It boasts
Strategic Management Paper 11.
turquoise waters surrounded by white marble rocks that makes every corner
Instagrammable. You can also explore a cavern with an underwater river through
a small canoe.
4. Batlag Falls – Falls in Rizal just a few steps away from Daranak. Unlike Daranak,
Batlag remains an offbeat Tanay Rizal Tourist spot so it’s less crowded, letting you
enjoy the solitude you’re looking for.
5. Treasure Mountain – A Tanay overlooking spot where you can see a sea of clouds.
This place offers a day tour for families who just want to see the clouds. The best
time to visit the mountain is at dawn to catch the sunrise and enjoy the breathtaking
views. The best time to see the sea of clouds is usually between 5am to 8am,
although it will depend on the weather conditions for that day.
6. Calinawan Cave – A cave near the Daranak falls in Tanay Rizal. This tourist
destination in Tanay Rizal is a complex cave system that consists of several layers
that travelers can explore for hours.
7. Lutong Pugon Tiongco’s Garden – Where you can taste the best pizza ever. It is
a secret garden restaurant that serves wood-fired gourmet pizza and pasta. Aside
from the delicious food they serve, they also have a small art gallery and you can
get your portrait sketched from local artists here. Because of its uniqueness,
Lutong Pugon has become a top tourist spot in Tanay Rizal.
8. Regina Rica – A pilgrimage site with a 71 ft. high statue of the Queen of the Holy
9. Kinabuan Falls – One of the offbeat but beautiful Tanay Rizal falls.
10. Ricardo’s Vista del Cielo – A place to get a perfect spot for Tanay overlooking.
Strategic Management Paper 12.
Pride of Place
The annual Hane Festival is the pride of Tanay Rizal. It is the commemoration of the
Municipality of Tanay’s Founding Anniversary. It is an agri – eco – tourism, arts, and
cultural exhibition in one, showcasing Tanay’s vibrant tourism, abundant agricultural
produce, healthy and sustainable environment, rich arts and culture, and amiable people.
It derived its name from an ordinary expression of Tanayan (‘’hane’’) which is used to
seek one’s agreement.
“Hane” exclusively identifies with Tanay. For this reason, the expression “Hane” has been
adopted as the name of the Tanay’s first ever tourism and cultural celebration: the Tanay
Hane Festival.
Founded in November 12, 1606, Tanay is among the oldest towns in the Province of
Rizal. Along this historical backdrop, the festival is fundamentally a celebration of the
proud history and rich culture of Tanay. But it also an occasion to showcase the town’s
beautiful places, arts, cuisine, music, many more characteristics that are truly Tanay.
The protection of the environment is also one of the major advocacies of the municipal
government and the people of Tanay. Tanay has been endowed by the Creator with rich
natural resources and forests teeming with wildlife and biodiversity. Our rolling mountains
and massive rock formations inspire awe while sweeping landscapes, large and clean
bodies of inland water, caves, and enchanting waterfalls abound everywhere and are a
marvel to explore. Thru the Hane Festival, greater awareness of the need to preserve
Strategic Management Paper 13.
and protect this heritage, along with the promotion of the local culture and tradition, were
conveyed to the public.
The following are the Vision, Mission, and Goals and Objectives of the Hane Festival:
HANE FESTIVAL: A full showcase of Tanay as the Home for Adventure and Nature
Experience, giving highlight to the town’s finest nature and adventure destinations,
abundant agricultural produce, healthy and sustainable environment, rich arts, cuisine,
culture and traditions, and amiable people, while producing livelihood to the community
and increased revenue and tourist arrivals to the municipality, thus making Tanay as the
Adventure Tourism Capital of the Philippines by 2020.
In honor of and thanksgiving for the founding anniversary of the Municipality of Tanay,
the local government launched the annual celebration of Hane Festival which is designed
to further the promotion, development, and conservation of the town’s flourishing natural
attractions, various destinations, abundant products and resources, and rich arts, culture,
cuisine, and traditions.
Goals and Objectives:
1. To give emphasis on Tanay’s major attractions/destinations and to capitalize on
Tanayans’ locally-produced crops and other products, recognizing them as part of the
prime movers of the town’s economic growth.
Strategic Management Paper 14.
2. To highlight Tanay’s tourism, culture, arts, and tradition while allowing Tanayans to
showcase their artistry and creativity aside from providing them livelihood opportunities.
3. To help in tourism development for the benefit of our constituents and stakeholders
particularly in the field of livelihood, arts, culture, heritage, history and ecology.
4. To create a strong network between all tourism-related establishments, the academe,
the barangay, and the local government for them to work hand in hand in producing
worthwhile tourism promotion activities.
5. To provide enjoyment, entertainment, and festivities to Tanayans and visitors from
neighboring towns in line with the town’s thanksgiving for the abundant blessing,
especially in its agric-eco-tourism resources, that it receives.
6. To create, maintain and/or update communication/linkage to provincial and national
tourism, as well as other possible tourism partners and investors from the business sector
and non-government organizations. (Municipality of Tanay, tanay.gov.ph)
Commodification of Culture
The dictionary definition of commodification is to make something into an object for
commercial use. In terms of tourism, commodification refers to using a place's culture
and the cultural artifacts to make a large enough profit to support part of the area's
economy (Fiaux).
As for San Ildefonso De Toledo Parish Church, there is no commodification activity.
Strategic Management Paper 15.
Commodification can be seen as a good thing, but in tourism the more authentic the
experience the better it is not only for the tourist, but also for the indigenous culture. The
more accurate the learning that can come from tourism, the more accurate the reporting
or the tourists' responses can be. Tourists' responses can promote a place and help that
place's economy especially in developing countries (Rothman).
As the Manager
The profession’s main responsibility is to balance two critical aspects of cultural heritage
management: preserving a site’s historical and cultural value on one hand, while ensuring
it generate incomes to financially viable on the other hand. (IESA arts&culture)
Promoting The Site
Organize fundraisings.
Manage marketing campaigns.
Manage budgets.
Develop the site’ awareness and its importance to the community.
Be in contact with potential donors such as local councils, funding agencies,
private companies, etc.
Preserving The Site
Working with stakeholders: conduct awareness campaign to educate tourists, the
locals (shop and hotel owners for instance) about how sites can be preserved.
Strategic Management Paper 16.
Develop the heritage site in a sustainable way: In recent years, the need to develop
heritage attractions in a sustainable way has grown stronger and stronger. It is now
part of the job.
Business Development
Develop new attractions to generate income.
Develop retail activities such as souvenirs shops, restaurants, cafés, etc.
Staff Management
Recruiting, training, and managing new staff members as well as volunteers.
Analysis and Conclusion
Heritage tourism is often seen as synonymous with cultural tourism, historical tourism,
arts tourism, nature tourism or attractions-related tourism. It is the branch of tourism
oriented towards the cultural heritage (both the tangible and the intangible) of the location
or destination in which the tourism occurs. Heritage tourism encompasses natural
heritage, such as caves, nature reserves, gardens and marine parks, as well as built
heritage, like museums, monuments and historical buildings. It also observes cultural
events, festivals, performing arts and other forms of popular culture (Haynes, 2018).
Conservation of heritage buildings is very important because it provides a sense of
identity and continuity in a fast-changing world for future generations. Heritage buildings
basically represent the history and culture of a nation. They constitute together the
architectural heritage of an area.
Strategic Management Paper 17.
Church buildings such as San Ildefonso church is a living cultural heritage which has been
continuously used throughout the centuries and is still in use for its original purpose. This
is also a cultural heritage which is accessible for everyone, regardless of, for example,
religious affiliation, age, sex, and citizenship. Everyone can experience the church
buildings and their interiors as historical and antiquarian monuments, take part in
appreciation of art and architecture, listen to church music, and seek a moment of peace
and tranquility.
Preserving, conserving, and promoting San Ildefonso Church is not going to be an easy
task but with the help of the local government and the community of Tanay, Rizal, the
work could be done.
Aside from this wonderful cultural heritage, there are numerous tourist spots to visit in
Tanay, Rizal. It is the newest adventure destination in the Philippines. Only a few hours
away from Metro Manila, Tanay, Rizal is fast becoming the go-to place for weekend
adventurers. It offers so many outdoor activities, not only for newbie adventurers but also
for outdoor sports veterans. If you do not want to get physical, there are other things to
do that will allow you to commune with nature.
From the stunning churches, waterfalls, to mountain ranges, Tanay has diverse hidden
treasures and natural wonders that are waiting to be explored.
Strategic Management Paper 18.
An Inside Look of San Ildefonso Church
Strategic Management Paper 19.
Strategic Management Paper 20.