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Gandhi & Family Essay Prompts

Discuss the relevance of Gandhiji’s way of life in the present context. (150 Words) 10
• Introduction: Introduce with Gandhiji’s an thought
• Body: Provide list of Gandhiji’s teachings and their present relevance with suitable examples •
Conclusion: Summarize Gandhiji’s life lessons and teachings continue to hold relevance in the
present day and age. Father of our nation enumerated – Don’t: Seven deadly Sins: provides solution
to various ill’s of the present age
• Wealth without work e.g.: Corruption
• Pleasure without conscience e.g.: Consumerism
• Science without humanity e.g.: Nuclear weapon
• Knowledge without character e.g.: Cybercrime
• Politics without principle e.g.: Horse trading
• Commerce without morality e.g.: Non-compliance with CSR
• Religion without sacrifice e.g.: God man Do’s
• Cleanliness is next to Godliness – o Physical cleanliness of one’s surrounding is an imperative e.g.:
Swaach Bharat Abhiyan. o Mental Cleanliness : state of mind that is free of all anxiety, fear, anger
and jealously and is full of love, kindness, peace and joy. o Hence he said –‘Never see bad; Never
hear bad; Never speak bad’.
• Truth is God: o Truthfulness is a state of absolute congruence between thought & action
Enumerate with suitable examples, the role of family in moulding the character of a child. (150
Words) 10
• Introduction: Importance of family in a child’s life
• Body: Role played by family in ethical development of child •
Conclusion: Summarize Family is the first institution of socialisation. It is the entity where a child
spends most of their formal years and begins their social and emotional development.
Role of family in moulding character of child
• Role played by Parenting style :
o Pampering: to fulfil all just/unjust demands of their child breeds self-centeredness. o Restrain:
teaches child to be grateful
. o Authoritarianism: makes a child dependent and under confident
. • Moral stories by grandparents: strengthens value-system of a child. For example- Former US
president Barak Obama often used to say that his grandparents made him believe in his abilities as a
child. • Interaction with siblings: inculcates values of sharing and cooperation.
• Interaction with house help: when both parents are working, child spends a great deal of time with
care takers or baby sitters. This helps child to develop sympathy and compassion for the weak and
the vulnerable. Since, child at such tender age is most impressionable. Thus this age constitutes
formative years of one’s personality and character.