Product Planning & Development S T U D E N T W O R D S E A R C H 1. Can be identified as a good or service 2. Cannot be touched, tasted, seen or felt; are performed as an “action” 3. The physical, or tangible, items available for customers to purchase 4. Does not include a tangible product; is the primary “product” of a business 5. Allows businesses to create new marketing opportunities; helps to evaluate the success or failure of current products 6. A name, term or symbol used to identify related products 7. Provides critical product information 8. Related to the parts, materials or construction elements of a product 9. Consists of a small group of employees who identify methods for product improvement in an informal and constructive manner 10. A group of related items or brands sold by the same company 11. Includes all the products a company makes or sells 12. Refers to the number of available items offered in each product line 13. Refers to the number of different product lines a business produces 14. A working model or sample of a product 15. Includes input, decisions and work from businesses and individuals outside of the actual company 16. Includes a selected group of people used to analyze and test the concept of a given product 17. Marketing or selling a product in an exclusive area; are used to determine potential demand for a product 18. Introducing a product to the marketplace Accompanies: Product Planning & Development 1