Patterns, Teams and Domain Engineering Steven Fraser, Deborah Leis_ Robert McLellan sdfraser@bnr.c~ leishmam@bnr.c~ Bell-Northern ResearchLtd. ottaW~ ontario, Canada - KIY 4H7 (613) 763-3073, Fax: (613) 763-4222 An important aspect of patterns is that they allow for some specitlc aspect of variability within a collaborating group of classesor objects. For example, the Sfxategypattern allows for atgorithrns to viny, Proxy allows for the location of an object or how the object is accessedto vary, and Abstmct Factory allows families of product objects to vary. The variability contained in patterns is in terms of classesor concepts rather than a simpler approach (to variability) such as a parameter Iisl for a single method invocation. In order to correctly use a pattern and to gain the reusability and flexibility afforded by it it should be clearly understood what needsto be varied and whether the context is similar enough. This forces a requirement on the usability of existing patterns for the identilcation of variability and context. Similar requirements exist for the definition of new patterns for the recognition of variants, invariants and context within a design problem. Domain engineering techniques that focus on reusability emphasize the identification of variants and invariants and thus provide an initial point for the discovery of new patterns and the classflcation of existing patterns. Introduction The scope of our work is the development of domain specflc architectures for telephony systems.Telephony systemsare characterized by product families of large realtime systems. One way of making these systems reusable is through the use of object-oriented design patterns ~LoP94]. These patterns me becoming an important way to represent and communicate methods of solving common design problems. To date, the only method for arriving at these patterns has been using inductive means. This has involved the study of several example applications followed by genemlization of common design problems and their solutions. If patterns me to be identifkd quickly (to define the 24 patterns in [Gamma94] required approximately 152 man months of effort), a process must be defined to identify candidate patterns which overtime are designated to be true patterns. We hypothesize that this process should be developed as an extension of current reuse-oriented domain engineering techniques. As well, it is hypothesized that these techniques can provide the requi~d classification mechanism for storing existing patterns. Reuse-Oriented Domain Engineering by Teams Domain engineering is a processfor developing software assetsand models that encapsulateproject knowledge for reuseby application engineers, It is characterized by the explicit identMcation of variants and invariants over several applications in a product family and/or requirements for a set of applications. The process of scoping a domain and developing domain models is called domain analysis ~g90]. Initial application of domain analysis techniques at BNR (specKlcally the Featme-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) technique based on the work of Kang et. al. ~S provided a necessarysystematic approach WUI@l) (Fraser and Saunders ~raser93]), Certain domain analysis techniques also capture decisions an application developer should make to identify an application or portion of an application in a reuse librmy. These techniques also provide mechanisms for system structuring. Structuring mechanisms include clustering, abstractio~ class~lcatio~ genemlizatio~ and a feature vocabulary. The classitlcatiou decisions, features and variability analysis can be used to organize existing patterns in a libmry or catalogue for use during design. Design Patterns Design patterns are evolving in the Object-Oriented community as evidenced by the recent PLoP ’94 ~loP94] conference. The concept of patterns has its roots in the work of the architect Christopher Alexander [Alexander77]. Very generally, a pattern is a solution to a problem in a context with a rationale for why the particular solution is appropriate in the context. Patterns can exist at several levels of abstraction in system development. Patterns may abstract an analysis, a design or a process. They capture existing, well-proven design experience to provide a common lexicon and a basis for understanding design principles. For example, the design patterns characterized by Gamma et. al. [C2unrna94] describe groups of collaborating objects and classes. These patterns are customized to solve spectilc design problems. Patterns have also been descriied by Pree ~ree94]. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association of Computing Machinery.To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee andlor specific permission. SSR ’95, Seattle, WA, USA (3 1995 ACM 0-89791 -739-1 /95/0004 ...$3.50 Implicit in the patterns community is a consensusthat the process of defining or identifying patterns is a team activity involving a community of domain expertise. This process begins with the preliminary proposal of a candidate pattern based on the observation of a number of instance examples; peer discussion which refines the pattern or elicits 222 additional examples; and f@y an iteration that results in the candidate pattern elevated to the status of pattern -or its rejection. and what the particular context is surrounding then this becomes a candidate pattern. the probleq In order to be a reusable pattern that is applicable to other similar design problems, the example must fust be genemlized. This generalization must be of both the problem and the solution and describe the general relationship of the classesinvolved. The pattern can again be classiiled by the variability it exemplifies and stored in a pattern libraq or catalogue. If over time the solution as implemented in a running system remains a good solution, and if several other experts agree to the appropriatenessof the problemkolution pair, then the candidate pattern can be moved to the status of true pattern. This process is vexy similar to what is happening in the patterns community currently, but there, it is not supported by the domain engineering process. As well, the importance of identifying variants and invariants has not been expressed. The domain engineering methods are important because they representexisting processesfor identifying and representing the commonality and variability that will trigger the identification of patterns both existing and new. We hypothesize that this is analogous to the domain engineering approach in which groups of domain experts with requisite variety are facilitated to develop a model of the system context and domain structme. The techniques of elicitation clustering, generalkmtiou and ordering are mechanisms for the distillation of a sharedview of the domain These models are both physical and mental. The application of domain engineering practices, such as those formulated in FODA, will enhancethe opportunity for expedient discovery and evaluation of new design patterns. Discovering New Patterns by Gamma et. As discussed above, patterns as exemplitled al. [Garnrna94] identi@ common design problems, the context in which the problem is couched, a solution to the problem and a rationale for why the solution is appropriate. It was also shown that each of the patterns varied some class or concept within a group of collaborating classes. In order to discover new patterns using domain analysis, we must be able to produce each of these items as outputs. Reuse-oriented domain engineering techniques currently support identitlcation of stable and variable characteristics of systems to be developed and could be used to identi& most of what is necessary to identify candidate patterns. But even those methods that reconunend attaching a record of design decisions to features of systems, subsystems, architectures or models, do not record the ratiomle for why these decisions are there. That is, they do not describe why a design solution is an appropriate solution. This information is central to the idea of patterns and will need to be added as an output. Summary In this paper we have observed that the process of identi&ing and evaluating patterns of solution variants and invarirmts is based on experienced domain experts and a process of induction through exploration of solution instances. We betieve that a parallel, but hitherto disjoint, approach in the field of domain engineering provides an effective mechanism to develop context and domain models which help achieve reusable and highly functional designs. We hypothesize that the two approaches (patterns analysis, domain analysis) aIE synergistic and that a conscious effort should be made to combine the best of both processes. In particular, we propose that the techniques of FODA should facilitate the use of existing design patterns, and should acceleratethe discovery and evaluation of new design patterns, This will lead to an approach of “pattems-byintent” rather than by serendipity. To make the discussion above more concrete, consider an example of where the output from domain analysis might help identi@ an existing design pattern to use, In this example it is identitled that several different entities will be calculating the same item say breaking a stream of text into lines, but that each entity will use different algorithms to do this. The commonality here is an algorithm for line breaking, but it must vary for each different entity. With this commonality and variability identile~ the Strategy pattern becomes applicable as a way of implementing the required algorithmic variability. The pattern will still need to be assessed to decide if the context is similar enough and the rationale is appropriate but the variability provides a mechanism for finding an applicable pattern and should be the key classifying item. Biography StevenFraser is on staff at Bell-Northern Research’s Computing Research Laboratory in Ottawa. In 1994 Frasel was on assignment in Pittsburgh at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) collaborating with the Application of Software Models project on the development of domain engineering techniques. Fraser has organized several workshops and a panel focusing on topics related to team approachesto object-oriented design at the annual ACM OOPSLA conference. Since joining BNR in 1987, Fraser has contributed to the ObjecTime project, an 00-based CASE-Design Tool and to the BNR BCS software development process. Fraser completed his doctoral studies at McGill University in Electrical Engineering. He holds a Master’s degree from Queen’s University at Kingston in applied Physics and a Bachelor’s degree from McGill University in Physics and Computer Science. Fraser is an avid photographer and opera buff. IdentMcation of new candidate patterns will be triggered for design problems for which there are no appropriate existing patterns. In this case, for those items that must be varied in ~eference to some o~er entities as identitled through domain analysis, a solution is chosen. If the solution is chosen by an expert who has seen similar problems in the past and who can explain why the solution is appropriate 223 References [Alexander77] DeborA Leishrnan is on staff at Bell-Northern Research in Ottawa as a reuse specialist. Her current focus is on the inter-relationships of system architectures, design patterns, object-oriented technology and reuse in large systems development. Leishman holds doctoral and masters degrees in computer science, both from the University of Calgary in the areas of artitlcial intelligence and design reuse. Before coming to B~ Leishman held positions at Hughes Aircrafl and the National Research Council of Canada whe~ she worked on knowledge based systems and reuse. Christopher Alexander, SaraIshikawa, Murray Silverstei~ @2ser93] Steven Fraser and Clifford Saunders. “Enhanced Reuse with Group Decision Support Systems”, in Advances in So@are Reuse, IEEE Computer 93 TH0495-2, [Gamrna94] et. al., A Pattern Oxford University Press, 1977. Language. Erich Gamma, March Society, 1993, pp. 168-175. Richard Hehn, Ralph Design Patterns: Elements of ReusabIe ObjectOriented Sojlware, Addison-Wesley Johnso~ Robert McLelkm is on staff at Bell-Northern Research’s Computing Reseamh Laboratory in Ottawa. His current focus is the application of reuse strategies for accelerated product delivery, and the defiition of underlying tools and techniques. Since joining BNR in 1983 he has worked in the areas of silicon desi~ silicon design automation systems architecture and distributed object systems. McLellan holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree from Queen’s University at Kingston. and John Vlissides. Professional Computing Series, New York, 1994. &wwl Kyo C. Kang, Sholom G. CoheL James A. Hess, William E. Novak, and A. Spencer Peterson. Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis Feasibility Study. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, CMU/SEI-90-TR-21, 1990. ~LoP94] The Proceedings of PLoP’94. Robert Allerton Park, Monticello, Illinois, August 4-6, 1994. &94] Wolfgang Pree. Design Patterns for Object-Oriented So~are Development. Addison-Wesley, New York, 1994. 224