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Personal Development Reflection: Key Concepts & Insights

Basic Concepts in Personal Development
a. Listening and Communicating
Listening for me is an act of hearing something from another
person who’s talking while communicating is the process of
having an exchange conversation. Listening and communicating
for me, is important into defining yourself as a person, because
when you listen it reflects how well you pay attention when
someone is talking to you and how mannered you speak towards
people. However, the essence of listening and communicating are
oftentimes neglected for the reason that there have been a lot of
barriers or distractions especially now that the existence of
technology has been given more attention than the physical
b. Managing Stress
Managing stress is how you handle the pressure or anxiety that
you are having a hard time dealing with and this has been the very
challenging for me into reflecting myself that I can do this and
that. Education is now one of the reasons why I get stress,
because it puts me into the point where I experienced a mental
breakdown. Also, I felt unmotivated especially when our
instructor scold us and say things that is not appropriate and keep
giving harsh words that is below the belt and it decreases my
confidence to be myself since I get to have a lot of insecurities in
life. But now, I practice to manage my stress through praying to
God and starting to love myself more.
c. Being Assertive
Being assertive is the behavior or style that I do not have as of
now yet I am working on it to myself by being reflective and
aware to deal my strength and weaknesses, because this I think
will the solution where you as a person can be more confident
enough to be just the way you are. A person having the character
of being assertive is a great advantage into reaching his/her
purpose in life. This is a great help into becoming a person with
ambition and goals to achieve.
d. Handling Feelings
We all have different perspectives in dealing our feelings and
emotions towards people. When I handle my feelings I need to
make sure that it is appropriate with the situation, because some
are very sensitive and conservative especially when you
overreact. Our emotions or feelings is a reflection of our
personality and it needs a thorough understanding of yourself to
know if how capable are you in handling feelings. I have
encountered a lot of people and they have spoken, act and
express their feelings in a unique way and so I have no right to
judge them, I just need to be more understanding for we are living
diverse culture and differences.
e. Understanding what blocks us in Life
In developing our personality, understanding what blocks us in life
is one of the most fundamental parts into becoming a person with
sense of responsibility and ability to know yourself more
specifically your wants and needs. Prioritizing is I think a better
way of identifying what is behind with your life that keeps on
pulling you back in achieving your dreams and goals. Additionally,
being self-reflective is also a great solution in understanding what
blocks us in life, because we are the only person who knows you
more than they ever have.
f. Handling criticism and praise
Criticism is one of my weaknesses and being praise is my strength.
Now in handling them both should be taken differently and as
much as possible to avoid hurting people. It is because when you
are criticize by someone you don’t need to give them back what
they did to you or take a revenge yet instead forgive them and let
go. There these famous sayings “do not do unto others if you
don’t want others do unto you”. On the other hand being praise
by someone is an honor for me, but still I always remain humble
as needed to in order to keep away from being called boastful,
there is nothing wrong with that however, some people
understood it differently.
g. Dealing with conflict
Dealing with conflict is very challenging for me, because you have
to control your feelings and emotions not to utter words that may
hurt someone. Conflict is like having a misunderstanding with
someone that it is a need to fix so that it will not worsen or may
destroy your relationship. This would sometimes occur when
someone misunderstood you of explaining something and you
both have a different way on listening to each other. I handle my
conflict by being a great listener to the other side of a story and
being an open-minded person so that I can be able to understand
his/her opinion since we all have the right to clarify and work
things out.
h. Building self-confidence
Building self-confidence is achievable when you learn to love
yourself more and able to reflect what are your abilities and
capabilities. Self-confidence is a personality where you are
confident enough to do things without a doubt, because you have
this belief in yourself that you can do anything. I am now slowly
having a progress of building my own self-confidence for I still
have a lot of insecurities in life that it is so hard for me to let go.
Anyways, we all have our own pace of becoming confident and it
doesn’t have a time limit.
i. Making good decisions and setting goals
In making good decisions and setting goals you have to develop a
personality of being assertive and understandable of what blocks
you in your life so that it is easier for you to make plans. Good
decisions are attainable when you are confident with what you
are deciding without doubts on it while in setting goals is like a
map into achieving your dreams because your purpose are set.
Thus, making a good decisions and setting goals is a way into your
destination in life that would lead you to the right path.