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Integumentary System Disorders Project Assignment

Integumentary System Disorders & Diseases Project Please review the list of disorders and diseases associated with the integumentary system by looking them up online. You will choose one of the disorders/diseases for your project. Project Details: • Create an informative visual (ex. Poster, PowerPoint, brochure, etc.) • Include all details of your selected disorder/disease, including at least each of the following: -­‐ What part(s) of the integumentary system it affects -­‐ Detailed description IN YOUR OWN WORDS of what the disorder is and the anatomy behind it (what happens/what goes wrong in the integumentary system…use what we’ve learned in class) -­‐ Causes -­‐ Symptoms -­‐ Treatment -­‐ Potential risks or complications • Photos/Diagrams (include at least 1) • Any other important information • Separate document with Works Cited in MLA format – you must also list sources for your images! • Use at least 3 different RELIABLE resources for information • You will present your final product to the class Topic Ideas: 1. Basal cell carcinoma 15. HPV 2. Malignant melanoma 16. Urticarial (hives) 3. Kaposi 17. Porphyria 4. Vitiligo 18. Staphylococcus infection (MRSA) 5. Psoriasis 19. Ringworm 6. Herpes simplex 20. Athlete’s foot 7. Onycholysis 21. Seborrheic dermatitis 8. Male pattern baldness 22. Eczema/Dermatitis 9. Alopecia areata 23. Necrotizing fasciitis 10. Acne vulgaris 24. Hyphohidrosis 11. Rosacea 25. Dermatomyostis 12. Decubitus ulcers 26. Erysipelas 13. Scleroderma 27. Cutis laxia
14. Ichthyosis Presentation Citations Layout Organization Content Student’s Name____________________________________________________________ Topic: _______________________________________________________________________ GRADING RUBRIC-­‐ Integumentary System Disorders & Diseases Project 4 3 2 1 Project includes all major points, ideas, and data. Content includes all of the following: part of integumentary system, description, causes, symptoms, treatment, representative photos & diagrams, and potential risks/complications. Project includes most major points, ideas, and data. Content includes most of the following (one may be missing): part of integumentary system, description, causes, symptoms, treatment, representative photos & diagrams, and potential risks/complications. Project includes some major points, ideas, and data. Content includes some of the following (more than one is missing) or some are incomplete: part of integumentary system, description, causes, symptoms, treatment, representative photos & diagrams, and potential risks/complications. Content is incomplete with only some major points, ideas, and data included. Few of the following are included, or are incomplete: part of integumentary system, description, causes, symptoms, treatment, representative photos & diagrams, and potential risks/complications. Content is presented in a logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Content is presented in a logical sequence which audience can follow. Audience has difficulty following presentation because student/content jumps around. Content is out of sequence/logical order; audience cannot follow or understand. Font is legible; appropriate use of space; appropriate amount of content included on visual; eye-­‐
catching. Most font is legible, most of the visual makes appropriate use of space; most of visual has appropriate amount of content included; somewhat eye-­‐catching. Font or images are illegible. Visual is overcrowded with too much information for audience to follow. Layout shows some structure. Not very eye-­‐catching. Layout lacks structure; font is illegible; images or font are distracting or inappropriate. Not eye-­‐
catching. Works cited is properly formatted (MLA format) and complete with 3 different content resources and sources for all images used. Works cited is complete with 3 different content resources and sources for all images used, but not properly formatted (MLA format). Works cited is incomplete (e.g. less than 3 content resources; sources for images incomplete). Works cited is missing. Student speaks clearly and guides audience through their visual in a logical manner with appropriate pacing. Student speaks unclearly or guides audience through their visual in an illogical or jumpy manner for part of presentation. Student rushes through their visual; Student speaks unclearly or guides audience through their visual in an illogical or jumpy manner for most of presentation. Student does not present their visual to the class. 