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Atomic Structure Worksheet: Protons, Electrons, Isotopes

Atomic Structure
A negatively charged particle moving around the
nucleus of an atom is a(n)
A positively charged particle in the nucleus of an
atom is a(n)
a. compound
a. electron
b. electron
b. proton
c. atom
c. element
Why does an atom have no net electric charge?
What is an isotope?
a. Its subatomic particles carry no electrical
a. An element with equal number of protons
and neutrons
b. The positively charged protons cancel out
the negatively charged neutrons.
b. An element with differing numbers of
protons and electrons
c. The positively charged neutrons cancel out
the negatively charged electrons.
c. An element with differing number of protons
and neutrons
d. The positively charged protons cancel out
the negatively charged electrons.
d. An element with equal number of protons
and electrons
Compared to the charge and mass of a proton, an
electron has
A proton has approximately the same mass as
a. the same charge and a smaller mass
a. a neutron
b. the same charge and the same mass
b. a beta particle
c. opposite charge and smaller mass
c. an alpha particle
d. opposite charge and the same mass
d. an electron
The electron cloud is a visual model of the
probable locations of electrons in an atom.
What is the nucleus made of?
a. protons
a. True
b. electrons
b. False
c. neutrons
d. protons and electrons
e. protons and neutrons
f. electrons and neutrons
In Bohr-Rutherford diagrams, neutrons are
typically located in the rings around the nucleus.
10. If atoms of a halogen nonmetal (Group 17) gain
one electron, the atoms then have
a. True
a. no valence electrons
b. False
b. 7 valence electrons
c. 8 valence electrons
d. 17 valence electrons