10/12/2021 Topography of the Anterior Neck BDS Year 2 – Craniofacial Biology Cadaveric Head and Neck Anatomy Platysma muscle Cadaveric images covering the Regional Anatomy of the Head and Neck including the topography of these regions, the major neurovascular structures, and cross-sectional anatomy of the regions. 1 2 Topography of the Anterior Neck Topography of the Anterior Neck Submandibular gland Mylohyoid muscle Submandibular gland Anterior belly of digastric muscle External jugular vein Internal jugular vein Anterior jugular vein Lesser occipital nerve Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Great auricular nerve Ansa cervicalis (superior limb) Common carotid artery External jugular vein Omohyoid muscle Anterior belly of omohyoid muscle Sternohyoid muscle Sternohyoid muscle Supraclavicular nerves Sternocleidomastoid muscle Transverse cervical nerve 3 4 Topography of the Anterior Neck Topography of the Anterior Neck Hyoid bone Thyrohyoid muscle Ansa cervicalis (superior limb) Superior belly of omohyoid muscle Inferior belly of omohyoid muscle 5 Sternocleidomastoid muscle (reflected) Thyroid cartilage Accessory nerve (CN XI) Cricoid cartilage Trapezius muscle Ansa cervicalis (inferior limb) Sternothyroid muscle 6 1 10/12/2021 Anterior Triangles of the Neck Anterior Triangles of the Neck Submandibular (digastric) triangle) Base of the mandible Carotid triangle Midline Submental triangle Sternocleidomastoid muscle Muscular triangle 7 8 Contents of the Carotid Sheath Root of the Neck Parotid gland Clavicle (cut) Left common carotid artery Left vagus nerve Subclavius muscle Internal jugular vein Left internal jugular vein Thyroid cartilage Left subclavian vein Right brachiocephalic vein Thyroid gland Clavicle Superior vena cava Aorta 9 10 Interscalene Triangle The Brachial Plexus Middle scalene muscle Superior trunk Clavicle (cut) C5 C6 Anterior scalene muscle Axillary artery Right subclavian artery Middle trunk C7 C8 T1 Vagus nerve Inferior trunk 11 12 2 10/12/2021 Topography of the Posterior Neck Topography of the Posterior Neck Trapezius muscle (reflected) Splenius capitis muscle Trapezius muscle Levator scapulae muscle Rhomboid major and minor muscles Deltoid muscle 13 14 Posterior Triangle of the Neck Posterior Triangle of the Neck External jugular vein Sternocleidomastoid muscle Sternocleidomastoid muscle Trapezius muscle Trapezius muscle Inferior belly of omohyoid muscle Posterior triangle 15 16 Regions of the Neck – Pharynx and Larynx Regions of the Neck – Pharynx and Larynx Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle Nasal Choane Soft palate Stylopharyngeus muscle Uvula Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle Base of the tongue Epiglottis covered by mucosa Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle Internal jugular vein Vagus nerve Piriform recess Right common carotid artery 17 18 3 10/12/2021 Regions of the Neck – Pharynx and Larynx Regions of the Neck – Pharynx and Larynx Epiglottis Epiglottis Hyoid bone Hyoid bone Thyroid cartilage Mucous membrane Arytenoid muscle Thyroid cartilage Vestibular fold Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle Vocal fold Cricoid cartilage Cricoid cartilage Recurrent laryngeal nerve 19 First tracheal ring 20 Regions of the Neck – Pharynx and Larynx Fascial Layers of the Neck Infrahyoid strap muscles Epiglottis Larynx and pharynx Hyoid bone Sternocleidomastoid muscle Left arytenoid cartilage Submandibular salivary gland External carotid artery Internal carotid artery External jugular vein Thyroid cartilage Postvertebral muscles Internal jugular vein Cervical vertebral body Cricoid cartilage Trapezius muscle 21 Cervical spinal cord 22 Topography of the Head Topography of the Head Epicranial aponeurosis Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle Temporalis fascia Occipital belly of occipitofrontalis muscle Parotid gland Sternocleidomastoid muscle Posterior compartment of the thigh Orbicularis oculi muscle Parotid duct Anterior compartment of the thigh Masseter muscle Medial compartment of the thigh Trapezius muscle Shaft of the femur Platysma muscle 23 24 4 10/12/2021 Nerve territories of the Head Regions of the Head – Infratemporal Fossa Frontal bone V1 Parietal bone Cervical nerves (posterior divisions) Sphenoid bone Temporal bone V2 Superficial cervical plexus Maxilla Zygomatic bone V3 Occipital bone 25 26 Regions of the Head – Infratemporal Fossa Pterygoid (venous) plexus Regions of the Head – Infratemporal Fossa Temporalis muscle (reflected) Middle meningeal artery Maxillary vein Superficial temporal artery Maxillary artery (first part) Condylar process of mandible (cut) Maxillary artery (third part) Maxillary artery (second part) Lateral pterygoid muscle Inferior alveolar artery Mandible (cut) External carotid artery 27 28 Regions of the Head – Infratemporal Fossa Regions of the Head – Pterygopalatine Fossa Temporalis muscle (reflected) Pterygopalatine fossa Auriculotemporal nerve Anterior division of V3 Pterygomaxillary fissure Chorda tympani Lingual nerve Posterior division of V3 Inferior alveolar nerve Buccal nerve Mental nerve 29 Mandible (cut) 30 5 10/12/2021 Regions of the Head – Pterygopalatine Fossa Regions of the Head – Orbit Frontal bone Supraorbital foramen Nasal bone Maxillary artery (third part) 31 Infraorbital foramen Orbital surface of the zygomatic bone 32 Regions of the Head – Orbital Cavity Regions of the Head – Orbital Cavity Supratrochlear nerve Supraorbital nerve Optic canal Levator palpebrae superioris muscle Superior oblique muscle Lacrimal gland Superior orbital fissure Frontal nerve Trochlear nerve (CN IV) Inferior orbital fissure 33 34 Regions of the Head – Orbital Cavity Regions of the Head – Orbital Cavity Trochlear Levator palpebrae superioris (reflected) Superior oblique muscle Superior rectus muscle Lacrimal gland Superior rectus muscle Medial rectus muscle Lateral rectus muscle Levator palpebrae superioris (reflected) Inferior rectus muscle 35 Inferior oblique muscle 36 6 10/12/2021 Regions of the Head – Orbital Cavity Superior oblique muscle Regions of the Head –Nasal and Oral Cavities Levator palpebrae superioris Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid Frontal air sinus Superior rectus muscle Sphenoidal air sinus Medial rectus muscle Lateral rectus muscle Optic nerve Vomer Septal cartilage Inferior rectus muscle Soft palate Inferior oblique muscle 37 Hard palate 38 Regions of the Head – Regions of the Head – Nasal and Oral Cavities Regions of the Head – Regions of the Head – Nasal and Oral Cavities Frontal air sinus Frontal air sinus Superior nasal concha Sphenoethmoidal recess Ethmoidal bulla Middle nasal concha Semilunar hiatus Inferior nasal concha Nasolacrimal duct 39 40 Regions of the Head – Regions of the Head – Nasal and Oral Cavities Cross-Sectional Anatomy of the Head and Neck Hard palate Frontal lobes of the brain Soft palate Tooth Frontal air sinus Oral vestibule Uvula Eyeball Nasal septum Genioglossus muscle Geniohyoid muscle Hard palate Middle nasal concha and meatus Maxillary air sinus Inferior nasal concha and meatus Epiglottis Mylohyoid muscle Buccinator muscle Anterior belly of digastric muscle 41 Ethmoidal air cells Oral cavity Tongue Mandible 42 7 10/12/2021 Cross-Sectional Anatomy of the Head and Neck Frontal lobe Cross-Sectional Anatomy of the Head and Neck Lens Superior sagittal sinus Ethmoidal air cells Sphenoidal air sinus Falx cerebri Superior rectus Optic nerve Temporalis muscle Basilar artery Pinna of the ear Maxillary air sinus Sigmoid sinus Zygomatic arch Cerebellar hemisphere Masseter muscle Mandibular canal Nasal septum Eyeball Temporalis muscle Temporal lobe Carotid canal Inner ear Pons Falx cerebelli Sublingual salivary gland Anterior belly of digastric muscle 43 Fourth ventricle 44 Cross-Sectional Anatomy of the Head and Neck Temporalis muscle Cross-Sectional Anatomy of the Head and Neck Nasal cavity Hard palate Ethmoidal air cells Orbicularis oris muscle Maxillary air sinus Masseter muscle Lateral pterygoid musce Internal jugular vein Cervical spinal cord Trapezius muscle Buccinator muscle Nasopharynx Oropharynx Masseter muscle Mandible Mandible Internal carotid artery Parotid gland Parotid gland Mastoid process Medial pterygoid Internal carotid artery Cervical spinal cord Sternocleidomastoid muscle Sternocleidomastoid muscle 45 Soft palate Vertebral artery 46 Cross-Sectional Anatomy of the Head and Neck Infrahyoid strap muscles Internal jugular vein Cricoid cartilage Sternocleidomastoid muscle Common carotid artery Scalenus anterior muscle Scalenus medius muscle Vertebral artery Thyroid gland Clavicle Laryngopharynx Vertebral body Cervical spinal cord Trapezius muscle 47 8